
This may not be reviews in the strictest sense of the word, but Abnormal Returns is getting some notice from the blogosphere. A (chronological) sampling:

The Stalwart writes, “Abnormal Returns: Finds interesting financial stories each day.”

Random Roger writes, “Great Read From A New (to me) Blog”

James Altucher at noted us in a Blog Watch piece. And another, another, another, and another!

Crossing Wall Street noted us as a “Cool Link.”

Going Private thinks we are “yummy.”

David Weidner at does not think much of financial bloggers and says this blog, among others, is “rarely read.”

We were Week #12 Blog of the Week over at All Financial Matters.

We were a Blog of the Week.

Brett Steenbarger on his Trader Performance page (circa August 25, 2006) tours the “market blogosphere” and notes:

There are several sources of blog links that I particularly trust and value; this is one of them.

Jeff Miller at A Dash of Insight says “Abnormal Returns does a nice job of covering the investment commentary waterfront.”

For Financial Rounds, Abnormal Returns is a “regular read.”

Value Blog Review writes, “Abnormal Returns is a great blog that I read everyday.”

Value Blog Review also writes, “Abnormal Returns gets my vote for “Best Blog To Read If Your Wife Just Gave Birth To Your Baby (or any other event which may cause you to be short on time).”

Barry Ritholtz at the Big Picture included Abnormal Returns in his Blog Spotlight series.

Jay Walker at the Confused Capitalist has an (overly) kind “Salute to Abnormal Returns.”

Howard Lindzon adds us to his blogroll and calls us a “great daily linkfest” and “…a great place for financial links to good articles.”

A reviewer at says “…I still find new valuable sources through Abnormal Returns. Definitely a valuable resource for anyone in the investment arena.”

Tim Bradshaw at Investors Chronicle (via time to blog) includes Abnormal Returns among a list of “Top blogs for investors.”

Rhys Blakely at the Times Online rates Abnormal Returns among the “50 best business blogs.”

This post got us noticed by the MarketBeat Blog at

The Financial Philosopher has added Abnormal Returns to his investment “blog portfolio.”

Felix Salmon at Market Movers picked up on this post on the futility of active management in the face of plunging ETF expense ratios.

Abnormal Returns was included in the’s Interactive Guide to the Econoblogosphere.

The editors a Pensions & Investments chose to include Abnormal Returns in their Blog Bank.

Value Blog Review, with his list of the 15 most important blogs for new investors and traders.

Steve Waldman at Interfluidity kindly includes Abnormal Returns in a sprawling look at the economics and finance blogosphere.

The Prince of Wall Street included Abnormal Returns in the list of his “Favorite Sites for 2008.”

Abnormal Returns was a “Business Site of the Week” at

An oh-so brief mention at

Mebane Faber at World Beta puts in the class of world-class aggregators like Instapundit and Kottke.

Fallond Picks writes “Abnormal Returns is my first port of call to get a working list of articles to read for the day.”

Ramesh Narayanaswamy at Euonymous aptronym writes “Abnormal Returns: I’m not a fan of talentless, soporific New Age writers who point somewhere else, but this is a happy exception. The average quality of content being pointed to is very high and it’s updated daily (content and fresh content).”

Abnormal Returns has been rated “Great” by Blogged.

Condor Options writes “If you’re not already a daily reader of Abnormal Returns, you should be.”

WallStreetFighter writes “To the only guy that does better daily links than me. Abnormal Returns

Adam Warner at the Daily Options Report writes that what we do is “…WAY tougher and more time consuming than it looks. Trust me, I have done it.”

Zero Beta writes “Abnormal Returns is far and away THE best as well as most useful financial/economics blog Aggregator out there.”

Abnormal Returns is profiled as a “best of the web” pick from

Bill Luby at VIX and More writes “When I need to get caught up on the best of blogland, the first place I visit is Abnormal Returns, which has a knack for consistently cherry picking the best of what is out there.”

David Merkel at the Aleph Blog answers the question:  “If I were to read one blog per day, what should it be?”  Answer:  “Abnormal Returns.  He samples the finance blogs, and gives one concise daily post on the best of what was written.”

