Elections and campaigns on the ballot

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Elections and campaigns on the ballot: This topic refers to ballot measures regarding elections and campaigns. Examples include ethics measures, election process measures (such as ranked-choice voting or top-two primaries), election date changes, and campaign activity-related measures.

Related topics include the following:

Ballot measures lists

By state

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Alabama Utilities in Tuskegee, Amendment 6 (2008)
  2. Alabama State Senate Elections, Amendment 2 (1932)
  3. Alabama Primary Election Votes, Amendment 3 (1944)
  4. Alabama Voter Registration in Madison County (May 1972)
  5. Alabama Constitutional Change Applying to One County Amendment (1982)
  6. Alabama Macon County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 3 (2006)
  7. Alabama Amendment 1, Citizenship Requirement for Voting Measure (2020)
  8. Alabama Amendment 4, Prohibit Changes to Election Conduct Laws within Six Months of General Elections Amendment (2022)


  1. Alaska Ballot Measure 1, Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (August 2002)
  2. Alaska Clean Elections, Measure 3 (August 2008)
  3. Alaska Replacement of U.S. Senators Initiative, Measure 4 (2004)
  4. Alaska Campaign Finance Reform Initiative, Measure 1 (August 2006)
  5. Alaska Residence Requirement to Vote for President, SJR 1 (August 1966)
  6. Alaska Votes on Constitutional Amendments, Amendment 1 (August 1974)
  7. Alaska Ballot Measure 2, Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting and Campaign Finance Laws Initiative (2020)
  8. Alaska Repeal Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)


  1. Arizona Proposition 104, Initiative and Referendum Amendment (1998)
  2. Arizona Proposition 100, Legislative Emergency Enactment of Laws Amendment (1996)
  3. Arizona Proposition 105, Initiative Financing Amendment (2008)
  4. Arizona Proposition 100, Executive Department Amendment (1974)
  5. Arizona Proposition 101, Special Elections Amendment (1974)
  6. Arizona Proposition 121, Top-Two Primary Election Amendment (2012)
  7. Arizona Proposition 100, Repeal Run-Off Requirement for State Executive Elections Amendment (1992)
  8. Arizona Proposition 103, Eligibility for State Office Amendment (1988)
  9. Arizona Proposition 105, Runoff Elections Amendment (1988)
  10. Arizona Proposition 200, Campaign Contributions Limitations Initiative (1986)
  11. Arizona Proposition 100, Initiative and Referendum Petition Filing Deadlines Amendment (1984)
  12. Arizona Proposition 100, Resign-to-Run Amendment (1980)
  13. Arizona Proposition 105, Corporation Commission Amendment (1968)
  14. Arizona Proposition 101, Congressional Vacancy Elections Amendment (1962)
  15. Arizona Proposition 102, Require Minimum 10% Turnout for Bond and Assessment Elections Amendment (1974)
  16. Arizona Proposition 102, Repeal Qualified Elector of Municipality Requirement for Non-Elected Officials Amendment (1972)
  17. Arizona Proposition 200, Commission to Administer Alternative Campaign Finance System Initiative (1998)
  18. Arizona Proposition 211, Campaign Finance Sources Disclosure Initiative (2022)
  19. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Elections for Mine Inspector Amendment (1933)
  20. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Election of Members of the State Tax Commission Amendment (1920)
  21. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Repeal Direct Primary for Candidate Nominations Requirement Amendment (September 1922)
  22. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Term Limits for State Officials Amendment (1926)
  23. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, General Election Amendment (September 1922)
  24. Arizona Measure Nos. 300-301, 51% Vote Primary Election Candidates Referendum (1924)
  25. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Change of County Seat Referendum (1914)
  26. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Local Option for Alcohol Initiative (September 1950)
  27. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Election of County Officers Amendment (September 1922)
  28. Arizona Proposition 102, Method of Increasing Local Spending Limits Amendment (1986)
  29. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Irrigation Works for the Reclamation of Arid Lands Amendment (May 1927)
  30. Arizona Proposition 202, IRS Elimination Pledge on Ballot for Congressional Candidates Initiative (1998)
  31. Arizona Proposition 200, Voter Reward Initiative (2006)
  32. Arizona Proposition 205, Vote By Mail Initiative (2006)
  33. Arizona Proposition 112, Filing of Initiative Petitions Amendment (2010)
  34. Arizona Proposition 133, Require Partisan Primaries and Prohibit Primaries Where Candidates Compete Regardless of Party Affiliation Amendment (2024)
  35. Arizona Proposition 131, Create Office of Lieutenant Governor Amendment (2022)
  36. Arizona Proposition 306, Clean Election Account Uses and Commission Rulemaking Measure (2018)
  37. Arizona Proposition 103, Allow Unaffiliated Voters to Vote in Partisan Primaries Amendment (1998)
  38. Arizona Eliminate Partisan Primaries Amendment (2024)
  39. Arizona Proposition 104, Local Spending Limit Adjustment Elections Amendment (1992)


  1. Arkansas Campaign Contribution Limits and Disclosure, Proposed Initiated Act 1 (1996)
  2. Arkansas Establishment of Date for Proposed Constitution Vote, Referred Question Act 3 (1978)
  3. Arkansas Standards of Conduct for Candidates and Political Campaigns, Proposed Initiated Act 1 (1990)
  4. Arkansas Poll Tax Repeal, Proposed Amendment 54 (1964)
  5. Arkansas Legislative Authority to Submit Ballot Measures, Proposed Amendment 54 (1968)
  6. Arkansas Political Party Registration, Referred Act 457 (1968)
  7. Arkansas Primary Laws, Act 1 (1916)
  8. Arkansas Consolidation of Elections, Act 1 (1926)
  9. Arkansas Poll Tax Elimination, Proposed Amendment 26 (1938)
  10. Arkansas Repeal of Double Primary, Proposed Amendment 30 (1940)
  11. Arkansas Direct Political Party Response, Initiated Act No. 3 (1948)
  12. Arkansas Poll Tax Exemption, Proposed Amendment 37 (1944)
  13. Arkansas Election of County Clerks, Amendment 41 (1952)
  14. Arkansas Authorization of Non-Elected Revenue Bonds, Proposed Amendment 67 (1986)
  15. Arkansas Voting and Elections, Proposed Amendment 1 (2008)


  1. California Proposition 198, Open Blanket Primary Election Initiative (March 1996)
  2. California Proposition 226, Ban on Political Contributions from Payroll Deductions Initiative (June 1998)
  3. California Proposition 3, Closed Presidential Primaries Measure (1998)
  4. California Proposition 208, Campaign Contribution and Spending Limits Initiative (1996)
  5. California Proposition 219, Uniform Application of Ballot Measures Amendment (June 1998)
  6. California Proposition 23, None of the Above Option on Ballots Initiative (March 2000)
  7. California Proposition 34, State Elective Office Campaign Contribution Limits Measure (2000)
  8. California Proposition 62, Top-Two Primaries Initiative (2004)
  9. California Proposition 15, Biennial Lobbyist Fee and Public Campaign Funding Measure (June 2010)
  10. California Proposition 14, Top-Two Primaries Amendment (June 2010)
  11. California Proposition 131, Term Limits and Campaign Finance Limits Initiative (1990)
  12. California Proposition 136, Changes to Vote Requirements for New or Increased Taxes Initiative (1990)
  13. California Proposition 137, Voter Approval for Certain Rules Governing Initiatives Amendment (1990)
  14. California Proposition 77, Changes to Legislative and Congressional Redistricting Initiative (2005)
  15. California Proposition 60, Political Parties to Participate in Primaries and General Elections Amendment (2004)
  16. California Proposition 20, Congressional Redistricting Initiative (2010)
  17. California Proposition 41, County Voting Equipment Bond Measure (March 2002)
  18. California Proposition 89, Public Campaign Finance Program, Campaign Finance Limits, and Increased Corporate Tax Initiative (2006)
  19. California Proposition 4, Primary Partisanship Referendum (1916)
  20. California Proposition 2, Ballot Regulations Referendum (October 1915)
  21. California Proposition 6, Naturalized Citizens Voting Eligibility Amendment (June 1972)
  22. California Proposition 23, Election Decisions Amendment (1914)
  23. California Proposition 18, Voter Qualifications Amendment (1924)
  24. California Proposition 6, Publication of Bond Propositions Amendment (1958)
  25. California Proposition 8, Habitancy Requirement for the Presidential Election Amendment (1958)
  26. California Proposition 2, Terms of Assembly Members Amendment (1960)
  27. California Proposition 8, Voting Prohibition for Those Serving a Sentence Amendment (1960)
  28. California Proposition 21, Incumbents for Superior Courts Amendment (1962)
  29. California Proposition 8, Elections of Superior Court Judges Amendment (1964)
  30. California Proposition 15, Exemption From Voter Education Requirement Amendment (1966)
  31. California Proposition 23, Election Results Amendment (1926)
  32. California Proposition 25, Voter Eligibility Amendment (1930)
  33. California Proposition 22, Municipal Charter Amendments Amendment (1930)
  34. California Proposition 4, Election Returns for Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (1940)
  35. California Proposition 7, County Board of Education Amendment (1946)
  36. California Proposition 8, Superior Court Vacancies Amendment (1948)
  37. California Proposition 13, Requirement to be a Political Party Candidate Initiative (1952)
  38. California Proposition 7, Political Party Affiliation on the Ballot Measure (1952)
  39. California Proposition 43, Constitutional Right to Have One's Vote Counted Amendment (March 2002)
  40. California Proposition 49, Prohibition of Political Party Endorsements for Nonpartisan Candidates Amendment (June 1986)
  41. California Proposition 20, County Charter Officials Amendment (1932)
  42. California Proposition 19, City and City and County Charters Amendment (1932)
  43. California Proposition 7, Voter Eligibility Requirements Amendment (1948)
  44. California Proposition 4, Voter Eligibility Amendment (1950)
  45. California Proposition 32, Ban on Political Contributions from Payroll Deductions Initiative (2012)
  46. California Proposition 6, Boards of Education Amendment (June 1970)
  47. California Senatorial Elections, Proposition 1 (1892)
  48. California Voter Qualifications, Proposition 3 (1892)
  49. California Elections by Ballot, Amendment 2 (1896)
  50. California Election of County Officers, Amendment 5 (1896)
  51. California Direct Primaries, Amendment 3 (1908)
  52. California Proposition 17, County and Municipal Vote Requirements Amendment (October 1911)
  53. California Proposition 47, Prohibition Elections Initiative (1914)
  54. California Proposition 21, Incurring Indebtedness Propositions Amendment (1926)
  55. California Proposition 16, Require Supermajority Voter Approval to Expand Utility Services Initiative (June 2010)
  56. California Proposition 17, Car Insurance Rates Based on Coverage History Initiative (June 2010)
  57. California Proposition 27, Elimination of Citizens Redistricting Commission Initiative (2010)
  58. California Proposition 45, Local Legislative Option to Extend Term Limits via Petition Amendment (March 2002)
  59. California Proposition 44, Chiropractic License Revocation for Insurance Fraud Measure (March 2002)
  60. California Proposition 212, Campaign Spending and Contribution Limits Initiative (1996)
  61. California Proposition 6, Municipal Charter Changes Amendment (October 1911)
  62. California Proposition 4, Judicial Vacancies Term Amendment (October 1915)
  63. California Proposition 8, Voter Registration Amendment (1936)
  64. California Proposition 21, Superior Court Vacancies Amendment (1952)
  65. California Proposition 4, Open Presidential Primaries Amendment (June 1972)
  66. California Proposition 59, Election of District Attorney Amendment (1986)
  67. California Proposition 38, Language for Election Materials Initiative (1984)
  68. California Proposition 7, Changes to Elections Amendment (1972)
  69. California Proposition 4, City Boards of Education Amendment (June 1978)
  70. California Proposition 6, Elections of County Sheriffs Amendment (June 1978)
  71. California Proposition 4, Elections Regarding Low-Income Housing Amendment (June 1980)
  72. California Proposition 66, Elected County Assessor Amendment (June 1988)
  73. California Proposition 9, Political Reform Initiative (June 1974)
  74. California Proposition 20, Candidates Who Engaged in Libelous or Slanderous Behavior Amendment (June 1984)
  75. California Proposition 73, Funds for Election Campaigns Initiative (June 1988)
  76. California Proposition 68, Campaign Contributions Initiative (June 1988)
  77. California Proposition 40, Campaign Finance Initiative (1984)
  78. California Proposition 1, Primary Elections Referendum (October 1915)
  79. California Proposition 10, Abolishment of the Poll Tax Initiative (1914)
  80. California Proposition 11, Alien Poll Tax Amendment (1920)
  81. California Proposition 12, Constitutional Conventions Amendment (1914)
  82. California Proposition 13, Bond Electors Initiative (1914)
  83. California Proposition 13, Educational Poll Tax Amendment (1924)
  84. California Proposition 13, Voter Eligibility and Absentee Voting Amendment (1926)
  85. California Proposition 17, City Charters Amendment (1932)
  86. California Proposition 17, Initiative Election Amendment (1938)
  87. California Proposition 18, Drafting County Charter by Board of Supervisors Amendment (1932)
  88. California Proposition 18, Primary Voting for 17-Year-Olds Amendment (2020)


  1. Colorado Amendment 29, Candidates on Primary Ballots Initiative (2002)
  2. Colorado Amendment 27, Campaign Contributions and Spending Limits Initiative (2002)
  3. Colorado Elected State Board of Education, Measure 2 (1930)
  4. Colorado Amendment 54, Campaign Contribution Limitations for Government Contractors Initiative (2008)
  5. Colorado Amendment 15, Campaign Contribution Limits Initiative (1994)
  6. Colorado Amendment 12, Election and Legislative Measure Reform Initiative (1994)
  7. Colorado Election Laws, Measure 10 (1912)
  8. Colorado Amendment No. 2, Voter Qualifications Amendment (1984)
  9. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Initiative and Referendum Process Amendment (1980)
  10. Colorado "Headless Ballot", Measure 14 (1912)
  11. Colorado Referendum A, Single-Subject Rule for Initiatives Amendment (1994)
  12. Colorado Amendment No. 2, Presidential Primary Measure (1990)
  13. Colorado Amendment 36, Division of Electoral Votes Initiative (2004)
  14. Colorado Referendum B, Ballot Measure Booklet Amendment (1994)
  15. Colorado Amendment 15, Contributions to Candidates Initiative (1996)
  16. Colorado Amendment 13, Initiative, Referendum, and Petition Process Initiative (1996)
  17. Colorado Referred Law No. 9, Disclosure of Financial Interests, Regulating Lobbyists, and Public State Meetings Initiative (1972)
  18. Colorado Special Elections for Initiatives and Referendums, Measure 11 (1912)
  19. Colorado Right to Petition Governor for Special Election on Measures, Measure 4 (1914)
  20. Colorado Elected State Board of Education, Measure 6 (1928)
  21. Colorado Proposal No. 4, Residency Requirements for Voting in Presidential Elections Amendment (1962)
  22. Colorado Amendment No. 10, Voter Approval for Taxes Initiative (1976)
  23. Colorado Amendment 18, Declarations About Term Limits Initiative (1998)
  24. Colorado Referendum C, Selection of County Surveyors Amendment (2000)
  25. Colorado Unaffiliated Elector, Proposition 108 (2016)
  26. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (1968)
  27. Colorado Amendment No. 3, Franchises in Home Rule Municipalities Amendment (1986)
  28. Colorado Amendment No. 2, Reimbursements for Recall Elections Amendment (1988)
  29. Colorado Referendum F, Recalls of Elected Officials Amendment (2006)
  30. Colorado Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  31. Colorado Proposition 113, National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Referendum (2020)
  32. Colorado Require Candidates to Petition onto Primary Ballot and Eliminate Party Nominations Initiative (2024)
  33. Colorado Timeline for Counting Ballots Initiative (2024)
  34. Colorado Allow Candidates Ballot Access Through Petition or Political Party Caucus and Assembly Processes Initiative (2024)
  35. Colorado Prohibit Ranked Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  36. Colorado Closed Primary Elections Initiative (2024)
  37. Colorado Top-Four Open Primary and Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)


  1. Connecticut Party Lever Usage Ban, Question 2 (1986)
  2. Connecticut Admission of Electors, Question 1 (1980)
  3. Connecticut Age of Eligibility for State Office, Question 3 (1980)
  4. Connecticut Qualification of Electors, Question 1 (1976)
  5. Connecticut Forfeiture of Electoral Privileges Upon Conviction, Question 3 (1974)
  6. Connecticut Justices of the Peace, Question 4 (1974)
  7. Connecticut Residence Requirement of Electors, Question 2 (1964)
  8. Connecticut Admission of Electors, Question 2 (1962)
  9. Connecticut Election Procedure for the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Question 3 (1962)
  10. Connecticut Elector Residence Privileges, Question 4 (1962)
  11. Connecticut Election Procedure for State Executive Officials, Question 2 (1948)
  12. Connecticut Forfeiture of Electoral Privileges Upon Conviction, Question 3 (1948)
  13. Connecticut Qualifications of Electors, Question 2 (1932)


  1. Florida Amendment 2, Economic Impact Statements for Initiatives Amendment (2002)
  2. Florida Amendment 2, Requirements for Citizens' Initiatives Amendment (2004)
  3. Florida Amendment 1, Ethic Requirements and Procedures of Public Officials and Candidates Initiative (1976)
  4. Florida Amendment 11, Nonpartisan School Board Elections, Ballot Access Requirements, Public Campaign Financing, and Election Processes Amendment (1998)
  5. Florida Amendment 5, County Commissioners Amendment (1984)
  6. Florida Amendment 1, Suspension or Delay of Elections for Emergencies Amendment (1992)
  7. Florida Amendment 2, Supreme and Appellate Court Judges Amendment (1976)
  8. Florida Amendment 11, Judge of the Court of Record of Escambia County Amendment (1948)
  9. Florida Amendment 6, Judge of the Court of Record and County Solicitor for Escambia County Amendment (1946)
  10. Florida Amendment 4, Election of Circuit Judges Amendment (1942)
  11. Florida State and Local Bonds Amendment (1930)
  12. Florida School Districts and Tax Levy Amendment (1928)
  13. Florida County Commissioner Districts Amendment (1900)
  14. Florida November General Elections Amendment (October 1896)
  15. Florida Amendment 1, Election of Executive Officials Amendment (1963)
  16. Florida Amendment 1, Partisan School Board Elections Amendment (2024)
  17. Florida Amendment 3, Top-Two Open Primaries for State Offices Initiative (2020)
  18. Florida Top-Two Open Primaries for State Offices Initiative (2026)
  19. Florida Amendment 7, Selection of Circuit and County Judges Amendment (1998)
  20. Florida Amendment 6, Repeal of Public Financing for Statewide Campaigns Amendment (2024)
  21. Florida Amendment 2, Conduction of Elections Amendment (1968)


