Gene Rossi

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Gene Rossi
Image of Gene Rossi


High school

East Hampton High School


Fairfield University


American University


Georgetown University

Federal prosecutor

Gene Rossi was a 2017 Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor of Virginia. He was defeated in the primary election on June 13, 2017.


After graduating law school in 1982, Rossi worked for former Connecticut Governor Bill O’Neill (D) as a representative in Washington, D.C. He began his career as an attorney with the U.S. Justice Department in 1989.[1]


  • B.A., Fairfield University
  • J.D., American University
  • L.L.M., Georgetown University



See also: Virginia lieutenant gubernatorial election, 2017

Virginia held an election for lieutenant governor on November 7, 2017. Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam (D) was running for governor, leaving the lieutenant governor election an open race.

The general election took place on November 7, 2017. A primary election was held on June 13, 2017. The filing deadline for candidates wishing to run in the primary election was March 30, 2017.

Justin Fairfax (D) defeated Jill Holtzman Vogel (R) in the election for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.[2]

Virginia Lieutenant Gubernatorial Election, 2017
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Democratic Green check mark transparent.png Justin Fairfax 52.77% 1,368,261
     Republican Jill Holtzman Vogel 47.23% 1,224,519
Total Votes 2,592,780
Source: Virginia Department of Elections

Justin Fairfax defeated Susan Platt and Gene Rossi in the Democratic primary for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.[3]

Virginia Democratic Lieutenant Gubernatorial Primary, 2017
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.png Justin Fairfax 49.13% 252,400
Susan Platt 39.19% 201,316
Gene Rossi 11.69% 60,041
Total Votes 513,757
Source: The New York Times

Jill Holtzman Vogel defeated Bryce Reeves and Glenn Davis in the Republican primary for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.[3]

Virginia Republican Lieutenant Gubernatorial Primary, 2017
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.png Jill Holtzman Vogel 42.73% 151,998
Bryce Reeves 39.98% 142,218
Glenn Davis 17.29% 61,517
Total Votes 355,733
Source: The New York Times


The following issues were found on Rossi's campaign website. For a full list of Rossi's positions, click here.

From 2001-16 as an Assistant United States Attorney in Alexandria, Gene led​ Operation Cotton Candy​--the largest federal​ investigation​ ever to address the opioid epidemic. This Operation helped secure over 200​ convictions of ​unscrupulous pain doctors, pharmacists, health professionals, and drug dealers. Gene's most prominent conviction involved his Alexandria trials against Dr. William Hurwitz​, who ran a nationally renowned pill mill in McLean, Virginia and who once issued a prescription for 1,200 pain pills per day! Hollywood documentary "Dr. Feelgood" chronicles Operation Cotton Candy and his trials.

Gene knows that​ we cannot arrest our way out of this epidemic. Addiction is a disease. And mass incarceration is not the cure. We must have a balanced three-prong approach to this epidemic that focuses on prevention, enforcement, and most important, recovery. He’ll build ​​on the successful steps of Governor McAuliffe, Lt. Governor Northam, and Attorney General Herring to tackle this public health emergency--and bring innovative new solutions incorporating all three components.

Health care
Gene knows ​President Obama’s ​ACA was a ​signature achievement.​ ​Not only does ​the ACA​ prevent insurance companies from discriminating against pre-existing conditions, help women get preventive care, allow adult children to remain on their parents' health insurance until 26, it also helps reduce free-riders in the health care system that drive up costs for all of us.​ Think about it: Gene's daughter turned 26 last March. If Trump/Ryan get their way, their replacement plan could jeopardize her ability to obtain adequate insurance. Health care is highly personal for Gene—and he knows it’s also personal for thousands of Virginians facing their own health crises.​

That’s why Gene will join with Gov. McAuliffe and ​Sens. Warner and Kaine to resist any attempts by ​President ​Trump to undermine the ACA.​ He ​will work with Attorney General Herring on each and every ​legal ​action against the Trump Administration, and use his experience working in legislatures to make Republicans feel the pain they’re inflicting on Virginians with their partisan agenda. He will support progressive candidates who run on supporting the ACA, including finally expanding Medicaid to help ​those forgotten ​400,000 Virginians get coverage.

Minimum wage
Gene believes ​that many ​Virginians deserve a​ much needed​ pay raise.​ ​That’s why he supports raising ​the state's ​minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2023. As someone who worked in a small family lumber business for many years, ​Gene knows that ​an increase in the minimum wage​ will help lift Virginia families out of poverty; and that research shows that raising the minimum wage ​benefits​ the​ economy by putting more money in consumers’ pockets.​ While limiting its impact on Virginia’s smallest employers, a minimum wage increase can be structured in a sensible way that creates a more stable workforce and does not cost jobs.​ Gene believes that a decent living wage gives dignity and honor to many hardworking Virginians who are often ignored and forgotten.[4]

—Gene Rossi[5]

See also

Virginia State Executive Elections News and Analysis
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Virginia State Executive Offices
Virginia State Legislature
Virginia Courts
Virginia elections: 202420232022202120202019201820172016
Party control of state government
State government trifectas
State of the state addresses
Partisan composition of governors

External links
