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accepted for publication in the Washington Post/ or why the subject matter of this 
piece, i.e., discrimination against blondes, has not been made in to a feature 
article when the Washington Post has been asked about it numerous times? Why is it 
the Post feels it has an obligation to print discrimination charges if they are from 
a minority perspective but has no circle of empathy from many other perspectives? 
Several writers at the Post spend their present careers covering only "minority 
issues" but my issue never gets addressed — why? 

When I was in college I sometimes felt so sexually frustrated that when I saw a 
provocatively dressed coed I would wish I could cut my neck — it was a defense 
mechanism because I had already learned how frustrated and neurotic (because of the 
conflicting messages from women) one could become trying to satify one's desires. 
(**Notice**This Is Not Written With the Intention of Shock Effect of Breaking Norms 
for the Sake of Deviancy But To Tell the Truth However Sociopathic a Tellin of Truths 
May Seem — Liars Are Considered Normal in a World in Which Truth Seems Psychopathic or 
Terrifyingly Abnormal). Somewhere during my Junior year in college I decided that 
the ultimate act of defiance was to go hiking in a hot desert, stop and take off my 
clothes, masturbate into the wind, cut my neck, and bleed to death while I and my 
seed dried into nothingness, and stopping my personal phylogenetic evolution in it's 
tracks. I was not happy and I grew up in an emotionally volatile home. Plus you see 
when I was in high school I did not have a satisfying social and sexual life. I was 
nobody special. I had an inferiority complex. I wasn't smart and I didn't like to 
read. I wasn't particularly good in any sport so I wasn't a jock. I wasn't an 
achiever in any sense. My family was poor. I worked after school so I didn't join 
extra-curricular activies like clubs. I started smoking cigarettes in tenth grades. 

I smoked pot before and after classes during eleventh grade. I got drunk on weekends 
that I was allowed to party. I hung around with some juvenile delinquents friends 
who were from my neighborhood. I grew my hair as long as my father would allow after 
the battles. I went to Catholic Church on Sundays. I was generally afraid to get 
into fights cause I wasn't particularly a good fighter. I rebelled against my 
parents, over-protective restrictiveness. Never-the-less I was considered amiable, 
was accepted by most of my class mates, and got my degree. 

|) the only women who would talk to 

1 I were prostitutes in downtown San Diego, despite surrounding beaches, 

and they were out to exploit lonely and horny sailors for all they could get — and 
the illegality of • a prophylactic blow job was all the more expensive. This of course 
took place within the context of first seeing several striptease acts, when you were 
really horny, id.est., vulnerable and desperate so that you were willing to pay for a 
massage, which you would later learn would stimulate your whole body except you hard 
penis — until you pleaded for mercy and found out that it was illegal but for twenty 
to fourty mpre dollars and your word you weren't a cop you could get a rubberized 
head job — which for me lasted about twenty seconds because I was so horny for so long 
the slighted stimulation would have set me off. Hollywood movies and the real Navy 
were not the same thing. I had my share of lonely nights. A normal person can 
handle lonely drunks for a couple of years and I was looking forward to college where 
collegian liberalness seemed so inviting and where women existed in equal numbers. I 
was desperate for some touch. But some how I didn't feel like I fit into the dorm 
with loud stereos, jockeying adolescents, and achieving suburbanites who never had to 
go through the military to earn the GI bill. And there was a certain cautiousness 
about me, like I was already alienated but I. didn't know what the word meant; but I 
already knew what it meant to me socially and sexually deprived; and I couldn't quite 
shake knowing what the fear of authoritarianism could do in regards to lowering one's 
self respect (my main lesson from bootcamp). Then I ended up in a male dorm after 
living on all male ships. I couldn't afford a fraternity. I could never picked 



women up in bars — I didn't have the magic touch. It turned out living and going to 
school on a large midwestem campus sucked. What made it worst was these damn 
feminists going off all the time. Like witch hunters they were out to destroy every 
lecherous professor. Male lust was the ultimate evil. You didn't dare act or think 
out loud sexually — but how could a healthy male not? Black men you don't know what 
you missed. I was getting my get my first lessons in journalistic cowering to 
feminists. Constant letters to the editor about sexist this and how sexist that was/ 
and they got the last word like they were always right/ rape this and sexual 
harrassment of women (it was always harrassment of women)/ women's issues this and 
women's issues that/ etc. And then there was the Take Back the Night Marches in 
which all pornography (anything than depicted women an a sexual way) was condemned. 
Christian sentiment and feminist dogma/ however conflicting/ were subjectively 
becoming interwined so that male lust was clearly unethical — to put it mildly. But 
my sexuality didn't understand morals/ appropriateness/ dogma/ right and wrong — and I 
didn't ask to be horny any more than I asked to be bom. This was happening while I 
was getting A's in my sexuality classes and looking forward to some sexual 
enlightenment and some fun — but I wasn't getting any — in fact I was reading how all 
these blue collar dudes were getting it. Feminists demanded their sexual rights but 
condemned men if men's sexuality happened to be different from womens. Bum your bra - 
and walk around like a cock tease because if a man's dick so much as gets hard she'll 
pull out here knife and cut if off. Many college women weren't into promiscuity the 
way college boys dreamed about it. So I sat in the library checking out sexually 
provocative women but it .was the context of understanding male equals pig who lusts 
while women dressed as exhibitionistically as they wanted knowing the climate was 
lecher equals death (because who cares if men are sexually more sensitive to visual 
clues and more easily arroused — that's your problem buddy!). So here I was horny as 
hell/ sexually tormented/ and because I actively sought voyeuristic opportunities I 
didn't realize I was being sexually harrassed (it's the same way at the University of 
Maryland now but I don't study there — this spring women will be wearing hot pants 
with their legs splayed up on the table and every male will have a copy of the Sexual 
Harrassment program). These women were like frat sisters and stuff — women interested 
in jocks/ and geeky brains/ and men with cars and bikes and money. I must have had 
"LOOSER" spelled across my face because I don’t think anybody had the hots for me 
save one social work type my last year of .college (and everybody I had a crush on was 
not interested). There was something inexplicably- wrong about me. I was stood up 
for lunch dates/ etc. It was like these damn feminists and pop sociologists had 
instilled any attitude of no respect for the poor male whose motivation was shallow 
and who was -the enemy — how could I compete against all this psychology. Needless to 
say I had sex with sex magazines/ my right hand/ and fantasies. Then I’ had to live 
off campus because the dorms were too expensive — so there went any semblance of 
social life — how I envied private school kids. 

I I was hoping for b7c 

less stridency and male hatred. A pyschiatrist told me why I hated feminists so 
much — because as a child I didn't get some of my needs met and the message I was 
getting from feminists was they weren't interested in meeting any of my needs. You 
know like maybe women understood men out here better. But I was not prepared for the 
social discrimination/ alienation and loneliness that was to become my existence. 

Who cared if you were from Minnesota? I I 

I Whose fault was it you couldn't afford to join a health club? Whose 
fault was it you were interested in political activism? Whose fault was it you 
picked your career path the way you did? Whose fault was it you didn't own a car to 
go out and to the beach in the summer, or live in a nice apartment building? Mine. . 

It was my fault. Besides I was opinionated, iconoclastic and became to despise the 
"symbolism" of Washingtonians — no matter how philosophically I understood its 
reality. A city of yuppies from private schools. I was to start graduate school at 

_ hi wanted a medical 

-LiDrary 3 OD ancJ tnis all I could get. I won't bother elaborating the subsistence of 
a soup and Black Label beer salary because it's old Hat. I could not afford to hang 
out.. This is a hell of a town to move to with all these restaurants if your'e not a 
yuppie. I reestablished by old bar hopping ways to meet people (I abstained drinking 
as an undergraduate to lesson my highschool/navy propensities) since people without 
the social background of club joiners have to resort to something. Women did not 
want to dance or socialize with me. I don't know: I didn't have the right job/ the 
right clothes/ the right conversation/ the right approach/ the right ethos/ the right 
friends ( I was by myself ) , maybe I drank a bit too much before I got to the bar so I 
didn't have to pay | three do! 1 aips a drink so much/ whatever — more rejection. This 
town was a bore in 


People sitting around tables sipping their drinks 

looking pretty — didn't know how to dance — boring. I got tired of asking two or three 
to dance to a song I wanted to dance to and not getting to dance the song I wanted to 
dance. It made me angry to see how ho w jerky some of these white women were. So I 
hung around | i'd ask a white woman (most of the women were 

white or oriental) to dance and she'd say no and a couple of minutes later she'd be 
dancing. with a black dude (you knew who the dominant race in the heart of the city 
was socially). Or a blonde woman would notice a black man she recognized/ make a big 
production out of it and shout his name/ hug him so everyone around was aware of how 
intimate they once were/ and then she'd look at me standing by myself and see what my 
reaction was. for a second before she again ignored me (the conceit was that white men 
had inferiority complexes and 'they' were the racists). Sexual social politics baby. 
The blonde women were always on the dance floor and they never had to ask anybody to 
dance and yet you never saw blonde women and blonde women dating or dancing back 
before herpes/ and when more promiscuous music was allowed on the radio. The black 
man's music was seductive and white's was cacophonous and destructive (liberals see 
this as a higher awareness of political events — which is bullshit — these kids wanted 
their social. and sexual needs met despite feminist rhetoric but no journalist saw the 
connection instead they were politically alienated). So I would continue to drink 
and eventually I started dancing by myself — everyone thought I was nuts — I refused to 
let this breed of Washingtonian women ruin my right to dance (even if if meant 
looking like a looser who could not get a date/ acting like a deviant/ idiot/ and /or 
desperate). I refused to play what was implicitly a white women's game. These women 
were and are spoiled and I was not interested in their veto power of when I could 
dance- besides I was a better dancer than the lot' of them anyway. I was use to the 
loneliness and aloneness — this was my fourth big city — and you Easterns don't have 
nothing on me except more affluent backgrounds. Music was the only thing I as a 
white male had. So I went to my hole in the wall home boozed and sweated up/ took a 
bath and cried until I relaxed and fell a sleep. And I'd see all these white women 
dating minorities around Dupont Circle and thinking about how women never went out of 
their way to get to no me. I could make myself available/ I could dance by myself 
all. night/ and I would continue to be alone cause white women knew that men were 
motivated to. seek them out if they just s at long enough. The power of being passive 
until his hormone levels changed. I even | l and it seemed 

like I was considered an outside gentrification symbol with my blonde hair compared 


to some of these other "cultural" white women coming into the | 

Only one married psychologist really talked to me/ and I was too aiientated inside to 
feel good about being social (the chip on my shoulder was kind of assumed anyway — but 
as a white male I didn't get to talk about my chip and get it off my back in the 
local newspapers)/ besides my dancing was not good considering I was really a 
beginner which most of the class was not/ my body was not in tune like a dancers 
rendering me less attractive in th<=> pva of a dancer, and i felt disliked because I 

I . I which slowed down the class. 

And also everybody split and took their showers at home. 