  1. Georgia Poll Tax, Amendment 2 (1932)
  2. Georgia Gubernatorial Elections, Amendment 2 (June 1941)
  3. Georgia Elections of Officials, Amendment 2 (1950)
  4. Georgia Baldwin County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 5 (1950)
  5. Georgia Dawson County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 14 (1950)
  6. Georgia Hancock County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 31 (1950)
  7. Georgia Meriwether County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 32 (1950)
  8. Georgia Rockdale County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 35 (1950)
  9. Georgia Schley County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 36 (1950)
  10. Georgia Taylor County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 37 (1950)
  11. Georgia Elections of Officials, Amendment 1 (1952)
  12. Georgia Union County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 12 (1952)
  13. Georgia Troup County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 13 (1952)
  14. Georgia Fannin County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 28 (1952)
  15. Georgia Wilcox County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 29 (1952)
  16. Georgia Brantley County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 33 (1952)
  17. Georgia Carroll County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 34 (1952)
  18. Georgia Appling County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 35 (1952)
  19. Georgia Floyd County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 42 (1952)
  20. Georgia Rockdale County School Superintendent, Amendment 44 (1952)
  21. Georgia State Senate Elections, Amendment 1A (1962)
  22. Georgia Qualifications of Write-in Candidates, Amendment 10 (1962)
  23. Georgia Notice of Write-in Candidates, Amendment 5 (1966)
  24. Georgia Voting Requirements, Amendment 8 (1966)
  25. Georgia Election of Judges, Amendment 18 (1966)
  26. Georgia Election of Solicitors General, Amendment 19 (1966)
  27. Georgia Gubernatorial Runoff Elections, Amendment 2 (1968)
  28. Georgia State Executive Official Elections, Amendment 5 (1968)
  29. Georgia General Assembly Elections, Amendment 12 (1968)
  30. Georgia Voting Requirements, Amendment 24 (1972)
  31. Georgia Revenue Certificate Elections, Amendment 7 (1974)
  32. Georgia Revenue Certificate Elections, Amendment 14 (1976)
  33. Georgia Elective Franchise, Amendment 1 (1978)
  34. Georgia Notice for Write-in Candidates, Amendment 24 (1978)
  35. Georgia Elected Official Vacancies, Amendment 6 (1984)
  36. Georgia Boards of Education Elections, Amendment 2 (1992)
  37. Georgia Repeal of Local Amendments, Amendment 8 (1992)
  38. Georgia Default on Taxes and Public Office, Amendment 1 (2002)
  39. Georgia Age Requirements for Voting, Amendment 6 (1943)


  1. Hawaii Candidate Resignation, Amendment 5 (1978)
  2. Hawaii Campaign Finance, Amendment 6 (1978)
  3. Hawaii Unopposed Candidate Primary Elections, Amendment 3 (1988)
  4. Hawaii Primary Election Voting, Amendment 11 (1968)
  5. Hawaii Regarding Executive Positions, Amendment 15 (1968)


  1. Idaho Ballot Access Restrictions, HB 644 (1998)
  2. Idaho Municipal Officer Election Removal, HJR 10 (1896)
  3. Idaho Remove Disqualification of County Assessors, SJR 6(b) (1910)
  4. Idaho Remove Disqualification of Sheriffs, SJR 6(c) (1910)
  5. Idaho Increase Supreme Court Membership, HJR 6 (1920)
  6. Idaho Election of County Officers, SJR 5 (1948)
  7. Idaho Voting Residence Requirement, SJR 6 (1962)
  8. Idaho Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  9. Idaho SJR 112, Simple Majority Vote for Citizen Initiatives and Allow Initiatives on General Election Ballots Amendment (1980)


  1. Illinois Governor Recall Amendment (2010)
  2. Illinois Voting Requirement Amendment (1988)
  3. Illinois Direct Election of United States Senators Question (1902)
  4. Illinois Primary Election Law (1904)
  5. Illinois Voters' Veto Question (1904)
  6. Illinois Corrupt Practices Act (1910)
  7. Illinois Primary Law Amendment Question (1912)
  8. Illinois Short Ballot Commission Question (1912)
  9. Illinois Initiative and Referendum Question (1919)
  10. Illinois Gateway Amendment (1919)
  11. Illinois Reduce Size of House of Representatives and Eliminate Cumulative Voting Initiative (1980)
  12. Illinois Penalties for Candidate Interference with Election Worker's Duties Advisory Question (2024)


  1. Indiana Protect Right to Vote Act, Public Question 1 (1998)
  2. Indiana Governor and Lieutenant Governor Joint Campaign, Amendment 2 (1974)


  1. Iowa Biennial Elections, Amendment 1 (1900)
  2. Iowa Biennial Elections, Amendment 1 (1904)
  3. Iowa General Election Dates, Amendment 1 (1882)
  4. Iowa County Attorney Elections, Amendment 4 (1882)
  5. Iowa General Election Dates, Amendment 2 (June 1916)
  6. Iowa Replacement of Governor-Elect, Amendment 1 (1952)
  7. Iowa Residency Requirements, Amendment 1 (1970)
  8. Iowa Governor and Lt. Governor Elected as a Team, Amendment 1 (1988)
  9. Iowa Voter Qualifications, Amendment 1 (2008)


  1. Kansas Voting Disqualification Amendment, Constitutional Amendment Question 2 (2010)
  2. Kansas Elections, Amendment 2 (1974)
  3. Kansas Constitutional Amendment 2, County Sheriff Election and Recall Amendment (2022)


  1. Kentucky Voting Rights Referendum (1955)
  2. Kentucky Commissioner of Education Referendum (1957)
  3. Kentucky General Assembly Election Years Referendum (1979)


  1. Louisiana Presidential Electors Amendment (1968)
  2. Louisiana Legislative Vacancy Amendment (1970)
  3. Louisiana Right to Serve at Polls Amendment (1970)
  4. Louisiana Elections Amendment (1972)
  5. Louisiana Special Elections Amendment (1972)
  6. Louisiana Residency Requirement for Voters Amendment (1972)
  7. Louisiana Requirements for Write-in Candidates Amendment (1972)
  8. Louisiana Unopposed Candidates Amendment (1972)
  9. Louisiana Judicial Vacancy Amendment (October 1983)
  10. Louisiana Amendment 1, Ban on Private or Foreign Funding of Election Costs Amendment (October 2023)


  1. Maine Campaign Promises Initiative (2009)
  2. Maine Voter Confidence Act (2008)
  3. Maine General Election Ballot Form, Direct Initiative Question (1972)
  4. Maine Direct Primary Repeal, Referendum Question (1927)
  5. Maine Direct Primary, Question No. 4 (1911)
  6. Maine Direct Initiative and People's Veto, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1980)
  7. Maine Uniform Ballot Boxes, Question No. 1 (1912)
  8. Maine Biddeford Elections, Question No. 5 (1940)
  9. Maine Representatives Residency Requirements, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1981)
  10. Maine Military Service Voting Clarification, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 4 (1955)
  11. Maine Repeal Treasurer Term Limit, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1951)
  12. Maine November General Election, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1957)
  13. Maine House of Representatives Elections, Powers and Apportionment, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1963)
  14. Maine Public Financing of Gubernatorial Campaigns, Question 1 (1989)
  15. Maine Public Campaign Financing, Question 3 (1996)
  16. Maine Constitutional Revision Election Amendment (1908)
  17. Maine Constitutional Amendment Voting, Question No. 2 (1913)
  18. Maine Division of Towns into Polling Places, Proposed Amendment No. 3 (1917)
  19. Maine Division of Towns into Polling Places, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1920)
  20. Maine Voting Machines, Amendment No. 1 (1933)
  21. Maine Voting Machines, Amendment No. 3 (1935)
  22. Maine Elections for Senate Vacancies, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (1964)
  23. Maine Determining Election of Governor, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 7 (1964)
  24. Maine Municipality Election Returns to Secretary of State, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 10 (1964)
  25. Maine Senate Elections, Powers and Apportionment, Proposed Constitutional Amendment (1966)
  26. Maine Gubernatorial Term Continuation, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1971)
  27. Maine Legislative Candidate Residency Requirement, Question 13 (1987)
  28. Maine "Clean Elections" Initiative, Question 1 (2015)
  29. Maine Question 5, Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2016)
  30. Maine Question 1, Ranked-Choice Voting Delayed Enactment and Automatic Repeal Referendum (June 2018)
  31. Maine Question 2, Prohibit Foreign Spending in Elections Initiative (2023)
  32. Maine Popular Vote for Presidential Elections Referendum (2024)
  33. Maine Voter Photo Identification Initiative (2025)


  1. Maryland Staggered Elections for County Officials, Question 1 (2000)
  2. Maryland Election Law Revisions, Question 4 (2006)
  3. Maryland Dual Offices Exceptions, Question 3 (1996)
  4. Maryland Charter Counties Elections, Question 4 (1996)
  5. Maryland Harford County Elections, Question 5 (1996)
  6. Maryland Residence Requirements for Voting, Question 6 (1970)
  7. Maryland Special Elections for County Executive Vacancies Amendment, Question 2 (2014)
  8. Maryland Baltimore County Council, Question 15 (1972)
  9. Maryland Howard County Council Elections, Question 4 (1976)
  10. Maryland Prince George's County Council Elections, Question 4 (1978)
  11. Maryland Anne Arundel County Council Elections, Question 1 (1980)
  12. Maryland Montgomery County Elections, Question 3 (1982)
  13. Maryland Election of Harford County Council, Question 2 (1986)
  14. Maryland Elections of County Officials, Question 3 (1986)
  15. Maryland Amend Article 7, Section 1 of the Constitution, Amendment 3 (1890)
  16. Maryland Election of Charter Boards, Amendment 2 (1915)
  17. Maryland Quadrennial Elections for State Officers, Amendment 4 (1922)
  18. Maryland School Board Term Limits, Question 7 (1972)


  1. Massachusetts Question 6, Broadcasting of Candidates Advisory Question (1990)
  2. Massachusetts Campaign Expenditures Question (1974)
  3. Massachusetts Question 3, Public Funding of Political Campaigns Advisory Question (2002)
  4. Massachusetts Question 2, Campaign Finance Laws Initiative (1998)
  5. Massachusetts Question 1, Contributions to Ballot Measure Campaigns Initiative (1994)
  6. Massachusetts Question 2, Multi-Party Candidates Initiative (2006)
  7. Massachusetts Candidate Nomination Procedures, Question 2 (1932)
  8. Massachusetts Question 4, Establishment of Political Parties Initiative (1990)
  9. Massachusetts Voter Qualification for State Offices, Question 1 (1924)
  10. Massachusetts U.S. President and Vice-President Term Commencements, Question 3 (1932)
  11. Massachusetts Special Elections for Constitutional Offices, Question 3 (1948)
  12. Massachusetts Question 1, Single-Ticket for Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (1966)
  13. Massachusetts Question 2, Voting Residency Requirements Amendment (1970)
  14. Massachusetts Question 2, Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2020)


  1. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Minimum Voting Age Amendment (1966)
  2. Michigan Proposal No. 5, Election of State Legislators to New Offices Amendment (1968)
  3. Michigan Proposal B, Minimum Voting Age Amendment (1970)
  4. Michigan Repeal Straight-Ticket Voting Referendum (1964)
  5. Michigan Proposal 02-1, Elimination of Straight Party Ticket Option Referendum (2002)
  6. Michigan Proposal No. 5, Residency Requirements and Township Polling Places Amendment (1932)
  7. Michigan Proposal No. 7, Voter Qualifications for Expenditure and Bonds Amendment (1932)
  8. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Non-Partisan Judicial Elections Initiative (1934)
  9. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Contested and Tie Vote Elections Amendment (April 1935)
  10. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Non-Partisan Judicial Elections Initiative (April 1939)
  11. Michigan Proposal No. 2, Legislators' Eligibility for Other Offices Amendment (1944)
  12. Michigan Qualifications of Electors Amendment (1894)
  13. Michigan Elections in the Upper Peninsula Amendment (1862)
  14. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Procedures for Filing Judicial Offices Amendment (April 1955)
  15. Michigan Proposal No. 4, Board of State Canvassers Amendment (April 1955)
  16. Michigan Proposal 2, Voting Policies in Constitution Amendment (2022)
  17. Michigan Township Officer Elections Amendment (1930)
  18. Michigan Qualifications for Electors Amendment (1920)
  19. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Election of Township Officers Amendment (April 1943)
  20. Michigan Absentee Voter Qualifications Amendment (April 1917)
  21. Michigan Circuit Court Districts and Elections Amendment (April 1895)


  1. Minnesota Voter Identification Amendment, Amendment 2 (2012)
  2. Minnesota State Canvassing Board, Amendment 3 (1873)
  3. Minnesota State Canvassing Board, Amendment 3 (1877)
  4. Minnesota System for Biennial Elections, Amendment 2 (1883)
  5. Minnesota Clarify Voting Requirements, Amendment 3 (1952)
  6. Minnesota Voting Location and Indian Voting Rights, Amendment 4 (1960)
  7. Minnesota Age Requirements for Voting and Holding Office, Amendment 1 (1970)
  8. Minnesota Campaign Spending Limits, Amendment 1 (1980)


  1. Mississippi Voter Identification Amendment, Initiative 27 (2011)
  2. Mississippi Candidate Districts, Amendment 5 (1987)
  3. Mississippi Election of the Governor, Amendment 2 (1982)


  1. Missouri Campaign Finance and Disclosure, Proposition 1 (1974)
  2. Missouri Election of Charter County Assessors, Amendment 1 (2010)
  3. Missouri Initiative Petition Deadline, Amendment 1 (1998)
  4. Missouri Campaign Contribution Limits, Proposition A (1994)
  5. Missouri Public Campaign Financing, Proposition B (2000)
  6. Missouri Naturalization Voting Requirement Amendment, Issue 4 (1912)
  7. Missouri Voter Registration Amendment, Issue 5 (1912)
  8. Missouri Grand Jury Investigation of Elections Amendment, Issue 8 (1912)
  9. Missouri Voting Rights Amendment, Issue 9 (February 1924)
  10. Missouri Candidates on the Ballot Amendment, Issue 10 (February 1924)
  11. Missouri Residential Voting Requirements, Amendment 2 (1958)
  12. Missouri Voting Age, Amendment 1 (1974)
  13. Missouri Election Ballot Numbering System, Amendment 2 (August 1976)
  14. Missouri General Election Canvassing, Amendment 9 (1978)
  15. Missouri State and Judicial Campaign Contribution Limits, Constitutional Amendment 2 (2016)
  16. Missouri Proposition 2, Women in Office Amendment (1921)
  17. Missouri Amendment 1, Lobbying, Campaign Finance, and Redistricting Initiative (2018)
  18. Missouri Require Constitutional Amendments to be Voted on in Even-Numbered Year Elections Amendment (2024)
  19. Missouri Voting and Elections Amendment (2024)


  1. Montana Direct Nomination of Candidates for Public Office, IR-13 (1920)
  2. Montana Amending the Direct Primaries Law, IR-15 (1920)
  3. Montana Repeal of the Presidential Preferential Primaries Law, IR-16 (1920)
  4. Montana Campaign Finance Law Revision, I-118 (1994)
  5. Montana Corporate Contributions to Ballot Issues, IR-114 (1998)
  6. Montana Valid Election for Qualified Ballot Issues, C-21 (1990)
  7. Montana Party Nomination by Direct Vote, I 302-303 (1912)
  8. Montana Campaign Expense Limits, I 304-305 (1912)
  9. Montana Direct Presidential Preference Primary, I 308-309 (1912)
  10. Montana Popular Choice for U.S. Senator, I 306-307 (1912)
  11. Montana Repeal Presidential Primary Law, R-27 (1924)
  12. Montana Presidential Primary Law, R-56 (1954)
  13. Montana Election of County Commissioners, Amendment 1 (1892)
  14. Montana Voting Qualifications, Amendment 1 (1896)
  15. Montana Election of County Commissioners, Amendment 1 (1898)
  16. Montana County Commissioner Districts, Amendment 1 (1928)
  17. Montana Voter Qualifications, Amendment 1 (1932)
  18. Montana Election of Local Officers, Amendment 1 (1952)
  19. Montana Change Voting Age, Amendment 3 (1970)
  20. Montana Voting Age, Amendment 1 (1972)
  21. Montana Direct Corporate Contribution in Ballot Issues, I-125 (1996)
  22. Montana Top-Four Primary Initiative (2024)
  23. Montana Majority Vote Required to Win Elections Initiative (2024)


  1. Nebraska Lieutenant Governor Election, Amendment 1 (2000)
  2. Nebraska Voting on Merging Governments, Amendment 10 (1896)
  3. Nebraska Voting Methods, Amendment 11 (1896)
  4. Nebraska Voting on Internal Improvement and Manufacturing Donations, Amendment 12 (1896)
  5. Nebraska Voting Requirements, Amendment 1 (1910)
  6. Nebraska Biennial Elections, Amendment 4 (1912)
  7. Nebraska Voting Requirements, Amendment 1 (1918)
  8. Nebraska Direct Primaries, Referendum 1 (1920)
  9. Nebraska Supreme Court Justice Elections, Amendment 17 (September 1920)
  10. Nebraska Soldier Suffrage, Amendment 19 (September 1920)
  11. Nebraska Election of University Regents, Amendment 22 (September 1920)
  12. Nebraska Direct Primaries, Referendum 3 (1922)
  13. Nebraska Voter Registration, Referendum 4 (1922)
  14. Nebraska Direct Primaries and Nonpartisan Elections, Amendment 1 (1924)
  15. Nebraska Publication of Constitutional Amendments, Amendment 6 (1952)
  16. Nebraska Elections of Executive Officers, Amendment 4 (1960)
  17. Nebraska Judicial Districts and Elections, Amendment 6 (1960)
  18. Nebraska Commissioner of Education, Amendment 9 (1960)
  19. Nebraska State Railway Commission, Amendment 2 (1962)
  20. Nebraska Commissioner of Education, Amendment 1 (1964)
  21. Nebraska Voting Age, Amendment 1 (1968)
  22. Nebraska Election Jurisdiction, Amendment 4 (1968)
  23. Nebraska Special Constitutional Amendment Elections, Amendment 5 (1968)
  24. Nebraska Voting Age, Amendment 1 (1970)
  25. Nebraska Joint Elections for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 13b (1970)
  26. Nebraska Voting Age, Amendment 8 (May 1972)
  27. Nebraska Elections of Senators, Amendment 10 (May 1972)
  28. Nebraska Resident Requirements for Voters, Amendment 15a (May 1972)
  29. Nebraska Military Duty on Election Day, Amendment 15b (May 1972)
  30. Nebraska Voting Methods, Amendment 15c (May 1972)
  31. Nebraska Signature Requirements for Initiatives, Amendment 3a (1988)
  32. Nebraska Voter Age Requirements, Amendment 3b (1988)
  33. Nebraska Rules Governing Initiative Signatures, Measure 410 (1996)
  34. Nebraska Judicial Elections, Amendment 3B (1998)
  35. Nebraska Two Votes to Amend Constitution, Amendment 3A (2000)


