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Sixteen of my students at the University of Sydney told me they were raped

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This was published 7 years ago

Sixteen of my students at the University of Sydney told me they were raped

By Nina Funnell

Several years ago while working as a tutor at the University of Sydney, I received a call from a distressed student who disclosed she had been raped just hours earlier.

The night before, she and other college students had gone out drinking before a small group had crashed in a bedroom. In the early hours, she awoke to find one of the men on top of her raping her, as other students lay sleeping nearby.

Confidentiality of victims will be safeguarded through de-identified quotes and case studies in the national report.

Confidentiality of victims will be safeguarded through de-identified quotes and case studies in the national report.

It was not the first or only disclosure I received. In the seven years I spent at the University of Sydney I received at least 16 accounts of rape, attempted rape, indecent sexual assault, and harassment.

As shocking and heinous as the violence was, many of the victims described the university administration's response as being equally appalling, some even referring to it as a "second rape".

Victims who simply wanted to change classes so as to avoid their attacker were subjected to a callous bureaucracy, which required them to repeatedly retell their abuse or sign statutory declarations detailing their assaults. Those who failed subjects were threatened with course expulsion, despite the university having reports of their rape on record.

As staff we were expected to refer students to counselling services, which we knew were under-resourced and lacked the sufficient trauma expertise to respond to sexual assault.

In the media, the university issued grand statements, saying they "take this issue very seriously" but behind closed doors, victims felt interrogated, disbelieved or blamed by university and college administrations.

Many victims were deterred from reporting either to the police or through the university grievance process.

Those rape victims who did proceed with making a formal university complaint were directed to a reporting mechanism that stated "as far as possible you should seek to resolve your issue informally. Approach the person you believe is responsible and tell them what the issue is; ask them to stop or to behave differently". (The university is reviewing this instrument).


One victim who had a nude photograph taken and distributed without her consent was told she could not learn the outcome of her complaint because that would violate the offender's privacy.

"My experience of the reporting process was terrible," she said. "How can you trust the uni has done the right thing if you can't legally know what happened?"

Looking back, every aspect of the system deterred reporting. Whether it was intentionally designed that way, I cannot say.

What I can say is that – to my knowledge – of the 16 disclosures I received not a single case is reflected in formal figures kept by the university, because not a single one of those survivors saw the complaint process through to completion.

According to the university's own research, only 1 in 72 victims of serious sexual misconduct (or 1.4 per cent) ever formally report their experience to the university. In the past five years, just 58 formal reports of sexual misconduct were made to Sydney University. (Taken together, these figures would suggest that more than 4000 incidents have occurred in the past five years – more than two a day.)

A new report released this week by End Rape On Campus Australia has revealed that across the university sector, policies and complaints processes systematically deter students from reporting assault.

The Australian Catholic University gives survivors just 20 working days after their rape to lodge a complaint. University of Queensland gives 40 business days.

Other universities urge "informal resolution", reminding victims that a formal complaint could be "damaging" for the other person. Several threaten victims with "disciplinary action" if they discuss their assault with anyone outside the investigation process – including friends and support people.

The EROC report also reveals the woefully lenient punishments meted out by universities: of 575 sexual assault and harassment complaints formally made to universities in the past five years, only six expulsions resulted. Other punishments have included a $55 fine, eight hours of community service, and being required to write an apology letter.

Of course, the university sector is highly invested in protecting its reputation and has incentives to keep sexual misconduct figures artificially low. Universities are especially terrified of how damaging data might impact on international student enrolments.

After all, international students bring a combined $20 billion into Australia each year, making international education the third-highest export after iron ore and coal.

But university reputation and income should not take priority over the wellbeing and safety of students, and processes that retraumatise rape victims or deter reporting are only protecting and enabling offenders.


As one victim from Wollongong University said: "Make no mistake, I consider the events of my sexual assault and this university's response to be equally despicable. There is a shocking correlation between someone not listening to you say 'stop' and an organisation not listening to you scream 'help'."

Nina Funnell is a co-author of the End Rape On Campus Australia report, Connecting the dots: Understanding Sexual Assault in University Communities.

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