I stopped asking women for dates the first year I was here — I got tired of putting 

myself up to be knocked down (not that I asked very many people). Plus I had a lot 
of school work and I worked fourty hours a week. I lived by myself after being asked 
to move out of a couple of group arrangements that I could afford to live in — our 
lifestyles clashed. I danced in my TV less apartment. I typed letters to the 
editor. I talked to myself. I smoked pot to help alleviate the pain of loneliness 
and then I would babble incoherent speech so I didn't have to listen to myself 
complain to myself — I was tired of my life and tired of being aware of it. I read 
plenty — I wasn't high all the time. I got paranoid and stopped smoking — thank God 
for paranoia. Suicide was becoming a real option. In 1986 I was hoping it was my 
last year. I was disappointed when the new year was rung in. In the spring and 
summer of 87 it was suicide time again. I hoped I could fi nd a way to do it. What I 

thinking about it but not doing it. I I b6 

I would some day/ way in the future/ probably kill myself and b7c 

family failed but that I was not happy and that it was my 
right. I cried a lot because of my alienation/ frustration/ loneliness and no one at 
the newspapers particularly cared about my views (they were probably put off by my 
criticalness). No it wasn't a wimp's wimper or a baby'.s bawling for attention — I was 
alone a lot and emotions and thoughts about past frustration would swell in me and I 
could feel the tension piquing until tears started running down my face and I 
controlled the hyperventilation of sobs with regulated contractions as if in a petite 
and flexible epileptic fit. I was emotionally disturbed at certain times of the day/ 
two to four times a week. Alcohol was my analgesiac — so I thought. I could cry 
tears without making a sound sometimes — it was amazing how much I could cry — and how 
I could cry without loud histrionics and in a seemingly dignified way — not that I 
really cared. I was equally impressed on how I would eventually talk to a 
psychiatrist and explain my past so articulately and honestly — like a movie version 
of A Psychiatric Dinner With Andre — it was very moving. I couldn't figure it 
out — was I overly sensitive/ a baby who never grew up/ was I unfortunate enough to be 
in- touch which my emotions when I would rather not have been/ wasn't my brain 
androgenized / why were my angry thoughts so recurring/ was this the price I had to 
pay to grow/ why were my problems never solved/ why was I so emotional/ am I a 
masochist/ where's my norepinephine . I't hurt me physically to cry. The hardness in 
the throat. The burning eyes. The heaving abdomen. The red eyes when I looked into 
the mirrors. The pathos of it all. The pathetic extent ions of my face. My blurry 
eyes feeling warm tender tears as I wept. ‘‘The murruring suppression of a sob. The 
stream would open again usually after a couple of beers. Then I would feel better. 

Was there a connection between sexiness and the capacity to cry? Or sometimes the 
alcohol and my ruminations would' take me through another tension fit and I'd cry more 
once/ twice/ but eventually I would feel at peace./ as if the neuroehemistry in my 
brain changed into something very tranquilizing. Was there a connection between 
crying capacity and a person's intelligence?.- I felt at ease. Actually/ it was 
simply a healthy response to my predicament — it was nature's way of reducing my 
tension levels. Was I doing this to change the neurochemistry in my brain — was there 
a release of chemicals like joggers get natural opioids when jogging — there had to 
be? I would take a bath. I wonder ed if people in insane asylums cried like I 
did — although) |— they were on drugs. I wished I wasn't so 

frustrated . 

No I wasn't like that all the time. At work I was nice/ usually in a good mood if I 
didn't come to work in a bad one. Most people found me helpful/ cheerful/ exciting/ 
and assumed things were OK. People knew I was tempermental and not particularly 
happy and that I was lonely and poor. They also knew I was sanely insane/ wrote the 
best dirty poetry and lived to my own standards and loved me for it. I got on well 
at work but my private social life was miserable. When going home at night I started 
feeling angry the closer the train would get to Dupont Circle. I still live in a 
kitchenless one bedroom/bathroom trap I can't afford to move out of. Most of the 
people are Spanish speaking in my apartment so I say high and that's about it. I 

hated was pathetically 
that it didn't mean my 

haven't slept with a women for four years — this use to embarrass me but now I've read 
more on alienation, and I understand a lot more things. My pride, however self 
destructive, is not willing to give Washington's women a chance to make up because 
many of Washington's beautiful white women and blondes will never know what it means 
to be socially or sexually deprived. I was ignored for four years — so why should 
they get the opportunity to make up without going without? They can not understand 
that even in the Midwest I was past over. That even on Hennipin Avenue of 
Minneapolis (in Minnesota in the Land of 10,000 blondes) that "Blondes have more fun" 
was meant strictly about women and that in any metropolitan city blacks could get a 
blonde woman easier than I could. I mean I refuse to kiss their pedestal higher than 
it already is — why can't a white woman get off her sexist pedestal and ask me for a 
date or hustle me? I'm sorry if I sound bitter but every time I go to a movie or a 
nightclub in this town there will be some white women with minorities, and never if 

I I of living in D.C. has a women asked me out — save my psychologist friend. 

No amount of sexual and social access deserves this kind of alienation and 
loneliness I have suffered. And buying it on 14th street was too expensive even if I 
would have succumbed to paying for it. What I particularly hated were these damn 
feminists and journalists who could implicitly see how women, for the. most part, 
controlled how much sex men got (despite the rhetoric) and yet they condemned those 
men who paid for it. But who would pay for good sex they could get free? Paying for 
it was the equivalent of not being able to have relationships with women, it 
suggested that you were not healthy/ normal or desirable — it was being exploited, it 
was desperate, and usually it was a ripoff. So I had sex vicariously with pictures 
because I could take my time and it was convenient — how pathetic — and of course there 
is all kinds of glib pop psychology and pyschiatrict reasons why my life is like this 
(he's afraid of women — bullshit — women are afraid of me). Fuck paying for drinks and 
dinner so just maybe I "might" get some play. I get arroused easily and I want sex 
when I want it — not when some date feels like having it if she does — I'm not playing 
games with women. Eddy Murphy was wrong — it's white women who use to fuck their 
husbands for their job — not black women. I'm sorry if you don't like what I say but 
the truth is damn few women have ever done anything for me — save my family, teachers 
and coworkers — because I was not Mr. Right, because I was tempermental , because I 
didn't fit into a stereotype mold people wanted me to fit into, because I'm too 
intelligent without applying it to a big salary, independent, and because there was a 
slew of labels that you could- replace me with. I recently read an article in the 
Washington Times on Greta Garbo's disappointement that Hollywood's men didn't court 
her — that said it all to me — be a phony — don't criticize too much or too loudly — and 
you'll fit in with all the little people and sycophants. Yes you'll fit into 
Washington D.C. Be a political asset — not a liability. 

What was the price I paid: I have never been- made to feel like I was important or 
desirable except from some gay men who have tried to pick me up. I don't know what 
it is like to feel wanted, sexy (except within myself), lusted after, cared for, 
loved, etc. .My adult heterosexual life (no I have not had a homosexual life) for the 
most part has been sexual desperation, inferiority, rejection, alienation, 
loneliness, and later neurosis. I've wanted to kill myself for a couple of years but 
I couldn't will myself to buy a gun or find the right poison. Deciding resolutely to 
do it and actively willing the act are two different things — and this too is 
humiliating — to want death but not having the guts to put your disturbed and angry 
self to sleep. Oh yes you would meet me and say "I don't believe it, your handsome, 
didn't I see you jogging the other day, why you're healthy, people love you, what are 
you talking about." Yes it was a matter of being taken for granted. 

I deliberately avoided seeing a specialist last year hoping my epinephrine and 
serotonin levels would change until I did something drastic. Instead I wept more and 
did nothing except I kept writing letters to the Post trying to get then to notice my 
complaints, calling them even, they didn't care. I knew it wasn't me genetically but 



society that was hurting me. And I wasn't going to pacify myself with a therapist 
when I wanted society confronted. So I festered. I put my anger into poetry. I 
wrote stanza after stanza of complaint. Nothing happened. | | 

-I didn't care because before the month was up I would be gone. But I was 
still alive. I hounded the Post some more. I was continuously ignored. And I don't 
care either Washingon Post. I wanted my blood and brain pulp on the marble statues 
of Dupont Circle dripping down as my body lay headless and dead on the ground — I 
wanted you to get the message — but I was still alive with nothing more than a sense 
of powerless about getting my message through and raging revengeful thinking. I hate 
you Washington Post. And even if I was heard I had to pay the price and do the 
suffering. I would never get my younger years back that prooved to be unhappy to do 
it differently. I was one of life's discontents paying the price for other people's 
happiness. I was a walking wound hoping someone would take a shot gun and shoot me 
through my heart. I was a neurotically in touch with reality and thought life 
sucked. I was tragedy. I deserved something better. Maybe next time. 

b6 | 





1150 15th Street, N.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20071 

The movie 'Broadcast News' is a lie. It is not the 'story' per se, of this 
wonderfully acted and directed fictional screenplay, but one of, if not, 
the main message of this movie that seems like another stereotypic piece of 
sociological propaganda — whether it is intentional or not. The message I 
am referring to — and if I am wrong so are alot of movie critics — is that 
intelligent and attractive women should be more amorously in tune to men 
who may not be very good looking but are superior in intelligence, personal 
charm, morality and common sense; or, as the movie suggests, if people don't 
feel this way they too may have a not so happy ending. Considered by 
itself no critisism of this message or movie can or should be made, but 
many movies coming out of Hollywood and New York are saying the same 
thing — that 'women' should be choosing mates by their sense of humor, good 
character and intelligence, while using prejudicial stereoptypes to promote 
certain men. 

Is it women, however, who should be getting this 'choosiness' message? Is 
it women who almost uni-dimensionally chase after the opposite sex just 
because they are good looking? No. Is it women who have prolonged and 
ardent erectility of tissue, if you will, for blondes? No. The complaint 
was more than adequately summed up in Susan Brownmiller ' s "Hair" chapter in 
her book Femininity (copyright 1983 — so Hollywood writers and producers 
have had plenty of time to get the message); 

Of all the wonders Hollywood has created, nothing can match the 
pantheon of . celebrated blondes who have fed the fantasies of men 
and fueled the aspirations of women ever since the flickering image 
began.... or did it merely magnify the collective dreams of a 
melting pot that despite democratic intentions placed the highest 
value in femininine beauty on Nordic fairness and flaxen hair? 

Surely the dark-haired immigrant entrepreneurs from Eastern Europe 
and their first-generation sons who abandoned the steamy garment 
center of New York to pioneer a motion picture empire in the 
sunshine of the West were fully aware that the visions of blonde ■ 

. loveliness they projected onto the screen bore no resemblance to 
their mothers and sisters, or to the women they might have expected 
to marry . Those who handcranked ' the dream machine spun their own 
fantasies of California gold, angel-haired virgins and peroxide 
sirens who had never seen the inside of a ghetto. 

No Holly Hunter is not blonde (nor is she Jewish) but Mr. Wrong (William 
Hurt) is — in an ever increasing cliche movie world where fair-haired WASPs 
are made to .look shallow when compared to darker haired brunettes and 
minorities , that is to say, along with the discriminating promotion of 
blonde women there has equally been a discriminating promotion of brunette 
men; and, why did Paula Span in another 'We Washington Medialytes Love 
Broadcast News' article conclude with the 'character' statement about Aaron 
Altman as being "brilliant, hilarious, honorable, friendly — and cute — man, 
a man even Cheryl Gould's Jewish mother mould love...? 