  1. Nevada Selection of University Board of Regents Amendment, Question 9 (2006)
  2. Nevada Campaign Contribution Limits, Question 10 (1996)
  3. Nevada Campaign Contribution Limits, Question 10 (1994)
  4. Nevada Voter Residency Requirements Amendment, Question 1 (2008)
  5. Nevada Election of District Judges, Question 2 (1980)
  6. Nevada Election of Auditors and Public Administrators, Question 5 (1980)
  7. Nevada Eligibility for Public Office, Question 1 (1978)
  8. Nevada Residency Requirement for Voting, Question 1 (1976)
  9. Nevada Deadline for Filing Initiative Petitions, Question 1 (1972)
  10. Nevada Voting Rights of People in the Armed Services, Question 3 (1972)
  11. Nevada Selection of State Supreme Court Justices, Question 4 (1972)
  12. Nevada Rule on Non-conflicting and Conflicting Amendment Initiatives, Question 6 (1972)
  13. Nevada Question 3, Top-Five Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  14. Nevada Question 3, Top-Five Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2022)
  15. Nevada Voter Identification Initiative (2024)

New Hampshire

  1. New Hampshire Modifications Related to Elections Amendment (1976)
  2. New Hampshire 18 Year Old Voting Age Amendment (1974)
  3. New Hampshire Remove Provision Disqualifying Women From Voting for State Offices, Question 1 (1958)
  4. New Hampshire Legislative Representation, Question 5 (1930)
  5. New Hampshire Legislative Representation, Question 4 (1920)
  6. New Hampshire Voting Rights for the Convicted, Question 7 (1912)
  7. New Hampshire Election by Plurality, Question 8 (1912)
  8. New Hampshire Voters Required to Read and Write English, Question 1 (1903)
  9. New Hampshire Right to Vote for Untaxed Amendment (1968)
  10. New Hampshire Right to Vote Amendment (1968)
  11. New Hampshire Right to Vote Amendment (1921)

New Mexico

  1. New Mexico Amendment 4 (1996)
  2. New Mexico Amendment 3 (1996)
  3. New Mexico Amendment 2 (1996)
  4. New Mexico Rules for County Officials in their Second Terms, Amendment 3 (1998)
  5. New Mexico Modern Election Language Amendment, Amendment 3 (2010)
  6. New Mexico School Elections Act, Amendment 4 (2008)
  7. New Mexico Runoff Elections, Measure 3 (2004)
  8. New Mexico School Board, Amendment 1 (2008)
  9. New Mexico Dates for School Elections, Amendment 1 (2014)
  10. New Mexico Candidacy Declarations in Judicial Retention Elections, Amendment 3 (2014)
  11. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 11, Voter Qualification (1994)
  12. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Absentee Voting (1940)
  13. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Absentee Voting (1958)
  14. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor (1962)
  15. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Absentee Voting, Removal of Voting Restrictions for Women and Indians (1964)
  16. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Municipal Bonds, Special Elections, Nonresident Voting (1964)
  17. New Mexico Nominating Conventions for Candidates Referendum (1950)
  18. New Mexico Nominating Conventions for Candidates Referendum (1964)

New Jersey

  1. New Jersey Public Question No. 2 (1974)
  2. New Jersey Public Question No. 1 (1970)
  3. New Jersey Public Question No. 2 (1969)
  4. New Jersey Public Question No. 4 (1963)
  5. New Jersey Public Question No. 1 (1957)

New York

  1. New York Elections for the Sheriff and County Clerk, Proposal 1 (1984)

North Carolina

  1. North Carolina No Convicted Felons for Sheriff, Amendment 1 (2010)
  2. North Carolina Tax Limitations and Income Tax Amendment (1920)
  3. North Carolina Voting Requirements Amendment (1920)
  4. North Carolina Election Returns for State Executive Officers Amendment (1926)
  5. North Carolina Special Elections for Amendments Amendment (1932)
  6. North Carolina Debt Limitations Amendment (1948)
  7. North Carolina Voting Requirements Amendment (1954)
  8. North Carolina Elections to Fill Vacancies Amendment (1954)
  9. North Carolina Voting Requirements for Presidential Elections Amendment (1962)
  10. North Carolina Literacy Voting Requirement Amendment (1970)
  11. North Carolina Voting and Elective Office Age Requirements Amendment (1972)
  12. North Carolina Voter Approval of Bonds Amendment (1982)
  13. North Carolina Odd-Numbered Year Elections Amendment (May 1986)
  14. North Carolina Elections for Office Vacancies Amendment (1986)

North Dakota

  1. North Dakota Partisan Elections Initiative (1921)
  2. North Dakota Non-partisan Election Initiative (1921)
  3. North Dakota Tax Commissioner Election Initiative (1938)
  4. North Dakota Secret Primary Ballot, Initiative 3 (1962)
  5. North Dakota Election of County Officers, Constitutional Measure 1 (2002)
  6. North Dakota Election of County Officials, Measure 2 (1998)
  7. North Dakota Legislative Assembly Vacancy Filling, Measure 4 (2000)
  8. North Dakota Filling of Judicial Vacancies, Measure 1 (1998)
  9. North Dakota Rules for Appointing Supreme Court Justices, Measure 2 (1990)
  10. North Dakota Federal Funds for Political Purposes Initiative (1936)
  11. North Dakota State and County Official Term Lengths, Initiative 5 (1964)
  12. North Dakota Residence Requirements of Electors Referendum (1920)
  13. North Dakota Electors Residence Requirements Referendum (1922)
  14. North Dakota Nonpartisan Elections Referendum (1924)
  15. North Dakota Date of Presidential Primary Election Referendum (1924)
  16. North Dakota Party Central Committees Referendum (1924)
  17. North Dakota County Officers to be Elected Referendum, Amendment 1 (1952)
  18. North Dakota County Official Term Lengths, Initiative 2 (1962)
  19. North Dakota Repeal Limits on Legislator Elections and Appointments, Referendum 3 (1962)
  20. North Dakota Repeal Limits on Legislator Elections and Appointments, Referendum 2 (1964)
  21. North Dakota Voter Pamphlet, Referendum 1 (1964)
  22. North Dakota New Residents Presidential Voting Referendum, Number 2 (1966)
  23. North Dakota Judicial Reform Referendum, Number 5 (1968)
  24. North Dakota Joint Governor and Lieutenant Ballot Referendum, Amendment 1 (1974)
  25. North Dakota Legislator Qualifications Referendum, Amendment 1 (1976)
  26. North Dakota Elective Franchise Referendum, Amendment 2 (1978)
  27. North Dakota Judicial Officers Referendum, Amendment 5 (1980)
  28. North Dakota Presidential Preference and June Primary Referendum, Measure 7 (1980)
  29. North Dakota Election Law Revision Referendum, Measure 8 (1980)
  30. North Dakota Future Governor and Lieutenant Governor Elections Referendum, Measure 4 (1982)
  31. North Dakota Tax Commissioner on Party Ballot Referendum, Measure 2 (1986)
  32. North Dakota State Legislative Term Limits and Ballot Instruction Measure, Measure 5 (1996)
  33. North Dakota Executive Branch Officer Election, Measure 2 (2000)
  34. North Dakota State Treasurer Not Elected, Measure 3 (2000)
  35. North Dakota Measure 1, Ethics Commission, Foreign Political Contribution Ban, and Conflicts of Interest Initiative (2018)
  36. North Dakota Initiated Measure 1, Congressional Age Limits Initiative (June 2024)


  1. Ohio Issue 3, Campaign Finance Initiative (2005)
  2. Ohio Issue No. 5, Establishment of State Election Board Initiative (2005)
  3. Ohio Voter Registration and Voting Eligibility Initiative (1977)
  4. Ohio Newspaper Notice of Municipal Charter Amendments Amendment (1970)
  5. Ohio Residency Requirement for Voters Amendment (1970)
  6. Ohio Issue 3, Ohio Ballot Board and Constitutional Amendments Measure (May 1974)
  7. Ohio Short Ballot for County and Township Officers Amendment (1913)
  8. Ohio Short Ballot for State Officers Amendment (1913)
  9. Ohio Removal of Constitutional Section Regarding Militia Officers Amendment (1953)
  10. Ohio Elimination of Short-Term Elections Amendment (1969)
  11. Ohio Publication of Ballot Measures in Newspapers Amendment (1971)
  12. Ohio Disqualifications for Public Office Amendment (May 1973)
  13. Ohio Equal Treatment of Candidate Names on Ballots Amendment (1975)
  14. Ohio Terms of Office and Vacancies Amendment (June 1976)
  15. Ohio Selection of Supreme and Appellate Court Judges Initiative (1987)
  16. Ohio Elimination of the Compulsory Primary Election for Delegates Initiative (1926)
  17. Ohio Voting for Individual Candidates Initiative (1949)
  18. Ohio Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (June 1976)
  19. Ohio Voter Qualifications and Privileges Amendment (June 1976)
  20. Ohio Declaration of Election Results Amendment (1976)
  21. Ohio Require Elections for Delegates for National Political Party Conventions Amendment (1975)
  22. Ohio Voting Machine Use Amendment (September 1912)
  23. Ohio Primary Elections for Elective Offices Amendment (September 1912)
  24. Ohio Election of Members of the Public Utilities Commission Initiative (1982)
  25. Ohio Issue 1, Ballot Board to Write Measure Language Amendment (June 1978)
  26. Ohio Biennial Elections, Amendment 1 (1905)
  27. Ohio Prohibit Re-Submitting Twice Rejected Constitutional Amendments for Six Years Initiative (1915)
  28. Ohio Elections of Members of the General Assembly, Amendment 2 (October 1879)
  29. Ohio Elections of State Officers, Amendment 3 (October 1879)
  30. Ohio Elections of Township Trustees, Amendment 4 (October 1879)
  31. Ohio Election Day for Members of the General Assembly, Amendment 1 (October 1885)
  32. Ohio Election Day for State Officers, Amendment 2 (October 1885)
  33. Ohio Election Day for County Officers, Amendment 3 (October 1885)
  34. Ohio Biennial Elections, Amendment 3 (1889)
  35. Ohio Issue 1, Ballot Initiative Signature Deadline Amendment (2008)


  1. Oklahoma Fair Elections, State Question 78 (1916)
  2. Oklahoma Registration of Electors, State Question 80 (1916)
  3. Oklahoma Direct Election of U.S. Senators, State Question 41 (August 1912)
  4. Oklahoma State Conduct of General Elections, State Question 21 (1910)
  5. Oklahoma Qualifications for Electors, State Question 82 (August 1916)
  6. Oklahoma State Question 312, Runoff Primary Elections Measure (July 1944)
  7. Oklahoma Voting Age, State Question 356 (1952)
  8. Oklahoma Primary Elections, State Question 388 (July 1960)
  9. Oklahoma Qualified Electors, State Question 412 (May 1964)
  10. Oklahoma Residential Requirements for Electors, State Question 432 (May 1966)
  11. Oklahoma Voting Requirements, State Question 479 (December 1971)
  12. Oklahoma Voting Age, State Question 484
  13. Oklahoma Utility Bond Elections, State Question 488 (August 1972)
  14. Oklahoma Qualifications of Electors, State Question 503 (August 1974)
  15. Oklahoma Election Regulations, State Question 531 (1978)
  16. Oklahoma Repeal Poll Tax, State Question 590 (1986)
  17. Oklahoma Majority Needed to Approve Bond Issues, State Question 616 (August 1988)
  18. Oklahoma Labor Commissioner Elections, State Question 613 (1988)


  1. Oregon Measure 31, Deceased Candidate Procedure Amendment (2004)
  2. Oregon Measure 54, Voter Eligibility for School District Elections Amendment (2008)
  3. Oregon Measure 56, Eliminate Voter Turnout Requirement for Property Tax Elections Amendment (2008)
  4. Oregon Measure 6, Public Funding for Candidates Who Limit Spending and Private Contributions Initiative (2000)
  5. Oregon Measure 65, Top-Two Primaries Initiative (2008)
  6. Oregon Measure 40, Election of Judges by District Initiative (2006)
  7. Oregon Measure 64, Prohibit Use Of Public Resources To Collect Political Funds Initiative (2008)
  8. Oregon Measure 46, Regulation of Campaign Contributions Initiative (2006)
  9. Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Primary Nominating Elections from May to September Referendum (1940)
  10. Oregon Measure 47, Campaign Finance Limits and Disclosure Initiative (2006)
  11. Oregon Measure 3, Deadline for Filling Vacancies at General Election Amendment (1994)
  12. Oregon Measure 6, Residents-Only Contributions for Candidates Initiative (1994)
  13. Oregon Measure 9, Limits on Campaign Contributions, Finance, and Spending Initiative (1994)
  14. Oregon Measure 62, Campaign Finance and Signature Gathering Regulation Initiative (1998)
  15. Oregon Measure 21, Judicial Vacancies and Elections Initiative (2002)
  16. Oregon Measure 22, Judicial Districts and Elections Initiative (2002)
  17. Oregon Measure Nos. 302-303, Primary Nominating Election Initiative (June 1904)
  18. Oregon Measure Nos. 306-307, General Biennial Elections Date Change Amendment (June 1908)
  19. Oregon Measure Nos. 326-327, Vote for U.S. Senate Candidate Initiative (June 1908)
  20. Oregon Measure Nos. 328-329, Allow for Alternative Methods for Electing Officials Initiative (June 1908)
  21. Oregon Measure Nos. 330-331, Campaign Rules and Regulations Initiative (June 1908)
  22. Oregon Presidential Primaries, Measure 29 (1910)
  23. Oregon Measure Nos. 324-325, Prohibition of Party Nominations for Judges Initiative (1914)
  24. Oregon Measure Nos. 348-349, Top Sixty Candidates Legislative Elections Initiative (1914)
  25. Oregon Measure Nos. 354-355, Authorize Election of Primary Delegates Initiative (1914)
  26. Oregon Measure Nos. 310-311, Simultaneous State and Municipal Elections Amendment (June 1917)
  27. Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Increase Term Lengths for Elected County Officials Initiative (1920)
  28. Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, Governor to Fill Office Vacancies Amendment (1926)
  29. Oregon Measure Nos. 300-301, Move Primary Elections to September Amendment (January 1936)
  30. Oregon Measure 7, Voter Qualifications for Presidential Elections Amendment (1960)
  31. Oregon Measure 10, Vacancies in Elective Office Amendment (1960)
  32. Oregon Measure 6, Terms of Defeated Incumbents Amendment (1970)
  33. Oregon Measure 8, Lower Voting Age and Residency Requirement for School District Elections Amendment (1974)
  34. Oregon Measure 10, Align State with Federal Voter Qualifications Amendment (1974)
  35. Oregon Measure 2, Align City, County, and State Elections Amendment (1976)
  36. Oregon Measure 7, Partial Public Funding of Campaigns Measure (1976)
  37. Oregon Measure 1, Elections for School District Levies Amendment (May 1977)
  38. Oregon Measure 1, Method of Appointment and Election of Judges Amendment (1978)
  39. Oregon Measure 1, Repeal Election of Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (1980)
  40. Oregon Measure 4, Special Election for U.S. Senator Vacancy Amendment (May 1986)
  41. Oregon Measure 53, Elimination of Voter Turnout Requirement for Property Tax Measures Amendment (May 1998)
  42. Oregon Measure 59, Prohibit Public Resources to Collect Political Funds Initiative (1998)
  43. Oregon Measure 92, Prohibit Payroll Deductions For Political Purposes Initiative (2000)
  44. Oregon Measure 93, Voter Approval of Taxes by Certain Approval Percentage Initiative (2000)
  45. Oregon Measure 98, Prohibit Using Public Resources For Political Purposes Initiative (2000)
  46. Oregon Open Primary Initiative, Measure 90 (2014)
  47. Oregon Ranked-Choice Voting for Federal and State Elections Measure (2024)
  48. Oregon Measure Nos. 324-325, Recall of Public Officials Initiative (June 1908)
  49. Oregon Measure Nos. 360-361, Direct Democracy, Electoral System, and Legislature Changes Initiative (1910)
  50. Oregon Measure Nos. 55-56, Office of State Printer Amendment (June 1904)


  1. Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor Selection Amendment (2024)
  2. Pennsylvania Question 3, In-State Address Change and Voting Location Amendment (1959)
  3. Pennsylvania Question 1, State Senate Elections Following Redistricting Amendment (May 2001)
  4. Pennsylvania Question 6, Voter Residency Requirements and Absentee Voting Amendment (May 1967)
  5. Pennsylvania Question 5, Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (May 1967)
  6. Pennsylvania Appointed Judges and Retention Elections Amendment (May 1969)
  7. Pennsylvania Question 1, Election of the Attorney General Amendment (May 1978)
  8. Pennsylvania Question 2, State Judicial Vacancies Amendment (May 1978)
  9. Pennsylvania Election Audits Amendment (2024)

Rhode Island

  1. Rhode Island Question 2, Restoration of Voting Rights Act (2006)
  2. Rhode Island Suffrage, Proposal 2 (1984)
  3. Rhode Island Four Year Terms, Proposal 4 (1982)
  4. Rhode Island Suffrage, Proposal 1 (1973)
  5. Rhode Island Qualifications for Office, Proposal 2 (1973)
  6. Rhode Island Four Year Terms, Proposal 6 (1973)
  7. Rhode Island Qualifications and Registration of Voters, Proposal 14 (1972)
  8. Rhode Island Qualification of Electors—Narragansett Indians, Proposal 1 (1950)
  9. Rhode Island Qualification of Electors—Servicemen Exempt, Proposal 5 (1950)
  10. Rhode Island Judicial Power, Proposal 1 (1952)
  11. Rhode Island Judicial Power, Proposal 1 (1954)

South Carolina

  1. South Carolina Referendum 2C, Voting Eligibility of 18-Year-Olds (1996)
  2. South Carolina Referendum 3, Voting Precinct for Those Who Have Moved (1996)
  3. South Carolina Referendum 2B, Convicted Felons May Not Serve in Elective Office (1996)
  4. South Carolina Gubernatorial Elections, Amendment 1 (2012)
  5. South Carolina Appointment of Adjutant General, Amendment 2 (2014)
  6. South Carolina Elector Requirements, Amendment 1 (1970)
  7. South Carolina Register to Vote Qualifications, Amendment 2 (1970)
  8. South Carolina Amendment 1, Appointed Superintendent of Education Measure (2018)

