Michael Boris

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Michael Boris
Image of Michael Boris
Elections and appointments
Last election

June 11, 2024



Stratford University, 2005

Business founder

Michael Boris (Republican Party) (also known as Medicinal Mike) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Nevada's 1st Congressional District. He lost in the Republican primary on June 11, 2024.

Boris completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2023. Click here to read the survey answers.


Michael Boris earned a degree from Stratford University in 2005. His career experience includes founding an appliance repair business. As of 2023, Boris was affiliated with the Clark County Republican Party, the Nevada Republican Club, Holy Smokes Missionaries, and the Battle Brothers Foundation.[1]



See also: Nevada's 1st Congressional District election, 2024

Nevada's 1st Congressional District election, 2024 (June 11 Democratic primary)

Nevada's 1st Congressional District election, 2024 (June 11 Republican primary)

General election

General election for U.S. House Nevada District 1

The following candidates are running in the general election for U.S. House Nevada District 1 on November 5, 2024.

Image of https://s3.amazonaws.com/ballotpedia-api4/files/thumbs/100/100/Dina_Titus_113th_Congress.jpg
Dina Titus (D)
Image of https://s3.amazonaws.com/ballotpedia-api4/files/thumbs/100/100/MarkRobertson2024.jpeg
Mark Robertson (R) Candidate Connection
Silhouette Placeholder Image.png
Bill Hoge (Independent American Party)
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David Havlicek (L) Candidate Connection
Image of https://s3.amazonaws.com/ballotpedia-api4/files/thumbs/100/100/David_Goossen.jpg
David Goossen (No Political Party)
Image of https://s3.amazonaws.com/ballotpedia-api4/files/thumbs/100/100/RonaldQuince.jpg
Ron Quince (No Political Party)

Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Democratic primary election

The Democratic primary election was canceled. Incumbent Dina Titus advanced from the Democratic primary for U.S. House Nevada District 1.

Republican primary election

Republican primary for U.S. House Nevada District 1

Mark Robertson defeated Flemming Larsen, Jim Blockey, Michael Boris, and Evan Stone in the Republican primary for U.S. House Nevada District 1 on June 11, 2024.

Image of https://s3.amazonaws.com/ballotpedia-api4/files/thumbs/100/100/MarkRobertson2024.jpeg
Mark Robertson Candidate Connection
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Flemming Larsen Candidate Connection
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Jim Blockey
Image of https://s3.amazonaws.com/ballotpedia-api4/files/thumbs/100/100/MichaelBoris2023.jpg
Michael Boris Candidate Connection
Image of https://s3.amazonaws.com/ballotpedia-api4/files/thumbs/100/100/EvanStone24.jpg
Evan Stone

Total votes: 29,252
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Withdrawn or disqualified candidates


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Campaign themes


Campaign website

Michael Boris’s campaign website stated the following:


Building a Strong Foundation

  1. Our economy is the backbone of our nation, and as your representative, my commitment is to strengthen and secure that backbone for every American.

As a steadfast Republican, I believe in an economy that embodies the strength and resilience of our great nation. Here’s my vision:

Tax Reform for Growth: Our tax system should be clear, fair, and designed to stimulate growth. Every American deserves to keep more of their hard-earned money.

Empowering Small Businesses: Small businesses are the heart of our economy. Reducing bureaucratic red tape will unleash their potential and drive our economic engine forward.

Balanced Regulation: Regulations are necessary, but they must be balanced and reasonable, protecting consumers and the environment while allowing businesses to thrive.

Fiscal Responsibility: Prudent spending and reducing our national debt are paramount. We must safeguard our economic future and ensure a legacy of prosperity for the next generation.

Our goal is a robust economy that offers opportunity to all Americans. This means jobs that pay well, communities that flourish, and an entrepreneurial spirit that is encouraged and rewarded.

I stand for an America where the economy works for everyone, where hard work is valued, and where the American dream is alive and within reach for all. Together, let’s build a stronger, more prosperous America.

I am ready to lead this charge. Join me in this mission.


A Strong, Prosperous America

Education is not just a pathway to personal success; it’s the blueprint for our nation’s future. I am committed to an educational system that emphasizes core academic strengths, vocational skills, and an understanding of our diverse American heritage.

