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Þæt mennisce hēafod
Dottatigeres hēafod

On līclāre is þæt hēafod dēores se ceafllice dǣl (æfter līclārlicre legednesse) þe geƿunelīce stent on þǣm brægne, ēagum, ēarum, þǣre nase, and þǣm mūþe (eall þāra helpiaþ maniga gefrēdnessa, sƿelce sihþ, gehīerness, stincung, and smæcc). Sumu ānfealdran dēor nabbaþ hēafod, ac manige tƿisīdemnettendas sōþlīce habbaþ sƿelc.

Folclīc hefigness

[adiht | adiht fruman]

mannum, þæt hēafod and hūru se andƿlita sind þā hēafodlican gesundriendan mearca betƿeox sundorlicum hādum for heora ēaðe gescēadendum mearcum sƿelce hǣres and ēagena bleoh, and nase, ge ēagena, ge mūðes gesceapp, rifelunga, and ōðru þing. Mennisce andƿlitan sind ēaðe gescēadendlice mannum for heora brægnes fōreþoncum tō scēadenne betƿeox missenlicum andƿlitigum mearcum. Þǣr mann sēo bemǣtende ungecūþ gecynd, ealle andƿlitan þyncaþ tō ƿesenne nēan ful gelīce, and mennisc bearn sind līfiglīce geset tō oncnāƿenne lytela ungelīcnessa on andƿlitigum mearcum.

Hādas þā sind andgietfulran þonne sīe geƿunelic sind hƿīlum geēoƿod in biliþspellum tō habbenne māran hēafdu, tō ƿīsan tō tācnienne þæt hīe habbaþ māre brægn; in ƿitancræftlicum lēasspellum, begeondeorþbūendas þe hæbbe grēat hēafod is oft getācniendlic sƿīðre andgietfulnesse. Beūtan þisse getācniendlicre ēoƿunge, sōþlīce habbaþ bētunga on fēlendseonulāre ēoƿod þæt sēo ƿyrcende fǣgness þæs brægnes ēoƿaþ þæt ungelīcnessa on medumre brægnes micelnesse ne sind nā gōd getācn micelnesse, gif hīe sīen tācn hire tō āhte, tōdāles on medumre andgietfulnesse þe þǣr sīe betƿeox tƿǣm mannum.[1]

Þā forgamolan Crēcas hæfdon ƿīsan tō bemetenne fægernesse þe ƿæs æfter þǣm "Gyldenan Andefene", þæs ān dǣl befēng metu þæs hēafdes.