South Dakota

  1. South Dakota Coffey Primary Election Law (1914)
  2. South Dakota Richard's Primary Election Law, Measure 1 (1912)
  3. South Dakota Richard's Primary Law (1916)
  4. South Dakota Change the Voting Age, Amendment B (1994)
  5. South Dakota Richard's Primary Law (1918)
  6. South Dakota Primary Election Law (1920)
  7. South Dakota Nonpolitical Judicial Elections (1924)
  8. South Dakota Primary Elections Law (1924)
  9. South Dakota Superintendents of Schools Elections (1936)
  10. South Dakota Voting Residence (1958)
  11. South Dakota Residency Requirements, Amendment A (1970)
  12. South Dakota Voting Age, Amendment F (1970)
  13. South Dakota Presidential Elections, Amendment G (1970)
  14. South Dakota Voting Age, Amendment A (1972)
  15. South Dakota Right of Suffrage, Amendment B (1974)
  16. South Dakota Limits on Lobbying, Initiative 10 (2008)
  17. South Dakota Independent Candidates Election Law Referendum, Referred Law 19 (2016)
  18. South Dakota Initiated Measure 24, Ban Out-of-State Contributions to Ballot Question Committees Initiative (2018)
  19. South Dakota Constitutional Amendment W, State Campaign Finance and Lobbying Laws, Government Accountability Board, and Initiative Process Amendment (2018)
  20. South Dakota Constitutional Amendment H, Top-Two Primary Elections Initiative (2024)


  1. Texas Proposition 15, Elections for County Surveyors Amendment (1993)
  2. Texas Proposition 18, Local Elections With Unopposed Candidates Amendment (September 2003)
  3. Texas Proposition 9, Legislative Vacancies Amendment (2001)
  4. Texas Proposition 6, Appointment of Presidential Electors Amendment (2001)
  5. Texas Proposition 8, State and Local Elections with Unopposed Candidates Amendment (September 2003)
  6. Texas Proposition 8, Voting Requirements Amendment (1966)
  7. Texas Proposition 2, Election of Railroad Commissioners Amendment (1894)
  8. Texas Proposition 2, Citizenship Voting Requirements Amendment (1896)
  9. Texas Proposition 1, Poll Tax Payment Amendment (1902)
  10. Texas Proposition 7, Qualifications to Vote on Bond Issues Amendment (1932)
  11. Texas Proposition 1, Military Poll Tax Exemption Amendment (August 1945)
  12. Texas Proposition 4, Poll Tax and Voter Registration Amendment (1949)
  13. Texas Proposition 1, Poll Tax Repeal Amendment (1963)
  14. Texas Proposition 7, Poll Tax Repeal Amendment (1966)
  15. Texas Proposition 14, Voting in the Armed Forces Amendment (1966)
  16. Texas Proposition 3, Voter and Election Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)
  17. Texas Proposition 8, State Debt Ballot Questions Amendment (1991)
  18. Texas Proposition 1, Voting in Different Precincts Amendment (July 1915)


  1. Utah Authorization of Recall, Initiative B (1976)
  2. Utah Legislative Eligibility, Proposition 1 (1998)
  3. Utah Eliminate Felons' Right to Vote, Proposition 4 (1998)
  4. Utah Legislator Eligibility, Amendment B (2010)
  5. Utah Election of Appointed Lieutenant Governor, Amendment B (2014)


  1. Vermont End the Residency Requirement to Vote Amendment (1974)
  2. Vermont Manner of Electing the Vermont Secretary of State (1883)
  3. Vermont Direct Primary Act (1916)
  4. Vermont Primary Elections Act (1914)
  5. Vermont Voting Age Amendment, Proposal 5 (2010)
  6. Vermont Statewide Referendum: Primary Elections Question 1 (1914)
  7. Vermont Statewide Referendum: Primary Elections Question 2 (1914)
  8. Vermont Statewide Referendum: The Direct Primary (1916)


  1. Virginia Amendment 1 (1998)


  1. Washington Initiative 872, Top-Two Primaries Measure (2004)
  2. Washington HJR 4206, Office Vacancies Amendment (2003)
  3. Washington SJR 143, Durational Residency Requirement Amendment (1974)
  4. Washington Referendum 5, Party Conventions Measure (1916)
  5. Washington Referendum 15, Changes to Party Conventions and Nomination Measure (1922)
  6. Washington SJR 25, Notice of Amendments on Ballot Amendment (1962)
  7. Washington SJR 9, Voter Pamphlet Mailing Requirement Amendment (1962)
  8. Washington Referendum 39, Voter Registration by Mail Measure (1977)
  9. Washington SJR 138, Legislative and County Vacancies Amendment (1986)
  10. Washington Referendum 25, Electoral Campaign Financing Regulation Measure (1972)
  11. Washington HJR 4, Voter Qualifications for Presidential Elections Amendment (1966)
  12. Washington Initiative 394, Voter Approval for Energy Project Bonds Measure (1981)
  13. Washington Initiative 276, Regulations for Campaign Expenditures and Contributions Measure (1972)
  14. Washington Initiative 199, Legislative Reapportionment and Redistricting Measure (1956)
  15. Washington Initiative 58, Permanent Registration of Voters Measure (1932)
  16. Washington Referendum 35, Senate Vacancy Appointments Measure (1975)
  17. Washington Referendum 32, Deputy Voting Registrar Appointments Measure (1973)
  18. Washington HJR 6, Voting Age of 19 Amendment (1970)
  19. Washington SJR 14, Filling State Legislature Vacancies Amendment (1956)
  20. Washington Voter Residency Requirement Amendment, SJR 8205 (2011)
  21. Washington SJR 6, Superior Court Judge Elections Amendment (1966)
  22. Washington HJR 22, Voter Approval of Excess School Tax Levies Amendment (1985)
  23. Washington Initiative 126, Non-Partisan Elections for School Superintendents Measure (1938)
  24. Washington Amendment to Article XI Sec. 5, Classification of Counties by Population for County Official Elections (1924)
  25. Washington Amendment to Article I Secs. 33-34, Recall Elections Amendment (1912)


  1. Wisconsin Question 1, Prohibition on Convicted Persons Holding Office Amendment (1996)
  2. Wisconsin Question 1, Election and Terms of Sheriffs Amendment (1998)
  3. Wisconsin Question 1, Terms of County Officers Amendment (April 2005)
  4. Wisconsin Question 1, Voting Rights for Children of U.S. Citizens Living Abroad Measure (2000)
  5. Wisconsin Question 2, Modernizing Constitutional Text Amendment (April 1986)
  6. Wisconsin Question 5, Deletion of 1902 Transitional Provision Amendment (1982)
  7. Wisconsin Question 1, Recall Primary Elections Amendment (April 1981)
  8. Wisconsin Question 4, Term Length Wording Amendment (April 1979)
  9. Wisconsin Question 2, Secretary of State Term of Office Amendment (April 1967)
  10. Wisconsin Question 3, State Treasurer Term of Office Amendment (April 1967)
  11. Wisconsin Question 4, Attorney General Term of Office Amendment (April 1967)
  12. Wisconsin Question 6, Sheriff Term Limits Amendment (April 1967)
  13. Wisconsin Question 2, County Coroner and Surveyor Amendment (April 1965)
  14. Wisconsin Question 3, Constitutional Amending Procedure Amendment (April 1964)
  15. Wisconsin Judicial Terms of Office Amendment, Question 2 (April 1953)
  16. Wisconsin State Executive Official Terms of Office, Question 3 (April 1951)
  17. Wisconsin Primary Election Law Referendum, Question 1 (1904)
  18. Wisconsin Election Amendment, Question 2 (1882)
  19. Wisconsin Question 1, Governor and Lieutenant Governor Term of Office Amendment (April 1967)
  20. Wisconsin Question 5, Governor and Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Amendment (April 1967)
  21. Wisconsin Question 2, County Coroner and Medical Examiner Option Amendment (April 1972)
  22. Wisconsin Question 1, Ban on Private and Non-Governmental Funding of Election Administration Amendment (April 2024)
  23. Wisconsin Question 2, Only Designated Election Officials to Conduct Elections Amendment (April 2024)
  24. Wisconsin Question 1, Suffrage Definition Amendment (April 1986)


  1. Wyoming Special Session, Constitutional Amendment B (2002)
  2. Wyoming Suffrage Not Based on Mental Status, Amendment B (1996)
  3. Wyoming Legislature Appointments and Elections, Amendment 3 (1972)
  4. Wyoming Qualifications of Electors, Amendment 2 (1970)
  5. Wyoming Initiative and Referendum, Amendment 2 (1968)

By year

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Florida Top-Two Open Primaries for State Offices Initiative (2026)


  1. Maine Voter Photo Identification Initiative (2025)


  1. Arizona Proposition 133, Require Partisan Primaries and Prohibit Primaries Where Candidates Compete Regardless of Party Affiliation Amendment (2024)
  2. Nevada Question 3, Top-Five Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  3. Florida Amendment 1, Partisan School Board Elections Amendment (2024)
  4. Oregon Ranked-Choice Voting for Federal and State Elections Measure (2024)
  5. Wisconsin Question 1, Ban on Private and Non-Governmental Funding of Election Administration Amendment (April 2024)
  6. Wisconsin Question 2, Only Designated Election Officials to Conduct Elections Amendment (April 2024)
  7. Florida Amendment 6, Repeal of Public Financing for Statewide Campaigns Amendment (2024)
  8. Alaska Repeal Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  9. North Dakota Initiated Measure 1, Congressional Age Limits Initiative (June 2024)
  10. Illinois Penalties for Candidate Interference with Election Worker's Duties Advisory Question (2024)
  11. South Dakota Constitutional Amendment H, Top-Two Primary Elections Initiative (2024)
  12. Idaho Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  13. Pennsylvania Election Audits Amendment (2024)
  14. Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor Selection Amendment (2024)
  15. Arizona Eliminate Partisan Primaries Amendment (2024)
  16. Missouri Require Constitutional Amendments to be Voted on in Even-Numbered Year Elections Amendment (2024)
  17. Colorado Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  18. Montana Top-Four Primary Initiative (2024)
  19. Montana Majority Vote Required to Win Elections Initiative (2024)
  20. Colorado Require Candidates to Petition onto Primary Ballot and Eliminate Party Nominations Initiative (2024)
  21. Colorado Timeline for Counting Ballots Initiative (2024)
  22. Missouri Voting and Elections Amendment (2024)
  23. Colorado Allow Candidates Ballot Access Through Petition or Political Party Caucus and Assembly Processes Initiative (2024)
  24. Colorado Prohibit Ranked Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  25. Colorado Closed Primary Elections Initiative (2024)
  26. Maine Popular Vote for Presidential Elections Referendum (2024)
  27. Colorado Top-Four Open Primary and Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  28. Nevada Voter Identification Initiative (2024)


  1. Louisiana Amendment 1, Ban on Private or Foreign Funding of Election Costs Amendment (October 2023)
  2. Maine Question 2, Prohibit Foreign Spending in Elections Initiative (2023)


  1. Kansas Constitutional Amendment 2, County Sheriff Election and Recall Amendment (2022)
  2. Arizona Proposition 211, Campaign Finance Sources Disclosure Initiative (2022)
  3. Alabama Amendment 4, Prohibit Changes to Election Conduct Laws within Six Months of General Elections Amendment (2022)
  4. Arizona Proposition 131, Create Office of Lieutenant Governor Amendment (2022)
  5. Nevada Question 3, Top-Five Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2022)
  6. Michigan Proposal 2, Voting Policies in Constitution Amendment (2022)


  1. Alabama Amendment 1, Citizenship Requirement for Voting Measure (2020)
  2. Alaska Ballot Measure 2, Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting and Campaign Finance Laws Initiative (2020)
  3. Massachusetts Question 2, Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2020)
  4. Florida Amendment 3, Top-Two Open Primaries for State Offices Initiative (2020)
  5. Colorado Proposition 113, National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Referendum (2020)
  6. California Proposition 18, Primary Voting for 17-Year-Olds Amendment (2020)


  1. South Carolina Amendment 1, Appointed Superintendent of Education Measure (2018)
  2. North Dakota Measure 1, Ethics Commission, Foreign Political Contribution Ban, and Conflicts of Interest Initiative (2018)
  3. South Dakota Initiated Measure 24, Ban Out-of-State Contributions to Ballot Question Committees Initiative (2018)
  4. South Dakota Constitutional Amendment W, State Campaign Finance and Lobbying Laws, Government Accountability Board, and Initiative Process Amendment (2018)
  5. Missouri Amendment 1, Lobbying, Campaign Finance, and Redistricting Initiative (2018)
  6. Arizona Proposition 306, Clean Election Account Uses and Commission Rulemaking Measure (2018)
  7. Maine Question 1, Ranked-Choice Voting Delayed Enactment and Automatic Repeal Referendum (June 2018)


  1. South Dakota Independent Candidates Election Law Referendum, Referred Law 19 (2016)
  2. Maine Question 5, Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2016)
  3. Colorado Unaffiliated Elector, Proposition 108 (2016)
  4. Missouri State and Judicial Campaign Contribution Limits, Constitutional Amendment 2 (2016)


  1. Maine "Clean Elections" Initiative, Question 1 (2015)


  1. New Mexico Dates for School Elections, Amendment 1 (2014)
  2. New Mexico Candidacy Declarations in Judicial Retention Elections, Amendment 3 (2014)
  3. South Carolina Appointment of Adjutant General, Amendment 2 (2014)
  4. Oregon Open Primary Initiative, Measure 90 (2014)
  5. Utah Election of Appointed Lieutenant Governor, Amendment B (2014)
  6. Maryland Special Elections for County Executive Vacancies Amendment, Question 2 (2014)


  1. Minnesota Voter Identification Amendment, Amendment 2 (2012)
  2. South Carolina Gubernatorial Elections, Amendment 1 (2012)
  3. California Proposition 32, Ban on Political Contributions from Payroll Deductions Initiative (2012)
  4. Arizona Proposition 121, Top-Two Primary Election Amendment (2012)
  5. Calhoun County Absentee Ballot Amendment (2012)


  1. Mississippi Voter Identification Amendment, Initiative 27 (2011)
  2. Washington Voter Residency Requirement Amendment, SJR 8205 (2011)


  1. Utah Legislator Eligibility, Amendment B (2010)
  2. New Mexico Modern Election Language Amendment, Amendment 3 (2010)
  3. California Proposition 14, Top-Two Primaries Amendment (June 2010)
  4. California Proposition 15, Biennial Lobbyist Fee and Public Campaign Funding Measure (June 2010)
  5. Kansas Voting Disqualification Amendment, Constitutional Amendment Question 2 (2010)
  6. California Proposition 20, Congressional Redistricting Initiative (2010)
  7. North Carolina No Convicted Felons for Sheriff, Amendment 1 (2010)
  8. Vermont Voting Age Amendment, Proposal 5 (2010)
  9. Illinois Governor Recall Amendment (2010)
  10. California Proposition 16, Require Supermajority Voter Approval to Expand Utility Services Initiative (June 2010)
  11. California Proposition 17, Car Insurance Rates Based on Coverage History Initiative (June 2010)
  12. California Proposition 27, Elimination of Citizens Redistricting Commission Initiative (2010)
  13. Arizona Proposition 112, Filing of Initiative Petitions Amendment (2010)
  14. Missouri Election of Charter County Assessors, Amendment 1 (2010)


  1. Oregon Measure 65, Top-Two Primaries Initiative (2008)
  2. Alaska Clean Elections, Measure 3 (August 2008)
  3. Oregon Measure 56, Eliminate Voter Turnout Requirement for Property Tax Elections Amendment (2008)
  4. Colorado Amendment 54, Campaign Contribution Limitations for Government Contractors Initiative (2008)
  5. Alabama Utilities in Tuskegee, Amendment 6 (2008)
  6. Oregon Measure 54, Voter Eligibility for School District Elections Amendment (2008)
  7. Oregon Measure 64, Prohibit Use Of Public Resources To Collect Political Funds Initiative (2008)
  8. Arizona Proposition 105, Initiative Financing Amendment (2008)
  9. New Mexico School Elections Act, Amendment 4 (2008)
  10. New Mexico School Board, Amendment 1 (2008)
  11. Nevada Voter Residency Requirements Amendment, Question 1 (2008)
  12. South Dakota Limits on Lobbying, Initiative 10 (2008)
  13. Arkansas Voting and Elections, Proposed Amendment 1 (2008)
  14. Iowa Voter Qualifications, Amendment 1 (2008)
  15. Ohio Issue 1, Ballot Initiative Signature Deadline Amendment (2008)


  1. Maryland Election Law Revisions, Question 4 (2006)
  2. Oregon Measure 40, Election of Judges by District Initiative (2006)
  3. Alaska Campaign Finance Reform Initiative, Measure 1 (August 2006)
  4. Oregon Measure 46, Regulation of Campaign Contributions Initiative (2006)
  5. Nevada Selection of University Board of Regents Amendment, Question 9 (2006)
  6. Oregon Measure 47, Campaign Finance Limits and Disclosure Initiative (2006)
  7. California Proposition 89, Public Campaign Finance Program, Campaign Finance Limits, and Increased Corporate Tax Initiative (2006)
  8. Massachusetts Question 2, Multi-Party Candidates Initiative (2006)
  9. Rhode Island Question 2, Restoration of Voting Rights Act (2006)
  10. Alabama Macon County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 3 (2006)
  11. Arizona Proposition 200, Voter Reward Initiative (2006)
  12. Arizona Proposition 205, Vote By Mail Initiative (2006)
  13. Colorado Referendum F, Recalls of Elected Officials Amendment (2006)


  1. California Proposition 77, Changes to Legislative and Congressional Redistricting Initiative (2005)
  2. Ohio Issue 3, Campaign Finance Initiative (2005)
  3. Ohio Issue No. 5, Establishment of State Election Board Initiative (2005)
  4. Wisconsin Question 1, Terms of County Officers Amendment (April 2005)


  1. California Proposition 60, Political Parties to Participate in Primaries and General Elections Amendment (2004)
  2. California Proposition 62, Top-Two Primaries Initiative (2004)
  3. Alaska Replacement of U.S. Senators Initiative, Measure 4 (2004)
  4. Washington Initiative 872, Top-Two Primaries Measure (2004)
  5. Oregon Measure 31, Deceased Candidate Procedure Amendment (2004)
  6. Florida Amendment 2, Requirements for Citizens' Initiatives Amendment (2004)
  7. Colorado Amendment 36, Division of Electoral Votes Initiative (2004)
  8. New Mexico Runoff Elections, Measure 3 (2004)


  1. Washington HJR 4206, Office Vacancies Amendment (2003)
  2. Texas Proposition 18, Local Elections With Unopposed Candidates Amendment (September 2003)
  3. Texas Proposition 8, State and Local Elections with Unopposed Candidates Amendment (September 2003)