  1. Strengthening Core Academic Subjects: Our focus must be on key areas like math, English, science, and history. Mastery of these subjects is crucial for the intellectual and professional development of our students.
  2. Vocational Training for Skilled Workforce: Not every student’s path leads to a four-year college. We need to value and invest in vocational and technical training programs that prepare students for rewarding careers in various trades.
  3. Local Control and Balanced Curriculum: Education decisions, including curriculum choices, should be made at the local level by those who best understand our community’s unique needs. While we ensure the curriculum is balanced and focuses on educational fundamentals, it’s also essential to embrace the diversity of American culture.
  4. Incorporating American Ethnic History: Understanding our nation’s diverse ethnic history is key to fostering a more inclusive society. This should complement, not replace, our focus on core academic subjects. It’s important for students to learn about the different cultures and histories that contribute to the American story.
  5. Support for Educators: Our teachers are our most valuable educational resource. We must support them with the necessary tools, training, and resources to excel in their vital role.

As your representative, I will advocate for an education system that equips our youth with the knowledge, skills, and understanding they need to thrive in a diverse and ever-changing world. Together, we can build a stronger, more educated, and more unified America.


The Hard Truth

Listen up, America! It’s high time we snapped out of our cozy little bubbles and faced the ugly reality that’s been festering right under our noses. As the Republican candidate for Nevada’s District 1, I refuse to mince words or play nice. We’ve got a crisis, and it’s not just another blip on the political radar.

We preach individual freedom like a gospel, yet when it comes to our veterans, we’re practicing a whole different religion. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but swallow it we must. Our veterans, the ones who’ve risked life and limb for our country, are being discarded like yesterday’s news.

This isn’t just neglect; it’s a travesty of justice. We stand up for our veterans in public, but when the cameras are off, we leave them in the trenches of a broken system. I’ve seen the fallout firsthand – men and women battling not just their war wounds, but a system that’s more tangled than a Gordian knot. These brave individuals are dealing with chronic physical injuries, PTSD, a lack of adequate mental health care, unemployment, and the scourge of homelessness.

Now, what am I proposing to do about it?

  1. Revamp the VA System:

This isn’t just about pouring more money into a leaky bucket. It’s about a complete overhaul of how we treat our veterans’ health – both mental and physical. We need to address the rampant cases of PTSD, provide better support for physical rehabilitation, and ensure no veteran is left without a roof over their head.

  1. Embrace Real Freedom:

It’s 2024. It’s about time our policies reflect the true meaning of individual freedom, not antiquated notions that punish rather than help. This includes reevaluating how we view substance use among veterans, Overprescribed Opiates, and providing them with the support they need, rather than punitive measures.

  1. Transition Support:

Leaving the military shouldn’t feel like a plunge into the unknown. We need solid transition programs for jobs, mental health, and community integration. Veterans should have access to job training and placement services that recognize and utilize their unique skills and experiences.

I’ve spent years making people laugh on stage, but this issue? There’s nothing funny about it. I’m here to shake up the system and fight for those who’ve fought for us. Because honoring our veterans with more than just words isn’t just a promise – it’s a duty

Criminal Justice Reform

A New Chapter for Nevada

To the dedicated citizens of Nevada’s District 1, it’s time we turn a critical eye towards our criminal justice system. This isn’t about pointing fingers or playing the blame game; it’s about acknowledging the flaws and making concrete changes. As your Republican representative, I’m committed to pushing for reforms that ensure justice, fairness, and safety for all our communities.

  1. Prison Rehabilitation:

Beyond the Bars: Our prisons are overflowing, and it’s not just a space issue; it’s a human issue. We need to shift from punishment to rehabilitation. This means better mental health services, education programs, and job training within prisons to prepare inmates for a successful re-entry into society.

  1. Strengthening Police-Community Relations:

The bond between law enforcement and the community is crucial. We need to rebuild trust where it’s been broken. This includes enhanced training for our officers in de-escalation techniques, community engagement, and implicit bias, ensuring they can serve effectively and justly.

  1. Reducing Recidivism:

A Preventative Approach: The revolving door of our criminal justice system isn’t doing anyone any favors. We need to implement programs that address the root causes of repeat offenses, such as substance abuse, lack of education, and unemployment.

