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Alfred Hitchcock Presents Ghost Stories for Young People (1962)

Image by Fred Palum­bo, via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

Close the doors. Shut the blinds. Turn out the lights. Make that room dark. Get ready for Alfred Hitch­cock Presents Ghost Sto­ries for Young Peo­ple. Orig­i­nal­ly record­ed in 1962, the album fea­tures 11 ghost sto­ries intro­duced by Hitch­cock him­self and then read by actor John Allen. If you were a kid dur­ing the ear­ly 60s, this may bring back some very good mem­o­ries. The record­ing is avail­able on YouTube and Spo­ti­fy, embed­ded below. (Down­load Spo­ti­fy’s soft­ware for free here.)

Here’s a playlist of the tracks:

  • The Haunt­ed And The Haunters (The Pirate’s Curse)
  • The Magi­cian (’til Death Do Us Part)
  • John­ny Takes A Dare (The More The Mer­ri­er)
  • The Open Win­dow (Spe­cial Adap­ta­tion)
  • The Help­ful Hitch­hik­er
  • Jim­my Takes Van­ish­ing Lessons


h/t @BrainPicker

Relat­ed Con­tent:

21 Free Hitch­cock Movies Online

Alfred Hitchcock’s Sev­en-Minute Edit­ing Mas­ter Class

François Truffaut’s Big Inter­view with Alfred Hitch­cock (Free Audio)

Alfred Hitchcock’s Rules for Watch­ing Psy­cho (1960)

1,000 Free Audio Books: Down­load Great Books for Free

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  • woody says:

    Thank you for this! I was sev­en or eight when my dad brought this home for my broth­er and I in the 70s. I must have lis­tened to it a hun­dred times. It filled me with ter­ror. What a thrill to lis­ten to it near­ly 40 years lat­er. Awe­some!

  • Scallion says:

    I remem­ber lis­ten­ing this as a kid. Used to scare the hell out of me. Love it!

  • jeff says:

    so glad you post­ed this. My daugh­ter and I have lis­ten to this a few times a week now for over year since com­ing across it. When I was a kid this record was mag­ic, and still is the clos­est thing I can asso­ciate with mag­ic. Would love so much to under­stand and know more about the nar­ra­tor

  • SCOTT CASH says:

    Why are there 2 dif­fer­ent ack cov­ers for this album? What is the dif­fer­ence?

  • David Sheely says:

    Real­ly cool, just awe­some!
    so much infor­ma­tive arti­cle! Just, book­marked it so that I can read it when­ev­er I need! Thanks.

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