  1. Wyoming Special Session, Constitutional Amendment B (2002)
  2. Colorado Amendment 27, Campaign Contributions and Spending Limits Initiative (2002)
  3. Colorado Amendment 29, Candidates on Primary Ballots Initiative (2002)
  4. Florida Amendment 2, Economic Impact Statements for Initiatives Amendment (2002)
  5. Alaska Ballot Measure 1, Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (August 2002)
  6. California Proposition 41, County Voting Equipment Bond Measure (March 2002)
  7. North Dakota Election of County Officers, Constitutional Measure 1 (2002)
  8. Massachusetts Question 3, Public Funding of Political Campaigns Advisory Question (2002)
  9. Michigan Proposal 02-1, Elimination of Straight Party Ticket Option Referendum (2002)
  10. California Proposition 43, Constitutional Right to Have One's Vote Counted Amendment (March 2002)
  11. Oregon Measure 21, Judicial Vacancies and Elections Initiative (2002)
  12. Oregon Measure 22, Judicial Districts and Elections Initiative (2002)
  13. Georgia Default on Taxes and Public Office, Amendment 1 (2002)
  14. California Proposition 45, Local Legislative Option to Extend Term Limits via Petition Amendment (March 2002)
  15. California Proposition 44, Chiropractic License Revocation for Insurance Fraud Measure (March 2002)


  1. Texas Proposition 6, Appointment of Presidential Electors Amendment (2001)
  2. Texas Proposition 9, Legislative Vacancies Amendment (2001)
  3. Pennsylvania Question 1, State Senate Elections Following Redistricting Amendment (May 2001)


  1. Maryland Staggered Elections for County Officials, Question 1 (2000)
  2. California Proposition 23, None of the Above Option on Ballots Initiative (March 2000)
  3. California Proposition 34, State Elective Office Campaign Contribution Limits Measure (2000)
  4. North Dakota Legislative Assembly Vacancy Filling, Measure 4 (2000)
  5. Oregon Measure 6, Public Funding for Candidates Who Limit Spending and Private Contributions Initiative (2000)
  6. Missouri Public Campaign Financing, Proposition B (2000)
  7. Nebraska Lieutenant Governor Election, Amendment 1 (2000)
  8. Wisconsin Question 1, Voting Rights for Children of U.S. Citizens Living Abroad Measure (2000)
  9. Oregon Measure 92, Prohibit Payroll Deductions For Political Purposes Initiative (2000)
  10. Oregon Measure 93, Voter Approval of Taxes by Certain Approval Percentage Initiative (2000)
  11. Oregon Measure 98, Prohibit Using Public Resources For Political Purposes Initiative (2000)
  12. Colorado Referendum C, Selection of County Surveyors Amendment (2000)
  13. North Dakota Executive Branch Officer Election, Measure 2 (2000)
  14. North Dakota State Treasurer Not Elected, Measure 3 (2000)
  15. Nebraska Two Votes to Amend Constitution, Amendment 3A (2000)


  1. Wisconsin Question 1, Election and Terms of Sheriffs Amendment (1998)
  2. California Proposition 219, Uniform Application of Ballot Measures Amendment (June 1998)
  3. California Proposition 226, Ban on Political Contributions from Payroll Deductions Initiative (June 1998)
  4. California Proposition 3, Closed Presidential Primaries Measure (1998)
  5. Arizona Proposition 104, Initiative and Referendum Amendment (1998)
  6. Idaho Ballot Access Restrictions, HB 644 (1998)
  7. Indiana Protect Right to Vote Act, Public Question 1 (1998)
  8. New Mexico Rules for County Officials in their Second Terms, Amendment 3 (1998)
  9. Missouri Initiative Petition Deadline, Amendment 1 (1998)
  10. Utah Legislative Eligibility, Proposition 1 (1998)
  11. Utah Eliminate Felons' Right to Vote, Proposition 4 (1998)
  12. North Dakota Election of County Officials, Measure 2 (1998)
  13. North Dakota Filling of Judicial Vacancies, Measure 1 (1998)
  14. Massachusetts Question 2, Campaign Finance Laws Initiative (1998)
  15. Montana Corporate Contributions to Ballot Issues, IR-114 (1998)
  16. Virginia Amendment 1 (1998)
  17. Florida Amendment 11, Nonpartisan School Board Elections, Ballot Access Requirements, Public Campaign Financing, and Election Processes Amendment (1998)
  18. Oregon Measure 62, Campaign Finance and Signature Gathering Regulation Initiative (1998)
  19. Oregon Measure 53, Elimination of Voter Turnout Requirement for Property Tax Measures Amendment (May 1998)
  20. Oregon Measure 59, Prohibit Public Resources to Collect Political Funds Initiative (1998)
  21. Colorado Amendment 18, Declarations About Term Limits Initiative (1998)
  22. Nebraska Judicial Elections, Amendment 3B (1998)
  23. Louisiana Prohibiting Felons from Public Office, Amendment 9 (October 1998)
  24. Arizona Proposition 200, Commission to Administer Alternative Campaign Finance System Initiative (1998)
  25. Arizona Proposition 202, IRS Elimination Pledge on Ballot for Congressional Candidates Initiative (1998)
  26. Arizona Proposition 103, Allow Unaffiliated Voters to Vote in Partisan Primaries Amendment (1998)
  27. Florida Amendment 7, Selection of Circuit and County Judges Amendment (1998)


  1. Wisconsin Question 1, Prohibition on Convicted Persons Holding Office Amendment (1996)
  2. California Proposition 208, Campaign Contribution and Spending Limits Initiative (1996)
  3. Wyoming Suffrage Not Based on Mental Status, Amendment B (1996)
  4. California Proposition 198, Open Blanket Primary Election Initiative (March 1996)
  5. New Mexico Amendment 2 (1996)
  6. New Mexico Amendment 3 (1996)
  7. New Mexico Amendment 4 (1996)
  8. Maryland Dual Offices Exceptions, Question 3 (1996)
  9. Maryland Charter Counties Elections, Question 4 (1996)
  10. Maryland Harford County Elections, Question 5 (1996)
  11. Nevada Campaign Contribution Limits, Question 10 (1996)
  12. Arkansas Campaign Contribution Limits and Disclosure, Proposed Initiated Act 1 (1996)
  13. Maine Public Campaign Financing, Question 3 (1996)
  14. Arizona Proposition 100, Legislative Emergency Enactment of Laws Amendment (1996)
  15. South Carolina Referendum 2C, Voting Eligibility of 18-Year-Olds (1996)
  16. South Carolina Referendum 3, Voting Precinct for Those Who Have Moved (1996)
  17. South Carolina Referendum 2B, Convicted Felons May Not Serve in Elective Office (1996)
  18. Colorado Amendment 13, Initiative, Referendum, and Petition Process Initiative (1996)
  19. Colorado Amendment 15, Contributions to Candidates Initiative (1996)
  20. North Dakota State Legislative Term Limits and Ballot Instruction Measure, Measure 5 (1996)
  21. Montana Direct Corporate Contribution in Ballot Issues, I-125 (1996)
  22. Nebraska Rules Governing Initiative Signatures, Measure 410 (1996)
  23. California Proposition 212, Campaign Spending and Contribution Limits Initiative (1996)


  1. Missouri Campaign Contribution Limits, Proposition A (1994)
  2. Oregon Measure 3, Deadline for Filling Vacancies at General Election Amendment (1994)
  3. Oregon Measure 6, Residents-Only Contributions for Candidates Initiative (1994)
  4. Oregon Measure 9, Limits on Campaign Contributions, Finance, and Spending Initiative (1994)
  5. Montana Campaign Finance Law Revision, I-118 (1994)
  6. Massachusetts Question 1, Contributions to Ballot Measure Campaigns Initiative (1994)
  7. Nevada Campaign Contribution Limits, Question 10 (1994)
  8. South Dakota Change the Voting Age, Amendment B (1994)
  9. Colorado Referendum A, Single-Subject Rule for Initiatives Amendment (1994)
  10. Colorado Amendment 12, Election and Legislative Measure Reform Initiative (1994)
  11. Colorado Amendment 15, Campaign Contribution Limits Initiative (1994)
  12. Colorado Referendum B, Ballot Measure Booklet Amendment (1994)
  13. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 11, Voter Qualification (1994)


  1. Texas Proposition 15, Elections for County Surveyors Amendment (1993)


  1. Florida Amendment 1, Suspension or Delay of Elections for Emergencies Amendment (1992)
  2. Arizona Proposition 100, Repeal Run-Off Requirement for State Executive Elections Amendment (1992)
  3. Georgia Boards of Education Elections, Amendment 2 (1992)
  4. Georgia Repeal of Local Amendments, Amendment 8 (1992)
  5. Arizona Proposition 104, Local Spending Limit Adjustment Elections Amendment (1992)


  1. Texas Proposition 8, State Debt Ballot Questions Amendment (1991)


  1. Massachusetts Question 6, Broadcasting of Candidates Advisory Question (1990)
  2. North Dakota Rules for Appointing Supreme Court Justices, Measure 2 (1990)
  3. California Proposition 131, Term Limits and Campaign Finance Limits Initiative (1990)
  4. California Proposition 136, Changes to Vote Requirements for New or Increased Taxes Initiative (1990)
  5. California Proposition 137, Voter Approval for Certain Rules Governing Initiatives Amendment (1990)
  6. Montana Valid Election for Qualified Ballot Issues, C-21 (1990)
  7. Colorado Amendment No. 2, Presidential Primary Measure (1990)
  8. Massachusetts Question 4, Establishment of Political Parties Initiative (1990)
  9. Arkansas Standards of Conduct for Candidates and Political Campaigns, Proposed Initiated Act 1 (1990)


  1. Maine Public Financing of Gubernatorial Campaigns, Question 1 (1989)


  1. Arizona Proposition 103, Eligibility for State Office Amendment (1988)
  2. Arizona Proposition 105, Runoff Elections Amendment (1988)
  3. Oklahoma Majority Needed to Approve Bond Issues, State Question 616 (August 1988)
  4. Oklahoma Labor Commissioner Elections, State Question 613 (1988)
  5. Nebraska Signature Requirements for Initiatives, Amendment 3a (1988)
  6. Nebraska Voter Age Requirements, Amendment 3b (1988)
  7. Hawaii Unopposed Candidate Primary Elections, Amendment 3 (1988)
  8. Illinois Voting Requirement Amendment (1988)
  9. Iowa Governor and Lt. Governor Elected as a Team, Amendment 1 (1988)
  10. California Proposition 66, Elected County Assessor Amendment (June 1988)
  11. California Proposition 73, Funds for Election Campaigns Initiative (June 1988)
  12. California Proposition 68, Campaign Contributions Initiative (June 1988)
  13. Colorado Amendment No. 2, Reimbursements for Recall Elections Amendment (1988)


  1. Ohio Selection of Supreme and Appellate Court Judges Initiative (1987)
  2. Maine Legislative Candidate Residency Requirement, Question 13 (1987)
  3. Mississippi Candidate Districts, Amendment 5 (1987)


  1. Washington SJR 138, Legislative and County Vacancies Amendment (1986)
  2. Wisconsin Question 2, Modernizing Constitutional Text Amendment (April 1986)
  3. California Proposition 49, Prohibition of Political Party Endorsements for Nonpartisan Candidates Amendment (June 1986)
  4. Connecticut Party Lever Usage Ban, Question 2 (1986)
  5. Oregon Measure 4, Special Election for U.S. Senator Vacancy Amendment (May 1986)
  6. Arizona Proposition 200, Campaign Contributions Limitations Initiative (1986)
  7. North Dakota Tax Commissioner on Party Ballot Referendum, Measure 2 (1986)
  8. Maryland Election of Harford County Council, Question 2 (1986)
  9. Maryland Elections of County Officials, Question 3 (1986)
  10. Oklahoma Repeal Poll Tax, State Question 590 (1986)
  11. North Carolina Odd-Numbered Year Elections Amendment (May 1986)
  12. North Carolina Elections for Office Vacancies Amendment (1986)
  13. Arkansas Authorization of Non-Elected Revenue Bonds, Proposed Amendment 67 (1986)
  14. California Proposition 59, Election of District Attorney Amendment (1986)
  15. Arizona Proposition 102, Method of Increasing Local Spending Limits Amendment (1986)
  16. Colorado Amendment No. 3, Franchises in Home Rule Municipalities Amendment (1986)
  17. Wisconsin Question 1, Suffrage Definition Amendment (April 1986)


  1. Washington HJR 22, Voter Approval of Excess School Tax Levies Amendment (1985)


  1. Colorado Amendment No. 2, Voter Qualifications Amendment (1984)
  2. Florida Amendment 5, County Commissioners Amendment (1984)
  3. Rhode Island Suffrage, Proposal 2 (1984)
  4. Georgia Elected Official Vacancies, Amendment 6 (1984)
  5. New York Elections for the Sheriff and County Clerk, Proposal 1 (1984)
  6. California Proposition 38, Language for Election Materials Initiative (1984)
  7. California Proposition 20, Candidates Who Engaged in Libelous or Slanderous Behavior Amendment (June 1984)
  8. California Proposition 40, Campaign Finance Initiative (1984)
  9. Arizona Proposition 100, Initiative and Referendum Petition Filing Deadlines Amendment (1984)


  1. Louisiana Judicial Vacancy Amendment (October 1983)


  1. Wisconsin Question 5, Deletion of 1902 Transitional Provision Amendment (1982)
  2. Ohio Election of Members of the Public Utilities Commission Initiative (1982)
  3. North Dakota Future Governor and Lieutenant Governor Elections Referendum, Measure 4 (1982)
  4. Maryland Montgomery County Elections, Question 3 (1982)
  5. North Carolina Voter Approval of Bonds Amendment (1982)
  6. Mississippi Election of the Governor, Amendment 2 (1982)
  7. Rhode Island Four Year Terms, Proposal 4 (1982)
  8. Alabama Constitutional Change Applying to One County Amendment (1982)


  1. Washington Initiative 394, Voter Approval for Energy Project Bonds Measure (1981)
  2. Wisconsin Question 1, Recall Primary Elections Amendment (April 1981)
  3. Maine Representatives Residency Requirements, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1981)


  1. Maine Direct Initiative and People's Veto, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1980)
  2. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Initiative and Referendum Process Amendment (1980)
  3. Connecticut Admission of Electors, Question 1 (1980)
  4. Connecticut Age of Eligibility for State Office, Question 3 (1980)
  5. Oregon Measure 1, Repeal Election of Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (1980)
  6. Arizona Proposition 100, Resign-to-Run Amendment (1980)
  7. North Dakota Judicial Officers Referendum, Amendment 5 (1980)
  8. North Dakota Presidential Preference and June Primary Referendum, Measure 7 (1980)
  9. North Dakota Election Law Revision Referendum, Measure 8 (1980)
  10. Maryland Anne Arundel County Council Elections, Question 1 (1980)
  11. Minnesota Campaign Spending Limits, Amendment 1 (1980)
  12. Nevada Election of District Judges, Question 2 (1980)
  13. Nevada Election of Auditors and Public Administrators, Question 5 (1980)
  14. California Proposition 4, Elections Regarding Low-Income Housing Amendment (June 1980)
  15. Idaho SJR 112, Simple Majority Vote for Citizen Initiatives and Allow Initiatives on General Election Ballots Amendment (1980)
  16. Illinois Reduce Size of House of Representatives and Eliminate Cumulative Voting Initiative (1980)


  1. Wisconsin Question 4, Term Length Wording Amendment (April 1979)
  2. Kentucky General Assembly Election Years Referendum (1979)


  1. Arkansas Establishment of Date for Proposed Constitution Vote, Referred Question Act 3 (1978)
  2. Ohio Issue 1, Ballot Board to Write Measure Language Amendment (June 1978)
  3. Oregon Measure 1, Method of Appointment and Election of Judges Amendment (1978)
  4. North Dakota Elective Franchise Referendum, Amendment 2 (1978)
  5. Missouri General Election Canvassing, Amendment 9 (1978)
  6. Maryland Prince George's County Council Elections, Question 4 (1978)
  7. Oklahoma Election Regulations, State Question 531 (1978)
  8. Nevada Eligibility for Public Office, Question 1 (1978)
  9. Hawaii Candidate Resignation, Amendment 5 (1978)
  10. Hawaii Campaign Finance, Amendment 6 (1978)
  11. Georgia Elective Franchise, Amendment 1 (1978)
  12. Georgia Notice for Write-in Candidates, Amendment 24 (1978)
  13. Pennsylvania Question 1, Election of the Attorney General Amendment (May 1978)
  14. Pennsylvania Question 2, State Judicial Vacancies Amendment (May 1978)
  15. California Proposition 4, City Boards of Education Amendment (June 1978)
  16. California Proposition 6, Elections of County Sheriffs Amendment (June 1978)


  1. Washington Referendum 39, Voter Registration by Mail Measure (1977)
  2. Ohio Voter Registration and Voting Eligibility Initiative (1977)
  3. Oregon Measure 1, Elections for School District Levies Amendment (May 1977)


  1. Utah Authorization of Recall, Initiative B (1976)
  2. Ohio Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (June 1976)
  3. Ohio Terms of Office and Vacancies Amendment (June 1976)
  4. Ohio Voter Qualifications and Privileges Amendment (June 1976)
  5. Ohio Declaration of Election Results Amendment (1976)
  6. Florida Amendment 1, Ethic Requirements and Procedures of Public Officials and Candidates Initiative (1976)
  7. Florida Amendment 2, Supreme and Appellate Court Judges Amendment (1976)
  8. Connecticut Qualification of Electors, Question 1 (1976)
  9. Oregon Measure 2, Align City, County, and State Elections Amendment (1976)
  10. Oregon Measure 7, Partial Public Funding of Campaigns Measure (1976)
  11. Colorado Amendment No. 10, Voter Approval for Taxes Initiative (1976)
  12. North Dakota Legislator Qualifications Referendum, Amendment 1 (1976)
  13. Missouri Election Ballot Numbering System, Amendment 2 (August 1976)
  14. Maryland Howard County Council Elections, Question 4 (1976)
  15. Nevada Residency Requirement for Voting, Question 1 (1976)
  16. New Hampshire Modifications Related to Elections Amendment (1976)
  17. Georgia Revenue Certificate Elections, Amendment 14 (1976)


  1. Washington Referendum 35, Senate Vacancy Appointments Measure (1975)
  2. Ohio Equal Treatment of Candidate Names on Ballots Amendment (1975)
  3. Ohio Require Elections for Delegates for National Political Party Conventions Amendment (1975)
  4. Texas Proposition 3, Voter and Election Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)


