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Children of rebellion maintain the rage

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This was published 19 years ago

Children of rebellion maintain the rage

Peter Lalor, the leader of the 1854 Eureka Stockade uprising, lost an arm in the battle, was smuggled out of Ballarat and later rose to be Speaker of the Victorian Parliament.

He had a son called Joe and, in honour of his father, Joe called his first son Peter. Peter called his son Peter, who in time did the same.

Peter Lalor, the rebel leader's great-great-grandson, is a detective-sergeant in the Victoria Police and the father of a son called . . . Peter.

Two weeks ago, Peter the youngest had a girl. His father begged him, unsuccessfully, to call her Peta. Such is the pride Eureka evokes in this family.

At dawn on Sunday, December 3, 1854 - 150 years ago next Friday - 400 troopers and police charged a makeshift stockade defended by 150 gold diggers in Ballarat. The troops overpowered the diggers in about 15 minutes, then went on a massacre. More than 30 miners and five soldiers were killed.


For a few months Victoria was in uproar, but the passions died almost as quickly as they had arisen. For well over a century, Eureka slipped from the public mind. But some people never forgot, and now others have taken up the cause.

As the 150th anniversary of Eureka looms, some are fighting the battle all over again.

Lalor and Anne Hall are direct descendants of Peter Lalor and Timothy Hayes, two of the leaders of the main 1854 miners' body, the Ballarat Reform League.

While Lalor and Hall are clearly mild, sensible people, Paul Murphy, descended from Eureka miner Michael Canny, calls himself "a public wild man".

"He'll probably tell you I've harassed him, which I have," Murphy says of Owen King, a farmer from Minyip, near Horsham. King is descended from John King, the trooper who pulled down the rebel flag, the Southern Cross, from the stockade that Sunday in 1854.

In 1895, King's family handed the flag to the Ballarat Art Gallery, which has held it ever since. But when Owen King told The Age in 1999 that his family still owned the flag, Murphy was outraged: how dare the Kings claim the flag when it belonged to the miners?

He started phoning King in a manner the farmer describes as "abusive". Murphy doesn't deny it. He says that he rings his enemies at 2am and plays them the attack music from Apocalypse Now.

Murphy, 48, is an advertising art director whose discovery of his ancestry changed his life. People connected to Eureka credit him with a big role in finding other Eureka descendants and raising the profile of the stockade. They say he has good ideas: one person cites his plan to paint the Melbourne-Ballarat road blue with white stars and call it the Eureka Highway. But they also say he has alienated a lot of people.

In Ballarat, three intervention orders have been taken out against him for alleged verbal harassment. "For two years I was banned from every government building," he says. "I couldn't even use the toilet in Sturt Street."

Tell him that some people say his campaign is mad and he replies: "Madmen don't get traction. I do." He says not enough people see Eureka for what it was, which was murder.

He is not alone. "We have got a lot of people out there on the edge," Ballarat Mayor David Vendy says. "It is really interesting what Eureka brings out in people."

Frankston bee remover Andrew Crowley wants to sue the State Government for $18 million for the "illegal seizure" in 1854 of the Eureka hotel, which belonged to Crowley's forebears James and Catherine Bentley.

No doubt the commemorations in Ballarat over the next week will be calm, festive and conducted with goodwill. But there will be strains. "Yes, there is always tension there, but sort of a positive type of tension," Vendy says. "To a degree, we have brought these tensions together in a really positive way." Not all agree. Two weeks ago, 20 one-metre-high wooden soldiers, their coats painted in the same British red that marched on the stockade, were installed in a new playground on the stockade site in Eureka Park, to the disgust of leading Eureka historian John Molony. Ballarat historian Paul Williams agrees. "It's the miners' space, why do you need bloody redcoats in there?" he says. "It's the Sovereign Hill mentality - dress-ups. People got killed. You don't have dress-ups on Anzac Day."

When these views are put to Ballarat councillor Stephen Jones, he says: "You're joking... they're kidding me, aren't they?" Jones, who helped make the $250,000 playground happen, says children can get behind the stockade in the playground and "role-play in the position of the diggers if they choose. It's part of the adventure of it... If there weren't soldiers there wouldn't have been a Eureka Stockade."

