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Monday, June 2, 2014

Lost Vegas Makes Nolan Dalla's List of Top 10 Important Poker Books

Thanks to Nolan Dalla for including Lost Vegas among his Top 10 Most Important Poker Books ever written. Lost Vegas is in some amazing company.

Nolan goes into more detail about why he selected each book with this video. Lost Vegas segment starts around the 8:45 mark...

Monday, May 23, 2011

French Debut

Across the pond, Lost Vegas made its French debut on Friday to many positive reviews from non-poker press according to my editor Jerome from Inculte.

Lost Vegas will be getting comprehensive coverage in the national French media, and maybe this DSK scandal will boost sales? Here's what to look out for....
- radio coverage on Europe 1, France Culture

- TV coverage on Canal plus on two shows at least : La Matinale and Edition

- national press coverage : Les Inrockuptibles (best cultural weekly magazine),
Rock&Folk, Libération (daily press), Magic, Vice Magazine (pretty good hipster
stuff), Le Monde 2, Alibi magazine, etc.
So if you're in France the next few weeks, keep an eye out for any press about Lost Vegas!

Jerome and Benjo (who translated it) worked hard on this project for almost 2 years, so I'm glad their diligent work is being recognized and the project is off to an auspicious start!

Here's the link to Lost Vegas' page on Inculte.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lost Vegas - French Cover

It's official! Lost Vegas is now available in French. Here's the French cover of Lost Vegas...

And here's the page for the French version of Lost Vegas (translated by Benjo).

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lost Vegas On Facebook

It's the end of the world as we know it.

Lost Vegas joined the masses with its own page on Facebook:

If you're someone who spends a lot of time on Facebook, I encourage you to post about Lost Vegas on your wall and tell all of your friends. Also, feel free to visit the page and hit up that "LIKE" button so you can add Lost Vegas to your list of favorite books.

I think it's starting to rain frogs.

Friday, April 8, 2011

$8.88 for the NOOK

Good news for Nook users! Lost Vegas is currently on sale via Barnes and Nobles' website's Nook section. Get it now for only $8.88.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Report a Typo

If you found any typos or errors in Lost Vegas, by all means, tell me! Shoot me an email and please include the page number of the error.

One of the coolest aspects of POD (print on demand) is that I have control over the final manuscript, which means that I can alter it so future copies of Lost Vegas will not include any of those errors. I had an awesome bunch of editors and proofreaders, but when you're dealing with a manuscript that's almost 100,000 words, it's inevitable that even a few typos slip through the cracks.

Thanks for your help.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Amazon's 2011 Discount

If you want to save $2, then head over to and buy a copy of Lost Vegas. The online retail giant is offering up a 10% discount on a hard copy of the book. The e-book remains the same price.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lost Vegas to Appear on a College Syllabus

Thanks to a dear friend of mine who is a college English professor, Lost Vegas will be discussed in one of his classes!

This semester Shamus is teaching a special course titled Poker in American Film and Culture. Man, if I had Shamus as my prof, I would have not ditched class to follow the Grateful Dead and I would have actually gone to class (albeit, I would have been stoned to the bejesus, but at least he's teaching a subject that I'd be thrilled about). Anyway, you can imagine how thrilled (and floored) that I was upon learning that Shamus selected a chapter out of Lost Vegas as part of the required reading for the course. I can't believe that I'm in the mix with the Mount Rushmore of poker scribes, along with several of the most historical pieces of gambling/poker cinema in the history of film making. Now, if I can just figure out how to audit that class...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Atlanta Gambling Examiner's Review

James Pickard penned a review of Lost Vegas for the Atlanta's Gambling Examiner.

Here's a bit:
The book is filled with the darker side of Las Vegas, which he calls "Lost Vegas": a world of prostitutes, substance abuse, and problem gambling. Yet, somehow, McGuire retains the humor necessary to survive the existential wasteland in the desert of Nevada, and he even manages to find some redemptive qualities amid the orgy of desperation.
Read the full review here.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011! New Year Sale for Lost Vegas

Happy New Year, folks.

If you don't know, is offering up Lost Vegas for 25% off of the retail price from now thru Jan 5th. You have to use coupon code: WINTER305.

To ring in 2011, is offering Lost Vegas at a 10% discount. If you do most of your book shopping online, stop by my Amazon page for Lost Vegas.

And for all of you new owners of snazzy e-book readers (Kindles, Nooks, and iPads), don';t forget that Lost Vegas is available in e-book formats for only $9.99.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

e-Lost Vegas for Your New Kindle, Nook, and iPad!

Merry Christmas to everyone. Were you a good enough of a boy/girl that Santa hooked you up with a new Kindle, Nook, or iPad? If so, you're in luck because the e-book version of Lost Vegas is only a few clicks away!

Click here to buy Lost Vegas for Kindle and iPads

Click here to buy Lost Vegas for the Nook

For print copies, you can always head directly to page for Lost Vegas, or if you want to save a few bucks, right now through December 31st, you can get 10% off of print copy of Lost Vegas via Lulu using coupon code: PEARTREE.

Thanks for your support.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Goat's Review

One of my favorite scribes, Julius Goat, penned a stellar review of Lost Vegas. He wrote it as guest post for Full Tilt's Poker From the Rail blog. Check it out, because it's one of my favorites.

Here's a sample...
I'm here to tell you, brothers and sisters of the congregation: Lost Vegas is about as interested in poker as Fear and Loathing was in the Mint 400. Sure, WSOP happening in the background, but Lost Vegas is not about poker. It's almost not about poker as a mission statement. Instead, it's about being in that time, and that place. More specifically, it's about being Paul McGuire in Las Vegas; there during the World Series of Poker, sure, and covering it, sure, but that's just the wallpaper. These are impressions of a lifeguard on duty when a singularly large and greasy wave swelled out from the sea of the American Dream, lapped up on shore, elevated a few, killed many others, and, for the rest of us, got a bit of sand between our toes... MORE

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Now Available on Nook!

If you have a Nook, or planning on getting one for Christmas, well here's a bit of good news because Lost Vegas is now available for sale on as a Nook book. The cost of a Nook version of Lost Vegas is $9.99.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

European Press for Lost Vegas

Do you speak French or German?

I did an interview with Donk Magazine... don't forget that it's in German!

Benjo was interviewed by a Swiss magazine about the French version of Lost Vegas. Check out Slow Rolled.... if you can read French.

In case you were wondering, the French version of Lost Vegas will be published by Inculte in the second half of 2011.