  1. Washington SJR 143, Durational Residency Requirement Amendment (1974)
  2. Vermont End the Residency Requirement to Vote Amendment (1974)
  3. Ohio Issue 3, Ohio Ballot Board and Constitutional Amendments Measure (May 1974)
  4. Massachusetts Campaign Expenditures Question (1974)
  5. Alaska Votes on Constitutional Amendments, Amendment 1 (August 1974)
  6. Arizona Proposition 100, Executive Department Amendment (1974)
  7. Arizona Proposition 101, Special Elections Amendment (1974)
  8. Connecticut Forfeiture of Electoral Privileges Upon Conviction, Question 3 (1974)
  9. Connecticut Justices of the Peace, Question 4 (1974)
  10. Oregon Measure 8, Lower Voting Age and Residency Requirement for School District Elections Amendment (1974)
  11. Oregon Measure 10, Align State with Federal Voter Qualifications Amendment (1974)
  12. Arizona Proposition 102, Require Minimum 10% Turnout for Bond and Assessment Elections Amendment (1974)
  13. North Dakota Joint Governor and Lieutenant Ballot Referendum, Amendment 1 (1974)
  14. Missouri Campaign Finance and Disclosure, Proposition 1 (1974)
  15. Missouri Voting Age, Amendment 1 (1974)
  16. South Dakota Right of Suffrage, Amendment B (1974)
  17. Oklahoma Qualifications of Electors, State Question 503 (August 1974)
  18. New Jersey Public Question No. 2 (1974)
  19. Indiana Governor and Lieutenant Governor Joint Campaign, Amendment 2 (1974)
  20. Kansas Elections, Amendment 2 (1974)
  21. New Hampshire 18 Year Old Voting Age Amendment (1974)
  22. Georgia Revenue Certificate Elections, Amendment 7 (1974)
  23. California Proposition 9, Political Reform Initiative (June 1974)


  1. Washington Referendum 32, Deputy Voting Registrar Appointments Measure (1973)
  2. Ohio Disqualifications for Public Office Amendment (May 1973)
  3. Rhode Island Suffrage, Proposal 1 (1973)
  4. Rhode Island Qualifications for Office, Proposal 2 (1973)
  5. Rhode Island Four Year Terms, Proposal 6 (1973)


  1. Washington Referendum 25, Electoral Campaign Financing Regulation Measure (1972)
  2. Washington Initiative 276, Regulations for Campaign Expenditures and Contributions Measure (1972)
  3. California Proposition 6, Naturalized Citizens Voting Eligibility Amendment (June 1972)
  4. Wisconsin Question 2, County Coroner and Medical Examiner Option Amendment (April 1972)
  5. Colorado Referred Law No. 9, Disclosure of Financial Interests, Regulating Lobbyists, and Public State Meetings Initiative (1972)
  6. Arizona Proposition 102, Repeal Qualified Elector of Municipality Requirement for Non-Elected Officials Amendment (1972)
  7. Maine General Election Ballot Form, Direct Initiative Question (1972)
  8. Maryland Baltimore County Council, Question 15 (1972)
  9. Montana Voting Age, Amendment 1 (1972)
  10. South Dakota Voting Age, Amendment A (1972)
  11. Oklahoma Utility Bond Elections, State Question 488 (August 1972)
  12. Nebraska Voting Age, Amendment 8 (May 1972)
  13. Nebraska Elections of Senators, Amendment 10 (May 1972)
  14. Nebraska Resident Requirements for Voters, Amendment 15a (May 1972)
  15. Nebraska Military Duty on Election Day, Amendment 15b (May 1972)
  16. Nebraska Voting Methods, Amendment 15c (May 1972)
  17. Nevada Deadline for Filing Initiative Petitions, Question 1 (1972)
  18. Nevada Voting Rights of People in the Armed Services, Question 3 (1972)
  19. Nevada Selection of State Supreme Court Justices, Question 4 (1972)
  20. Nevada Rule on Non-conflicting and Conflicting Amendment Initiatives, Question 6 (1972)
  21. North Carolina Voting and Elective Office Age Requirements Amendment (1972)
  22. Wyoming Legislature Appointments and Elections, Amendment 3 (1972)
  23. Georgia Voting Requirements, Amendment 24 (1972)
  24. Louisiana Elections Amendment (1972)
  25. Louisiana Special Elections Amendment (1972)
  26. Louisiana Residency Requirement for Voters Amendment (1972)
  27. Louisiana Requirements for Write-in Candidates Amendment (1972)
  28. Louisiana Unopposed Candidates Amendment (1972)
  29. Rhode Island Qualifications and Registration of Voters, Proposal 14 (1972)
  30. Alabama Voter Registration in Madison County (May 1972)
  31. Maryland School Board Term Limits, Question 7 (1972)
  32. California Proposition 4, Open Presidential Primaries Amendment (June 1972)
  33. California Proposition 7, Changes to Elections Amendment (1972)


  1. Ohio Publication of Ballot Measures in Newspapers Amendment (1971)
  2. Maine Gubernatorial Term Continuation, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1971)
  3. Oklahoma Voting Requirements, State Question 479 (December 1971)
  4. Oklahoma Voting Age, State Question 484


  1. Michigan Proposal B, Minimum Voting Age Amendment (1970)
  2. Washington HJR 6, Voting Age of 19 Amendment (1970)
  3. Ohio Newspaper Notice of Municipal Charter Amendments Amendment (1970)
  4. Ohio Residency Requirement for Voters Amendment (1970)
  5. California Proposition 6, Boards of Education Amendment (June 1970)
  6. Oregon Measure 6, Terms of Defeated Incumbents Amendment (1970)
  7. Massachusetts Question 2, Voting Residency Requirements Amendment (1970)
  8. Maryland Residence Requirements for Voting, Question 6 (1970)
  9. Minnesota Age Requirements for Voting and Holding Office, Amendment 1 (1970)
  10. Montana Change Voting Age, Amendment 3 (1970)
  11. South Dakota Residency Requirements, Amendment A (1970)
  12. South Dakota Voting Age, Amendment F (1970)
  13. South Dakota Presidential Elections, Amendment G (1970)
  14. Nebraska Voting Age, Amendment 1 (1970)
  15. Nebraska Joint Elections for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 13b (1970)
  16. New Jersey Public Question No. 1 (1970)
  17. North Carolina Literacy Voting Requirement Amendment (1970)
  18. Wyoming Qualifications of Electors, Amendment 2 (1970)
  19. South Carolina Elector Requirements, Amendment 1 (1970)
  20. South Carolina Register to Vote Qualifications, Amendment 2 (1970)
  21. Louisiana Legislative Vacancy Amendment (1970)
  22. Louisiana Right to Serve at Polls Amendment (1970)
  23. Iowa Residency Requirements, Amendment 1 (1970)


  1. Ohio Elimination of Short-Term Elections Amendment (1969)
  2. New Jersey Public Question No. 2 (1969)
  3. Pennsylvania Appointed Judges and Retention Elections Amendment (May 1969)


  1. Michigan Proposal No. 5, Election of State Legislators to New Offices Amendment (1968)
  2. Arkansas Legislative Authority to Submit Ballot Measures, Proposed Amendment 54 (1968)
  3. Arkansas Political Party Registration, Referred Act 457 (1968)
  4. Arizona Proposition 105, Corporation Commission Amendment (1968)
  5. North Dakota Judicial Reform Referendum, Number 5 (1968)
  6. Nebraska Voting Age, Amendment 1 (1968)
  7. Nebraska Election Jurisdiction, Amendment 4 (1968)
  8. Nebraska Special Constitutional Amendment Elections, Amendment 5 (1968)
  9. Hawaii Primary Election Voting, Amendment 11 (1968)
  10. Hawaii Regarding Executive Positions, Amendment 15 (1968)
  11. New Hampshire Right to Vote for Untaxed Amendment (1968)
  12. New Hampshire Right to Vote Amendment (1968)
  13. Wyoming Initiative and Referendum, Amendment 2 (1968)
  14. Georgia Gubernatorial Runoff Elections, Amendment 2 (1968)
  15. Georgia State Executive Official Elections, Amendment 5 (1968)
  16. Georgia General Assembly Elections, Amendment 12 (1968)
  17. Louisiana Presidential Electors Amendment (1968)
  18. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (1968)
  19. Florida Amendment 2, Conduction of Elections Amendment (1968)


  1. Wisconsin Question 2, Secretary of State Term of Office Amendment (April 1967)
  2. Wisconsin Question 3, State Treasurer Term of Office Amendment (April 1967)
  3. Wisconsin Question 4, Attorney General Term of Office Amendment (April 1967)
  4. Wisconsin Question 6, Sheriff Term Limits Amendment (April 1967)
  5. Wisconsin Question 1, Governor and Lieutenant Governor Term of Office Amendment (April 1967)
  6. Wisconsin Question 5, Governor and Lieutenant Governor Joint Election Amendment (April 1967)
  7. Pennsylvania Question 6, Voter Residency Requirements and Absentee Voting Amendment (May 1967)
  8. Pennsylvania Question 5, Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (May 1967)


  1. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Minimum Voting Age Amendment (1966)
  2. Washington HJR 4, Voter Qualifications for Presidential Elections Amendment (1966)
  3. Alaska Residence Requirement to Vote for President, SJR 1 (August 1966)
  4. California Proposition 15, Exemption From Voter Education Requirement Amendment (1966)
  5. Texas Proposition 8, Voting Requirements Amendment (1966)
  6. Washington SJR 6, Superior Court Judge Elections Amendment (1966)
  7. Massachusetts Question 1, Single-Ticket for Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (1966)
  8. North Dakota New Residents Presidential Voting Referendum, Number 2 (1966)
  9. Maine Senate Elections, Powers and Apportionment, Proposed Constitutional Amendment (1966)
  10. Oklahoma Residential Requirements for Electors, State Question 432 (May 1966)
  11. Texas Proposition 7, Poll Tax Repeal Amendment (1966)
  12. Texas Proposition 14, Voting in the Armed Forces Amendment (1966)
  13. Georgia Notice of Write-in Candidates, Amendment 5 (1966)
  14. Georgia Voting Requirements, Amendment 8 (1966)
  15. Georgia Election of Judges, Amendment 18 (1966)
  16. Georgia Election of Solicitors General, Amendment 19 (1966)


  1. Wisconsin Question 2, County Coroner and Surveyor Amendment (April 1965)


  1. Michigan Repeal Straight-Ticket Voting Referendum (1964)
  2. North Dakota State and County Official Term Lengths, Initiative 5 (1964)
  3. California Proposition 8, Elections of Superior Court Judges Amendment (1964)
  4. Wisconsin Question 3, Constitutional Amending Procedure Amendment (April 1964)
  5. Arkansas Poll Tax Repeal, Proposed Amendment 54 (1964)
  6. Connecticut Residence Requirement of Electors, Question 2 (1964)
  7. North Dakota Repeal Limits on Legislator Elections and Appointments, Referendum 2 (1964)
  8. North Dakota Voter Pamphlet, Referendum 1 (1964)
  9. Maine Elections for Senate Vacancies, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (1964)
  10. Maine Determining Election of Governor, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 7 (1964)
  11. Maine Municipality Election Returns to Secretary of State, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 10 (1964)
  12. Oklahoma Qualified Electors, State Question 412 (May 1964)
  13. Nebraska Commissioner of Education, Amendment 1 (1964)
  14. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Absentee Voting, Removal of Voting Restrictions for Women and Indians (1964)
  15. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Municipal Bonds, Special Elections, Nonresident Voting (1964)
  16. New Mexico Nominating Conventions for Candidates Referendum (1964)


  1. Maine House of Representatives Elections, Powers and Apportionment, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1963)
  2. Florida Amendment 1, Election of Executive Officials Amendment (1963)
  3. Texas Proposition 1, Poll Tax Repeal Amendment (1963)
  4. New Jersey Public Question No. 4 (1963)


  1. Washington SJR 25, Notice of Amendments on Ballot Amendment (1962)
  2. Washington SJR 9, Voter Pamphlet Mailing Requirement Amendment (1962)
  3. California Proposition 21, Incumbents for Superior Courts Amendment (1962)
  4. Connecticut Admission of Electors, Question 2 (1962)
  5. Connecticut Election Procedure for the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Question 3 (1962)
  6. Connecticut Elector Residence Privileges, Question 4 (1962)
  7. Arizona Proposition 101, Congressional Vacancy Elections Amendment (1962)
  8. Colorado Proposal No. 4, Residency Requirements for Voting in Presidential Elections Amendment (1962)
  9. North Dakota County Official Term Lengths, Initiative 2 (1962)
  10. North Dakota Secret Primary Ballot, Initiative 3 (1962)
  11. North Dakota Repeal Limits on Legislator Elections and Appointments, Referendum 3 (1962)
  12. Idaho Voting Residence Requirement, SJR 6 (1962)
  13. Nebraska State Railway Commission, Amendment 2 (1962)
  14. North Carolina Voting Requirements for Presidential Elections Amendment (1962)
  15. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor (1962)
  16. Georgia State Senate Elections, Amendment 1A (1962)
  17. Georgia Qualifications of Write-in Candidates, Amendment 10 (1962)


  1. California Proposition 2, Terms of Assembly Members Amendment (1960)
  2. California Proposition 8, Voting Prohibition for Those Serving a Sentence Amendment (1960)
  3. Oregon Measure 7, Voter Qualifications for Presidential Elections Amendment (1960)
  4. Oregon Measure 10, Vacancies in Elective Office Amendment (1960)
  5. Minnesota Voting Location and Indian Voting Rights, Amendment 4 (1960)
  6. Oklahoma Primary Elections, State Question 388 (July 1960)
  7. Nebraska Elections of Executive Officers, Amendment 4 (1960)
  8. Nebraska Judicial Districts and Elections, Amendment 6 (1960)
  9. Nebraska Commissioner of Education, Amendment 9 (1960)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 3, In-State Address Change and Voting Location Amendment (1959)


  1. California Proposition 6, Publication of Bond Propositions Amendment (1958)
  2. California Proposition 8, Habitancy Requirement for the Presidential Election Amendment (1958)
  3. Missouri Residential Voting Requirements, Amendment 2 (1958)
  4. South Dakota Voting Residence (1958)
  5. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Absentee Voting (1958)
  6. New Hampshire Remove Provision Disqualifying Women From Voting for State Offices, Question 1 (1958)


  1. Maine November General Election, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1957)
  2. Kentucky Commissioner of Education Referendum (1957)
  3. New Jersey Public Question No. 1 (1957)


  1. Washington Initiative 199, Legislative Reapportionment and Redistricting Measure (1956)
  2. Washington SJR 14, Filling State Legislature Vacancies Amendment (1956)


  1. Maine Military Service Voting Clarification, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 4 (1955)
  2. Kentucky Voting Rights Referendum (1955)
  3. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Procedures for Filing Judicial Offices Amendment (April 1955)
  4. Michigan Proposal No. 4, Board of State Canvassers Amendment (April 1955)


  1. Montana Presidential Primary Law, R-56 (1954)
  2. North Carolina Voting Requirements Amendment (1954)
  3. North Carolina Elections to Fill Vacancies Amendment (1954)
  4. Rhode Island Judicial Power, Proposal 1 (1954)


  1. Ohio Removal of Constitutional Section Regarding Militia Officers Amendment (1953)
  2. Wisconsin Judicial Terms of Office Amendment, Question 2 (April 1953)


  1. California Proposition 13, Requirement to be a Political Party Candidate Initiative (1952)
  2. California Proposition 7, Political Party Affiliation on the Ballot Measure (1952)
  3. North Dakota County Officers to be Elected Referendum, Amendment 1 (1952)
  4. Minnesota Clarify Voting Requirements, Amendment 3 (1952)
  5. Montana Election of Local Officers, Amendment 1 (1952)
  6. Oklahoma Voting Age, State Question 356 (1952)
  7. Nebraska Publication of Constitutional Amendments, Amendment 6 (1952)
  8. Arkansas Election of County Clerks, Amendment 41 (1952)
  9. Georgia Elections of Officials, Amendment 1 (1952)
  10. Georgia Union County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 12 (1952)
  11. Georgia Troup County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 13 (1952)
  12. Georgia Fannin County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 28 (1952)
  13. Georgia Wilcox County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 29 (1952)
  14. Georgia Brantley County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 33 (1952)
  15. Georgia Carroll County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 34 (1952)
  16. Georgia Appling County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 35 (1952)
  17. Georgia Floyd County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 42 (1952)
  18. Georgia Rockdale County School Superintendent, Amendment 44 (1952)
  19. Rhode Island Judicial Power, Proposal 1 (1952)
  20. Iowa Replacement of Governor-Elect, Amendment 1 (1952)
  21. California Proposition 21, Superior Court Vacancies Amendment (1952)


  1. Maine Repeal Treasurer Term Limit, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1951)
  2. Wisconsin State Executive Official Terms of Office, Question 3 (April 1951)


  1. California Proposition 4, Voter Eligibility Amendment (1950)
  2. Georgia Elections of Officials, Amendment 2 (1950)
  3. Georgia Baldwin County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 5 (1950)
  4. Georgia Dawson County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 14 (1950)
  5. Georgia Hancock County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 31 (1950)
  6. Georgia Meriwether County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 32 (1950)
  7. Georgia Rockdale County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 35 (1950)
  8. Georgia Schley County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 36 (1950)
  9. Georgia Taylor County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 37 (1950)
  10. Rhode Island Qualification of Electors—Narragansett Indians, Proposal 1 (1950)
  11. Rhode Island Qualification of Electors—Servicemen Exempt, Proposal 5 (1950)
  12. New Mexico Nominating Conventions for Candidates Referendum (1950)
  13. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Local Option for Alcohol Initiative (September 1950)


  1. Ohio Voting for Individual Candidates Initiative (1949)
  2. Texas Proposition 4, Poll Tax and Voter Registration Amendment (1949)


  1. California Proposition 8, Superior Court Vacancies Amendment (1948)
  2. California Proposition 7, Voter Eligibility Requirements Amendment (1948)
  3. Florida Amendment 11, Judge of the Court of Record of Escambia County Amendment (1948)
  4. Connecticut Election Procedure for State Executive Officials, Question 2 (1948)
  5. Connecticut Forfeiture of Electoral Privileges Upon Conviction, Question 3 (1948)
  6. Massachusetts Special Elections for Constitutional Offices, Question 3 (1948)
  7. Idaho Election of County Officers, SJR 5 (1948)
  8. Arkansas Direct Political Party Response, Initiated Act No. 3 (1948)
  9. North Carolina Debt Limitations Amendment (1948)


  1. California Proposition 7, County Board of Education Amendment (1946)
  2. Florida Amendment 6, Judge of the Court of Record and County Solicitor for Escambia County Amendment (1946)