  1. Fair Sentencing Laws:

Let’s talk about sentencing. We need to ensure that sentences are fair and proportional to the crimes committed. This includes re-evaluating mandatory minimum sentences and giving judges more discretion.

Expanding Alternative Sentencing Programs: Jail isn’t the only answer. We should expand access to alternative sentencing programs like drug courts and community service, which have shown promise in rehabilitating offenders without incarceration.

  1. Support for Law Enforcement:

While we reform, we must also support our police. This means providing them with the necessary resources, training, and support to do their jobs safely and effectively.

As your representative in Congress, I promise to advocate for a criminal justice system that is fair, just, and focused on rehabilitation over punishment. It’s about creating a system that not only serves justice but also fosters a safer, more united community.”*

Family Values

A Commitment to Families in District 1

In District 1, the backbone of our community is our families. As a candidate for Congress, I’m deeply committed to upholding the values and rights that empower parents to shape a brighter future for their children. Parents know their kids best, and it’s time our policies reflected that.


Our children deserve the highest quality education, and parents should have a pivotal role in achieving this. I advocate for school choice, ensuring that every family in District 1 has access to schools that best meet their children’s needs. Additionally, I’ll push for greater parental involvement in curriculum decisions, making sure our schools teach the fundamentals that prepare our students for the real world.


In our digital age, the safety of our children online is paramount. I propose robust measures to protect our youth from online risks, advocating for stricter regulations and comprehensive digital literacy programs. By educating both parents and children about internet safety, we can create a safer digital environment for our youngest citizens.


I understand the financial challenges that many families face. That’s why I’m dedicated to introducing tax relief measures for families, ensuring healthcare is affordable, and making childcare more accessible. A strong economy is the bedrock of a thriving family life, and my policies aim to bolster the economic wellbeing of every family in our district.


Investing in our youth is investing in the future of District 1. I plan to champion a range of community programs that focus on sports, arts, and educational activities. These initiatives are not just about keeping kids busy; they’re about nurturing their talents, building their character, and providing them with the skills they need to succeed.


Securing the Borders

Let’s dive into the immigration debate. As someone whose family is a vibrant tapestry of cultures – with a beautiful Mexican daughter, and my not-so-fluent Spanish skills – I’ve got a personal stake in this. Immigration isn’t just a policy issue; it’s about our community, our families, and our future.

  1. Securing the Borders:

Let’s not mince words – border security is crucial. It’s not about building walls to keep out tourists and cultural exchanges; it’s about stopping crime and ensuring safety. We can secure our borders without sacrificing our values.

  1. Celebrating Cultural Diversity:

District 1 is a melting pot, and that’s our strength. Immigration enriches our community with diverse cultures, ideas, and traditions. Let’s not forget, the diversity in our district is a powerful asset that we should embrace and protect.

  1. Practical Pathways to Citizenship:

The system’s broken, and we all know it. We need clear, fair pathways to citizenship for those who contribute to our society and economy. Let’s cut the red tape and offer a hand up to those seeking the American dream.

  1. Cracking Down on Illegal Activities:

While we welcome immigrants who add to our community, we need to be firm on illegal activities. This means better tracking, stricter enforcement, and cooperation between local and federal agencies.

  1. Economic Contributions of Immigrants:

Immigrants aren’t just bringing their cultures; they’re boosting our economy. From small businesses to tech startups, their contributions are immense. Let’s acknowledge and support this.

As a Republican congressman, my approach to immigration balances security with the celebration of our district’s diversity. We can protect our borders while also recognizing the invaluable contributions that immigrants make to our society and economy. It’s about finding a middle ground that respects the law and honors our diverse heritage.”

Nevada’s Water Crisis

A Thirst for Solutions

To the good people of Nevada’s District 1, let’s talk water – or more accurately, the lack of it. In a state where the sun beats down harder than a blackjack dealer on a hot streak, our water situation is no joke. As your Republican representative, I’m here to address this crisis head-on, not with empty promises, but with real, actionable plans.

  1. Conservation and Efficiency:

First things first – we’ve got to get smart about water use. This means ramping up conservation efforts and using technology to make every drop count. From agriculture to tourism, every sector needs to tighten up its water game.

