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Clasificación científica
Reinu: Animalia
Filu: Arthropoda
Clas: Arachnida
Orde: Araneae
Suborde: Araneomorphae
Superfamilia: Araneoidea
Familia: Araneidae
Simon, 1895
167 xéneros, 2985 especies
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Los araneidos (Araneidae) son una familia d'arañes araneomorfas compuesta por cuasi 3100 especies estremaes en 169 xéneros; ye la tercer familia con mayor diversidá, dempués de Salticidae y Linyphiidae.[1][2] La mayoría constrúin les sos teles en forma d'espiral circular y caltiénense nella cola cabeza escontra baxo.

Eriophora biapicata d'Australia
Argiope lobata d'Ucraína
Acacesia Simon, 1895 Eriophora Simon, 1864 Ordgarius Keyserling, 1886
Acantharachne Tullgren, 1910 Eriovixia Archer, 1951 Paralarinia Grasshoff, 1970
Acanthepeira Marx, 1883 Eustacesia Caporiacco, 1954 Paraplectana Brito Capello, 1867
Acroaspis Karsch, 1878 Eustala Simon, 1895 Paraplectanoides Keyserling, 1886
Acrosomoides Simon, 1887 Exechocentrus Simon, 1889 Pararaneus Caporiacco, 1940
Actinosoma Holmberg, 1883 Faradja Grasshoff, 1970 Parawixia F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1904
Actinacantha Simon, 1864 Friula O. P.-Cambridge, 1896 Parazygiella Wunderlich, 2004
Aculepeira Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942 Gasteracantha Sundevall, 1833 Parmatergus Emerit, 1994
Acusilas Simon, 1895 Gastroxya Benoit, 1962 Pasilobus Simon, 1895
Arkys Urquhart, 1891 Gea C. L. Koch, 1843 Perilla Thorell, 1895
Aethriscus Pocock, 1902 Gibbaranea Archer, 1951 Pherenice Thorell, 1899
Aethrodiscus Strand,1913 Glyptogona Simon, 1884 Phonognatha Simon, 1894
Aetrocantha Karsch, 1879 Heterognatha Nicolet, 1849 Pitharatus Simon, 1895
Afracantha Dahl, 1914 Heurodes Keyserling, 1886 Poecilarcys Simon, 1895
Agalenatea Archer, 1951 Hingstepeira Levi, 1995 Poecilopachys Simon, 1895
Alenatea Song & Zhu, 1999 Hypognatha Guérin, 1839 Poltys C. L. Koch, 1843
Allocyclosa Levi, 1999 Hypsacantha Dahl, 1914 Pozonia Schenkel, 1953
Alpaida O. P.-Cambridge, 1889 Hypsosinga Ausserer, 1871 Prasonica Simon, 1895
Amazonepeira Levi, 1989 Ideocaira Simon, 1903 Prasonicella Grasshoff, 1971
Anepsion Strand, 1929 Isoxya Simon, 1885 Pronoides Schenkel, 1936
Arachnura Vinson, 1863 Kaira O. P.-Cambridge, 1889 Pronous Keyserling, 1881
Araneus Clerck, 1757 Kapogea Levi, 1997 Pseudartonis Simon, 1903
Araniella Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942 Kilima Grasshoff, 1970 Pseudopsyllo Strand, 1916
Aranoethra Butler, 1873 Larinia Simon, 1874 Psyllo Thorell, 1899
Argiope Audouin, 1826 Lariniaria Grasshoff, 1970 Pycnacantha Blackwall, 1865
Arkys Walckenaer, 1837 Larinioides Caporiacco, 1934 Rubrepeira Levi, 1992
Artonis Simon, 1895 Leviellus Wunderlich, 2004 Scoloderus Simon, 1887
Aspidolasius Simon, 1887 Lewisepeira Levi, 1993 Sedasta Simon, 1894
Augusta O. P.-Cambridge, 1877 Lipocrea Thorell, 1878 Singa C. L. Koch, 1836
Austracantha Dahl, 1914 Macracantha Simon, 1864 Singafrotypa Benoit, 1962
Bertrana Keyserling, 1884 Madacantha Emerit, 1970 Siwa Grasshoff, 1970
Caerostris Thorell, 1868 Mahembea Grasshoff, 1970 Spilasma Simon, 1897
Carepalxis L. Koch, 1872 Mangora O. P.-Cambridge, 1889 Spinepeira Levi, 1995
Celaenia Thorell, 1868 Manogea Levi, 1997 Spintharidius Simon, 1893
Cercidia Thorell, 1869 Mastophora Holmberg, 1876 Stroemiellus Wunderlich, 2004
Chaetacis Simon, 1895 Mecynogea Simon, 1903 Taczanowskia Keyserling, 1879
Chorizopes O. P.-Cambridge, 1870 Megaraneus Lawrence, 1968 Talthybia Thorell, 1898
Cladomelea Simon, 1895 Melychiopharis Simon, 1895 Tatepeira Levi, 1995
Cnodalia Thorell, 1890 Metazygia F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1904 Telaprocera Harmer & Framenau, 2008
Coelossia Simon, 1895 Metepeira F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1903 Testudinaria Taczanowski, 1879
Colaranea Court & Forster, 1988 Micrathena Sundevall, 1833 Thelacantha Hasselt, 1882
Collina Urquhart, 1891 Micrepeira Schenkel, 1953 Thorellina Berg, 1899
Colphepeira Archer, 1941 Micropoltys Kulczyn'ski, 1911 Togacantha Dahl, 1914
Cryptaranea Court & Forster, 1988 Milonia Thorell, 1890 Tukaraneus Barrion & Litsinger, 1995
Cyclosa Menge, 1866 Molinaranea Mello-Leitão, 1940 Umbonata Grasshoff, 1971
Cyphalonotus Simon, 1895 Nemoscolus Simon, 1895 Ursa Simon, 1895
Cyrtarachne Thorell, 1868 Nemosinga Caporiacco, 1947 Verrucosa McCook, 1888
Cyrtophora Simon, 1864 Nemospiza Simon, 1903 Wagneriana F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1904
Deione Thorell, 1898 Neoarchemorus Mascord, 1968 Witica O. P.-Cambridge, 1895
Deliochus Simon, 1894 Neogea Levi, 1983 Wixia O. P.-Cambridge, 1882
Dolophones Walckenaer, 1837 Neoscona Simon, 1864 Xylethrus Simon, 1895
Dubiepeira Levi, 1991 Nicolepeira Levi, 2001 Yaginumia Archer, 1960
Edricus O. P.-Cambridge, 1890 Novakiella Court & Forster, 1993 Zealaranea Court & Forster, 1988
Enacrosoma Mello-Leitão, 1932 Novaranea Court & Forster, 1988 Zilla C. L. Koch, 1834
Encyosaccus Simon, 1895 Nuctenea Simon, 1864 Zygiella F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1902
Epeiroides Keyserling, 1885 Ocrepeira Marx, 1883


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  1. «Currently valid spider genera and species». World Spider CatalogWorld Spider Catalog. Natural History Museum, BernNatural History Museum, Bern. Consultáu'l 5 d'avientu de 2015.
  2. (n'inglés) [1] araneidae
  • The World Spider Catalog, Version 9.5 by Norman I. Platnick

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