  1. Texas Proposition 1, Military Poll Tax Exemption Amendment (August 1945)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 312, Runoff Primary Elections Measure (July 1944)
  2. Arkansas Poll Tax Exemption, Proposed Amendment 37 (1944)
  3. Alabama Primary Election Votes, Amendment 3 (1944)
  4. Michigan Proposal No. 2, Legislators' Eligibility for Other Offices Amendment (1944)


  1. Georgia Age Requirements for Voting, Amendment 6 (1943)
  2. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Election of Township Officers Amendment (April 1943)


  1. Florida Amendment 4, Election of Circuit Judges Amendment (1942)


  1. Georgia Gubernatorial Elections, Amendment 2 (June 1941)


  1. Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Primary Nominating Elections from May to September Referendum (1940)
  2. Maine Biddeford Elections, Question No. 5 (1940)
  3. California Proposition 4, Election Returns for Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (1940)
  4. Arkansas Repeal of Double Primary, Proposed Amendment 30 (1940)
  5. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Absentee Voting (1940)


  1. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Non-Partisan Judicial Elections Initiative (April 1939)


  1. Washington Initiative 126, Non-Partisan Elections for School Superintendents Measure (1938)
  2. North Dakota Tax Commissioner Election Initiative (1938)
  3. Arkansas Poll Tax Elimination, Proposed Amendment 26 (1938)
  4. California Proposition 17, Initiative Election Amendment (1938)


  1. North Dakota Federal Funds for Political Purposes Initiative (1936)
  2. Oregon Measure Nos. 300-301, Move Primary Elections to September Amendment (January 1936)
  3. South Dakota Superintendents of Schools Elections (1936)
  4. California Proposition 8, Voter Registration Amendment (1936)


  1. Maine Voting Machines, Amendment No. 3 (1935)
  2. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Contested and Tie Vote Elections Amendment (April 1935)


  1. Michigan Proposal No. 1, Non-Partisan Judicial Elections Initiative (1934)


  1. Maine Voting Machines, Amendment No. 1 (1933)
  2. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Elections for Mine Inspector Amendment (1933)


  1. Washington Initiative 58, Permanent Registration of Voters Measure (1932)
  2. California Proposition 20, County Charter Officials Amendment (1932)
  3. California Proposition 19, City and City and County Charters Amendment (1932)
  4. Massachusetts Candidate Nomination Procedures, Question 2 (1932)
  5. Massachusetts U.S. President and Vice-President Term Commencements, Question 3 (1932)
  6. Montana Voter Qualifications, Amendment 1 (1932)
  7. Texas Proposition 7, Qualifications to Vote on Bond Issues Amendment (1932)
  8. North Carolina Special Elections for Amendments Amendment (1932)
  9. Georgia Poll Tax, Amendment 2 (1932)
  10. Alabama State Senate Elections, Amendment 2 (1932)
  11. Connecticut Qualifications of Electors, Question 2 (1932)
  12. Michigan Proposal No. 5, Residency Requirements and Township Polling Places Amendment (1932)
  13. Michigan Proposal No. 7, Voter Qualifications for Expenditure and Bonds Amendment (1932)
  14. California Proposition 17, City Charters Amendment (1932)
  15. California Proposition 18, Drafting County Charter by Board of Supervisors Amendment (1932)


  1. Colorado Elected State Board of Education, Measure 2 (1930)
  2. California Proposition 25, Voter Eligibility Amendment (1930)
  3. California Proposition 22, Municipal Charter Amendments Amendment (1930)
  4. Florida State and Local Bonds Amendment (1930)
  5. New Hampshire Legislative Representation, Question 5 (1930)
  6. Michigan Township Officer Elections Amendment (1930)


  1. Florida School Districts and Tax Levy Amendment (1928)
  2. Colorado Elected State Board of Education, Measure 6 (1928)
  3. Montana County Commissioner Districts, Amendment 1 (1928)


  1. Maine Direct Primary Repeal, Referendum Question (1927)
  2. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Irrigation Works for the Reclamation of Arid Lands Amendment (May 1927)


  1. Ohio Elimination of the Compulsory Primary Election for Delegates Initiative (1926)
  2. California Proposition 23, Election Results Amendment (1926)
  3. Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, Governor to Fill Office Vacancies Amendment (1926)
  4. Arkansas Consolidation of Elections, Act 1 (1926)
  5. North Carolina Election Returns for State Executive Officers Amendment (1926)
  6. California Proposition 21, Incurring Indebtedness Propositions Amendment (1926)
  7. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Term Limits for State Officials Amendment (1926)
  8. California Proposition 13, Voter Eligibility and Absentee Voting Amendment (1926)


  1. California Proposition 18, Voter Qualifications Amendment (1924)
  2. Washington Amendment to Article XI Sec. 5, Classification of Counties by Population for County Official Elections (1924)
  3. Massachusetts Voter Qualification for State Offices, Question 1 (1924)
  4. North Dakota Nonpartisan Elections Referendum (1924)
  5. North Dakota Date of Presidential Primary Election Referendum (1924)
  6. North Dakota Party Central Committees Referendum (1924)
  7. Missouri Voting Rights Amendment, Issue 9 (February 1924)
  8. Missouri Candidates on the Ballot Amendment, Issue 10 (February 1924)
  9. Montana Repeal Presidential Primary Law, R-27 (1924)
  10. South Dakota Nonpolitical Judicial Elections (1924)
  11. South Dakota Primary Elections Law (1924)
  12. Nebraska Direct Primaries and Nonpartisan Elections, Amendment 1 (1924)
  13. Arizona Measure Nos. 300-301, 51% Vote Primary Election Candidates Referendum (1924)
  14. California Proposition 13, Educational Poll Tax Amendment (1924)


  1. Washington Referendum 15, Changes to Party Conventions and Nomination Measure (1922)
  2. North Dakota Electors Residence Requirements Referendum (1922)
  3. Maryland Quadrennial Elections for State Officers, Amendment 4 (1922)
  4. Nebraska Direct Primaries, Referendum 3 (1922)
  5. Nebraska Voter Registration, Referendum 4 (1922)
  6. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Repeal Direct Primary for Candidate Nominations Requirement Amendment (September 1922)
  7. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, General Election Amendment (September 1922)
  8. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Election of County Officers Amendment (September 1922)


  1. North Dakota Non-partisan Election Initiative (1921)
  2. North Dakota Partisan Elections Initiative (1921)
  3. New Hampshire Right to Vote Amendment (1921)
  4. Missouri Proposition 2, Women in Office Amendment (1921)


  1. Montana Direct Nomination of Candidates for Public Office, IR-13 (1920)
  2. Montana Amending the Direct Primaries Law, IR-15 (1920)
  3. Montana Repeal of the Presidential Preferential Primaries Law, IR-16 (1920)
  4. Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Increase Term Lengths for Elected County Officials Initiative (1920)
  5. North Dakota Residence Requirements of Electors Referendum (1920)
  6. Idaho Increase Supreme Court Membership, HJR 6 (1920)
  7. Maine Division of Towns into Polling Places, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1920)
  8. South Dakota Primary Election Law (1920)
  9. Nebraska Direct Primaries, Referendum 1 (1920)
  10. Nebraska Supreme Court Justice Elections, Amendment 17 (September 1920)
  11. Nebraska Soldier Suffrage, Amendment 19 (September 1920)
  12. Nebraska Election of University Regents, Amendment 22 (September 1920)
  13. North Carolina Tax Limitations and Income Tax Amendment (1920)
  14. North Carolina Voting Requirements Amendment (1920)
  15. New Hampshire Legislative Representation, Question 4 (1920)
  16. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Election of Members of the State Tax Commission Amendment (1920)
  17. California Proposition 11, Alien Poll Tax Amendment (1920)
  18. Michigan Qualifications for Electors Amendment (1920)


  1. Illinois Initiative and Referendum Question (1919)
  2. Illinois Gateway Amendment (1919)


  1. South Dakota Richard's Primary Law (1918)
  2. Nebraska Voting Requirements, Amendment 1 (1918)


  1. Oregon Measure Nos. 310-311, Simultaneous State and Municipal Elections Amendment (June 1917)
  2. Maine Division of Towns into Polling Places, Proposed Amendment No. 3 (1917)
  3. Michigan Absentee Voter Qualifications Amendment (April 1917)


  1. Washington Referendum 5, Party Conventions Measure (1916)
  2. Vermont Direct Primary Act (1916)
  3. California Proposition 4, Primary Partisanship Referendum (1916)
  4. Arkansas Primary Laws, Act 1 (1916)
  5. South Dakota Richard's Primary Law (1916)
  6. Oklahoma Qualifications for Electors, State Question 82 (August 1916)
  7. Oklahoma Fair Elections, State Question 78 (1916)
  8. Oklahoma Registration of Electors, State Question 80 (1916)
  9. Vermont Statewide Referendum: The Direct Primary (1916)
  10. Iowa General Election Dates, Amendment 2 (June 1916)


  1. California Proposition 2, Ballot Regulations Referendum (October 1915)
  2. Ohio Prohibit Re-Submitting Twice Rejected Constitutional Amendments for Six Years Initiative (1915)
  3. Maryland Election of Charter Boards, Amendment 2 (1915)
  4. California Proposition 4, Judicial Vacancies Term Amendment (October 1915)
  5. California Proposition 1, Primary Elections Referendum (October 1915)
  6. Texas Proposition 1, Voting in Different Precincts Amendment (July 1915)


  1. Vermont Primary Elections Act (1914)
  2. South Dakota Coffey Primary Election Law (1914)
  3. California Proposition 23, Election Decisions Amendment (1914)
  4. Oregon Measure Nos. 324-325, Prohibition of Party Nominations for Judges Initiative (1914)
  5. Oregon Measure Nos. 348-349, Top Sixty Candidates Legislative Elections Initiative (1914)
  6. Oregon Measure Nos. 354-355, Authorize Election of Primary Delegates Initiative (1914)
  7. Colorado Right to Petition Governor for Special Election on Measures, Measure 4 (1914)
  8. Vermont Statewide Referendum: Primary Elections Question 1 (1914)
  9. Vermont Statewide Referendum: Primary Elections Question 2 (1914)
  10. California Proposition 47, Prohibition Elections Initiative (1914)
  11. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Change of County Seat Referendum (1914)
  12. California Proposition 10, Abolishment of the Poll Tax Initiative (1914)
  13. California Proposition 12, Constitutional Conventions Amendment (1914)
  14. California Proposition 13, Bond Electors Initiative (1914)


  1. Ohio Short Ballot for County and Township Officers Amendment (1913)
  2. Ohio Short Ballot for State Officers Amendment (1913)
  3. Maine Constitutional Amendment Voting, Question No. 2 (1913)


  1. Maine Uniform Ballot Boxes, Question No. 1 (1912)
  2. Oklahoma Direct Election of U.S. Senators, State Question 41 (August 1912)
  3. Montana Party Nomination by Direct Vote, I 302-303 (1912)
  4. Montana Campaign Expense Limits, I 304-305 (1912)
  5. Montana Direct Presidential Preference Primary, I 308-309 (1912)
  6. Montana Popular Choice for U.S. Senator, I 306-307 (1912)
  7. Ohio Voting Machine Use Amendment (September 1912)
  8. Ohio Primary Elections for Elective Offices Amendment (September 1912)
  9. Colorado "Headless Ballot", Measure 14 (1912)
  10. Colorado Election Laws, Measure 10 (1912)
  11. Colorado Special Elections for Initiatives and Referendums, Measure 11 (1912)
  12. Missouri Naturalization Voting Requirement Amendment, Issue 4 (1912)
  13. Missouri Voter Registration Amendment, Issue 5 (1912)
  14. Missouri Grand Jury Investigation of Elections Amendment, Issue 8 (1912)
  15. South Dakota Richard's Primary Election Law, Measure 1 (1912)
  16. Nebraska Biennial Elections, Amendment 4 (1912)
  17. New Hampshire Voting Rights for the Convicted, Question 7 (1912)
  18. New Hampshire Election by Plurality, Question 8 (1912)
  19. Illinois Primary Law Amendment Question (1912)
  20. Illinois Short Ballot Commission Question (1912)
  21. Washington Amendment to Article I Secs. 33-34, Recall Elections Amendment (1912)


  1. Maine Direct Primary, Question No. 4 (1911)
  2. California Proposition 17, County and Municipal Vote Requirements Amendment (October 1911)
  3. California Proposition 6, Municipal Charter Changes Amendment (October 1911)


  1. Oklahoma State Conduct of General Elections, State Question 21 (1910)
  2. Oregon Presidential Primaries, Measure 29 (1910)
  3. Idaho Remove Disqualification of County Assessors, SJR 6(b) (1910)
  4. Idaho Remove Disqualification of Sheriffs, SJR 6(c) (1910)
  5. Nebraska Voting Requirements, Amendment 1 (1910)
  6. Illinois Corrupt Practices Act (1910)
  7. Oregon Measure Nos. 360-361, Direct Democracy, Electoral System, and Legislature Changes Initiative (1910)


  1. Oregon Measure Nos. 306-307, General Biennial Elections Date Change Amendment (June 1908)
  2. Oregon Measure Nos. 326-327, Vote for U.S. Senate Candidate Initiative (June 1908)
  3. Oregon Measure Nos. 328-329, Allow for Alternative Methods for Electing Officials Initiative (June 1908)
  4. Oregon Measure Nos. 330-331, Campaign Rules and Regulations Initiative (June 1908)
  5. Maine Constitutional Revision Election Amendment (1908)
  6. California Direct Primaries, Amendment 3 (1908)
  7. Oregon Measure Nos. 324-325, Recall of Public Officials Initiative (June 1908)


  1. Ohio Biennial Elections, Amendment 1 (1905)


  1. Wisconsin Primary Election Law Referendum, Question 1 (1904)
  2. Oregon Measure Nos. 302-303, Primary Nominating Election Initiative (June 1904)
  3. Illinois Primary Election Law (1904)
  4. Illinois Voters' Veto Question (1904)
  5. Iowa Biennial Elections, Amendment 1 (1904)
  6. Oregon Measure Nos. 55-56, Office of State Printer Amendment (June 1904)


  1. New Hampshire Voters Required to Read and Write English, Question 1 (1903)


  1. Texas Proposition 1, Poll Tax Payment Amendment (1902)
  2. Illinois Direct Election of United States Senators Question (1902)


  1. Florida County Commissioner Districts Amendment (1900)
  2. Iowa Biennial Elections, Amendment 1 (1900)

Before 1900

  1. Michigan Elections in the Upper Peninsula Amendment (1862)
  2. Minnesota State Canvassing Board, Amendment 3 (1873)
  3. Minnesota State Canvassing Board, Amendment 3 (1877)
  4. Ohio Elections of Members of the General Assembly, Amendment 2 (October 1879)
  5. Ohio Elections of State Officers, Amendment 3 (October 1879)
  6. Ohio Elections of Township Trustees, Amendment 4 (October 1879)
  7. Wisconsin Election Amendment, Question 2 (1882)
  8. Iowa General Election Dates, Amendment 1 (1882)
  9. Iowa County Attorney Elections, Amendment 4 (1882)
  10. Minnesota System for Biennial Elections, Amendment 2 (1883)
  11. Vermont Manner of Electing the Vermont Secretary of State (1883)
  12. Ohio Election Day for Members of the General Assembly, Amendment 1 (October 1885)
  13. Ohio Election Day for State Officers, Amendment 2 (October 1885)
  14. Ohio Election Day for County Officers, Amendment 3 (October 1885)
  15. Ohio Biennial Elections, Amendment 3 (1889)
  16. Maryland Amend Article 7, Section 1 of the Constitution, Amendment 3 (1890)
  17. Montana Election of County Commissioners, Amendment 1 (1892)
  18. California Senatorial Elections, Proposition 1 (1892)
  19. California Voter Qualifications, Proposition 3 (1892)
  20. Texas Proposition 2, Election of Railroad Commissioners Amendment (1894)
  21. Michigan Qualifications of Electors Amendment (1894)
  22. Michigan Circuit Court Districts and Elections Amendment (April 1895)
  23. Florida November General Elections Amendment (October 1896)
  24. Idaho Municipal Officer Election Removal, HJR 10 (1896)
  25. Montana Voting Qualifications, Amendment 1 (1896)
  26. Texas Proposition 2, Citizenship Voting Requirements Amendment (1896)
  27. Nebraska Voting on Merging Governments, Amendment 10 (1896)
  28. Nebraska Voting Methods, Amendment 11 (1896)
  29. Nebraska Voting on Internal Improvement and Manufacturing Donations, Amendment 12 (1896)
  30. California Elections by Ballot, Amendment 2 (1896)
  31. California Election of County Officers, Amendment 5 (1896)
  32. Montana Election of County Commissioners, Amendment 1 (1898)