Anybody who knows anything about the psychodynamics of the genders (even 
Washingtonians — if for no other reason than not be thought like a Western 
hick) knows it's not very many women who fall in love with the opposite sex 
simply because a man is physically attractive — the way some men pay money, 
or make money, to be with sexy women. Not only do most movie producers 
refuse to address their own male propensities they project them onto women 
and ask that women live up to ideals that these men seldon ask of 
themselves. The movie Roxanne is a perfect example. Steve Martin plays a 

freakish/ long nosed fire chief who falls for beautiful Daryl Hannah 
playing an astronomer/ supposedly to pass for a modern day intelligent sort 
of women. But if Martin really wanted an intelligent sort of woman he 
could have selected someone who already had that kind of believable 
reputation with the American public/ and the character Hannah played would 
have had more intelligent lines than her brief explanations of naming some 
"heady" cosmological entity. Clearly/ Daryl Hannah was selected to play 
the part because she looked like a fanstasy from the cosmological heavens 
even when she stood naked behind a mundane bush. However/ the message of 
this movie is that nice, attractive and intelligent women should pick men 
as partners on account of their resoursef ulness / sense of humor/ wit/ size 
of the personal library and intelligence/ while it is OK for movie 
producers to select and treat actresses like sex objects in the same 
movie — and make lots of money while getting away with this double standard 
because it is highly entertaining/ supposedly well meaning/ and because 
more impressionable beauties (assume for a moment women are more 
susceptible to social conditioning) will now be more open to less handsome 
princes/ especially if they are not like empty headed hunks. 

A whole slew of movies give us this same message within the context that on 
average/ beautiful people/ especially WASPS of European decent/ are shallow 
and do not deserve the attention they get. How many movies ever suggest 
that blond people are "intelligent and sensitive" and are sometimes 
discriminated against or scapegoated because of their looks? I have never 
seen a movie that suggests that people should re-evaluate their stereotyped 
prejudices about "dumb blondes/" or "privileged but shallow and callow 
WASPS." Instead we have all these movies that suggest that fair haired men 
or teenagers don't deserve beautiful women. Take the movie The Outsiders. 

A poor boy (brunette of course) is in love with an rich class teenager but 
the rich boys (fair haired of course) try to stop the affair. A movie that 
is about who is good enough for the "blonde female." Or how about Rodney 
Dangerf ield ' s Back to School? A self-made millionare from New York's 
garment industry has a son who is not liked in a WASP college? This blonde 
jerk- jock treats him like he's minority-scum. And because the outsider is 
sensitive and doesn't have much confidence in himself Rodney tries helping 
him adjust — despite this very handsome/ but ever so jerky/ Aryan guy who is 
the swim team's star (brute) that appoints minority-dregs cleanup boy — when 
Rodney is not busily dating or fantasizing about a certain blonde English 
professor or bathing with a couple other blonde beauties at a swinging 
college party (how flattering that blonde women are so unprejudice and 
amiable). •• 

While it is true that blond women get a lot of major parts in Hollywood 
movies this., is not true for blond men. A major percentage of leading male 
parts go to brunettes. And too often the parts blond men get are to play 
the "looser" to brunettes who get the 'heartthrob' women. The Right Stuff 
(brunette of course) gets hot blond leading lady (Barbara Hershey). 
Sylvester Stallone beats blond Russian spy and gets a blond in real life. 
Prince and Jerome/ two womanizing studs outclass the European blandies and 
get the white women. The new James Bond (another Bond brunette) beats 
blond communist bad guy and get the blond woman (nice Playboy shot). Peggy 
Sue Got Married to a blond jerk but everybody know who she should have 
marrried — another Coppola movie in which we are to realize that curly 
haired/ sensitive and intelligent teenagers should get the beautiful blond 
homecoming queen rather than some crass WASP. 

Not to say that there has never been a blonde male star in a movie with a 



desirable woman. We've had our token blonde male sex object/ Robert 
Redford/ sometimes blandly playing roles more vivacious blondes could have 
played/ and our Rebel Without a Articulated Cause’/ namely/ James Dean/ but 
there hasn't been anything close to the number of romantic brunettes (the 
tall/ dark and handsomes) that have highlighted the golden screen over the 
decades. Exotic birds like an Australian crocodile wrestler of foreign 
import/ yes / and a fantasy about a "beautiful" Nazi intelligence officer of 
a jailed homosexual whose, fantasy of a blond beauty signifies his ultimate 
evil and repulsiveness. 

Attractive and intelligent Washingtonian woman don't throw themselves at 
men the way the movie Broadcast News suggests/ and if they do/ it's not 
towards 'dumb' blondes. Too many woman already think that good looking 
males are equivalent to mannequins and these women take pride that they are 
more humane/ individual or "sophisticated" than getting excited about Ken 
barby dolls. Between feminism's attack on the white male chauvinism, 
blacks attack on the soulessness of the white race, and sociological and 
movie stereotypes of men in general, the best you can say about the way 
blonde men are treated in Washington D.C. is that they are "nobody special" 
compared to the way blonde women are treated in Washington. In fact, the 
jealous animosity that other women have toward blonde women because they 
seem to get all the- attention , yet are suppose to be dumb, coupled with a 
Eastern brunette sense of superiority, carries over sometimes to dislike 
and cynicism for blonde in general . 

Pew non-dramatic things turn off women faster than stupidity (assume for a 
moment that a male's intelligence and manners are more significant 
variables in attractiveness and women are more sexually attractive because 
of their looks — if this is true than establishing a prejudice that some men 
are not so bright could be more devastating to these men's social life) 
however, in the Broadcast News story, in our sexually liberated era — Ms. 
Hots Hunter, despite her fickle sensitivity, intuition and demandingness 
about everything else, has an incredible and unwavering horniness for Mr. 
Blond — who is midwestern (Eastern ethnic heritage seems no small conceit 
in the Eastern media business) and opportunistic. 

We blondes are not stereotyped as 'passionate' like some minorities 
conceitly think of themselves ('passionate' evolved from the meaning 'to 
suffer'); we can't dance (according to Eddy Murphy and other blacks writers 
who go out of their way to promulgate positive stereotypic ideas about 
blacks but scream racism if you stereotype anything negative about ■ blacks ) ; 
we ain't got profound soul feelings (supposedly because certain" threatening 
ideas in our left brains dominate our right brain — but anybody with any 
brains know’s that repression of ideas includes those emotions associated 
with them from the limbic brain below both half brains, and, the problems 
with getting in "touch with your feelings," that so many minorities are 
expert in, has to do with certain animalistic 'feelings' and 'attitudes' 
being condemned by cultural 'attitudes' and 'mores' — and not 'logic' — id 
est, it's not a question of being too intellectual, like so many hip 
sociologists have suggested, but not being intellectual enough — but if you . 
don't have the brains to out-think pseudo-intellectual moralists and 
sociologists who condemn other pseudo-intellectuals you may feel a need to 
grab hold of some intellectualized notion that you're emotionally 
superior); we blondes are not associated with the fecund mysteries of 
blackness — rather just the shallow or superficial color white (oscillating 
from icy coldness to sunny heat with no shades of. grey) like heaven where 
nothing exciting or dramatic happens — but because we are white we don't 

"*■* ‘< 4 . 

have the right to complain of being discriminated against# particularly 
since the Nazis declared us the supreme race (yet most top Nazis weren't 
particularly Nordic or blonde# for example# Kurt Walheim's nose is not a 
Nordic classic anymore than was Hitler's). Nor are we blondes known as 
especially profound# artistic or brainy — like say a stereotype of Jews. In 
fact Gordon Allport# in his classic# the Nature of Prejudice # when 
discussing "Jews as Scapegoats" aggrandizes the stereotype of the 
intellectual Jew with such statements as: 

"Anti-Semitism arises because people are irritated by their own 
consciences. Jews are symbolically their superego. . .Jewish 
intellectualism calls to mind ones's own defects of ignorance and 
laziness. The Jews once more symbolize our conscience, against 
whose pricks we protest. "All of us" (my emphasis) feel relatively 
inferior in our intellectual attaintment. . . .when Jews on average 
make us conscious of our inferiority we feel a certain jealousy... 

Speak for yourself Gordon Allport. So what is it that makes all these 
supposedly hot Washingtonian women come after us walking surfboards like 
this movies suggest? 'Blonde* is a feminine ideal. It certainly can't be 
the middle class and homogenous consumer mentality we have by default of 
not being a specific racial or ethnic group with some special culture# set 
of values or ethos conceit to protect from being acculturated and 
attenuated by the American mainstream — for example, exemplified by that 
shallow little suburbian dream house dream that sweet dumb blond wanted in 
the Little Shop of Horrors movie where she eventually learned that the 
handsome# black-leathered sadist was not her type of nerdian wonderbread 
man. The conceit# of this satire of course# is that real "urbane" women 
need more than a sheltered suburbian lifestyle to keep their amygdala 
stimulated. Incidently# most inner-city blondes eventually learn if they 
want to "fit in" the mean streets of a city# they should dress in black, 
like a Dupont Circle punker# to exude a pessimistic sophistication of city 
life# where evil is just as# if not more# viable as good, and to avoid the 
rejection of being a preppy pastel of pretty yet petty privilege. Id est# 
you need to wear a symbol of getting your "hands dirty" with a little soul 
and/or deviancy and leave good looking GQ men to those, women who are 
satisfied with meat and potatoes — in another words nobody comes to 
Washington D.C., to find a blonde mate or goes out of their way to make a 
WASP male feel like he belongs. 

So if Jewish men are already stereotyped as more intelligent than the 
average male why do we need these movies that stereotype fair— haired WASP 
males as loosers? I mean you got your whole Jewish lobby connection here 
in Washington, and according to Tom Shales 's "A Hollywood Director Who 
Loves Washington" article in the Washington Post Magazine Jim Brooks is 
impressed with how many bright people are here (notice he didn't say 
anything about beautiful people). If you want to know what turns media 
uppies and Washington yuppies on read the "Demise of the Washington 
Hostess" in the same Washington Post Magazine issue as the one on Jim 
Brook's new movie. Sally Quinn informs laidback Washington about the 
glamorous past of our local 'cognoscenti' (whatever that means). Grand 
parties with people who had power# intelligence, social graces# breathe, 
width (no doubt), wit# and "people who could talk" (she didn't say anything 
about physical beauty). However# those whirlwind womanly wizards in the 
Washington world of Broadcast News were having more than a passing and 
passive fantasy about "bronze blondes." Give me a break. 

Animal ethologists know that if you put an attractive female in the 
presence of a male of many species the male's hormone levels change. If 
this is true for the male of our species (stretch your imagination) 
imagine what the average male reaction would be for males who have spent a 
fair amount of time and intensity studying nude anatomy in girly magazines/ 
where blonds are preponderant/ compared with the more reticent hormonal 
motivation of women. I as one fairly attractive blonde male who has lived 
in Washington D.C. for | | can vouch the sparsity of overt 

attention played to blonde men (but then again I don't have the money to 
socially hangout in swanky D.C.). "Too many" Washingtonian women/ it 
seems, need to be impressed with status. The first question you're asked 
is "What do you do?" like it's just some kind of conversation question 
(cause men like to talk about themselves of course)/ but what piece of 
information implies more about a person's financial status/ ambition/ 
intelligence/ and psychological makeup than career choice — assuming there 
was your choice? Certainly you have a right to this type of information/ 
because it provides, a reference point to understand someone/ but how 
presuming to make it question number one — nothing like quick elimination 
procedures. Or get an a Metro line in a pair of jeans on a working day and 
watch noses turn attention elsewhere. In New York City you wear a pair of 
jeans and you're not automatically looked down on but in this yuppy status 
and power city of Washington D.C./ you might as well go converse with a bag 
lady. Many Washingtonian women like men who have learned how to be a smart 
laboratory rat — who have learned to wear the same colored power suit and 
coat as the next guy — with some nicely colored noose around the neck that 
says "I'm a team player willing to subordinate myself to the organization 
for financial rewards (OH he looks so handsome in that suit!)." No offense 
to the human condition of having to survive in a complex world: men should 
wear what they feel comfortable in (even if it's redundant and doesn't 
reflect an artistist delicacy) especially since we have so many wonderful 
shopping centers in GS 12 town. 