Abnormal Returns crosses over to the world of politics in a list of recommended econblogs by Ben Smith at

Howard Lindzon at the Huffington Post writes:

1. Abnormal Returns — The site is very simply a ‘link’ site to relevant financial articles around the web covering the main subjects of the day. It’s a great site that sends you quickly to the best sources — mainstream and bloggers. They have earned my trust for their thorough, simple coverage.

Deal Journal notes our third blogiversary.

Todd Sullivan at Value Plays writes “For those who do not read Abnormal Returns daily….do so. It is one of the, if not the best blog/msm daily linkfest out there.”

J. Michael Steele at the Wharton School writes “The Abnormal Returns Blog does an excellent job linking to insightful articles on the web. It is almost always worth a daily look — or at least a weekend review.”

Business Pundit places Abnormal Returns among the “50 Best Business Blogs of 2008” in the Financial News and Investing category.

Abnormal Returns ranked #2 on Capital Vandalism’s list of Financial Blogs of the Year.

A list of the “20 Top Finance and Economics Sites for 2009” at Cloudy Thinking includes this entry “Abnormal Returns is like naked capitalism — lots of interesting links and a huge time sink though very instructive.”

24/7 Wall St. included Abnormal Returns on their list of the “The 24/7 Wall St. Twenty-Five Best Financial Blogs.”  (also at

Systemically Important writes “If sliced bread, the daily item so important even Jesus begged his Father for it, mated with the greatest economic and business thinkers of our day, what would be the result? Abnormal Returns.”

Our MoneySmartz profile.

Abnormal Returns ranks sixth amongst the “most influential econo/financial business blogosphere” according to Real Property Alpha.

market folly writes “So, check out It saves you a ton of time and we guarantee you’ll be hooked.”

Abnormal Returns made The Reformed Broker’s list of Who’s Who of Financial Bloggers.

Bill Luby at VIX and More writes:

Admittedly, calling Abnormal Returns a single blog is stretching the definition a bit, as the folks at Abnormal read just about everything written on the markets and assemble a list of the best of the best on an almost daily basis. I have no idea how many articles are left on the cutting floor, but the ones that make the final links list always give me a lot of ideas to contemplate.

John Mecke at DevelopmentCorporate writes:

Abnormal Returns is the king of the link fest post and perhaps one of the better blogs on finance, public/private equity, and investing.  Their original tag line “A wide-ranging, forecast-free investment blog” still holds true today.

Felix Salmon describes Abnormal Returns as “indispensable.”

The Reformed Broker describes our linkfests as “impeccably curated.”

Jeff Miller at A Dash of Insight writes “He [Abnormal Returns] has provided an extremely valuable service to investors and deserves some recognition and compensation.”

Ultimi Barbarorum writes “We don’t really do blogroll around here, but Abnormal Returns is a bit special, and is basically the portal by which one navigates the econo-blogosphere.”

Abnormal Returns makes a list of investment blogs worth your time from My $10,000.

Abnormal Returns made it onto “The best of the money blogs” list at the Globe and Mail.

@abnormalreturns (our Twitter feed) was mentioned as a “active (and wise) poster to StockTwits” over at FiLife.

We talked web aggregators with the guys at Wall St. Cheat Sheet.

Mark S. Ament of SportsBiznever misses” reading Abnormal Returns.

Abnormal Returns appeared in The Reformed Broker’s Periodic Table of Finance Bloggers.

Abnormal Returns made this list of the “100 Money Experts You Should Follow and Learn From on Twitter.”

Anthony Davian of The Davian Letter named Abnormal Returns a “Favorite Blog of the Week.”

Business Pundit places Abnormal Returns among the “75 Best Business Blogs of 2009” in the Investing category.

Mebane Faber at World Beta writes, “Today is a perfect example of why I would rather read Abnormal Returns than the WSJ, FT (my favorite of the papers), IBD, and Barron’s.”

Abnormal Returns was #24 on the list of the 50 Best Business Blogs of 2009 from

Abnormal Returns made the list of the 100 Best Damn Stock Traders on Twitter from The Social Executive.

Abnormal Returns is a must read for all investors and traders who desire to improve their knowledge of the markets.” – Charles E. Kirk, The Kirk Report

Abnormal Returns gets even better” according to Felix Salmon at Reuters.

abnormal returns is one of the 5 finance blogs i read so good choice and congrats!” – Chris Dixon

Abnormal Returns was included on this “all star team of online finance” by Zack Miller at New Rules of Investing.