Did not make ballot

Did not make ballot

  1. Washington Conduct of Elections Initiative I-1048 (2009)
  2. Washington Senate Bill 5808 veto referendum (2009)
  3. Washington Initiative 991 (2008)
  4. Massachusetts Instant Run-Off Voting Initiative (2010)
  5. Massachusetts Secret Ballot for State Legislative Leadership Amendment (2010)
  6. Oregon Ballot Measure 8 (2008)
  7. California National Popular Vote for President Act (2008)
  8. California Political Party Nomination by Congressional District Initiative (2008)
  9. California Presidential Electoral College Reform Initiative (2008)
  10. California Prisoner Rights Act (2008)
  11. California Tangible Ballots (2008)
  12. California Voter Restoration Act (2008)
  13. Oregon Ballot Measure 2 (2008)
  14. California Candidate Vote Requirement (2008)
  15. California Citizens Fair Districts Act (2008)
  16. Missouri Voter Identification Amendment (2010)
  17. South Carolina Elect vs. Appoint Amendents (2010)
  18. Nebraska Recall Amendment (2010)
  19. California Photo ID to Vote Initiative (2010)
  20. California Ballot Title Reform Act (2010)
  21. California Ballot Proposition Voter Information Guide Reform (2010)
  22. California Restrictions on Corporate Donations to Political Campaigns (2010)
  23. California Criminal Liability for False Statements in Election Campaigns Act (2010)
  24. California More Local Control over Government Spending (2010)
  25. Utah Prohibition of Personal Use of Campaigns Funds (2010)
  26. Utah Campaign Limitations Initiative (2010)
  27. Oregon Ballot Act (2010)
  28. Oregon Ballot Text Amendment (2010)
  29. Oregon Ballot Title Requirement Initiative (2010)
  30. Oregon Campaign Anti Bribery Initiative (2010)
  31. Oregon Campaign Finance Amendment (2010)
  32. Oregon Election Ballot Candidate Information Initiative (2010)
  33. Arizona Secret Ballot Initiative (2010)
  34. Oregon No Public Resources To Collect Political Funds (2010)
  35. Oregon Petition Signature Verification Initiative (2010)
  36. Oregon Voter Privacy Initiative (2010)
  37. Oregon Voter Registration Requirements Amendment (2010)
  38. Washington Candidate Filing Initiative (2010)
  39. Arizona Fair Districts, Fair Elections Initiative (2008)
  40. Arizona Competitive Elections Reform Act (2008)
  41. Arizona Independent Voters (2008)
  42. Maine Political Campaign Question (2011)
  43. Idaho Permanent Absentee Ballot Initiative (2012)
  44. Montana Initiative Language Question (2012)
  45. Montana Supreme Court Partisan Elections Amendment (2012)
  46. Washington Candidacy Petition Requirements, Initiative 1126 (2011)
  47. Washington Vote for Presidential Candidate, Initiative 1173 (2011)
  48. California Electoral College Reform Act (2012)
  49. Oregon Ballot Measure 13 (2008)
  50. Massachusetts Voter Identification Initiative (2012)
  51. Missouri Voter Approved Laws Amendment (2012)
  52. Missouri Initiative Petition Requirement Amendment (2012)
  53. Missouri Petition Signature Requirement Amendment (2012)
  54. North Dakota Second Election for Initiatives Amendment (2012)
  55. Maine Campaign Promises Question (2012)
  56. Alabama Photo ID Amendment (2012)
  57. Arizona Public Election Funding Ban Amendment (2012)
  58. Ohio Election Law Veto Referendum (2012)
  59. Missouri Voter ID Amendment (2012)
  60. South Dakota Elector Determination Process Initiative (2012)
  61. Arizona Re-Authorization Vote Amendment (2012)
  62. Arizona Proposed Referendum Election Amendment (2012)
  63. Arizona Candidate Filing Fees Amendment (2012)
  64. California No Special Benefits for Incumbents, Officials or Candidates Initiative (2012)
  65. California Incumbents, Officials and Candidates Not Allowed to Favor Large Donors (2012)
  66. Minnesota Judicial Retention Election Amendment (2012)
  67. California "Corporate Political Accountability" Initiative (2012)
  68. Minnesota Majority Vote Amendment (2012)
  69. Colorado Campaign Contributions Limit Repeal Amendment (2012)
  70. Colorado Union Contributions Repeal Amendment (2012)
  71. Minnesota Corporate Personhood Amendment (2012)
  72. Minnesota Property Owner Voting Amendment (2012)
  73. Arkansas Campaign and Ethics Laws Initiative (2012)
  74. California Senate Constitutional Amendment 5, Reduce Threshold to Approve Parcel Taxes (2012)
  75. California Initiatives That Propose Spending Must Identify a Funding Source, ACA 6 (2012)
  76. Minnesota Staggered Senate Elections Amendment (2012)
  77. Kentucky Felons to Vote Amendment (2012)
  78. Maine Voter Identification Question (2012)
  79. Oregon No Public Resources To Collect Political Funds (2012)
  80. Oregon Complete Ballot Text Initiative (2012)
  81. Oregon Petition Signature Initiative (2012)
  82. Colorado State Primary Election Amendment (2012)
  83. Washington Initiative Proposals, Initiative 494 (2012)
  84. Missouri Early Voting Initiative (2012)
  85. Missouri Prohibit Initiative Revision Amendment (2012)
  86. Wisconsin Voter ID Amendment (2014)
  87. Tennessee Attorney General Elections Amendment (2014)
  88. West Virginia Board of Education Elections Amendment (2014)
  89. Nevada Public Office and Issues Secret Ballot Amendment (2014)
  90. Montana Primary Election Revision Measure, LR-127 (2014)
  91. Georgia Secret Ballot Amendment (2014)
  92. Arizona Election Law Referendum (2014)
  93. Utah Count My Vote Initiative (2014)
  94. Missouri Campaign Contributions Cap Amendment (2014)
  95. Minnesota Judicial Selection Amendment (2014)
  96. Louisiana Superintendent of Education Election Amendment (2014)
  97. California "Common Sense Voting Act" Initiative (2014)
  98. Missouri Voter I.D. Amendment (2014)
  99. Nevada Voter ID Initiative (2014)
  100. Montana "Dark Money" Initiative (2014)
  101. Montana Special Elections for US Senator Vacancies Initiative (2014)
  102. Montana Political Activity Disclosure Initiative (2014)
  103. Rhode Island Corporate Contributions Amendment (2014)
  104. Rhode Island Executive Office Vacancy Procedures Amendment (2014)
  105. Oregon Unified Primary Elections Initiative (2014)
  106. Nebraska Voter ID Amendment (2014)
  107. California Split Electoral College Vote Distribution Initiative (2014)
  108. Washington Randomly Selected State Legislature Measure, Initiative 1354 (2014)
  109. California Non-Profit Donor Disclosure Initiative (2014)
  110. North Carolina Municipal Annexation Amendment (2014)
  111. North Carolina Age to Hold Elected Office Amendment (2014)
  112. Colorado Two-Stage Election System Initiative (2014)
  113. Colorado Yes or No Elections Initiative (2014)
  114. Colorado Retention Elections of Justices and Judges Amendment (2014)
  115. New Jersey Supreme Court Elections and Tenure Amendment (2014)
  116. New Jersey Election of Comptroller and Elimination of Auditor Amendment (2014)
  117. Missouri Early Voting Initiative (2014)
  118. Colorado Campaign Finance Amendment (2010)
  119. Colorado Elections to Fill Vacancies Initiative (2010)
  120. Florida Instant Runoff Voting (2008)
  121. Missouri Early Voting Initiative, 2010
  122. Missouri Initiative Petition Amendment (2010)
  123. Missouri Initiative Signature Requirement Amendment (2010)
  124. Missouri Paper Ballot Initiative (2008)
  125. Missouri Voter ID Amendment (2008)
  126. Nevada Voter Identification Amendment (2010)
  127. North Dakota Voter Identification Amendment (2014)
  128. Texas Automatic Resignation from Office Amendment (2015)
  129. Vermont Plurality Vote for Governor Amendment (2016)
  130. Ohio Voter Bill of Rights Amendment (2015)
  131. Washington Electoral College Reform Measure, Initiative 1380 (2015)
  132. New Mexico Dates for School Elections Amendment (2016)
  133. New Mexico Registration for Qualified Electors Amendment (2016)
  134. New Mexico School Elections Amendment (2016)
  135. Massachusetts "Corporations Are Not People" Initiative (2016)
  136. Missouri State Legislature Campaign Contribution Limits Amendment (2016)
  137. Missouri Legislative Limitations Initiative (2016)
  138. Missouri Felon Voter Amendment (2016)
  139. Missouri Legislature Age Eligibility Amendment (2016)
  140. Missouri Public Campaign Finance Initiative (2016)
  141. Missouri Voter Identification Amendment (2016)
  142. Missouri House of Representatives Reduction Amendment (2016)
  143. Missouri State and Local Campaign Contribution Amendment (2016)
  144. Missouri Electing House Members Initiative (2016)
  145. Arkansas Voter Identification Amendment (2016)
  146. Arkansas Single Candidate Elections Amendment (2016)
  147. Arkansas Election of Judicial Officials Amendment (2016)
  148. Nevada Voter Identification Initiative (2016)
  149. Washington Petitioning Industry Accountability Initiative (2016)
  150. Arkansas Wet-Dry Election Act (2016)
  151. Arkansas Campaign Finance Act (2016)
  152. Arkansas Campaign Finance Disclosure Initiative (2016)
  153. Kentucky Dates of Executive Elections Amendment (2016)
  154. Hawaii "Money is not Free Speech" Amendment (2016)
  155. North Dakota Fiscal Impact Initiatives on General Election Ballot Amendment (2016)
  156. California Non-Partisan Ballots Initiative (2016)
  157. Florida Primary Elections Voter Inclusion Amendment (2018)
  158. Mississippi Open Primary Amendment, Initiative 57 (2018)
  159. Utah Party Candidate Selection Amendment (2016)
  160. Michigan Voting By Mail Initiative (2016)
  161. Oregon Private Voter Information Initiative (2018)
  162. Colorado Automatic Voter Registration Initiative (2016)
  163. Oregon Regulation of Political Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Initiative (2018)
  164. Colorado Automatic Voter Registration via Public Entities Initiative (2018)
  165. Colorado Candidate Disclosure of Income Tax Returns Initiative (2018)
  166. Nevada Voter ID Requirement Initiative (2018)
  167. Missouri Ranked-Choice Voting for State Executives and U.S. Senate Initiative (2018)
  168. Oklahoma Voter ID Amendment (2018)
  169. Montana State Executive Vacancies Filled by Member of Same Political Party Amendment (2018)
  170. Louisiana Disqualify Candidates with Felony Convictions Amendment (2018)
  171. Missouri Proportional Representation in U.S. House Initiative (2018)
  172. Georgia Election of Local School Superintendents and Boards of Education Amendment (2018)
  173. Florida Election and Duties of Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser Amendment (2018)
  174. Massachusetts Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates to Release Tax Returns to Appear on State Ballot Initiative (2018)
  175. Washington Presidential Candidates to Release Tax Returns to Appear on State Ballot Initiative (2018)
  176. Ohio Motor Voter Automatic Registration Amendment (2016)
  177. California State Legislator Ethics Rules Modification Initiative (2016)
  178. South Dakota Top-Two Primary Elections Initiative (2018)
  179. Missouri Election Laws, Initiative Circulator Rules, and Electronic Signatures Initiative (2018)
  180. Maine National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Initiative (2018)
  181. Nebraska Campaign Finance Regulations Initiative (2018)
  182. Colorado Income Tax to Fund Voter Credit Initiative (2018)
  183. Utah Allow Caucus-Convention Method for Party Nominations Initiative (2018)
  184. Utah Direct Primary Elections for Party Nominations Initiative (2018)
  185. South Dakota Vote by Mail Initiative (2018)
  186. California Top-Four Primary Initiative (2018)
  187. Missouri Student ID as Voter ID Initiative (2018)
  188. Arizona Open Primary Amendment (2016)
  189. Washington Presidential Candidates to Release Tax Returns to Appear on State Ballot Initiative (2017)
  190. Missouri Voter Registration at DMV at Non-Photo Voter ID Initiative (2018)
  191. Washington Proof of Citizenship for Voters and Candidates Initiative (2017)
  192. Maine Changes to Implement Ranked Choice Voting Amendment (2017)
  193. Kentucky State Executive Elections in Even-Numbered Years Amendment (2018)
  194. Missouri Nonpartisan Candidates and Runoff Elections Initiative (2018)
  195. Florida Open Primaries if Winner Will Face No Partisan Opposition in General Election Amendment (2018)
  196. Massachusetts Out-of-State Contribution Limits Initiative (2018)
  197. Missouri National Popular Vote Interstate Agreement Initiative (2018)
  198. Washington Local Term Limits, District Elections, and Council Size Initiative (2018)
  199. Oregon First-in-the-West Presidential Primary Initiative (2018)
  200. Colorado Lower Voting Age Requirement Amendment (2018)
  201. Nevada Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2020)
  202. Utah Eliminate State Board of Education and Give Superintendent of Public Instruction Control over Education Amendment (2018)
  203. California Repeal Top-Two Primary Initiative (2018)
  204. Washington Local Term Limits, District Elections, and Council Size Initiative (2017)
  205. Missouri Partisan Affiliation of Judges, Appellate Judge Terms, and Contributions to Judicial Candidates Initiative (2018)
  206. Massachusetts Disclosure of Foreign Political Expenditures Initiative (2018)
  207. Colorado Runoff Primary Elections Initiative (2018)
  208. Maine Early Voting Amendment (2019)
  209. Missouri Public Financing for Candidates Initiative (2018)
  210. Florida Open Primaries Initiative (2020)
  211. Ohio National Popular Vote for President Initiative (2019)
  212. Maine Majority Vote for Governor and State Legislators Amendment (2019)
  213. California Voting Equipment Bond (June 2018)
  214. New Mexico Runoff Elections Amendment (2020)
  215. Maine Automatic Voter Registration Referendum (2019)
  216. Kentucky State Executive Elections in Even-Numbered Years Amendment (2020)
  217. Maryland Special Election for Vacancy in State Legislature Amendment (2020)
  218. Maryland Deadline for Selecting Lieutenant Governor Amendment (2020)
  219. Missouri Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2020)
  220. Missouri Public Campaign Finance System Funded by Optional Income Tax Allocation Initiative (2020)
  221. Missouri Proportional Representation Initiative (2020)
  222. Missouri Vote to Change Election Laws and Measure Signature Gathering Initiative (2020)
  223. Arkansas State Legislative Term Limits Initiative (2020)
  224. Ohio Voter Registration Initiative (2020)
  225. Ohio Disabled Voters Initiative (2020)
  226. Ohio Election Audit Initiative (2020)
  227. California Voting for 17-Year-Olds Amendment (2020)
  228. California Recall Elections Amendment (2020)
  229. Mississippi Gubernatorial Elections Amendment (2020)
  230. Oregon Changes to Campaign Finance Laws Initiative (2020)
  231. Oregon First-in-the-West Presidential Primary Initiative (2020)
  232. Hawaii Election Vote Recount Amendment (2020)
  233. Colorado General Elections as State Holidays Initiative (2020)
  234. Colorado Establish Approval Voting System Initiative (2020)
  235. Florida State and Federal Office Primaries through a Top-Two Open System Initiative (2020)
  236. Nevada Top-Two Primary Initiative (2022)
  237. California Open Presidential Primaries (2014)
  238. Missouri Campaign Finance Limit Initiative (2012)
  239. Florida Top-Two Open Primary for Federal Office Initiative (2022)
  240. Hawaii Elections Expenditures Not Freedom of Speech Amendment (2022)
  241. Missouri Ranked Choice Voting and Changes in Composition for State Legislature Initiative (2022)
  242. Missouri Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2022)
  243. Missouri Single-Vote and Citizenship Voting Requirements, One Candidate Per Party, and Vote Machine Testing and Records Amendment (2022)
  244. Missouri Remove Exception to Requirement for Elected County Assessor Amendment (2022)
  245. Oregon Open Primaries for State and Federal Offices Initiative (2022)
  246. Washington Withdraw from National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Initiative (2023)
  247. Pennsylvania Eliminate Separate Ballot Requirement for Judicial Retention Elections Amendment (2022)
  248. Washington Prohibit Candidate Appearance on Ballot if Under Investigation Initiative (2023)
  249. Arizona "Clean and Accountable Elections" Act (2016)
  250. California Political Advertisement Sales Tax Initiative (2016)
  251. California Age to Vote in Primary Amendment (2016)
  252. Arizona Civil and Criminal Fine Proceeds Act (2016)
  253. Arizona National Popular Vote Interstate Agreement Initiative (2018)
  254. Arizona Political Committee Disclosure of Funds Referendum (2016)
  255. Arizona Right to Know Source of Campaign Contributions Initiative (2018)
  256. Arizona Right to Know Source of Campaign Contributions Initiative (2020)
  257. Arkansas Issue 3, State Legislative Term Limits Initiative (2018)
  258. California Electronic Vote Submission Initiative (2016)
  259. California Federal Campaign Advertisements Certification Initiative (2016)
  260. California National Popular Vote for President Initiative (2018)
  261. California Non-Partisan Ballots Act Initiative (2016)
  262. California Nonpartisan Ballots Initiative (2016)
  263. California Online Voting System Initiative (2016)
  264. Florida Increase Supermajority Requirement to Approve Constitutional Amendments Measure (2024)
  265. Montana Require Elections of County Sheriffs Amendment (2024)
  266. Hawaii Limitations on Independent Expenditures Amendment (2024)
  267. Hawaii Exclude Monetary Expenditures to Influence Elections from Freedom of Speech Amendment (2024)
  268. Missouri Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2022)
  269. Maine Ranked-Choice Voting for Presidential Elections Referendum (2020)
  270. North Dakota Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting, Redistricting, and Election Process Changes Initiative (2020)
  271. Arkansas Issue 5, Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2020)
  272. Missouri 57% Supermajority Vote Requirement for Constitutional Amendments and Citizenship Voting Requirement Measure (2024)
  273. Maine Ranked-Choice Voting for Governor and State Legislators Amendment (2023)
  274. Missouri Approval Voting Initiative (2022)
  275. Michigan Presidential Primary Date Referendum (2024)
  276. Arizona Top-Five Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  277. Michigan Decertify 2020 Election Initiative (2024)
  278. Michigan National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Initiative (2024)
  279. Alaska Prohibit Use of Public Funds for Political Party Candidate Selection Initiative (2024)
  280. Alaska Campaign Contribution Limits Initiative (2024)
  281. Maryland Deadline for Selecting Lieutenant Governor Running Mate Amendment (2024)
  282. Oregon Top-Five Voting for Presidential Elections Initiative (2024)
  283. Oregon Campaign Finance Amendment (2024)
  284. Missouri Electronic Signatures for Initiative Petitions Measure (2024)
  285. Missouri Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  286. Missouri Term Limits and Initiative Amendment (2024)
  287. Missouri Term Limits and Voter-Initiated Laws Amendment (2024)
  288. Missouri Open Primary and Top Four Ranked Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  289. Missouri Open Primary and Top Five Ranked Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  290. Missouri Top-Three Ranked Choice Voting Measure (2024)
  291. Missouri Conduct of Elections Amendment (2024)
  292. Missouri Single Political Party Primary Ballot and Require all Established Political Parties on the Ballot Initiative (2024)
  293. Missouri Candidate Selection Amendment (2024)
  294. Missouri Elections for Statewide Officials Amendment (2024)
  295. Missouri Ballot Title and Candidate Selection Amendment (2024)
  296. Wyoming Restrict Changing Political Party Affiliation Before Primary Elections Initiative (2024)
  297. Wyoming Restrict Party Affiliation Changes for Primary Elections Initiative (2026)
  298. Arizona 60% Vote Requirement to Approve Constitutional Amendments Measure (2024)
  299. Arizona Local Elections Amendment (2024)
  300. California Election Policies Initiative (2024)
  301. Oregon Open Primaries and Candidate Requirements Initiative (2024)
  302. Oregon Top-Five Ranked Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  303. Oregon Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)
  304. Ohio Voting and Elections Amendment (2024)
  305. Arizona Candidate Randomization on the Ballot Initiative (2024)
  306. Arkansas Absentee Voting Restrictions Initiative (2024)
  307. Washington Allow Even-Year Municipal Elections Initiative (2024)
  308. Oregon Open Primary Initiative (2024)
  309. North Dakota Elections, Voting, and Initiative Process Amendment (2024)
  310. New Hampshire Presidential Primary Amendment (2024)
  311. California Allow Candidates to Use Public Money from Dedicated Funds Measure (2024)
  312. Kentucky State Executive Elections in Even-Numbered Years Amendment (2024)
Voting on elections and campaigns
Ballot measures
By state
By year
Not on ballot

IssuesBallot logo final.jpg

Measures by topic
Measures by year
Measures by state

See also