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Day One: The House Cup

The House of Bee: Bees are busy and industrious, but can flit from one interesting project to the next as bright shiny things capture their interest. The House of Manatee: Manatees are gentle, calm and cuddly. Relaxed and unflashy they represent the comfort and soft side of knitting and crochet. The House of Monkey: Intelligent and with a fun loving side, Monkeys like to be challenged with every project presenting them with something new and interesting. The House of Peacock: Peacocks take something good and make it brilliant. Buttons, embellishments and a bit of sparkle prove that perfection lies in the details – like a Peacock's Tail. From  Eskimimi Makes Which House am I? I'm definitely not a Bee. I'm a starter and a finisher and 90% of the time I stick to the project I'm doing until the bitter end. There are a few occasions where I've frogged or had to start another project because it's needed for a present. Manatee? Oh I would love to be a manatee. I ha