Abnormal Returns was mentioned in this life of “five sensible yet entertaining blogs to build wealth” at Globe Investor.

The Epicurean Dealmaker notes his recommended reading including “Abnormal Returns — Tadas Viskanta’s classic and indispensable exemplar of the curated econoblogosphere.”

Abnormal Returns was included in this list:  The 24/7 Wall St. Twenty Best Financial Blogs.

Financialfreezeframe on curation:  “Currently the best at doing this is abnormal returns.”

@moorenh writes “By the way, tweeps, @abnormalreturns is an absolutely excellent newsfeed. Their linkfests are the single best way to stay on top of finance.”

From Fast Company, How StockTwits (and Abnormal Returns) is changing trading.  “Inside the Internet’s first financial-news network — a mashup of CNBC, the Bloomberg terminal, and the real-time Web.”

What it takes to be one of the very best financial bloggers (Abnormal Returns included) according to Josh Brown at The Reformed Broker.

Abnormal Returns was named the inaugural “site of the week” at research puzzle pix by tom brakke.

A regular feature of research puzzle pix will be a “site of the week” of interest to investors.  It makes sense to kick things off with Abnormal Returns, the best market linkfest.  If you want a daily update of the latest hot topics in the econoblogosphere, it’s the place to go.  In addition to the “classic” site, AR Now provides updates with links throughout the day, and there is an ever-expanding array of themed newsletters, screencasts, and other items under the AR umbrella.  In addition, Tadas Viskanta has been increasing his output of thoughtful original postings.

Todd Sullivan really likes Abnormal Returns:  “AR is simply a great site…”

@smbcapital: “@abnormalreturns drives the most traffic for bloggers thru links than anywhere in the trading community. and done the rt way.  quality.”

Dynamic Hedge writes “..Tadas is practically the Matt Drudge of the financial web.”

Money Science writes, “I’m a big fan of both Tadas Viskanta, whose Abnormal Returns blog has set the standard for content curation on the web and Joseph Weisenthal, who was blogging as The Stalwart for a long time before joining Business Insider.”

Mark Wolfinger at Options for Rookies writes, “If you are not familiar with the work of Tadas at Abnormal Returns, it’s worth the visit.  He finds the best blog posts, and it’s more than I can find time to read.”

Abnormal Returns is one of the seven site most frequently viewed by Charles Kirk of the Kirk Report.

Kenny Powers over at Wall Street Oasis listed Abnormal Returns amongst the Best Finance Blogs.

Business Pundit once again places Abnormal Returns among the “75 Best Business Blogs of 2010.”

Abnormal Returns was mentioned amongst “The 20 Most Influential Blogs in Financial Media NOT Listed Among the New Influentials” over at Minyanville.

“We’re not sure how you do it, but you’re the best aggregator out there.”  (The Analyst @ Stone Street Advisors)

Our Portugese is rusty, but Abnormal Returns appeared on this list of ten blogs to help you invest at Económico.

“The link fest from @abnormalreturns is a daily must read.”  (Eddy Elfenbein)

Abnormal Returns was mentioned in this list of 50 lucrative investment blogs.

Abnormal Returns was mentioned as being among the “crème de la crème” of the financial blogosphere by Investment Banker Paris.

Mick Weinstein at the Covestor Blog mentions Abnormal Returns amongst the “invaluable link curators.”

Joe Weisenthal at The Atlantic Wire says, “Another great Twitter feed and blog to follow is Abnormal Returns–he’s been running a blog that aggregates the best of the financial blogosphere for years now so he really knows his stuff.”

Climateer Investing writes:  “One of the best is Abnormal Returns.  Along with FT Alphaville’s daily Further Reading post AR is one of the best annotated-links posts on the net. Now they’re on our blogroll.”

Total Trader lists Abnormal Returns among “15 fine financial websites.”

Mebane Faber at World Beta writes “..I would take Abnormal Returns 1000x over the site that does 350 posts/day and another site that has over 4000+ contributors.”

Nancy Miller (@nancefinance) included us in a list of “20 Tweeps for Keeps” in Barron’s:

Tadas Viskanta
Followers: 9,734
Viskanta is founder of Abnormal Returns, a new breed of news aggregators. He reliably links to important news stories in the mainstream media and at a wide variety of blogs.

