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Ross Perot on Civil Rights

1992 & 1996 Reform Party Nominee for President


Quit membership in club that excluded Jews & blacks

When Perot discussed a race for the White House in February 1992, among the sensitive issues discussed was that of exclusionary clubs. "I said to him, 'Ross, I know you belong to country clubs which exclude Jews and blacks--and as long as you're a private citizen you've got a right to do anything you want,'" Meyerson recalls. " 'But when you're running for president you can't do that.' And he answered, 'I can't believe it'll be a problem to anybody, but if it is, I'll resign.'

" 'Cause that's the way he is," Meyerson went on. "See, I'm Jewish, and I never raised Cain with him about it because I really didn't care. I think if you're in Dallas, Texas, it's not as big a thing as it would be if you're in New York." Nevertheless, when Perot's membership in restricted clubs became an issue (before the media got hold of it, in fact), Perot promptly quit.

Source: The Man Behind the Myth, by Ken Gross, p.204-205 , Sep 20, 2000

Affirmative action is �squishy� - education is key

What chance does a disadvantaged child have if the neurons are shut down? You want to change America in one generation? Cut out all these squishy little meetings and get out on the street and fix the problem. Now, to have that child�s brain fully tapped, that�s the key to that child�s success. But if that child never got wired -- in effect, the neurons never got connected -- all the affirmative action in the world can�t fix that.
Source: National Press Club interview , Jan 15, 1998

Zero tolerance for sexual harassment

Women will make up a significant part of your workforce. Make sure you have a company you would be proud to have your daughter work for. Have zero tolerance for sexual harassment or vulgarity. Personally fire anyone who violates these principles.
Source: My Life & Principles for Success, by Ross Perotp.124 , Sep 25, 1996

Gay rights are individual rights; fund AIDS blitz

On social issues, Perot did not fit the stereotype of the conservative Southerner. He was, in fact, pro-choice on abortion (�Yes, it�s a woman�s choice�); for gay rights (�We are a country of individual rights, and it�s that simple to me�); in favor of gun control (�I can�t believe the gun lobby wants the crazies to have machine guns�); and for increased AIDS research (�Now, we�ve got to really blitz and get it done.�)
Source: Citizen Perot, by Gerald Posner, p.257 , Jul 2, 1996

Race at EDS was typical southern: many lawsuits

[At Perot's company EDS], black employees encountered the greatest difficulties. Although some of those fired charged racism, and EDS did lose several Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board hearings, Perot is adamant that he and EDS were not biased. "I don't care what your color is, I don't care what your race is, I don't care whether you are a man or a woman," he insists. "I am interested in what you can do, once you are here."

There is little doubt that EDS was a virtual bastion of white males--as were most Southern companies on the late 1960s. Several executives who worked with Perot for over 20 years say that his view of blacks was similar to that of many of his generation who were raised in a segregated atmosphere: condescending but not racist.

For a long time EDS had no blacks or women in any real position. It was not until 1983, following race discrimination complaints by 4 black EDS employees, that the Labor Department ordered EDS to produce an affirmative-action plan.

Source: Citizen Perot, by Gerald Posner, p. 44-6 , Jul 2, 1993

Calling NAFTA opponents �racist� is a smear tactic

[The premier myth used by NAFTA proponents is that] NAFTA critics are racists. The quickest way to discredit a critic, discount an argument, or intimidate an opponent in US politics is to label that person a �racist.� It happens time and again because it works. Once a prominent official makes the smear, it is repeated by the media, and the victims are then forced to prove they are not bigots. The accusers are rarely criticized by the media.

The �racist� card is already being played by the pro-NAFTA advocates. High-level administration officials are telling reporters in �off the record� interviews that NAFTA opponents are racists. Several Members of Congress are making similar slurs in public. It is, of course, all planned and coordinated. Politicians who claim otherwise should be asked to explain such demagoguery to their constituents.

The fact that American workers don�t want their jobs moved to Mexico is not �racist.�

Source: Save Your Job, Save Our Country, by Ross Perot, p. 65-6 , Jan 1, 1993

Homosexuality is an individual right

Contrary to popular opinion, he openly favors gay rights. In a recent interview, Perot declined to classify homosexuality as a sin. Instead, he said, �We are a country of individual rights, and it�s that simple.� In reference to promiscuity, sodomy, fornication, and extra-marital affairs, he said, �There are all kinds of ways for people to have relations and not create human life.� He went on to recommend a stronger commitment on the part of government to discover a cure for AIDS.
Source: Strong-Man Politics, by George Grant, p. 96 , Nov 7, 1992

Other candidates on Civil Rights: Ross Perot on other issues:
Former Presidents/Veeps:
George W. Bush (R,2001-2009)
V.P.Dick Cheney
Bill Clinton (D,1993-2001)
V.P.Al Gore
George Bush Sr. (R,1989-1993)
Ronald Reagan (R,1981-1989)
Jimmy Carter (D,1977-1981)
Gerald Ford (R,1974-1977)
Richard Nixon (R,1969-1974)
Lyndon Johnson (D,1963-1969)
John F. Kennedy (D,1961-1963)
Dwight Eisenhower (R,1953-1961)
Harry_S_TrumanHarry S Truman(D,1945-1953)

Religious Leaders:
New Testament
Old Testament
Pope Francis

Political Thinkers:
Noam Chomsky
Milton Friedman
Arianna Huffington
Rush Limbaugh
Tea Party
Ayn Rand
Secy.Robert Reich
Joe Scarborough
Gov.Jesse Ventura
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

Page last updated: Oct 28, 2021