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The Statutes of the United States
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  • An Act Imposing Duties on Tonnage : July 20 1789

  • An Act Providing for the Expences Which May Attend Negotiations or Treaties with the Indian Tribes, and the Appointment of Commissioners for Managing the Same: August 20, 1789.

  • The Judiciary Act; September 24, 1789

  • An Act Imposing duties on the Tonnage of Ships or Vessels : July 20, 1790

  • An Act providing for Holding a Treaty or Treaties to Establish Peace with Certain IndianTribes: July 22, 1790

  • An Act to Regulate Trade and Intercourse With the Indian Tribes: July 22, 1790

  • An Act for the admission of the State of Vermont into this Union: February 18, 1791

  • An Act to Regulate Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes: March 1, 1793.

  • An Act Making An Appropriation to Defray the Expense of a Treaty With the Indians Northwest of the Ohio: March 1, 1793

  • An Act to Prohibit the Carrying on the Slave Trade from the United States to any Foreign Place or Country : March 22. 1794

  • An Act for the More General Promulgation of the Laws of the United States : March 3, 1795

  • An Act Making Provision for the Purposes of Trade with the Indians : March 3, 1795

  • An Act for Establishing Trading Houses with the Indian Tribes : April 18, 1796.

  • An Act Making an Appropriation Towards Defraying the Expenses Which May Arise in Carrying Into Effect the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, Made Between the United States and the King of Great Britain : May 6, 1796

  • An Act Making an Appropriation for Defraying the Expenses Which May Arise in Carrying Into Effect the Treaty Made Between the United States and the Dey and Regency of Algiers : May 6, 1796

  • An Act Making Appropriations for Defraying the Expenses Which May Arise in Carrying into Effect a Treaty Made Between the United States and Certain Indian Tribes, Northwest of the River Ohio : May 6, 1796

  • An Act to Regulate Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes, and to Preserve Peace on the Frontiers : May 19, 1796.

  • An Act Authorizing the President of the United States to Apply a Further Sum to the Expense of Negotiations with the Dey and Regency at Algiers : March 3, 1797

  • An Act Appropriating a Certain Sum of Money to Defray the Expense of Holding a Treaty or Treaties with the Indians : February 27, 1798.

  • An Act to Suspend the Commercial Intercourse between the United States and France, and the Dependencies Thereof; June 13,1798

  • An Act to Authorize the Defense of the Merchant Vessels of the United States against French Depredations; June 25, 1798

  • An Act Respecting Alien Enemies : July 6, 1798

  • An Act to Declare the Treaties Heretofore Concluded with France, no Longer Obligatory on the United States; July 7 1798

  • An Act Further to Protect the Commerce of the United States; July 9, 1798

  • An Act in Addition to the Act, Entitled "An Act for the Punishment of Certain Crimes Against the United States." : July 14, 1798

  • An Act to Amend the Act Entitled "An Act to suspend the Commercial Intercourse between the United States and France, and the Dependencies Thereof." : July 16, 1798

  • An Act Further to Suspend the Commercial Intercourse between the United States and France, and the Dependencies Thereof : February 9, 1799

  • An Act Appropriating a Certain Sum of Money to Defray the Expense of Holding a Treaty or Treaties with the Indians : February 19, 1799.

  • An Act Making Appropriations for Defraying the Expenses Which May Arise in Carrying into Effect Certain Treaties Between the United States and Several Tribes or Nations of Indians : February 25,1799.

  • An Act to Regulate Trade and Intercourse With the Indian Tribes, and to Preserve Peace on the Frontiers : March 3. 1799.

  • An Act for the Preservation of Peace with the Indian Tribes : January 17, 1800

  • An Act Further to Suspend the Commercial Intercourse Between the United States and France, and the Dependencies Thereof : February 27, 1800

  • An Act Supplementary to the Act to Regulate Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes, and to Preserve Peace on the Frontiers : April 22, 1800

  • An Act in Addition to the Act Intituled "An Act to Prohibit the Carrying on the Slave Trade from the United States to any Foreign Place or Country." : May 10, 1800

  • An Act to appropriate a certain sum of money to defray the expense of holding a treaty or treaties with the Indians : May 13, 1800

  • An Act to Make Provision Relative to Rations for Indians, and to Their Visits to the Seat of Government : May 13, 1800

  • An Act for the Protection of the Commerce and Seamen of the United States, Against the Tripolitan Cruisers : February 6, 1802

  • An Act to Regulate Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes, and to Preserve Peace on the Frontiers : March 30, 1802

  • An Act to Revive and Continue in Force, An Act entitled "An Act for Establishing Trading Houses with the Indian Tribes." : April 30, 1802

  • An Act Making an Appropriation for Carrying Into Effect the Convention between the United States of America and His Britannic Majesty : May 3, 1802

