• Catamount Farm at UVM


The Fund was created in 2008 by students with a vision of enhancing a culture of sustainability, innovation, and research on campus through a self-imposed $10 per semester fee for all students. 

In 2020 the scope of the Fund was broadened from energy to include all three pillars of sustainability (social equity, ecological health and economic viability). The name was changed from the Clean Energy Fund to the Sustainable Campus Fund (SCF). 

The priority of the Fund is to support campus sustainability projects that reduce the University's impact on climate and the environment by preparing for and making the necessary changes at UVM to address the climate crisis.

Applying for Funding

Funds can be used for sustainability topics including renewable energy, energy and water efficiency, transportation, recycling and waste reduction, purchasing practices, food, agriculture, environmental justice and more. There are two separate application tracks depending on project type. Email the Sustainable Funds Coordinator, Caylin McCamp, for help determining which track is most appropriate for your idea. 

Research Track

The SCF allocates funds to the Graduate College and the Office of Fellowships, Opportunities & Undergraduate Research (FOUR) which manage research project proposals and awards through a separate process. Each announces their call for proposals in the early spring and announces decisions in late spring for summer awards. Research projects do not have to be specific to campus but must address sustainability. Past research project awards can be viewed here. For more information contact:

Projects Track 

Applicants for all other project types should use the application below. Applications are accepted on a each fall (deadline 10/13/2024) and spring (deadline TBD). The Socially Responsible Investing Advisory Council (SRIAC) evaluates proposals for funding.

  • Academic & Co-Curricular Education Projects focus on education and outreach, for example: events, pilot projects, internships, speakers, behavioral interventions, or communication initiatives. 
  • Infrastructure Projects are projects that include a physical change to campus, for example: upgrading lighting, adding bike racks, installing signage, redesigning landscaping or a conducting a feasibility study. All Infrastructure proposals undergo an additional review by the SCF Infrastructure Committee and proposals with Campus Plan implications require additional review by the Campus Planning Committee and relevant Advisory Groups. These reviews ensure the relevant campus departments and stakeholders have been consulted about the project's feasibility and are in support of the project.

These categories are not exclusive, some of the strongest proposals include elements of both infrastructural and educational elements. Projects in this track may include a research component but research should not be the primary outcome of the project.

The Sustainable Funds Coordinator, Caylin McCamp, provides support in proposal development for this track. Applicants are strongly encouraged to reach out early on for support in their proposal development and submission.

Book time with Sustainable Funds Coordinator

Email Sustainable Funds Coordinator

SCF Application

Public Comment on SCF Proposals


See the results of the Clean Energy Storytelling & Data Collection project which documents notable projects from 2010-2018, a time when the SCF was called the Clean Energy Fund.