  1. Innovative Water Management Solutions:

We can’t just keep tapping the same old wells and expect them to never run dry. It’s time for innovative solutions like water recycling, desalination, and capturing runoff. Let’s turn every potential source into an asset.

Cooperative Agreements:

Water doesn’t stop at our borders, and neither should our management efforts. We need cooperative agreements with neighboring states to ensure a fair and effective distribution of our shared water resources.

  1. Infrastructure Investment:

Our water infrastructure is as outdated as a dial-up modem. We need to invest in modernizing our water delivery systems to prevent wastage and ensure efficient distribution.

  1. Public Awareness Campaigns:

Let’s face it, not everyone realizes how dire our water situation is. We need to launch public awareness campaigns to educate our communities about the importance of water conservation.

  1. Support for Drought-Resilient Industries:

As we diversify our economy, let’s focus on industries that are drought-resilient. We can’t afford to base our economic growth on water-guzzling enterprises.

In Congress, I promise to be a voice for Nevada, advocating for federal support and funding to tackle our water crisis. This isn’t just an environmental issue; it’s an economic, social, and existential one. We need to act now to ensure that our state remains livable and prosperous for generations to come.

A New Chapter for Nevada

Hey, Nevada District 1, let’s cut through the political smoke and look at gun control with clear eyes. As your straight-talking Republican representative, I’m not here to dance around the issue with fancy footwork. I’m here to shoot from the hip.

Second Amendment – Non-Negotiable:

The right to bear arms? It’s as American as apple pie and conspiracy theories. We respect it, we protect it, and we don’t let it get trampled by fear-mongering or political theatrics.

Enforce What We’ve Got:

Our legal system is like a leaky faucet – lots of drips, but not enough action. Let’s stop piling on regulations and start enforcing the laws we already have. Proper background checks? Yes. Knee-jerk policies? No thanks.

The Real Issue – Mental Health:

Blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for bad cooking. Let’s get real and tackle the underlying issues, mainly mental health. It’s time to invest in proper care, not just plaster over the cracks with ineffective laws.

Back the Blue:

Law enforcement isn’t just a phrase we throw around during campaigns. It’s about giving our police the respect and resources they need to do their jobs effectively. Let’s support them, not hang them out to dry.

Education, Not Ignorance:

Ignorance about guns is like ignorance about history – it’s dangerous and avoidable. We need to educate our citizens about safe and responsible gun ownership. Knowledge is the real power here.

In Congress, I’ll be the voice of reason in a room full of shouting. We’ll uphold our rights, address the real issues, and keep our community safe – all without trampling on the Constitution. It’s not just common sense; it’s necessary sense.” [2]

—Michael Boris’s campaign website (2024)[3]

Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection

Michael Boris completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2023. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Boris' responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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Hey Nevada, I'm Michael Boris, your next game-changing Republican candidate for U.S. Congress, and I'm all about putting America First. I'm not your typical suit-and-tie politician; I'm a man of the people, for the people. As a Las Vegas local, I've seen the real issues our community faces, and I'm here to bring those to the forefront.

Running my own appliance repair business, I've learned the value of hard work and practical solutions. I'm not about lofty promises; I'm about rolling up my sleeves and getting the job done. My business isn't just about fixing what's broken; it’s a metaphor for what I aim to do in Congress – repair, renew, and revitalize.

When the sun sets, I take the stage as a stand-up comedian, giving a voice to the everyday struggles and joys of Americans. My comedy is a bridge between the people and politics, shedding light on the truth with a dose of laughter.

As your Congressman, I pledge to be the voice of those who feel forgotten. I'm here to fight for an America where hard work is rewarded, where our values are upheld, and where every voice is heard. I stand for strong borders, a thriving economy, and policies that put our citizens first.

I'm Michael Boris, and I'm not just running for Congress. I'm stepping into the ring for you, to bring back the true spirit of America – one where the government works for the people, not the other way around. Let's make America not just great, but greater than ever!"