Why doesn't some big movie producer make a real movie about social 
relations in Washington D.C.? Like how many attractive white women seem to 
enjoy so much attention is our multi-racial city? Like how woman want 
financial and political equality (in this so self-rightously vocal media 
city) but when it comes time to show a little social equality like asking a 
man to dance at a D.C. disco nothing happens. In the Dakota Night Club 
blonde women are always on the dance floor — but they don't have to ask 
anybody to dance. When the Oasis- Dance Club was Numbers it was not 
uncommon to see white women and black m.en make a big production out of 
stealing the show/ but a couple of years ago you never saw blonde women 
dating blonde men anywhere in the city — why bother when your long golden 
silky hair shines so much more brightely with a dark and glamorous fur — and 
besides the'view is so much more breath-taking when on a pedestal. Once a 
black man wanted to get into a fight because I inadvertantly stepped 
between him and an attractive blond woman when I was trying to get a drink 
at a bar — of course I was the red neck. Attractive inner-city white women 
don’t have to go out there way to meet men in Washington D.C. ; in fact/ 
more than a few of Washington's white women act spoiled. 

If we did a poll on the percentage of blonde homecoming queens compared to 
kings do you think it would be symmetrical? Or if we did a study on the 
number of blond male romance heros (women's soft porn) compared to the 
percentage of blond Playboy pin-ups do you think it would be equal? Then 
why all these movies about jerk WASPS (all WASPs), like in Broadcast News 
where poor little nerdy valedictorians get beat up (yet if the movie showed 



blacks doing the beating it would have been labeled racist) while growing 
up in the Ivy League playground of Boston — knowing that they'll make money 
when they get older?. And where was this boy's anxiety while giving his 
farewell speech forgiving his classmates for the discrimination he endured? 
In fact when Albert Brooks does manifest anxiety talking into the camera/ 
it's not in the usual form of speech incoherence like stammering/ 
stuttering or the like ' 1 that one would expect/ because that would to suggest 
inferiority in our word dominating 'where you're suppose to know how to 
talk' society — in which fluency and stanima of speech and mind is so 
powerful (as anyone whose conversation has been cut short because of mental 
confusion knows). Instead we have this midwestern bumpkin who can 
pronounce foreign names and places so beautifully but doesn't have the 
foggiest idea what he's talking about — how believable I The press ate it 
up. All James Brooks did was change the "dumb blond" woman into a 
man — apparently he didn't read Brownmiller — or he doesn't think many other 
people did — so I quote her again: 

America's cult of blondeness reached its zenith in the Forties and 
Fifties/ ironically at the moment in history when Nazi Germany and 
the cult of Aryan supremacy went down to defeat. The differences 
between the two sets of values are important to examine. Aryan 
supremacy had equated pale hair in both sexes with strength/ 
intelligence and superior racial stock/ whereas blondeness American 
style is a glittering prize that men seek in women but don't give 
two hoots about for themselves/ except of a small group within the 
homosexual community who trade on blonde hair as a way of appealing 
to other men. In the American tradition/ blondeness is not 
associated with strength or intelligence. On the contrary/ "dumb 
blonde" is practically one word on the lips of some people/ and her 
innocent vapidity and daffy humor is counterposed to the loud/ 
emotional intensity of know-it-all dark-haired women. (Even if the 
blonde is obviously smart and knowledgeable/ she is perceived as 
less threatening or over-bearing/ and therefore more acceptably 
feminine/ than her brunette sisters. There is no othe way to 
explain the disproportionate number of blondes who hold coveted 
jobs as correspondents and newscasters on network television.) 

So why wasn't there a movie about a 'dumb blonde' female newscaster? 

Because it's too cliche. Because it doesn't play to brunette women who 
feel alienated. Because the brunette man lusting after her would have 
appeared like a "stupet brunette.". Because they didn't want to do a movie 
that suggested that blonde men are ignored. Because it reinforces 
stereotypes in a more subtle an effective way. Because they knew they 
could get a way with it. And because Washington has a lot of brunettes 
that Jim Brooks wants to love. 





"Don't talk about religion 




of moderation and temperance." 

or politics or sex; 

let women be superior 

"Darryl you're really a friend 

I told a friend I have the blues 

nature will take care of the rest." 

thanks for your excellent advice 


and my aloneness has to end 

— the sublimeness of civility 


I have no lover that soothes me 

"Be positive and romantic 

can free reptilian vice." 

no salubrious girl friend. 

polite and debonair/ 


act like you’re superior stuff 

But I have never been easy 


My buddy says I come on too strong 

but don't put on the air." 

in my alienated seclusion 


and need a new conversation piece 

from know-it-all feminists 


my honest lasciviousness is wrong 

"Calculate your conversations 

or their scapegoating intrusion." 


I'm to talk about an innocent caprice. 

to insinuate a life style 

that hints of exotic pleasures 

"Their gynocentric politics 


He says: "Don't show your desires 

many o.“.]y dreamt of erstwhile." 

of always blaming the male 

or you've got a one track mind 

with 'his* labeling tactics 

talk about something innocent/ 

"But be true to yourself 

and 'her' sexiness to quell." 

trivial and light or refined." 

so as not to play the fool 

and talk only about the things 

Of course I needn't feel deviant 

"Like how feminism has helped you 

that you really would like to do." 

in our 'sexist* society 

be the new man you are today 

since 'pervert' refers to women 

rather than a chauvinist pig 

I said: "Yes Darryl you're right. 

to oppress 'their* sexuality." 

that wants everything his way." 

I'll tell you what I'll do 


I'll change something about myself: 

"But yes I'm elevating myself 

"Project you're loving and caring 

a new interest besides school." 

* from a*-, cynic and libertine 

nurturing and quite sensitive 

by starting this endeavor 

so as to allay common suspicions 

"I'll start a new hobby 

that is therapeutic and clean." 

that lust is your singular motive." 

that I can share with others 

something to entice a woman 

I'm becoming more mature 

"Don't talk about yourself 

I know! I'll collect feathers! 1" 

not to see only physically 



or intellectualize to death 

— not just an exquisite rump 

step beyond egotism 

"Then I can tell ladies 

to incite my curiosity." 


and abstractions that wearieth." 

about my feather collection; 

a topic light and gay enough 

"No more worshipping legs 

"Don't complain or argue 

— merely a fancy of confection." 

that I crave to adore 

you know how. angry you can be 

by licking the very spots 

talk about delightful things 

* "It would be excitingly cheerful 

I would have kissed just before." 

and don't criticize so heavily." 

to collect rapturous feathers 


to learn the ornithology 

"No more lolling my lips 

"Talk about 'safe' things 

of all climates and weathers." 

at pretty ladies' front mounds 

not 'iconoclastic' opinion 

no more priapic outbursts 

nice^and servile things 

"It is much a gentleman's goal: 

hallucinating night gowns." 

just a tad of toadyism." 

rather noble enlightenment/ 

v . 

to share one's enthusiasm 

"No more overt remarks 


"Show more civility 

and appreciative refinement." 

like a lecherous kind of wish 


not a wild one man show 

I'll tease only with feathers 

you know intimacy takes time 

"I'll inhibit conversation 

those fantasies I'll swish." 


keep your emotions in control." 

of sexual seedy sensation 


and cultivate tactfulness 

"Adolescent day dreams 

"You sometimes act too disturbed 

within the norms of convention." 

should be kept to oneself 

for those of upward mobility 

around ladies of good breeding 

sure they .honor individualism 

"No crude .crass masculinity 

I'll be me: an elf." 

they're afraid of instability." 

or induendos of prurient interests 



I'll convert over to the elegance 

No discussions' of warm car oil 

or sensual engine grease 
I'll intercourse proper ladies 
ray pleasure to .please*" 

"Not the action of a pumping piston 
or a vector in hyper direction: 
just blissfully sipping tea 
with subtle delectation." 

"Tea on a hot afternoon 
fanning a breeze for a chill. 

'Did you hear about my coverts 
just to graze them can thrill?' " 

"Well come on over here 
don't they all look marvelous? 

Just lounge out right there 
and relax from all stress." 

"Variety of wonders 
beauties all mine to keep 
my bedroom so ravishing 
oh how can I sleep?" 

"Feathers of all textures! 

Colors in every splay! 

How delicious nature is 
delighting in such array!" 

"This one is particularly soft 
see how pleasant it can feel 
it comes from Mozambique 
that one comes from Brazil?" 

"I'm looking for a tender friend 
to partake in my interest 
who's excited by lingerings 
and flirting the frivolous." 

"Or if you access to a pinion 
to augment my collection 
.I'd appreciate very much 
any donation's sensation." 

"I'm writing friends of the zoo 
to search both far and wide 
I want my collection to appeal 
thus to stimulate wide-eyed." 

"I hope my veterinary friends 
will keep their eyes to the ground 
maybe they'll find a treasure 
to make a curator's heart pound." 

"This is the best therapy 
to have this life time goal! 

Birds of every feather 
and promiscuity to extol!" 

"No it's not a fetish 
and Liberace it may seem 
but he wore his dainty stuff 
and lived his quean dream." 

"Yes I may seem more fastidious 
with tingling feathers about 
to tickle a lady's fancies 
and tongue in cheek throughout." 

"My feather tips are a means 
to arrouse or create 
a feeling of awe: 
an emotional lubricate." 

"There's liquidity of softness 
in the tendrils of a plume 
that tantalizes one's soul 
and will burn to consume." 

i'By teasing I can sense 
you're drenching in heat 
lift your tail up a bit 
we'll deplume from your seat." 

"And to appreciate nature anew 
I'll court my feathers gently 
like the delicacy of a new friend 
I'll brush her deferentially." 

"Electric conductivity 
your body to carress 
elaborate sensitivity 
such beauty lG possess." 


"Like a symphonic concerto 
or songbird warbling away 
with frenulum distended 
makes sweetest chords to play." 

"I'm glad you're so desirous 
to share these passions with me 
like birds of a feather we'll fly 
to new heights effortlessly." 

"Now imagine us young fledglings 
and spread your bare limbs wide 

we'll lose our fear of flight 
as we ease in throttle glide." 

"Like ice skating enraptures 
stroking in smooth fluent flow 
feeling gone with the wind 
and swept out of control." 

"We'll venture as high a kite 
and never leave the ground 
we'll 3wim in seas of sibilants 
and sail the sweetest sound." 

"We'll rise and dive in waves 
through oceanic sky 
and shimmer to a glistening glow 
like frenzied sun so high." 

"We'll fly fantasies' flights 
and flourish in our love 
that feathers have such faculty 
from providence above." 

"Or race along the beach 
while burning fuel to beat 
passion's compulsive acts 
or threshold lost to heat." 

"And sea gulls on the shore 
will gaze or gawk at us 
as we glut into a flooding tide 
resurging waves that thrust." 

"We're riding rushing waves 
in a cataclysmic sea 
we're crying ecstatic calls 
like creatures wild and free." 

"Jonathon Livingstone Seagull 
like gracility was meant to be 
with wings so lightly potent 
as miracles from the sea." 

"And so algae may* have its slime 
and lust may have its dirt 
but there's everything natural about 
the need to seduce»-and flirt." 