Mark Gongloff at MarketBeat writes:  “And you should make the gigantic linkfest at Abnormal Returns part of your daily routine.”

Abnormal Returns is mentioned in this post “Blogues : inspirez-vous des meilleurs” at Finance Et Investissement.

Abnormal Returns is mentioned among “10 Financial Blogs to Give Your Practice an Edge” at RIA Central.

@abnormalreturns – my desert island blog RT @martinjordan:@ReformedBroker favorite blog you read everyday?” (Twitter)

We received some very kind tributes on the occasion of our sixth blogiversary compiled over at The Reformed Broker.

Abnormal Returns was listed among the “Best Alternative Financial Blogs” at CNBC’s NetNet blog.

Abnormal Returns was named among the “best financial industry blogs” at AdvisorOne.

We were quoted by Jason Zweig in his “Intelligent Investor” column over at

@abnormalreturns was mentioned among “20 Twitter feeds all financial advisers should follow” at Investment News.

@abnormalreturns was recently #14 on the PeerIndex’s list of 250 Finance Tweeters Worth Following via MoneyScience.

Abnormal Returns was mentioned in this list of “blogs to follow” at

@abnormalreturns was mentioned in this list of “101 Finance People You Have to Follow on Twitter” at Clusterstock.

@abnormalreturns was named a “Top 10 Investment Blogger to Follow on Twitter” at Wealth Lift.

@abnormalreturns was mentioned in this article on how to “Tweak your portfolio with tweets.” at the Financial Post.

Abnormal Returns was mentioned amongst the best financial news aggregators at Mutual Fund Observer.

@abnormalreturns was listed amongst the “Top Finance People to Follow on Twitter” on Market Folly’s Alpha List.

Abnormal Returns landed on this list of “who is the one writer or blogger whose new material you make a point to go check out?” at ammar mian.

Eleven blogs for all financial advisors to follow at InvestmentNews.

We were mentioned as one of the “five best financial bloggers” by The Reformed Broker.

Abnormal Returns mentioned by Morgan Housel in “How to Read Financial News” at Motley Fool.

Abnormal Returns was mentioned amongst the “fine fifteen” financial sites to follow at Above the Market.

@abnormalreturns was included in this list of the top fifteen Twitter “must follows” for 2013 at UpsideTrader.

Jeff Carter at Points and Figures writes Abnormal Returns is “the most unvarnished, real aggregator of financial info you will find on the internet.”

Abnormal Returns was listed among the “Top 100 (Anglo-Saxon) Finance Blogs” at Suitpossum.

Abnormal Returns snagged a mention, via Barry Ritholtz, in the Washington Post.

Abnormal Returns’s ” daily links are superb..and a blog I peruse daily.” says Eugene.

@abnormalreturns was mentioned among the top twenty financial experts to follow on Twitter at WSJ.Money.

Abnormal Returns was listed among “10 Influential Blogs for Financial Advisors” at  Financial Planning.

@abnormalreturns was listed as a “must follow on Twitter” by John Boorman at Alpha Capture.

@abnormalreturns was listed among “The top financial tweeters to follow” at eFinancialNews.

Follow @abnormalreturns “to be savvier about the markets and economy” at Money.

@abnormalreturns was listed among “15 power Tweeters every advisor should know” at InvestmentNews.

Abnormal Returns was #18 on the list of the “100 Best Finance Blogs” over at Insider Monkey.

James Osborne at Bason Asset Management includes Abnormal Returns amongst a dream “investment roundtable.”

Jared Cummins at writes: “28. Follow @ritholtz, @ReformedBroker@abnormalreturns and@howardlindzon on Twitter.”

@abnormalreturnes was listed among the 106 Finance People You Have to Follow on Twitter” at Business Insider.

John at Zone of Competence writes “Abnormal Returns is the gold-standard in “forecast-free blogs.” It is a clearing-house for links to articles about all things related to finance and investing.”

Abnormal Returns was mentioned in the 2014 Investor’s Guide over at Money magazine.

Abnormal Returns was included in this list of the RIABiz top 10 industry blog over at RIABiz.

Brett Steenbarger at TraderFeed writes “Abnormal Returns continues to do a great job of curating the financial web and finding valuable nuggets.”