  • An Act for Continuing in Force a Law, Entitled "An Act for Establishing Trading Houses with the Indian Tribes." : February 1803

  • An Act to Prevent the Importation of Certain Persons into Certain States, Where, by the Laws Thereof, Their Admission is Prohibited : February 28, 1803

  • Authority Given to the President to Take Possession of the Territory of Louisiana : October 31, 1803

  • Stock to be Created to Carry into Effect the Treaty with the French Republic : November 10, 1803

  • Provision for Claims of Citizens of the United States on the Government of France : November 10, 1803

  • Appropriation to Carry into Effect the Treaty with Great Britian : 11/16/1803

  • An Act for Laying And Collecting Duties or Imports and Tonnage within the Territories Ceded to the United States, by the Treaty of the Thirtieth of April, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three, Between the United States and the French Republic, and for Other Purposes : February 24, 1804

  • Louisiana Erected into Two Territories and Temporary Government Established : March 26, 1804

  • An Act to Make Further Appropriations, for the Purpose of Extinguishing the Indian Claim : March 26, 1804

  • An Act Making Appropriations for Carrying into Effect Certain Indian Treaties, and for Other Purposes of Indian Trade and Intercourse : March 3, 1805

  • An Act for Establishing Trading Houses with the Indian Tribes : April 21, 1806

  • An Act Making Appropriations for Carrying into Effect Certain Indian Treaties : April 21, 1806

  • An Act to Provide for Surveying the Coasts of the United States; February 10, 1807

  • An Act to Prohibit the Importation of Slaves into any Port or Place Within the Jurisdiction of the United States, From and After the First Day of January, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eight : March 2, 1807

  • An Act Making Appropriations for Carrying into Effect a Treaty Between the United States and the Chickasaw Tribe of Indians and to Establish a Land Office in the Mississippi Territory : March 3, 1807

  • An Act Making Appropriations for Carrying into Effect Certain Treaties with the Cherokee and Piankeshaw Tribes of Indians : March 3, 1807

  • An Act Making Appropriations for Carrying into Effect Certain Indian Treaties : February 19, 1808

  • An Act for the Relief of Certain Alibama and Wyandott Indians : February 28, 1809

  • An Act Supplemental to the Act Intituled "An Act for Establishing Trading Houses with the Indian Tribes." : March 3, 1809

  • An Act Supplementary to an Act, Entituled "An Act Making Appropriations for Carrying into Effect a Treaty Between the United States and the Chickasaw Tribe of Indians; and to Establish a Land-office in the Mississippi Territory : June 15, 1809

  • An Act Making Appropriations for Carrying into Effect Certain Indian Treaties : May 1, 1810

  • An Act Fixing the Compensation of Public Ministers, and of Consuls Residing on the Coast of Barbary, and for Other Purposes : May 1, 1810

  • An Act for Establishing Trading Houses with the Indian Tribes : March 2, 1811

  • An Act Making Compensation to John Eugene Leitensdorfer for Services Rendered the United States in the War with Tripoli : February 13, 1811.

  • An Act Making Appropriations for Carrying into Effect a Treaty Between the United States and the Great and Little Osage Nation of Indians, Concluded at Fort Clarke, on the Tenth day of November, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eight, and for Other Purposes : March 3, 1811

  • An Act Declaring War Between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Dependencies Thereof and the United States of America and Their Territories : June 18, 1812

  • An Act Making Additional Appropriations for the Military Establishment and for the Indian Department for the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twelve : July 6, 1812

  • An Act for the Safe Keeping and Accommodation of Prisoners of War : July 6, 1812

  • An Act to Prohibit American Vessels from Proceeding to or Trading with the Enemies of the United States, and for Other Purposes : July 6, 1812

  • An Act to Encourage the Destruction of the Armed Vessels of War of the Enemy : March 3, 1813

  • Fugitive Slave Act; 1850

  • Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

  • Homestead Act; May 20, 1862

  • Act Creating an Electoral Commission, January 29, 1877

  • Chinese Exclusion Act; May 6, 1882

  • An Act to Provide for the Allotment of Lands in Severalty to Indians on the Various Reservations, and to Extend the Protection of the Laws of the United States and the Territories over the Indians, and for Other Purposes : February, 8, 1887

  • International Organizations Immunities Act, December 9, 1945

  • United Nations Participation Act, December 20, 1945

  • Amendment of United Nations Participation Act, October 10, 1949

  • Alaska Statehood Act; July 7, 1958

  • Equal Pay Act; June 10, 1963

  • Civil Rights Act; July 2, 1964

  • Voting Rights Act; August 6, 1965

  • Americans with Disabilities Act; July 26, 1990

  • Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act; November 11, 1993

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