"And you feel so wonderful 
and lijce feathers we are free . 
deriving pleasure from simple things 
makes the child in all healthy." 1 ' ‘ 




PD-302 (Rev. 3-10-82) 

- 1 - 

Date of transcription 5/31/90 

Attached are transcripts of tape recordings received at 
the Washington Post Newspaper in Washington, D . C . , which threaten 
the life of Executive Editor l I The tapes were 

received on May 23, 1990, by a reporter for the Washington Post . 

Investigation on 5/23/90 at 


Washington, D.C. pile# 9A-WF-168077-'>2s> 

JMM: lrh Date dictated 5/30/90 



This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned 
to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 

Tape #1 


Unknown Subject (UNSUB) 

The following is a transcript of a telephone call 
threat on the life of the Executive Editor of the Washington Post 
Newspaper by an unknown male subject. 


Pear l I May 6th, Sunday afternoon. I'm not 

feeling very good today. I have no idea what you think 
of me. Whether you listen to my tape cassettes. 

Whether you get 'em, that you do with 'em, whether you 
pass them on like I asked you to, I'm feeling very 
discontent, helpless, powerless. Last weekend I was in 
a (UI) County Psychiatric Ward for four days because 
uh, on Thursday I was gonna rob a veterinary clinic for 
some uh, euthanasis solution. So I went and hung around 
a veterinary clinic. First I went into a McDonald's and 
then I uh, had a hamburger, coke, and I took the uh, 
coke paper cup, twisted it up so it was uh, like a 
stick, tried to form it, form it to look like a gun, 
not to look like a gun, but have the structure of a 
gun, and I put it inside of a Burger King bag. I walked 
into the uh, . veterinary clinic. I asked the 
receptionist if I could speak to a, a veterinarian. She 
told me they wasn't in. And since I didn't think she 
had access to the pharmaceuticals, I said I'd come 
back. And then as I was walking away, I started 
thinking maybe she did have access or one of the aides 
did, so I was gonna go back and rob her. But there was 
too much traffic going in and out of the veterinary 
clinic, people taking in their pets and picking up 
their pets, too many people stopping off the bus, 
waiting for the bus to get on. I hung around the Uh, 
veterinary clinic for about an hour and a half, losing 
my will, 'cause I'm not a common criminal, I don't hold 
people up. Finally I gave up on the idea, because I 
wasn't feeling very good, I went to leave off a bunch 
of papers that I had originally passed out at your 
place, I mean, the Washington Post. And I told, I put 
a note on the, actually I gave it to set to the 
Minneapolis Tribune, Star and Tribune telling 'em why I 
killed myself, 'cause that's what I expected to do. 

But then I annotated the end of the letter saying that 
I went to the psychiatrist. I told the psychiatrist 
what I was gonna do. He put me in the ward for the 
weekend. I was let out on Monday, 'cause they didn't 
think I belonged there. I'm supposed to see a 
psychologist tomorrow, outpatient clinic. Last night I 
didnjt feel well. I'm felt depressed and obsessed with 
killing people. I keep thinking about killing Ben 
Bradley. This is not a threat. I'm just telling you 




what I think about. I have fantasies of murdering 
everybody that works at the Washington Post, 'cause I 
hate you people, 'cause I think you people are cruel. 

I don't wanta get well. And I hate being discontent. I 
don't wanta give life another opportunity. I don't 
know what you think. I wonder if you scoff at my 
communications. I wonder if you take pleasure in 
seeing me suffer, like aristocrats. I wonder if you 
hate me, or hate my ideas. I was gonna call you up and 
ask you what you did with the descent, but I was afraid 
you were gonna hang up on me or say something nasty. So 
I didn't. (long pause) I can't concentrate. Yesterday 
I was reading a book on telecommunications for library 
management and I couldn't concentrate on it, 'cause I 
keep thinking about my own discontentment, my anger. I 
started a book by uh, uh, old black (UI) Oscar Wilde. I 
mean, the name of the book Dorian Gray, the picture 
Dorian Gray and I didn't finish it, 'cause I couldn't, 

I can't escape, I can't escape into a book. I smoked a 
whole pack of cigarettes yesterday, and I've only been 
smoking for two weeks. Makes me feel like shit. And I 
do it, 'cause I'm so impulsive. Every day I tell myself 
IJm not gonna smoke, I smoke. I have no money, or 
little money and I spend it on alcohol. I don't get 
drunk but I have enough to make me feel like I've had 
some. I'm afraid to buy a pint because I'm afraid I'll 
drink the whole thing at one time, (long pause) It's a 
nice day outside today, except it's a little windy, 
(pause) I was diagnosed as not being able to work 
'cause I'm uh, I'm not adjusted, I'm depressed, I have 
suicidal ideational psychosis, (pause) I called the 
Washington Post yesterday and asked for the newsroom 
last night, 'cause I wanted to leave a message for 
Bradley, telling him that I thought your editorial 
staff was composed of a bunch of cruel cowards. 

(pause) I left the letter to the editor of the Star and 
Tribune yesterday, telling him I wanted to deal with, 
them to deal with three issues. White female social 
supremacy, reverse racism and (UI) young men. I have no 
faith whatsoever that they're gonna do anything about 
it. I expect them to ignore, ignore me like they, like 
you people ignored me. (pause) I envy blonde women, 
because they get a lot of attention and I don't any 
attention. All my life I've felt desperate, desperate, 
(he's crying) But I know something, I know I can affect 
you, I know you ; 're not immune, you're not immune to the 
way I feel. You're sensitive, like everybody is. You 
were created with a capacity to empa. . .empathize, 
sympathize. That's one of uh, evolutions devices. I 
hate being bothered, but thinking about the same (UI) , 

I hate people ignoring me. (very long pause) The 
reason I uh, keep sending you cassettes is because I 
don't know of a better way to have any influence and 
what I might be doing is totally futile, because I 


don't know what you're doing. I feel like an outsider 
that has no influence, (banging noise) I want you to 
help me. My anger and frustration is hurting myself. 
I'm hurting myself, I have so much anger and 
frustration locked up inside of me. It bothers me when 
I look at a People Magazine and it says uh, fifty, 
fifty-one beautiful people in the world and I look 
through it and like every goddamn magazine, it's about 
people or about uh, movie stars. There's six times as 
many blonde women in there as there are blond men. And 
it's sexist, for our society make it so easy for blonde 
women to become actresses and movie stars and whatever 
and not give the same opportunity to blond men. For a 
long time, Hollywood has promoted blonde women at an 
enormously fate than they have blond men. Who do they 
have in this magazine? Same old fucking Robert Redford 
they've had in there for how many goddamn decades. And 
some priest. And you can look, you can look at any uh, 
photo album of Hollywood movie stars you wanta read it, 
you know, in the past, there was a helluva lot more 
blonde women in those, they were movie stars and they 
blond men. Until recently there was only Redford. I 
sent a lotta letters to uh, magazines that criticize 
movies. Talking about (UI) they were more blonds in 
movies. I don't know if I had any influence or not, but 
most of the male movie stars are brunette. They had to 
go to Crocodile Dundee, or whatever the hell his name 
is, came along, but anyhow they didn't have very many 
blond movie starts, then they started having Southern 
women, I don*'t know who else, I don't keep track, but, 
you know, it's not fair. Blond is a sexist issue to me. 
(banging) And I've talked to other blonde women in 
Minneapolis and they feel like there's a prejudice 
against blondes. It's not just me. Why doesn't the 
press deal with it? (pause) You know, I, I'll tell you 
this issue. I'm tired of being bothered by him. I'm 
tired of being angry. I don't like to be this way. 
(pause) I don't wanta be somebody like Gloria Steiner, 
angry at the world, angry at the opposite sex. (sounds 
like an airplane going overhead) You know. I don't 
wanta deal with these issues any more. At the same 
time, I don't want 'em to be ignored. If I just let it 
go then the newspaper wins. All the fucking trouble I 
went through to try to win. The newspaper wins. I don't 
just give you more motivation, they ignore somebody 
else that comes along and takes up the same issued, 
'cause you beat me. And if you can beat me, you can 
beat a lotta people. I don't want you to have that 
opportunity. I don't want your newspaper to have that 
opportunity, you donjt deserve it. I don't want you to 
win, not without paying a price. I want your newspaper 
to pay some pri... price, (another airplane going 
overhead) I'm stuck in a dilemma and I can't do 
anything, (takes a deep breath) (pause) Uh, are you 


* » ^ 

gonna ignore me? (pause) Are you gonna ignore me like 
so many people have? It wouldn't surprise me. I don't 
wanta be locked up in a psychiatric hospital, (pause) 
It's no fun at all, 'cause people are bad off. Why has 
it been so hard for me? (sighs) Why, why has Ben 
Bradley continues, continued, why has Bradley 
continually ignored me? Why hasn't he done anything to 
give my points of view across. Doesn't he feel that 
he's ultimately responsible for ethical behavior of 
people underneath him? This is a nightmare to me. It 
is. I have no idea what kinda politics is going on. I 
have no idea who in your organization would step on me 
if the y had the oppor tunity. . .I'm talking about my 
ideas. | \ the reason I communicate with you 

is because I know you're independent. Your soul's not 
bought. I know you'll do what you wanta do. And I also 
know you're one of the most influential females writers 
in the Washington Post. I know you could be a powerful 
ally if you wanted to. Why do you people keep him on 
then? Now you coulda called me up any time you wanted 
to. You coulda got my telephone number, you coulda 
gotten my full address if you wanted it. Anybody, 
anybody that- works in the (UI) they can cut out. But 
you don't. But you knew I'd get on his ass. And I 
wish I did mhke sense. I'm sick, I know I'm sick. I am 
gonna go see the psychologist tomorrow. I'm gonna ask 
for a prescription. I'm gonna ask for uh, drug 
treatment, but my problems are not gonna go away, not 
as long as the press ignores me. It'll always bother 
me. (pause) I don't wanta keep trying to embarrass the 
Washington Post. I don’t know what to do. I want 
somebody to help me. (pause) It's not a funny joke. 
It's a sad story. And I hate it. I hate being where I 
am because there's nowhere I really wanta go. I feel 
defeated. I know (UI) wanted to. You can damage me. 

You can make me out to be notorious, if you people kept 
my papers, you have a lot of information about me. I'm 
a product of this society. That means something, that 
means in some way how I feel, how I think has to do 
with how I interact with society. Society at large, no 
matter what is meant by that term, even if it's only an 
abstraction, is somewhat responsible for who I am, how 
I feel, how I behave. I'm not ah island, not to 
myself, I did not create myself. I would think your 
newspaper would feel somewhat responsible for analyzing 
the situation and taking some kind of responsible 
measure. Whafc the hell is going on? What the hell's 
going on over there? I don't know how to end this 
conversation because I never planned it. I don't have 
any fantastic closing, (pause) I don't have a so long. 
I know it's getting old. So you have the capacity to 
not care. So maybe by your capacity you haven't 
mentioned. . .maybe that's the skill. Maybe it's 
survival. I don't know. I don't know anymore. I don't 


know. I don't know how to shape my life. I don't know 
how to shape my style. I don't know how to close myself 
off. I don't know how to stop being who I am. But I 
don't like what I am. I don't like being mal-adjusted. 
(music comes on) 

9A— WF-168077 
Tape #2 

The following is a telephone call threat on the life of 
the Executive Editor of the Washington Post Newspaper by an 
unknown subject. 

