Dwight Griffin, reunited with his family after 24 years in prison.

The Seattle Clemency Project increases access to justice by matching people seeking early release from prison and those facing deportation due to old criminal convictions with free, high-quality legal representation.

We represent individuals who committed crimes decades ago and have changed their lives for the better. Washington state abolished parole in 1984, leaving us with a prison system that fails to recognize and reward redemption. Our state is also home to many immigrants who qualify for post-conviction relief but lack access to affordable legal representation.

Seattle Clemency Project volunteer lawyers seek just outcomes for their clients in light of their redemption.

This video features several people who obtained post-conviction relief through SCP’s Immigrant Post-Conviction Relief Program. Their stories highlight the importance of matching people facing deportation with attorneys who can help terminate their client’s order of removal, ensuring they remain with their families and can continue positively contributing to the community.

“What the Seattle Clemency Project has given me is more than freedom; it has restored my character, my faith, and my goodness. It has validated the forgiveness I've sought for so long and questioned if God really had. Hope is a powerful emotion that will conquer hate and evil and demolish doubt.”

- Statement from a former client