In Ballarat, the argument has been alive for 150 years. A local showed Helen Bath from the Eureka Stockade Memorial Association a journal from 1854 that says: "That Irish rabble got their comeuppance yesterday." Doug Sarah, of the Ballarat Tourism Board, says that "in Ballarat today, there is still some divide about the soldiers and the miners".

The monuments in Ballarat Cemetery tell the story. One, by the diggers' graves, says it is "sacred to the memory of those who fell... resisting the unconstitutional proceedings of the Victorian Government". The other, by the soldiers' graves, says they died "in brave devotion to duty... whilst attacking a band of aggrieved diggers".

In the 1980s, a re-enactment group of the British 40th regiment would come to the cemetery on the anniversary and fire shots over the graves of both soldiers and diggers.

Sarah says the ceremony was intended to respect both groups but miners' descendants, including Murphy, saw it as an insult. Today the red-coated re-enactment group fires shots, but only over the soldiers' graves.

Then there is the split between the Dawn Lantern Walk and the Diggers March, both held on the weekend nearest the anniversary. The walk came first, but in 2001 the main descendants' organisation, Eureka's Children, unhappy that the walk followed the route the soldiers took from their camp to the stockade, began to stage their own event.

The Diggers March leaves for the stockade site from Bakery Hill, where the diggers held their monster meetings just before the uprising.

The fiercest dispute concerns the flag. Lalor says the gallery has done an excellent job looking after it. But he wants it moved to the stockade site if and when stage two of the Eureka Centre gets built.

Molony agrees: "It must go back to where the boys died under it." Former prime minister Gough Whitlam has also called for the flag to be moved.

The gallery is almost certain to resist: the flag, which the gallery now owns since the King family handed it over permanently in 2001, is a huge drawcard. Historian John Hirst calls the flag "Australia's Shroud of Turin".

With the years, Eureka has passed from history into legend. Sarah says that when he and another Ballarat businessman, Peter Tobin, began trying to raise interest in Eureka from the 1970s on, "about 10 to 15 people rang up saying they knew where Peter Lalor's arm was buried." In those days, "it wasn't very popular to talk about Eureka", Sarah says.

The council was not prepared to fly the Southern Cross flag after the RSL opposed it. For half of the 20th century, the only group to consistently commemorate Eureka was the Communist Party.

An old Ballarat story has it that in the 1940s a conservative mayor, wanting to raise Eureka's profile, looked up the Melbourne phone book and invited the Eureka Youth League. There was talk of the mayor's resignation after the league turned up waving posters of Lenin and Stalin.

The Electrical Trades Union, whose members include Finton Lalor, Peter's brother, and whose secretary, Dean Mighell, has the Southern Cross tattooed on his shoulder, always had a big presence at the Diggers March.

The Anarchist Media Institute holds a dawn ceremony at the stockade site, remembering that both miners and soldiers were "workers on different sides of the bayonet", institute spokesman Joe Toscano says.

But in recent years, Eureka's Children and the Eureka Stockade Memorial Association have tried to make the march a broad celebration of democracy.

Robert Sublet, of Eureka's Children, says: "We don't want them (unions) to dominate the march." The organisers even invited former National Party leader and deputy prime minister Tim Fischer to give the oration at the march's end. Fischer accepted, then, to organisers' dismay, wrote back this week saying he had made a mistake: he thought he had been invited for 2005.

Eureka descendant, shearer and unionist Bernie Constable says: "The wealthy burghers of Ballarat didn't want to know about Eureka until they worked out they could make some money out of it."

In the next week, Ballarat will make money - hotel bookings are reportedly six to eight times greater than in previous years - but the commemorations are about more than tourism. Academic papers given by Williams and Anne Beggs Sunter of Ballarat University will cast doubt on the legendary story that it was the miners' wives who sewed the flag.

As part of a panel speaking on Eureka in Melbourne on Monday night, historian Geoffrey Blainey noted that he attended the 100th anniversary in 1954. No one, apart from a small group of communists, was there. Turning to historian Weston Bate, Blainey remarked that it was a great thing so many people were discussing history.

Peter Lalor is also pleased. He thinks Eureka has been wrongly ignored. "It is one of the great events in Australian history," he says. "It was a seminal event for Australian democracy."

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