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Alan Schoff

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Alan Schoff
Image of Alan Schoff

Candidate, Indianapolis Public Schools school board District 1

Elections and appointments
Next election

November 5, 2024


High school

Foothill High School

Muncie, Ind.
Unitarian Universalist

Alan Schoff is running for election to the Indianapolis Public Schools school board to represent District 1. He is on the ballot in the general election on November 5, 2024.[source]

Schoff completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. Click here to read the survey answers.


Alan Schoff was born in Muncie, Indiana. He earned a high school diploma from Foothill High School. His career experience includes working as a writer and editor. Schoff has been affiliated with Kiwanis Club, Digital Marketing Institute, and Cottage Home Neighborhood Association.[1]



See also: Indianapolis Public Schools, Indiana, elections (2024)

General election

The general election will occur on November 5, 2024.

General election for Indianapolis Public Schools school board District 1

Alan Schoff and Ashley Thomas are running in the general election for Indianapolis Public Schools school board District 1 on November 5, 2024.

Image of
Alan Schoff (Nonpartisan) Candidate Connection
Image of
Ashley Thomas (Nonpartisan) Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection

Alan Schoff completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2024. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Schoff's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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My name is Alan Schoff, and I am running for Indianapolis Public Schools board of commissioners to be a common sense voice for students, parents, teachers, and taxpayers. The seven current board members are backed by the same PACs funded by out-of-state political interests. This has led to one-think, constant unanimous votes, and no one is who asking important questions about policy decisions.

In my twelve years of witness , there has simply been too much harm done in the name of education reforms that are not delivering better outcomes for any of us. Business-style disruptions are not helpful in educating children. Research shows school closures can harm students for life and often takes three years to recover adademically, and is harmful socially and emotionally.

Our public school democratic governance has been hijacked by corporate interests that often ignore the collateral damage their policies cause to the well-being of children. But those speaking up are not heard. Everyday local citizens are exhausted by the uncapped campaign finance of out-of-state white billionaires who disperse false information through massive amounts of marketing. But we must continue to fight. We must keep trying to voice the majority opinion that opposes privatizing of public schools, even if it is drowned out by massive amounts of marketing.

Sooner or later we can win. Let's make it this time in this election.

  • Stable schools are essential. It's time to calm the chaos of family and student disruptions like mulitple unnecessary school closures and massive misinformation marketing by Charter school companies. What matters in education is the people in the building. Stable schools must include a stable work environment for teachers. Teachers deserve the respect and community support. In contract negotiations, that includes the same respect and rights as the people who work every day in our local police, fire, and emergency medical services.
  • Transformational community schools are built around neighborhoods not business plans. Local residents in our school buildings means better communication and engagement, and better learning environments for all kids. Public schools are not a broken "system" or failing our students. That's all political marketing jive talk. Our schools have been intentionally starved of resources in an attempt to grab more market share. They are just under-resourced and under attack by private industry trying to profit from taxpayer dollars.
  • Arts education is essential. Not an extra. Not an elective. Not an option. Every K-12 student should have access to high-quality, arts education in theater and performing arts, music, digital media, visual arts, dance and more. This is a proven method of improving academic outcomes in math, reading, science, social sciences, health, sports ... every aspect of education. Arts apply to every experience in every student's journey throughout life after school.

I am passionate about ensuring safe, nurturing school environments for all children in Indianapolis. I am passionate about bringing calm to kids and communities after an onslaught by corrupt outside forces that have been disruptive to our public school district. The number one issue in the past 12 years that I've been involved is unnecessary disruption to thousands and thousands of children and families. The rationales for doing this do not stand the test of time. We need a five-year moratorium on Charter schools in Indianapolis while the Rebuilding Stronger plan settles and we can evaluate effectiveness of its equity mission. Perhaps my most notable passion is that I am a strong advocate for arts education for every K-12 child.

The Education Wars by Jennifer Berkshire and Jack Schneider is my most recent influential book. Cutting School: Privitization, Segregation, and the End of Public Education by Noliwe Rooks, and Hoosier School Heist by Doug Martin have also influenced my views.

The most important characteristic of an effective elected official is to listen to all constituents and points of view with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

The core reponsibilities of school board members is to review administration policies and provide feedback, guideance, and ultimately governance of those policies. Consideration of the impact of policies on students under the superintendent's legal authority is the primary responsibility. Consideration of families, taxpayers, district finances, teachers, staff, and the community at large are all part of the formula for good governance of our public school district.

I hope to stabilize our current chaotic environment driven by business policies that do not consider collateral damage to young students and to entire school communities caused by unnecessary closures and mangement changes that take control away from the district. If a district is going to be responsible for kids within our boundaries, then the adminstration should have full control while giving school leaders and teachers flexibility to adjust curriculum to fit the moment.

The job of school board member is governance of adminstration policies in providing education opportunities for all students. It is my belief, however, that if the superintendent does not have a functional legal authority over a school's leadership aside from a contract, then the school board has no responsibility to families and students in those schools because they are not directly managed in the district's LEA.

Constituents are students first, but parents, taxpayers, teachers, district staff, and even district administration are all constituents who should have input in policy making.

Indianapolis Education Justice Coalition, Indianapolis Educators Association, AFL-CIO, Indiana Latino Democrats

Stable, nurturing schools are the only effective solution. Constant turmoil I've witnessed is harmful to students, families, and the community at large.

I am, essentially, a retired parent in the district. My child graduated in 2021, but I stay engaged in our local school communities to listen to current parents' concerns.

I prefer higher quality pipelines for all talent. I believe locally-raised teachers and staff will better understand our city's social landscape and needs. I prefer teachers with five years of experience for our most academically challenged students, and administrators who have been teachers or worked in school communities for at least five years. Respect and professional development are the keys to retention.

I am an ardent proponent of transparency and accountability. One of my primary issues with Charter schools is that they have less visibility to how they operate even though they receive taxpayer money. I find this very concerning and we should require significantly more stringent reporting requirements.

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See also

External links


  1. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on September 22, 2024