Unknown Subject (UNSUB) 

UNSUB: Dear I I I'm sorry that I'm sending you 

another tape. Uhm, I really meant to send only two, uh, 
however, this morning, and Sunday morning as I sat 
outside in front of the house, watching people go to 
church, I had a, a sort of a uh, need, a need to amuse 
myself, so I am, I thought about uh sending one more 
message and I guess the reason I'm still using you as 
an avenue is because you haven't given me a fuckoff 
yet. Uhm, you know I don't like to abuse uh, people, 
people's privacy and I don't like to uh, take advantage 
of social avenues, but uh, I don't know, I'm just uh, 
I'm doing it again. What can I say? So anyway, uh, we 
finally got Spring here in Minnesota. It's been a nice 
weekend and uh, uh, I thought it was kinda of 
interesting how I uh, delineated that the uh, the 
meaning of angel meant messenger. I often like to study 
etamology and I like to tell people about it, 'cause 
it, to me it's fun, and word study is fun. But uh, 
musing on that I, I started thinking about uhm, not 
just angels but archangels and I spent a little time at 
the library this week (giggles) trying to get a little 
bit more information about the archangels and the 
mythology of uh, what went on as far as uh. Western 
mythology in uh, a great war or whatever that happens 
supposedly in heaven and I wanted to uh, amuse myself 
my sharing with uh, Mr. Ben Bradley and his co-horts a 
question of why uh, the Washington Post being the great 
political newspaper that is to say, doing all the 
political analysis of all the events uh, that affect 
Washington, D.C., uh, why has not there been a 
political analysis on, on the, the uh, events, the 
mythological events that have taken place uh, that uh, 
affect how people view reality in regards to the, the 
dieties, or dieties that uh, diety that uh, uh, has 
supposedly control over people and events. What I'm 
asking is, according to the mythology, uh, religious 
mythology of Christianity, which is the predominent 
religion in this country, uhm, there's a a attitude 
supposedly shared by the uh, scriptural verses that 
uhm, God is powerful. Not only is he powerful, he's 
the, he's the almighty creator, he has ultimate power. 
He's what we would call omnipotent. This being a fact 
as far as the statement and attitude of religion uh, 
that power's been addressed and uh, realized certainly 

there can be a political analysis done on such an 
scenario because any time you talking about power, 
you're talking about uh, you have the right to do a 
political analysis. So uh, why isn't there any... ever 
been done a political analysis on the events that took 
place before Lucifer was kicked out of, out of heaven, 
supposedly kicked out of heaven and what significance 
does that have uh, to do with people's belief systems 
uh, here on earth? I mean, why not a political analysis 
of the events that took place in heaven with the arch- 
angels? The archangels obviously were the principal or 
arch angels, they were the commanders if you look at it 
like a hierarchy, they were the uh, chief angels right 
underneath the Master and uh, as I stated earlier 
angels generally are messengers, which you can 
interpret as the perfect organizational man, someone 
that is the managers being the communicators up and 
down the chain of command. But there were, there was 
at least one archangels that uh, had a will of his own, 
uh, as being known as Lucifer and uh, what we, what we 
were told was uh, this archangel uh, committed a wrong 
and was ostracized from the uh, the society up there. 
And uh, but I think we need to take a little further 
look at just what might else have happened. What other 
explanation can we give, can we think about as a 
possibility in a political sense of what might have 
happened. I'm only doing this, Mr. Bradley, for two 
reasons. Number one, I'm amusing myself, and secondly, 
you're the guy looking for the holy shit story. 
According to the Washingtonian Magazine a couple weeks 
ago, or a couple years ago. And uh, so we have to ask 
ourself what in fact, what in fact was Lucifer's crime? 
He didn't kill anybody. He didn't commit a crime on 
quote, unquote, a common criminal crime, rather a 
political crime. . .insurrection or rebelliousness. Uh, 
and then ostracized and as many of us think, put in a 
prison system. Uhm, (UI) there's probably different 
interpretations of what happened, but his crime was 
more or less a political one, office politics if you 
want, whatever you wanta call it. And if we do a 
political analysis of the situation, what we're talking 
about is a non-democratic situation, that is to say, 
uh, you don't get to vote in your, your, your leader, 
according to the Bible, you don't get to vote in your 
leader. You're dealing with an autocracy, you either 
take it or you suffer the consequences. Even if it's a 
benign autocracy, it is still autocracy, it is not a 
democracy, you don't get to vote in your God in heaven. 
Secondly, according to what happened, what happens is 
if you don't believe in that government, you're put in 
a prison system, called Hell or Hades. Now I'm just 
talking about it as in mythology. I don't really 
believe it as reality. But I think somewhere along the 
line, it might not be such a bad idea to do a political 

analysis on what Americans mean, believe uh, as a form 
of govern. . .governance they want in uh, in eter...for 
eternity. Because if all you Washingtonians are uh, 
criticizing Russia or the old Russia for uh, 
imprisoning uh, uh, people that speak out against a 
government here on earth, and we're always doing a... I 
don't know how many upteen political analysis of Russia 
on planet earth, then why, why there not be the real 
equality and say hey, what about political analysis of 
the mythology that people about heaven and their God? 
Yeah, I know. I wouldn't do it either, Mr. Bradley. I 
wouldn't, I wouldn't publish an article like that, 
'cause you'd have all hell broke loose right here in, 
right in USA. You know, 'cause I remember back not long 
ago when that movie came out about Jesus Christ and 
there was a lotta people set dead against it because it 
portrays Jesus as being more of a man and less of a 
diety than people wanted to believe in. And the 
articles that came out in the Post, if I remember 
correctly, were more or less uh, sort of uh, what we 
call apologetic for the movie. In other words, you were 
again uh, as so often is the case, uh, taking issue 
with the rightist because there were no real leftists, 
uh, intellectuals that had any counter arguments. I 
mean, a lot of people unconsciously or consciously 
believe and if you think about the characteristics, 
even if it's delusional, if you think about the 
characteristic _ (UI) pacificism, doesn't wanta fight 
back uh, delusions of grandeur and uh, and persecution 
which we would attribute to the schizophrenia or 
something like that, uh, there more or less unmanly 
characteristics often it seems that uh, in some ways it 
seems that for the psychological portray in the 
scriptures, whether they're true or not or whether my 
interpretation is correct is not, Jesus was the 
ultimate conformist, leading his sheep to the 
slaughter, whatever you wanta call it, too often the, 
the uh, symboly is one of being a sheep, following the 
flock. And even Christians are consciously feel 
uncomfortable about that type of psychological uh, uh, 
hum, psychological health or unhealth, whatever you 
wanta call it, so they wanta believe that he was a man, 
that he was masculine, that he has manly thoughts, so 
it isn't, it isn't that hard for a lotta Christians to 
believe in the movie, 'cause they wanta believe that 
Jesus was a fighter, he was a thinker, he was a rebel . 
You know, you can interpret, you ; can interpret what 
really happened, I mean, you, you know, there probably 
was a Jesus., I don't know. I'm a naturalist, I believe 
in evolution. But maybe Jesus was a lot different than 
people portray him. Maybe he was a radical or rebel or 
took on the political structure at the time, uh, and 
uh, the psychological attributes were completely 
changed as he became a diety through uh, religions. I 


mean, if you think about it, what were, what were the 
characteristic of, the characteristics of uh, of uh, 
Lucifer? Now if you look at the word Lucifer, the word 
Luci, plus fera, which means carrying light, he was, he 
was, he was a very, very bright angel or archangel or 
whatever. You know. (UI) these characteristics of 
Lucifer, the devil, whatever you wanta call him besides 
deceitfulness which we all more or less define as one 
of his attributes or pride, he was a, he had a lotta 
pride, he was rebellious and he was independent. He was 
an _ independent thinker. Well, we all... we in America in 
this great democracy where we like to believe in uh, 
conflicting paradoxical things also like to believe 
that the American hero has uh, those characteristics, 
uh, not deceitfulness, but rebelliousness, uh, 
independence of thinking uh, uh, pride. In some ways 
we believe in those attributes, not to the total 
because uh, for the healthy personality to exist, you 
have to have a combination of uniformity, plus 
independence of thinking, and you have to have pride, 
but you also have the defferance. You have to have, 
you have to have moderation in all things or most 
things. And also Lucifer, the devil or whatever, was 
the great, he was often he's portrayed as uh, having 
hoofs and uh, horns... comes across like the Greek 
mythology Pah, the great saytr, sader, saytr, I don't 
know how to say it. Urn, the uh, creature that enjoyed 
sensual uh, experiences and often sexual orgies and uh, 
events related to uh, sensualism and sexuality. And 
uhm, (UI) the... a lotta of religious rigidies uh 
condemn uhm, sexual and sensual delight. It was wrong 
and alienates people from their own sense of enjoyment. 
Uh, one of the very few times that I've watched TV in 
the last couple of months, I happened to be in 
somebody's room that was uh, listening to a debate 
about whether drugs should be legalized. Uh, William 
Buckley versus one of the great writers, what the 
actual legal situation should be in regards to uh, drug 
abuse today. And I found, I found it very amusing, Mr. 
Bradley, because my personal believe is that people 
have to get high in some way. They have to reach a 
state of uh, mania, delirium, excitements. There's a 
natural propensity to get high, in fact, uh, it was 
about a year; ago, two years ago, « it was about a year 
go, I remember reading in a Sunday paper of your, the 
Washington Post, an article from the psychoformilogical 
perspective Of the experiences that were done on 
animals, more or less giving uh the conclusion that uh, 
given the opportunity, animals of different species 
will in fact indulge in getting high, whether in fact 
it is eh, healthy for their uhm, their organism at the 
time and there were experiments done on all kinds of 
species, bees, elephants, whatever. And the conclusion 
was that all animals have a tendency to get high. I 





tend to believe that. I tend to believe that people 
need a way of getting high and there are different 
avenues to take, but our culture often frustrates the 
healthy ways of getting high, limiting the number of 
getting of high to ways that are involved in taking 
drugs. So what we really need in this culture is not a 
fucking debate on uh, whether we should legalized 
drugs, but whether we should allow people to feel good 
about getting high in natural ways. For example, one 
way of getting high is uh, by using your intelligence. 
You toiow, I believe that intelligence, you know, the 
ability to be intelligent, the ability to indulge in 
studying, engaging one's brain, is in fact, a form of 
uh, getting high. You know, it sorta, it's sorta like 
the genius who does what he does because he has to, 
rather than because he has a talent that people want 
him to practice, you know. There are methodologies 
reading methodologies if people can learn to increase 
their capacity to engage in getting high on their 
intelligence, getting high on study, this culture 
doesnjt uh, it doesn't uh, it doesn't support this 
activity, because there's too many wrong attitudes in 
our culture that frustrates thinking, independent 
thinking, rather than uh, supports it. The people are 
afraid of independent thinking. Let me just, let me 
just throw a couple attitudes at you. Today when people 
think of uh, uh, discipline, you know, some attributed 
that they need to study, they, they think of uh, it, it 
being a syn. . .syn. . .synonym of will-power. Discipline 
doesn't have jack shit to do with will-power. If you 
look at the word discipline, it comes from the idea of 
a disciple, it comes from the same meaning as 
discernment. I assume you're looking at your 
dictionary right now. The idea had to do with see 
into, it had to do with enlightenment, being able to 
discern and had jack shit to do with uh, will-power. 
Today when people think of discipline, they think of a, 
a fucking straightjacket, gonna force themselves to do 
something, it's a wrong attitr. . i attitude that people 
have in our society. Let's inspect the work uh, study. 
If you look at uh, the old Latin* meaning of the word, 
study, stodera. . .what did it mean? Did he mean uh, 
something you forced yourself to do? No, it meant 
excitement, zealousness, getting .high, but people don't 
think of the word study like that today. People don't 
equate getting high on their fucking intelligence, 
because there'stoo many frustrations (UI) that go on. 
And one of 'em is speed reading. People are given too 
much to read and not enough time to do it. It 
frustrates the thinking processes. Also, I'm gonna, 