Peoinsias O’Mahony at the Irish Times writes “..if you’re looking for one site to bring the finance web to you, check out the daily linkfest at Abnormal Returns.”

Brett Steenbarger at TraderFeed writes:

Financial blog and journalism summaryAbnormal Returns – Take a look at the links for the day.  There are posts pertaining to markets, trading strategy, the economy, you name it. You would have to spend hours to replicate the curation accomplished by Tadas. Combine with your favorite news feed and you have a great resource for staying on top of current market thought.

Justin Kuepper at TraderHQ lists the “50 blogs every serious trader should read” and includes Abnormal Returns at the top of the list.

Nat Stewart at NAS Trading lists Abnormal Returns among the “top 10 websites for traders.”

Barry Ritholtz at the Washington Post listed Abnormal Returns among “a few favorite curators” noting “I also like Abnormal Returns, which puts out a long list of the day’s most interesting investing related articles.”

David Merkel at Aleph Blog writes “Finally there is a lot of wisdom in many bloggers out there, and I strongly recommend you get to know them.  Some of the best are expertly curated each day at Abnormal Returns by Tadas Viskanta.”

We got a chance to mention our favorite FRED chart in this article over at the Washington Post.

Phil Pearlman at Yahoo Finance Contributors write “Tadas Viskanta is the preeminent curator of the financial web and really invented the smart link-fest that most every financial media outlet attempts to imitate.”

Jason Zweig at Total Return lists Abnormal Returns and @abnormalreturns on a list of “smart people for investors to follow.”

Abnormal Returns was mentioned in this list of “30 blogs that mutual fund investors should read” over at

Linette Lopez at Business Insider included @abnormalreturns on a list of “102 finance people you have to follow on Twitter.”

Shane Ferro at Medium includes Abnormal Returns on list of blogs worth visiting every day.

Josh Brown quoted at Talking Biz News says we “ an excellent job of explaining complex business and financial topics to readers.”

Morgan Housel at the Motley Fool writes:

Tadas Viskanta (

  • Who he is: Private investor
  • What he writes: The best link aggregation of financial content in the world.
  • Why you should read him: You could only visit Tadas’s site and stay informed. If anyone in the financial world writes a good article, Tadas will link to it.

The College Investor includes Abnormal Returns in a list of “The 20 Best Investing Blogs of 2015.”

@abnormalreturns was included on this list of “The 100 Most Influential People in Finance on Twitter” at Econible.

We were mentioned in this piece by Ian Salisbury on robo-advisors at Money magazine.

Abnormal Returns appears on this list of “15 Financial Advisor Blogs Worth Following” at My Perfect Client.

Ben Carlson at A Wealth of Common Sense writes:

If I had to choose one website to follow on a daily basis, Abnormal Returns would be it, no contest. You can use Abnormal Returns to either locate singular voices or websites you’d like to follow more closely or just keep up with everything Tadas posts that day for reading material. Whenever I’m busy or traveling the first place I check in to see what I’ve missed is Abnormal Returns.

According to Jane Wollman Rusoff at ThinkAdvisor Abnormal Returns “which does an excellent job of compiling content from other blogs…”

Josh Brown at The Reformed Broker on why some blogs like Abnormal Returns have “stood the test of time.”

Abnormal Returns was voted a “Top Finance Blogs 2015” over at

Brett Steenbarger at TraderFeed mentions @abnormalreturns as a good follow for broad perspectives.

Anthony Isola at Malice…for all looks at how some members of Finance Twitter would do in the world of the Walking Dead.

David Fabian at FMD Capital lists Abnormal Returns among “My Eight Favorite Investment Bloggers.”

Jae Jun at Old School Value mentions Abnormal Returns among 3 investment news outlets to read.

Josh Brown at The Reformed Broker wrote a very nice post on the occasion of the 10th blogiversary of Abnormal Returns.

Patrick O’Shaughnessy at Investor’s Field Guide on how Abnormal Returns has tried to “cultivate points of leverage” for great content over time.

@abnormalreturns was once again included in this Business Insider list of “finance people to follow on Twitter.”

Andrew Thrasher wrote about Abnormal Returns “Honestly, Josh and Tadas do such a great time with their daily link fests that I mostly rely on them to scour the financial web for stories to read, big props specifically to both of these great guys..”