  • Engaging and Educating Across America: "I've had the privilege of hosting stages across the country, connecting with thousands, sharing knowledge, and sparking meaningful conversations. My approach is about educating while entertaining, making complex issues relatable and understandable. In Congress, I'll use these skills to engage with constituents and colleagues alike, bringing clarity and charisma to the legislative process.
  • Champion of Personal Freedom and Innovation: "As a leader in the edutainment industry, I've been at the forefront of advocating for personal freedom and innovative solutions. In Congress, I will continue to break down outdated barriers and fight for the rights and freedoms of all Americans. My experience has taught me the importance of progressive thinking and respecting individual choices, particularly in areas like healthcare and personal well-being."
  • Fierce Advocate for Veterans' Rights and Freedom: "In my journey through the medical industry, I've become a staunch advocate for veterans, fighting for their right to access treatments and supporting their freedom to choose the best health options. In Congress, I will tirelessly work to ensure our veterans receive the respect, care, and freedom they deserve. My goal is to break down the barriers that prevent veterans from accessing beneficial treatments and to amplify their voices in our national conversation. They've served our country; now it's our turn to serve them by safeguarding their personal freedom and well-being."

As a Republican congressional candidate, my passion is rooted in four key areas: education, veteran support, economic strength, and border security. These are not just policy areas; they are the pillars of a strong, prosperous America.
First, education is paramount. Our children deserve a system that equips them with the knowledge and skills needed for success in a rapidly changing world. I am committed to advocating for educational reforms that prioritize student outcomes, support teachers, and prepare our youth for the challenges of tomorrow.
Supporting our veterans is a matter of honor and duty. These brave men and women have served our nation, and it's our responsibility to ensure they have access to quality healthcare, mental health services, and job opportunities. They've protected our freedoms; now we must protect their futures.
Economically, we need policies that stimulate growth, encourage entrepreneurship, and create jobs. A thriving economy is the backbone of our nation, and I will tirelessly work to promote fiscal responsibility and a business-friendly environment.
Lastly, border security is crucial for national safety and sovereignty. We must enforce our laws while ensuring that our immigration system is fair and efficient. Protecting our borders is not just about policy; it's about safeguarding the American way of life.

George Carlin, He was an amazing intellectual who use comedy to educate.

If you really want to get a handle on my political philosophy, I'd recommend a mix of materials that blend practical wisdom, humor, and a deep understanding of American values.

First off, for a book, I'd say 'Economics in One Lesson' by Henry Hazlitt. It's a classic that breaks down economic principles in a way that's both accessible and applicable to everyday life. It resonates with my belief in practical solutions and understanding the broader impact of economic policies.

In terms of essays, I'd point you towards 'Self-Reliance' by Ralph Waldo Emerson. It's not directly political, but its emphasis on individualism, personal responsibility, and the strength of the individual spirit aligns closely with my core values.

For a film, it might seem a bit left-field, but 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington' is a classic that I think captures the spirit of what I believe politics should be about – integrity, fighting for the underdog, and challenging the status quo.

And finally, for something a bit different, I'd actually recommend attending a live stand-up comedy show. Comedy, at its best, is about cutting through the noise, speaking truth to power, and connecting with people on a human level. It's these qualities that I believe are essential in politics too.

In my view, being an effective elected official is a lot like running a successful business or putting on a great comedy show. It requires a blend of key characteristics and steadfast principles.

First and foremost, integrity is non-negotiable. You've got to be honest and transparent. People should trust that you're saying what you mean and doing what you say. It's like in appliance repair – if you're not honest about the problem, you can't fix it.

Next up, accountability. You have to own your decisions and their impacts, just like I own every joke I tell on stage, whether it lands or bombs. An elected official must answer to the people who put them in office and take responsibility for both their successes and mistakes.

Effective communication is crucial. It's not just about talking; it's about listening, engaging, and making complex ideas accessible. Like a good comedian connects with their audience, an elected official must connect with their constituents.

Empathy is also key. Understanding diverse perspectives and experiences helps craft policies that truly address the needs of all community members. It's about seeing beyond your own viewpoint.

Finally, a commitment to public service over personal gain. This means prioritizing the greater good, much like prioritizing customer satisfaction in a business.

So, integrity, accountability, effective communication, empathy, and a true commitment to public service – these are the principles I stand by and believe are essential for any elected official."

