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Arizona National Popular Vote Interstate Agreement Initiative (2018)

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National Popular Vote Interstate Agreement Initiative
Flag of Arizona.png
Election date
November 6, 2018
Elections and campaigns
Not on the ballot
State statute

The Arizona National Popular Vote Interstate Agreement Initiative was not on the ballot in Arizona as an initiated state statute on November 6, 2018.

The measure would have joined the state of Arizona in an interstate agreement to elect the President of the United States by national popular vote.[1]

Text of measure

Full text

The full text of the measure is available here.

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing the initiative process in Arizona

The initiative was filed on December 19, 2016, by the group Arizona Popular Vote. The petition filing designated Michael Mantel as president and Orlando Machuca as treasurer of the campaign. Supporters of the initiative were required collect 150,642 valid signatures by July 5, 2018.[1] No signatures were filed.

See also
