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90th Guards Vitebsko-Novgorodskaya twice Red Banner Tank Division

90-я гвардейская танковая Витебско-Новгородская дважды Краснознамённая дивизия

Military Unit: 22033; from 2.85: 08774

Activated 25.6.57 in Borne Sulinovo, Poland, as the 38th Guards Tank Division, from the 26th Guards Mechanised Division.

In 1960 the 71st independent Tank Training Battalion was disbanded.

Organisation 1960:

In 1961 the 669th independent Missile Battalion was activated.

19.2.62 the 71st independent Equipment Maintenance and Recovery Battalion was activated.

11.1.65 renamed 90th Guards Tank Division.

In 1968 the 101st independent Sapper Battalion was renamed 101st independent Engineer-Sapper Battalion.

Organisation 1970:

In 1972 the 000 independent Chemical Defence Company was renamed 000 independent Chemical Defence Battalion.

In 1980 the 744th independent Motor Transport Battalion was renamed 1083rd independent Material Supply Battalion, and the independent Guards Reactive Artillery Battery was absorbed by the Artillery Regiment.

Organisation 1980:

8.2.85 converted to a motorised rifle division, and renamed 6th Guards Motorised Rifle Division:

Organisation 1988:

1997 renamed 70th Guards Weapons and Equipment Storage Base.




Equipment 19.11.90 (CFE treaty holdings):

Equipment 1.1.2000 (CFE treaty holdings):

Divisional coordinates:

The division was maintained as a Ready Division - First Line (US terms: Category I) - manning was almost 100%.