NOUS Digital

NOUS Digital

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung

Wien, Wien 1.602 Follower:innen

We blend strategy, technology and creativity into smart user experiences.


NOUS was established 2006 in reaction to a Viennese educational project that used digital handheld devices; the company now ranks among the leading providers for mobile App Development, mobile guides and projects in the field of digital transformation. Until today NOUS has realized over 200 projects of differing sizes and with various focuses on all continents. Based in Vienna, a city with a rich historical and cultural tradition, NOUS expanded to the USA in 2009: by opening our branches in Santa Monica and Denver, we were able to gain access to an environment that generates the most dynamic technological developments in the world. 2015 NOUS has opened its office in the United Arab Emirates, one of the most interesting regions in the world and door to Asia. Digital storytelling, experience design, and discovering are the new catchphrases that are not only effective in the creative industries, but are also crucial for the development of (cultural) brands. 2016 we merged with our partner company pocketscience which brings even more competences in the field of digital transformation in the corporate sector.

IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
11–50 Beschäftigte
Wien, Wien
User experience, Mobile design consultation, Augumented reality, UI innovation, UX design, Live streaming, Content management system, Mobile guides, Media Installations, Social media communication, Digital storytelling, Media-based education und Experience design


Beschäftigte von NOUS Digital


  • Unternehmensseite von NOUS Digital anzeigen, Grafik

    1.602 Follower:innen

    The Story of Emily: Compassion Despite Conflict This exhibition tells the story of the Second Anglo-Boer War (1899 - 1902) in South Africa and the British concentration camps, focusing on the activism of feminist Emily Hobhouse. “The War Rooms” takes you on an immersive journey through 24 audiovisual rooms where her story of courage and compassion unfolds. Walk through each space with our NOUS Sonic headphones as the experiences of Boer fighters, British soldiers, and the local black population come alive through sound, animations, and original artifacts. The exhibition captures how war spirals out of control. Amid the devastation, we highlight how rare and difficult it is, like Emily Hobhouse, to stay true to one’s moral compass. She refused to be swayed by violence or blame, instead focusing on those who suffered the most: the women and children in the camps. Credits: Design by Kossmanndejong Trailer by Bart Majoor Thank you to our client, @thestoryofemilycornwall , for allowing us to bring these stories to life in such an extraordinary way. And thank you to all our partners and collaborators for creating something amazing together! #emilyhobhouse #thestoryofemily #exhibition #design #narrativespace #storytelling #noussonic #immersiveaudio

  • Unternehmensseite von NOUS Digital anzeigen, Grafik

    1.602 Follower:innen

    Passend zum Aktionstag für pflegende Angehörige und zum Welt-Alzheimertag bieten wir Angehörigen von Menschen mit Demenz wertvolle Tipps und Unterstützung für die Tagesgestaltung. In Zusammenarbeit mit der MedUni Wien und dem Forschungsinstitut raltec haben wir die DEA-App entwickelt, deren Inhalte von Pflege- und Therapieexpert*innen evidenzbasiert erstellt wurden. Weitere Infomationen sowie der Link zum Download anbei!

    Profil von Franz Werner anzeigen, Grafik

    Head of the Study Program "Health Assisting Engineering" and of the Competence Center "Digital Health and Care" at the University of Applied Sciences, FH-Campus Wien

    Pünktlich zum Aktionstag für pflegende Angehörige und zum Welt-Alzheimertag haben wir die DEA-App überarbeitet und im Falle von Android sogar kostenlos in den Store stellen können. Die App unterstützt Angehörige von Menschen mit Demenz bei der - oft nicht so einfachen - Tagesgestaltung und gibt Tipps und Informationen zur Demenz. Die Entwicklung der App basiert auf einem Forschungsprojekt, das in Zusammenarbeit mit der MedUni Wien, NOUS Wissensmanagement und dem Forschungsinstitut raltec durchgeführt wurde. Pflege- und Therapieexpert*innen haben die Inhalte evidenzbasiert entwickelt, um den Alltag von pflegenden Angehörigen bestmöglich zu unterstützen. Weitere Informationen und den Download findet ihr hier:

    Das ist die DEA-Lebensfreude-App

    Das ist die DEA-Lebensfreude-App

  • Unternehmensseite von NOUS Digital anzeigen, Grafik

    1.602 Follower:innen

    Discover NOUS Sonic in action: In our new video from the Hans Christian Andersen Museum in Denmark, we show how our interactive audio system is redefining visitor guidance. NOUS Sonic makes it possible to control digital sounds through movement in space and experience three-dimensional audio worlds - far beyond the classic audio guide. Experience how state-of-the-art technology and cultural experiences merge together.

  • NOUS Digital hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Eva Wesemann anzeigen, Grafik

    Global Head of Digital Strategy & Immersive Experiences at NOUSdigital

    **Are Immersive Experiences Changing the Way We Look at Art? Part 3**   Following #ABBAvoyage and the #Frameless exhibition in #London, I delved into another immersive experience while attending the MuseumNext conference a few weeks ago. The big question discussed at the conference was whether immersive events are changing the way we experience art and, if so, how museums can succeed in the attention industry. Parts 1 and 2 of this series explain how cutting-edge technology can create transformative environments and help reach new audiences.   Part 3 The third event I experienced in London, #Viola’sRoom by the immersive theatre group Punchdrunk, was less about technology and more about raw, physical engagement. Inspired by Barry Pain’s dark 1901 short story “The Moon Slave,” it offers an escape room-like experience. Viola, a young girl who mysteriously loses her parents and is forced to marry a kind but dull king, escapes nightly into an ancient maze on the palace grounds, pledging her soul to the moon and becoming increasingly detached from reality.   As participants, we follow Viola through a dark labyrinth of narrow passages, guided only by the light of gauzy orbs. Barefoot and equipped only with headphones, we listen to a half-whispered reading of the novel and a tremendous soundtrack, completely absorbed in the moment. The deeper we venture into the maze, the more we feel ensnared as if we’ll never escape. It’s all there, fear, excitement, suspicion, curiosity, hope… a whole range of emotions that make us be in the moment. All triggered by audio only - made out of great storytelling combined with a beautiful sound scape. So here we are: back to the physical space and pure imagination. All we need to be deeply touched, connected to our senses and the world around us.   Isn’t that what we aim to achieve when we exhibit art? To create deep, sensory connections that touch and move us?   At NOUS Digital we have developed an immersive sound system, the all-in-one headset #noussonic, that addresses all aspects explored in this series of posts. It combines cutting-edge technology — such as ultra-precise indoor positioning and auto-triggering — with personalised, location-based 3D audio. Sound is now moving with the body, following a visitor’s movement through space. Vice versa a visitor’s movement can trigger light, sound, videos, projections - all hands free, and completely seemless. This opens the door to sound becoming an essential part of all immersive exhibition design, speaking to the listeners' imagination and putting it into the centre of the experience.   Will immersive events change the way we experience art? My answer is: yes, they will. But there is nothing bad about it. After all, all reception is individual anyway. If we find new ways to see more clearly, hear more subtle, and feel more deeply, we will only become more human.   #immersiveexperiences #exhibitiondesign #museums #noussonic #3Dsound image: punchdrunk

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