California Tangible Ballots (2008)

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Not on Ballot
Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
This measure was not put
on an election ballot

The California Tangible Ballots Initiative (07-0065) measure was an initiated state statute that would allow electronic devices still be used but would require a “tangible ballot” that results from the use of the device.[1] Its supporters had to turn in 433,971 valid signatures by April 24, 2008 to make the November California ballot.

The current definition reads:

Federal law requires that all precincts have at least one voting machine that is accessible to the disabled. (Accessible machines generally are considered to be touchscreen machines, in which a voter makes selections electronically.) Under current state law, a number of different voting systems are authorized, including electronic devices such as touchscreen machines. The Secretary of State is responsible for certifying that specific systems meet the requirements of state and federal law. Counties can then choose which type of certified system to use in their elections. Any touchscreen machine must have a voter verified paper audit trail which allows voters to check to make sure the machine correctly recorded voting choices.[2]


The Tangible Ballot Initiative was sponsored and directed by Harry V. Lehmann. Lehmann posted his petition on the web at hoping to gather more signature for the measure.[3]

Fiscal Impact

According to the California Legislative Analyst's office, the predicted fiscal impact of the measure was:

One-time costs potentially in the tens of millions of dollars to replace or alter voting equipment.

See also

External links
