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Basic facts
Location:Washington, D.C.
Top official:Ellen Kurz, President
Year founded:2014
Website:Official website

Note: Ballotpedia tracked iVote as a ballot measures influencer through 2018. You can send information about this influencer’s current involvement with ballot measures to [email protected].

As of 2018, iVote was a national political action committee (PAC) that, according to the group's website, aimed to "secure voting rights for all Americans." The group sought to elect Democratic candidates to secretary of state positions and to implement automatic voter registration policies across the country. The organization was headquartered in Washington, D.C.[1][2][3]

  • iVote supported the 2018 Nevada Automatic Voter Registration via DMV Initiative, which proposed to provide for the automatic voter registration of eligible citizens when receiving certain services from the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).[4]
  • Background

    iVote was established in 2014 by a group of Democratic political strategists and campaign veterans. According to the organization's website in 2017, the group's primary goal was to "secure voting rights for all Americans."[1][2]

    iVote aimed to achieve its goal by supporting Democratic candidates for secretary of state. The group made independent expenditures in 2014 to support Democratic secretary of state candidates in Nevada, Colorado, Ohio and Iowa. The group continued its support of Democratic secretary of state candidates in the 2016 election cycle.[1]

    iVote also sought to enact automatic voter registration policies across the country. The group claimed that automatic voter registration policies could increase voter registration by allowing individuals to opt out of voter registration when they renew their driver's license. Many similar existing policies allowed voters to opt-in to voter registration, a process that iVote claims results in large numbers of unregistered eligible voters. In 2015, iVote supported successful legislation to implement automatic voter registration in California.[1][5]

    Political activity

    Ballot measure activity

    During the 2016 election cycle, iVote organized a multi-million dollar investment strategy to support ballot measure initiatives across the country. In 2018, the group supported the 2018 Nevada Automatic Voter Registration via DMV Initiative, which proposed to provide for the automatic voter registration of eligible citizens when receiving certain services from the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).[4]

    Overview of ballot measure support and opposition

    The following table details iVote's ballot measure stances available on Ballotpedia:

    Ballot measure support and opposition for iVote
    Ballot measure Year Position Status
    Nevada Question 5, Automatic Voter Registration via DMV Initiative (2018) 2018 Supported[4]  ApprovedaApproved


    As of April 2017, the following individuals held leadership positions with iVote:[1]

    Board of directors

    • Ellen Kurz, President
    • Jeremy Bird
    • Doug Sosnik
    • Pete Giangreco
    • Rachael Cobb
    • Frank Smith
    • Michael Blake
    • Valeisha Butterfield-Jones

    Recent news

    The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms iVote. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

    See also

    External links
