Campaign finance agencies in New Hampshire

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In New Hampshire, there are two primary agencies involved in campaign finance regulation: the New Hampshire Secretary of State, Elections Division, and the New Hampshire Attorney General. The former is responsible for campaign finance reporting, and the latter for enforcement of campaign finance law.

See also: Campaign finance requirements in New Hampshire

New Hampshire Secretary of State, Elections Division


As the state's primary elections official, the secretary of state is ultimately responsible for administering campaign finance reporting requirements in New Hampshire. New Hampshire law requires candidates, PACs, and 501(c)(4) organizations to register with and report expenditures to the secretary of state.[1][2]


New Hampshire Secretary of State, Elections Division—staff as of July 2016
Name Position
William M. Gardner Secretary of State
Robert P. Ambrose Senior Deputy Secretary of State
David M. Scanlan Deputy Secretary of State
Source:, "Elections," accessed July 5, 2016

Agency budget, 2008-2015

New Hampshire utilizes a biennium budget. In fiscal year 2014, total expenditures for the elections division were $1,110,327. The 2015 adjusted budget allocation for the division was $1,282,097. The table below provides more information about the budget of the office.[3]

New Hampshire Secretary of State, Elections Division—agency expenditures and budget
Fiscal years Expenditure Budget allocation
2014-2015 $1,110,327 $1,282,097
2012-2013 $727,466 $1,138,085
2010-2011 $853,919 $1,215,527
2008-2009 $3,485,208 $1,164,021
Source:, "New Hampshire Budget Office," accessed August 5, 2015

Electronic reporting system

New Hampshire hosts an online campaign finance records system. The system can be accessed here[4]

New Hampshire Attorney General


Under New Hampshire election law, the attorney general has the authority to enforce campaign finance and election laws. When a complaint is brought forth, the attorney general may conduct an investigation, and, if a violation is found, demand the violator cease the action. The attorney general may prosecute the violator if sufficient cause is found in the investigation.[5]


As of July 2016, the attorney general for New Hampshire was Joseph Foster. The attorney general serves as the state's chief legal officer and chief law enforcement officer. The Criminal Justice Bureau, a division of the office of the attorney general, is responsible for election law violations.[6]

Agency budget

In fiscal year 2014, total expenditures for the criminal justice bureau equaled $2,568,927. In 2015, the adjusted budget allocation for the bureau was $2,921,035. The table below provides more information about the budget of the bureau.[3]

New Hampshire Attorney General, Criminal Justice Bureau—agency expenditures and budget
Fiscal years Expenditure Budget
2014-2015 $2,568,927 $2,921,035
2012-2013 $2,445,693 $2,799,284
2010-2011 $2,831,696 $2,889,309
2008-2009 $2,901,914 $3,366,226
Source:, "New Hampshire Budget Office," accessed August 5, 2015

Contact information

New Hampshire Secretary of State, Elections Division

State House, Room 204
107 North Main Street
Concord, N.H. 03301
Telephone: 603-271-3242
Fax: 603-271-6316
Email: [email protected]

New Hampshire Attorney General, Criminal Justice Bureau

Office of the Attorney General
33 Capitol Street
Concord, NH 03301
Telephone: 603-271-3658
Email: [email protected]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance New Hampshire. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