I'm gonna give you a, a, a little uh, scenario here. 
Imagine if teachers in our culture really uh, supported 
intellectual endeavor in the sense of I could go into a 
classroom and I could ask as many questions as I felt 

necessary to really understand what I'm trying to 
learn, and I, I, I learn this attribute of asking 
questions and getting information that was viable so I 
really understood things, and then you put me out in 
the work situation, and I walk into a work situation, 
and I start asking all these questions about my job, 
and how it relates to all these other jobs and you 
know, asking questions about decisions that are being 
made above me, hey, you wanta talk about pandemonium, 
you wanta talk about upsetting the fucking culture, 
you'll be kicked outa that organization so goddamn 
fast, you won't now what, which way your head's 
turning, because most jobs in our culture don't want 
people that ask a lotta questions. They don't really 
want people that understand a lot. They just want 
people to do their job, just shut their fucking mouth 
and do their job, even if it's not explained well. I'm 
sorry if you disagree with me, man, but it's true. 
People want angels, they don't want archangels in our 
culture. The job situation doesn't support that. 
Imagine if we had kids that went around asking 
questions, you know, you know the first organizations 
you'd upset in this country, the institutions of 
learning. There is so much dead. weight so much 
conformity, so much uh, non-seripus thinking going on 
and institutions of higher learning, you'd have major 
havoc, particularly with the social sciences. Another 
way of getting high is by getting homy, by feeling 
lust and I've already brought this issue up, that lust 
is supposed to be. . .supposedly a feeling, I mean, if 
you ask any normal person whether in fact they have any 
feelings when they get homy, I'm sure you'll get a 
definitive of yes, most of the time, and yet the social 
sciences don't discuss lust as a feeling. Try taking 
on that issue. I mean, isn't that more or less a 
querlary to the rebelliousness that you encountered 
with that Jesus movie? See how much uh, how easily you 
can upset people that don't wanta believe it's a 
healthy feeling. I mean, there area ton of sexual 
issues that are not addressed in this society. You 
know. How can people feel good about themselves if 
they're alienated from their own animalistic instincts 
because many people in our society don't wanta admit to 
themselves that they're animals. They don't wanta see 
themselves of the. . .how much animality is involved in 
their sense of well-being, that they, they feel the 
need to uh, hum, deny that about themselves, and yet 
leave a feeling that whether the feeling of wanting to 
have sexual pleasure is always there, the animal 
reality if always there. And yet they can't feel good 
about it, because they haven't come t o terms with it. 
You know, I mean, get any opportunity, ! I would you 

like to drink, would you like to engage in sexuality? I 
mean, there is no question what I would wanta do. I 




love sex. I worship sex. Women's bodies. I love 
women's bodies. I do. I adore them. I get high when I 
think about sex. It's a state of delirium, a state of 
mania, and I never programmed myself to be like that. 
Evolution did. And I have to deal with it. I have to 
deal with that sociobiological programmer, you know, 
the feeling of lust, and yet I live in a society that 
doesn't appreciate it, that doesn't accept it. Oh, you 
say uh, that uh, you just gotta deal with the right 
people. Bullshit, man. It's still looked down upon. 

And it's not a healthy act, there's not a healthy 
feeling about the fact that man often are looking for 
one thing to get laid, it's true, but why can't there 
be a tolerance about it. I mean, the feminist 
movement, as far as I'm concerned, has never taught 
women to have a sense of tolerance about the way men 
really are. Rather there's an intolerance, there's a, 
there's a hatred of men, you know. I mean, so what if 
that's what I like to, that's the way I am. Why can't I 
be accepted on my animalistic, as an animal, as well as 
a human. I don't like, you know, that, the humanism 
that doesn't, that denies my animality, you know. Why 
should I be treated like dirt because I happen to have 
sexual needs that seem imminent to me, that I wanta 
meet. I can't go out in society and talk about my 
feelings, because society doesn't even recognize my 
lust as a feeling. And why can't I talk about my 
issues? You know, we've, we've talked about feminist 
issues for a long time. I'm not just saying that men 
are like that, but uh, men are more promiscuous than 
women are. That I believe, whether it's a fact or not. 
(clears throat) And why can't I feel good about walking 
up to a brown and telling her what I really wanta do, 
you know, tell her, God, I love you, I love the way you 
look. I can't because there's no way you can predict 
what women are gonna, how women are gonna react, they 
have been give xn, they have been given the opportunity 
to react in any fucking way they want. They could take 
any _ arbitrary fucking way they want and they consider 
their, their feelings right. But their, in fact, their 
reaction to my needs of me pursuing to my needs, my, my 
feelings are secondary. Theirs are primary. You know, 
(pause) I mean, I hate just as much as anybody else 
being a sexual creature, you know, in this society. I 
mean, it's probably a lot fucking easier to be an 
eunuch, you know. Just outa curiousity, I mean all of 
the, all the f books about sexuality, you know, why isn't 
anybody talking about sexual frustration? You know. 

Uh, not getting their sexual needs in that, why isn't 
anybody talking openly about that? Why isn't that an 
issue? I think it's an issue, man. It's an issue for 
me, man, I tell how much sexual frustration I've had in 
my life, you know. I mean, sex is the essence of life. 
In any, almost any way you wanta look at it, it is. I 



mean, you're ; bom because of sexual behavior. You're 
bom into this world. You're programmed, whether, most 
people are, whether they want it or not, to uh, pursue 
sexual indulgence, so that procreation can take place. 
It's not their choice. I never chose to have hormones. 
You know. And yet I'm condemned for it. And I'm 
supposed to be happy, you know, I mean, women aren't 
honest. You know, all, I'm still playing fucking 
games. I mean, to me that's what it is, it's like I 
can't be honest, and what really, really pisses me off 
is uh, white males are, are blamed for every, seemingly 
every fucking uh, downfall, every bad thing about our 
society, the white male gets blamed for it. I mean, 
there's a book oh, I don't remember who it's by, I left 
all my books down in Norfolk, 'cause I ran outa money, 
except my dictionary collection, but there's a book 
about uh, uh, whites versus blacks. I don't remember 
who it's by, I think it's Kaufman, two different 
cultures on conflict or something and this guy's, this 
white socialistic is interviewing all these blacks 
about their attitudes and it clearly states that black 
males uh, they blame uh, the sexual rigidity in our 
society on white males trying to control women, you 
know, that in fact uh, the white, black males are the 
good guys because they have less rigid attitudes about 
sexual behavior, you know. And feminists did it. Blacks 
did it, almost every minority, man, wants to have a 
fucking a complaint, eyes the white males he blames. 
Hey, I didn't fucking invent uh, sexual rigidity. 
Condemning attitudes. White males as even if you think 
of it as an institution then, males are just, are 
promiscuous. I mean, when, when religions lost its grip 
on uh, controlling sexual behavior, feminists took over 
and they started condemning uh, sexual be... 
promiscuity. Women did. And yet uh, the black males, 
they go around like uh, they're the good guys and the 
white, the white guys are the bad guys. I mean, you can 
read so much bullshit in black studies books about how 
fucking uh, uh, you know, how righteous the blacks' 
attitudes are. You know, about uh, uh, their 
psychological uh, differences and attitudes in uh, in 
uh, our culture, you taiow. You know and what, and what 
I find is so'’ interesting, you know, you know, being 
white is a, you know, I'm supposed to have this 
attitude about I wanta walk around heaven with a 
fucking whits garments on, you know, like some blond 
angel. You know, my attitude about heaven is... I mean, 
nobody's ever, ever convinced there's anything 
interesting, any reason to wanta go heaven. I mean, at 
most it seems to be nothing more than an eternal uh, 
old folks home. And what do they do, just sit around 
and sing songs and meet God and Jesus over and over 
again. What do they do? I mean, what, what kind of 
excitement do they do? It's a bland place to me, you 



know. It doesn't turn me on. And then the bad, the 
angel of darkness, you know, the stereo type of black, 
at least, at .least uh, that, that uh, guy, deviant or 
whatever gets to indulge fun, you know, anarchy, you 
know. But I gotta play the fucking angel because I'm a 
blond, you know, isn't that a joke. You know, there's 
no, there's no uh, nobody sees me as, as uh, uh, the 
devil. No, the uh, dark one. No, because I'm a blond, 
you know. I'm predicable. I'm understood. You know. 
Isn't that a fucking joke? I mean, man, you know, what 
would it, what would it be like to have fucking blood, 
man, you know. No, 'cause you, you don't fucking 
understand, man, I'm a man, I'm just as much animal as 
a black man is. But our fucking society don't see it 
that way. And that pisses me off. Well, now you 
understand, you understand about how I don't fit in and 
why I don't fit in. You see, our society in the 
conformity, and so I'm gonna be, ; I'm obviously deviant. 
People say I think too much, you know. And the truth 
is, I probably feel too much, you know. But I've been 
very frustrated, you know, and it's like I'm still 
alive. That- always, that's always weird, you know, 

I'm, I'm thirty-five almost, you know, I don't, you 
know, I feel; like what I should've accomplished I 
shoulda done, already as far as my social life, and I 
had a rotten social life. Oh, people like me. But uh, 
you know, society hasn't acknowledged my needs, people 
don't give a rat's ass about my needs, you know. I'm 
smoking my first pack of cigarettes I had in about 
twelve years. I've been under a at of. st; rpgg - * <= 

sad, man. I'm. ..I got a degree ir 
you believe that? I can't teach because I swear, 
principal doesn't like that. I don't fit in the 
librarian ship either. Oh, I do. I'd make a good 
librarian, but I'm loud, 'cause I'm emphatic when I 
(UI) thinking about it, you know, (UI)...fuck. 
Temperamental. _ I hate wearing ties, man. I'm an 
artist. An artist don't make any money, you know. I 
can't even get a fucking interview as a writer because 
I don ' t ( have j an English background. I don't have... or a 
journalist background. . .1 don't have professional 
experience as a writer and I'm a better writer than 
most people are. You know. I can't plan my life 
because I wanta take my life and yet I went through all 
those analagies and I decided the only way I could do 
it that was fair to my family was to do it (UI) was to 
do it in a peaceful effective and non-messy way and 
that means to do it with uh, prescribed drugs. Which 
means I'm gonna have to rob a place or lie to a 
psychiatrist. And I can't get, I can't get the will 
to, to start the initial life. You know. To me, to me 
doing that is an act of compassion. But it, you know, 
the suicide virus comes and goes, you know, and I can't 
plan my fucking life because uh, because I don't know 