Jess Felder at The Felder Report writes: “I also use Feedly to follow a number of blogs including Abnormal Returns, Avondale, Humble Student of the Markets, Meb Faber Research, Philosophical Economics, Short Side of Long, and many others.”

Abnormal Returns was mentioned among “five of the top investment gurus to follow on Twitter” by Adam Shaw at media society.

Cullen Roche at Pragmatic Capitalism includes Abnormal Returns among a list of the “financial news sources you should read.”

Abnormal Returns was listed among the 20 Best Investing Blogs of 2016 by The College Investor.

Michael Kitces at Nerd’s Eye View writes: “Barry Ritholtz’s blog, Josh Brown’s Reformed Broker, and Abnormal Returns. Those three blogs all have a service that they do, on pretty much a daily basis, where they say, “Look, we read a zillion investment and economics articles, here are the top few we found today.”

Abnormal Returns was listed among “The Top 16 Investing Blogs of 2016” according to HighRise.

Brett Steenbarger at Forbes mentions Abnormal Returns provides investors “fresh information” and “quality links.”

Carl Richards at Behavior Gap had some nice things to say about our Abnormal Returns 10:10 Campaign.

Abnormal Returns’ post on low vol investing got a mention at Barron’s Focus on Funds.

Phil Huber at BPS and Pieces wrote: “But from a practitioner standpoint, I can’t even begin to describe the value I have gotten over the years from people like Tadas Viskanta at Abnormal Returns…”

Gary Antonacci at Dual Momentum included Abnormal Returns among his list of “Most Useful Investment Blogs” and @abnormalreturns among people to follow on Twitter.

Robert J. Martorana writing “How to Read Financial News: Tips from Portfolio Managers” at Enterprising Investor notes: “Abnormal Returns: Consistently excellent links.”

Johnny Hopkins at The Acquirer’s Multiple included Abnormal Returns in a list of the “50 of the best investing blogs on the planet (2016 edition).”

Brett Steenbarger at TraderFeed includes Abnormal Returns in a list of “Helpful Resources for Developing Traders.”

Phil Huber at BPS and Pieces on Abnormal Returns: “I can honestly say that I would be a lesser investment professional if Tadas’ website didn’t exist.”

Morgan Housel on The Invest Like the Best podcast: “There’s so much material out there that you need a filter and some curation. And you need a trusted list of people who are going top point to other sources.  People like Tadas Viskanta and his website Abnormal Returns.  I trust that everything he links to in that blog post is going to be worth my time to read.”

At Ramen Profitable, Abnormal Returns was included on a list of blogs that “elite venture capitalists read every morning.”

Ben Carlson at A Wealth of Common Sense (and Marketwatch) writes in a post entitled “The best free investing tools on the Internet”:

Abnormal Returns
The best curated content each and every day on investing, personal finance, research and anything else in the world of finance. If you miss anything worth reading you can be sure it will be here.

Josh Brown the (@ReformedBroker) writes:

StockTwits recently featured us in their weekly e-mail:

Howard Lindzon included Abnormal Returns among what he reads everyday.

Brent Beshore listed Abnormal Returns among his daily reads.

Robert Farrington at The College Investor included Abnormal Returns among “The Best Investing Blogs of 2017.”

Peter Lazaroff writing at Forbes encourages new grads to subscribe to Abnormal Returns.

Abnormal Returns was included on this list of the “50 Of The Best Investing Blogs On The Planet (2017)” at The Acquirer’s Multiple.

Sean Stannard-Stockton of Ensemble Capital in an interview at the Motley Fool includes Abnormal Returns among “some of our favorite blogs.”

@abnormalreturns was listed among “The 125 most important finance people you have to follow on Twitter” at Business Insider.

The ‘blogger wisdom’ series at Abnormal Returns was mentioned in this “My Drop What I Am Doing List” at bps and pieces.

Dan Solin included Abnormal Returns as a “recommended resource” writing:

Tadas Viskanta is the founder and editor of Abnormal Returns. His website is a rich source of wise advice about personal finance matters.

Phil Huber at BPS and Pieces included @abnormalreturns of the top follows on Financial Twitter.

