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High Court challenge to gay marriage will be heard before ACT ceremonies

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This was published 10 years ago

High Court challenge to gay marriage will be heard before ACT ceremonies

By Heath Aston

The High Court will hear a challenge to the ACT's same-sex marriage laws less than a week before the first wedding ceremonies will take place.

On Monday, Chief Justice Robert French told a directions hearing the case, brought by the federal government, would be heard by the full bench of the court in a two-day hearing on December 3 and 4.

It is likely that the High Court will be considering its decision when the first same-sex marriages take place from December 8.

When the landmark laws passed the ACT parliament on October 22, Chief Minister Katy Gallagher warned it would take a fortnight to formalise the law and then couples would have to wait a month after registering their intention to wed.

A wedding cake with statuettes of two women is seen during the demonstration in West Hollywood, California, May 15, 2008, after the decision by the California Supreme Court to effectively greenlight same-sex marriage. AFP PHOTO / GABRIEL BOUYS

A wedding cake with statuettes of two women is seen during the demonstration in West Hollywood, California, May 15, 2008, after the decision by the California Supreme Court to effectively greenlight same-sex marriage. AFP PHOTO / GABRIEL BOUYS

ACT Attorney-General Simon Corbell on Monday said the Marriage Equality (Same Sex) Act 2013 had been notified on the ACT Legislation Register and he had signed the instrument allowing the act to start on Thursday this week.

''This means that the earliest date that marriages under this act could occur is December 8,'' Mr Corbell said.

The High Court will consider eight legal questions in relation to the act.


The Commonwealth will argue the territory law is inconsistent with the federal Marriage Act, which Attorney-General George Brandis insists is the sole and uniform law on marriage.

The ACT has foreshadowed it will argue that, because the federal law defines marriage as between a man and a woman, there is space for the states and territories to legislate for marriage between same-sex couples.

Mr Brandis had been pushing for the earliest possible hearing date to minimise any ''distress'' that gay couples may experience if their unions are rendered null and void by a successful challenge by the Commonwealth.

The acting Commonwealth Solicitor-General has advised the Abbott government that the laws are invalid because they are inconsistent with the Commonwealth Marriage Act.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been reluctant to have same-sex marriage on the political agenda during his first months in office but it appears the matter will come to a head within months.

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young is working with sympathetic MPs from across the political spectrum to sponsor a private member's bill that would be voted on before Valentine's Day next year.

The last vote on the matter was soundly defeated - largely as a result of blanket opposition by the Coalition - but pressure is building on Mr Abbott to free MPs to vote according to their conscience.

Editorial -Page 16

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