what my goals are any more. And to me life is a 
conspiracy, you know. It's a conspiracy against me. 
Yeah, I should go see a shrink, right? Sure. What good 
is that gonna do? (UI) more files, people take more 
notes, no. Therapists like me because I'm articulate, 
I'm interesting, they wanta keep me on, it fills up 
their day, gives them a paycheck. You know. What does 
it do for me? You. know, fucking hundred files on me. 
It's probably too late. You know. I don't even like 
life. I don't like being a ledger, and that's what I 
am, I'm a fucking ledger. I hate it. I hate it because 
it's so sexually frustrating in this society. You 
know. You know, people treat me like I'm a fucking 
(UI) . (pause) I'm not asking for your sympathy. I don't 
need that. You know. I just don't think you're being 
honest. I don't think you're being honest to anybody, I 
don't think you're being honest to yourself. People 
say (UI) very important. Bullshit, they're not 
important. Every goddamn issue I've brought up, Bradley 
has to do with self-esteem. You know. All you fucking 
minorities, you wanta condemn white males for the bunch 
of bastards we are. But you don't give a jack shit 
about our self-esteem, you know. <I...I find it so 
goddamn interesting and I'll go in a bar, you know, and 
uh, there'll be mostly white or something, and you 
know, a black man'll go in the same fucking bar and 
it's easier for a black man to get fucking laid by a 
white woman than it is for me. That hurts my self- 
esteem. It hurts it because blacks don't play fair. You 
know, they make up all these bullshit reasons about how 
they J re up and right about their attitudes and the 
fucking issue, Bradley, whether you wanta fucking admit 
it or not, it's competition for white women. Every time 
blacks move into a group, organization, the first 
goddamn that happens is that a black male starts 
competing for white women. You know, and I'm the bad 
guy 'cause I don't like it, Why, why should I like it, 
man, maybe there's a, a biological impairity that says 
I shouldn't like it 'cause racists are more interested 
in whites. . .white women than they are in, in say black 
women. I... I... I'm not saying that's a fact, I'm just 
saying that's what I probably might be a fact. Why 
should they get a moral point for that? Because they're 
interested in black women and white women, and at the 
same time, I'm being condemned because I'm a racist 
because I'm not as interested in black women as black 
men are interested in white women. So I'm the fucking 
racist. And they can write in the fucking Washington 
Post that they ' re the good guys. Come on, say it, you 
know. Fuck you, Washington Post. I mean, there's no way 
off stopping; reality, biological reality or whatever, 
but you know, it really pisses me off, man, when a 
black man laughs in my face because he's got a 
beautiful chick and I'm single by myself. You know. 


It's a form of defiance. It's a form of hatred. And 
don't tell me it doesn't happen. I mean uh, you people 
that work for the newspaper, I don't care if it's the 
Post or whatever, you people, man, you're the ones that 
start these issues, you know, uh, reporting on such and 
such. You're the people that uh, report on racism, 
sexism, well, finish the goddamn J job. It's your 
responsibility. You know, you wanta take one side of 
the issue and you don't wanta deal with the other side. 
I mean, you ]biow, (pause) ... stop being hypocrites about 
it. I mean, ^uh, there was at one time a lie and 
Federal Communications Commission as supposedly 
written, that said you were supposed to air both sides 
an issue if you wanted to report, you wanted to do one 
issue on one side, don't you, don't you feel that 
fucking responsibility? I mean, as far as I'm 
concerned, you know, the, the, the fucking woman's 
movement is not over with yet because you haven't heard 
the other fucking side. Or you've given it late, uh, 
you haven't give it serious consideration. You haven't 
give me my fucking quality. You know, I don't know how 
many word. . .uh, articles you did from the woman's 
perspective, you know, and all the time, (UI) and you 
kept cutting man down, cutting men down, treating us 
like shit, belittling us, putting us down to put 
yourselves up. Putting the white. male down. I mean, 
even when I was_in Washington, D.C. , I could feel the 

hostility in| J, just walking down the goddamn 

street. The hostility that women 'taught women about 
men. The hatted. The hatred that .was being taught 
through attitudes about men. I could feel it in 
Washington, D.C. And one of the fucking ways women 
showed their’ hatred of men is they fucking dated 
blacks, well, maybe only a few, but it was a form of 
rejection of whites, because that's what the fucking 
minority movements are about, rejection of white males. 
And I was put into a fucking pigeon in pigeon hall 
category, like I as a white male, was the same as every 
other fucking white male, you know. I mean, how many 
people have the attitude now, here is a unique 
individual who has a unique mind. I'm not treated like 
that most of the time. I certainly wasn't treated like 
that when I moved to Washington, D.C. in 1983. I was 
just another fucking white male and all you minorities 
always complaining about you're not being treated as an 
individual, you're being treated 'as a stereo type, a 
racist stereo type. Well, fuck, I am tired of being 
treated as a* racist stereo type myself. I would like 
people to think that just fucking maybe I've got an 
independent mind, an independent unique person, that 
I'm, I'm at least worth the time to explore and find 
out who I am and what I'm about. But no, that's not 
the way it was, and it's not the way it is. Because 
even if there isn't as much talk about uh, men as the 

bad guys, there's still the unconscious and conscious 
attitudes that women will write about their belittling 
attitudes about males, their intolerance in males, that 
we were, we were secondclass, that we were... I, I... I 
felt like I was being treated like a secondclass 
citizen in a social way, maybe not a political way, 
maybe not an economical way, but I was talked about as 
a secondclass citizen in a social way. No, I had to 
live up to some stupid uh, stereo type that people had 
about what the average white male was about, or the 
nerd coat, or the nerd suit, the* nerd glasses, the nerd 
haircut, and j what really pisses me off, yeah, I'm 
angry. Obviously I'm fucking angry. that the same 
minorities wfio constantly complained about our economic 
system, about the injustices of our economic system, 
were the same goddamn minorities that wanted every 
fucking advantage that it had to offer and yet they 
condemned it at the same time. They didn't want to 
build it, they wanted to cut it down, they wanted to 
cut who they thought built it up down, white males. And 
yet they wanted every fucking advantage it had to 
offer. So you know, I was thinking, you know, if, if, 
if, if, if, all you family-oriented people that the 
Washington Post think it's only fair that uh, they have 
uh, uh, support for taking care of children, you know, 
the corporation should support a child-care so mother's 
can work. Why I think it's a cruel area for a single 
males. You know, make it fair all across the board. Why 
don't you have a corporation, why don't you suggest to 
'em, just suggest that corporations should pay for uh, 
uh massage parlors, uh, you know) for people who uh, 
need massages, sexual massages, that kind of thing, you 
know, so they don't have to treat women like sex 
subjects in the work place, because they don't have any 
outlets, you! know, they can go to a corporation-paid 
massage service and they can get their sexual needs met 
and then they go back to work uh, after lunch and take 
care of their job. And what do I get out of child-care 
for uh, for corporations? You know, why, why should uh, 
families have that? Why should corporations support 
that for family? Why not my needs? You know. You know, 
so, so that males, I mean, uh, single people feel like 
there ' s ... there ' s a (UI) for them, that you know, it's 
not gonna cost much more. . .taking care of kids all day 
or giving a massage service for a half hour. (drinking 
something) You know, just throw it out and see how it 
goes. Give somebody something to laugh about, you 
know, (sighs) (pause) Humm. As they say, Mr. Bradley, 
jokers wild. | 





Agent (SA) 

The following investi gation was conducted by Special 

lat Minneapolis, Minnesota: 

The Minnesota Divi sion of Motor Vehicl es (DMV) 

date of birth 

furnished recor ds indicating 

Minnesota Driver 1 s License Number 

indicate f 

Local criminal checks concerning 


letter dated Jun e 23, 1990, th e writing Agent received a packet 
of materi al froml I Two letters are being retained. 

One is to 

FBI, M3 


June 22, 1990, which rambled on about|_ 

feelings towards the Washington Post , signedl 

mi_ _ i n i i i • n J n -a _ - 

neaoolis , Minnesota, dated 
I beliefs and 

The other letter being retained in the 1A section of this file is 

to B ENJAMIN BRADLEY , Executive Editor, Washington Post , typed in 

The letter rambles 
threats, and stating he would 


dated June 15 , 1990. 
however, apologized for 


not hurt anyone. 

0,0- WF- 

\toW> & 


Date of transcription 


On June 15. 1990 


furnished the following 

advised he sent four cass ette tapes i nto the 
Washington Post newspaper to l I (phonetic) . 

•sent the 
a week. 

him. [[ 


n about two months ago and was sending about one 
asked the Washington Post to print some articles 

conce rning tn e wav white women treat men and the Post ignored 

]would not kill anyone, however, became frustrated 

with no response and made the threatening statements to get 



The following description of 


obtained through observation and interview: 

Investigation on 6/15/90 
by SA 

at Minneapolis, Minnesota F ile # 9A-WMFQ-168077 -^ 
pDin Date dictated 6/19/90 

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; 
it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 


1L FD-36. (Rev. 8-29-85) 

l~l Teletype 
□ Facsimile 


□ Immediate 
I I Priority 

□ Routine 







Date 7/2/90 



SAC, WMFO (9A-WF-168077) (C-^) 


. . oil 


00 : WMFO 


:ked "CHANGED" to add full name of subject 

Enclosed fo r WMFO are the origi nal and one copy 
each of an F D-302 withl l and an investigative 

insert by Sa| | 

2/- 'WMFO (Encs. 4f 
I - Minneapolis 


Pos pNe g \jg 
2ES: /? 



□ Pos Q Neg 


"FD-36 (Rev. 8-29-85) 





□ Teletype 

□ Facsimile 


□ Immediate 

□ Priority 

□ Routine 



Date 8/27/90 





























: SAC, WMFO ( 9A-WF-168077 ) (C) (C-4 ) 




00: WMFO 

The captioned subject was interviewed by FBI 
Minneapolis Division on 6/15/90 regarding threats made to the 

advised he never 

editor of "The Washington Post" . 

intended to harm anyone but became frustrated when "The 
Washington Post" would not respond to his let ters, I 
stated he made the threats to get attenti on. I l is 

currently | | and stated he would 
not kill anyone and will write a letter of apology to "The 
Washington Post". 

On 8/24/90, AUSA 

United States 

Attorney's Office, Washington, D.C. declined prosecution on 
the above captioned matter due to a lack of criminal intent 
and prosecutive merit. 

Due to the above and the lack of further 
investigative steps, WMFO is closing the captioned case. 







(Number) (Time) 

if (Rev. 4-11-86) 

In Reply, Please Refer to 

File No. 9 A-WF- 16 8077 


Date: 8/27/90 


(Name and Address of USA) 


(Name of Official in Charge and Field Division) (Signature of Official in Charge) 

RE: I I 

(Name of Subject) 

You are hereby advised of action authorized by AUSA| 

on information submitted by Special Agent 



(Name of USA or AUSA) 





(Check One) 

H Request further investigation 
IKl Immediate declination 
H Riling of complaint 

□ Presentation to Federal Grand Jury 

□ Filing of information 
n Other 

For violation of Title 18 , USC, Section(s) 

Synopsis of case: Captioned subject sent three audio cassettes to a 

reporter for the " WASHINGTON POST " where he made a potential 
threat on the life of BENJAMINE BRADELY who is the Executive 
Editor of the newspaper. 

Subject was interviewed by the FEDERAL BUREAU OF, 

INVESTIGATION (FBI) regarding the threat on July 2, 1990. | 
advised he was frustrated that the " Washington post " would not 
print various articles he had written. stated he would 

not harm anyone but became frustrated when he got no response and 
made the threatening statements to get attention. 

Searched -r 


indexed - — 


WMPO 9 A-WF- 168077 


l±s_ciirrently [ 

^ is not violent. I 

interview that he would write a letter of 
" WASHINGTON POST ". Due to this, the case was declined for 
prosecution because of a lack of criminal intent. 

s tated during 
apology to the