Abnormal Returns appeared in this 2017 RiversHedge 20 Best-of-Awards thusly:

5. Best of the econo-blogosphere blogs. Forget that we have corresponded and that he linked me in one of his linkfests. Conflicts abound perhaps but this really is the best of the best.  I have toyed with renouncing my crash-prone intrusive-ad-heavy WSJ subscription lately.  If I do do that, I could live off of as a solid replacement for my morning reading.   You know, I once tried to produce links at a pace like his and, frankly, it is impossible. I failed in one week. And I’m retired.  No idea how he does it.

Tadas Viskanta, abnormalreturns

Abnormal Returns ended up #21 on FeedSpot’s list of the top 75 trading blogs.

Morgan Housel at the Collaborative Fund included Abnormal Returns on this list of What I Read (And Why).

Matthew Bergman (@mdbergman36) included Abnormal Returns in this list: “My ten favorite financial blogs (mainstream media excluded).”

Tiho Brkan (@TihoBrkan) wrote “My favourite website to visit for up-to-date news and great weekly reads throughout the blogosphere is Abnormal Returns. @abnormalreturns does a great job. ?”

@abnormalreturns was includes on this list of “The Best Trader Resources on Twitter and StockTwits” at MartinKronicle.

Carolyn Gowen at The Financial Bodyguard writes about the financial Twitter ecosystem:

  1. Abnormal Returns – Tadas Viskanta

I read a lot of social media content, but I can’t hold a candle to Tadas.  When does he ever get time to sleep?  Or eat?  Widely regarded within the community as the number one curator of content, he is my one-man time management tool, and saves me hours every week. Not only does he curate great content, he produces it too.  The fact that he does this for free is remarkable.  That said, I did become a member this year because I believe a resource like this is worth paying for.  He has led me to read non-finance posts which I otherwise wouldn’t have (he’s a very discerning curator – if he links to something, it’s worth reading), and is responsible for introducing me to many of the following bloggers…

Abnormal Returns appears on the 2018 FocusEconomics list of the Top Blogs Economics and Finance blogs.

Abnormal Returns appears the list “12 Best FIRE and Finance Blogs to Follow” from Grow to Retire.

@abnormalreturns was mentioned in this Investment News piece on the use of social media in finance.

Dave Nadig at included Abnormal Returns on this list of  “resources I find most valuable on a day-to-day/week-to-week basis.” He writes:

Abnormal Returns has been at the investment blog thing for a long time and often posts great in-depth articles. The huge value to me, however, is their regular “links” articles. When I’m really short on time, I just scan those, confident that if they’ve missed a story, it probably wasn’t that important to start with.

Abnormal Returns was listed among the 2018 Best Investing Blogs over at The College Investor.

Abnormal Returns is one of two resources Howard Lindzon reads every day.

Abnormal Returns was mentioned in the July 2018 edition of Mutual Fund Observer by David Snowball.

On June 26, 2018, Josh Brown (a/k/a The Reformed Broker) announced the hiring of Tadas Viskanta as the new director of investor education at Ritholtz Wealth Management. Tadas is the indefatigable proprietor of Abnormal Returns who, since 2005, has daily curated dozens of links on finance and on life. His proclaimed focus is being a “forecast-free investment blog,” which is to say AR is blessedly free of the endless din of self-serving, click-whoring speculation about whether a new Golden Age or a new Dark Age has been spawn by some act of corporate cupidity, fintech folly, robotic ascendance or druncle tweet. His curation strikes me as discerning but not dogmatic; he finds thoughtful content in unconventional places, and is as willing to offer an audience to a thoughtful blogger as to a Morningstar vice president.

Abnormal Returns was mentioned as one of four sites that provide “Fresh Perspectives on Life and Financial Markets” per Brett Steenbarger writing at Forbes.

Abnormal Returns was listed in the “150 of the best investing blogs on the planet (2018)” at The Acquirer’s Multiple.

Eric Richards at moneymunk mentioned Abnormal Returns in a post about Bitcoin:

We really like Abnormal returns, a site run by investor Tadas Viskanta, who aggregates investing content from around the web and is by far one of the best sources on investing.

Cliff Asness of AQR Capital Management mentioned Abnormal Returns among blogs his visits.

Liberated Stock Trader wrote:

Abnormal Returns – Tadas Viskanta provides an excellent resource for great articles and perspectives from finance site across the web, well worth following.

Abnormal Returns came in third on this list of “the top 12 financial and investing blogs” according to RCM Alternatives.

From a tweet from Ensemble Capital (@intrinsicinv):

Abnormal Returns was listed among “The Best Investing Blogs of 2019” over at The College Investor.

Jason Zweig at the Wall Street Journal mentioned @abnormalreturns in a list of users that show “how financial Twitter can educate investors.”

Abnormal Returns was mentioned in this Nate Geraci post at entitled “20 Best ETF Quotes.”

Abnormal Returns was listed among the 2020 Best Investing Blogs over at The College Investor.

brostocks listed the Abnormal Returns daily e-mail newsletter in “Robinhood Snacks and 5 Other Great Investment Email Newsletters.”

Abnormal Returns was mentioned in this list of the best US and UK investment blogs at Occam Investing.

Abnormal Returns was #2 on the list of the “Top 10 best investing blogs you should read in 2020” at ValueWalk.

in-deed-a-bly wrote “The best products are rarely the first movers, but rather the superior offerings that follow once a new market is proven. Just like my conscientious former colleague’s weighty tomes of knowledge. EarlyRetirementExtreme’s concise insights. The astute essays that begin each edition of Monevator’s long-running “Weekend Reading” newsletter. Abnormal Returns conscientious curation.”

Jay Palter lists Abnormal Returns among Financial Blogs in “A Guide to Non-Paywalled Finance and News Sources to Share.”

Aubrey Chapnick mentioned the Abnormal Returns newsletter in “My Top 10 Reads and Listens of 2020.”

Gold, the Golden Constant, and Déjà Vu” was mentioned in “Gold’s Wild Rise” from the Fuqua School of Business.

A nice mention for Abnormal Returns from the FPA of MinnesotaFollowing a few quality financial blogs like @abnormalreturns or @MichaelKitces‘s Nerd’s Eye View is a great way to stay on top of industry trends.”

J.D. Roth at Apex Wealth included Abnormal Returns in this list: “My ten favorite money blogs (2021 edition).”

Abnormal Returns was listed among the 2021 Best Investing Blogs over at The College Investor.

I recently made an appearance on Morningstar’s The Long View podcast.

Peter Lazaroff included the Abnormal Returns daily e-mail on his list of ’11 Can’t-Miss Newsletters.’

Abnormal Returns appeared on “The 12 Best Financial Blogs” by Snippet Finance.

I was mentioned in this iCapEquity list “18 Top Financial Advisers and Real Estate Investment Influencers You Should Be Following in 2022.”

From an interview with J.D. Roth at Root of All, “Perhaps my favorite and most-used aggregator is Abnormal Returns. Dude (Tadas Viskanta) does a terrific job of curating interesting articles.”

Eric Soda at Spilled Coffee writes: “Each day he [Tadas] sends an email with links to all the important stories to read on any and all topics. I’m honored to say that Spilled Coffee content has been featured in it numerous times. Congrats and thanks for all you do for us Tadas.”

Howard Lindzon writes: “People like Tadas and I get to be more authentic and consistent knowing we have a group of people/community that appreciates hearing positive growth stories mixed with some pain and truthiness.”

Abnormal Returns was listed in this list “5 Must-Read for Financial Advisors.

Abnormal Returns was listed among the 2023 Best Investing Blogs over at The College Investor.

Blair duQuesnay at The Belle Curve writes this: “Abnormal Returns – My colleague Tadas has been scouring the internet to curate the best links in finance, business, and a variety of other topics for over 15 years. Consider this your daily digest of content worth your attention.”

Jack Raines on Twitter writes “For curated financial content, @abnormalreturns has the best newsletter I’ve seen for finding interesting/valuable content each day.”

smartasset included Abnormal Returns in this list of the ‘Top Blogs and Bloggers for Financial Advisors to Read.’

Abnormal Returns was listed among the 2024 Best Investing Blogs over at The College Investor.

Sam Ro at TKer in ‘The free finance newsletters I read all the time’ wrote “🅰️ Abnormal Returns: Tadas Viskanta has been sending out link roundups for as long as I can remember. He reads everything, included all the smart financial bloggers you might be missing.”

Eric Soda at Spilled Coffee wrote “Nobody reads and curates more content than Tadas. He publishes Abnormal Returns everyday, which I read daily.”