First, there's my real-world business acumen. Running a small business in Las Vegas has taught me the importance of resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving. Like fixing a stubborn appliance, I know how to tackle complex issues and find practical solutions.

Then, there's my ability to connect with people. As a stand-up comedian, I've learned the art of communication, engaging with diverse audiences, and delivering messages in a way that's both impactful and relatable. It's about reading the room and understanding what people need and want to hear.

I also bring a fresh perspective. Not being a career politician, I offer a new approach to politics – one that's grounded in everyday reality and focused on what truly matters to the average person.

My commitment to community service and advocacy, especially in the medical community, highlights my dedication to public service and making a real difference in people's lives.

Lastly, my tenacity and drive are key. I'm not one to back down from a challenge, whether it's in business, on stage, or in the political field. I'm ready to fight for what I believe in and for the needs of my constituents.

These qualities – practical problem-solving, effective communication, a fresh perspective, dedication to service, and tenacity – are what I bring to the table as a candidate. They're what make me ready to serve and succeed in the political realm

First and foremost, representing the people. This isn't just a title; it's a duty. It means truly listening to the constituents, understanding their concerns, and being their voice in Congress. It's like being on stage and reading the room – you've got to know your audience and speak to their needs.

Then, there's the responsibility of making informed decisions. This involves digging into the nitty-gritty of policies, understanding the impact of legislation, and staying educated on the issues. It's not about going with the flow; it's about doing your homework and making choices that benefit the community and the country.

Upholding the Constitution is a big one. As a representative, you're a guardian of our nation's founding principles. This means protecting individual freedoms, ensuring justice, and maintaining the balance of power between the different branches of government.

Also, effective communication is key. It's not just talking at people; it's engaging with them, keeping them informed, and being transparent about your actions and decisions.

Lastly, it's about serving the public interest, not personal or partisan agendas. This means prioritizing the common good, making sacrifices when necessary, and always remembering that you're there to serve the people, not the other way around.

So, representing the people, making informed decisions, upholding the Constitution, communicating effectively, and serving the public interest – those are the core responsibilities as I see them, and they're what I commit to upholding in office.

When I think about the legacy I want to leave behind, it's one that resonates with both my personal journey and my commitment to serving the community. I want to be remembered as a representative who brought a unique blend of real-world experience, humor, and practical wisdom to the halls of Congress.

Firstly, I want to leave a legacy of being a 'people’s representative' – someone who truly listened and responded to the needs of the constituents. Like a reliable appliance repairman, I want to be remembered as someone who was always there to fix problems, big or small, for the people in my district.

I also aim to be known for bridging gaps – not just between political ideologies, but between government and the everyday lives of people. Through my background in both business and entertainment, I want to be remembered as someone who brought a fresh, relatable perspective to politics, making it more accessible and engaging for everyone.

In terms of policy, I aspire to leave a mark in areas like small business advocacy, veterans’ affairs, and healthcare reform. I want to be remembered as a champion for the underdog, someone who fought tirelessly for the rights and welfare of veterans, and as a leader who helped pave the way for innovative healthcare solutions.

Finally, I hope my legacy is one of integrity and humor. In a political landscape often mired in seriousness and conflict, I want to be remembered as someone who brought lightness and laughter, without ever compromising on honesty and ethical principles.

In summary, the legacy I aim for is that of a dedicated, effective, and approachable leader, who brought positive change, humor, and a touch of humanity to the world of politics."

Daycare teacher and I had it for 2 years

Conversations with God' by Neale Donald Walsch is my favorite book because it speaks to the core of what I believe in – the power of questioning, the importance of personal discovery, and a deeper understanding of our place in the universe. In my life, whether it's been fixing appliances, making people laugh, or navigating the complexities of politics, the underlying theme has always been about seeking answers and understanding deeper truths.

This book challenges conventional notions of the divine, encouraging a dialogue rather than a one-sided perception. It aligns with how I approach my work and my politics – through dialogue, open-mindedness, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. The book's conversational style resonates with my belief in the power of communication, be it in business, comedy, or politics.

Moreover, 'Conversations with God' delves into themes of self-identity, purpose, and the interconnectedness of all things. These themes have been pivotal in my journey, especially in understanding my role as a community member, a leader, and an advocate for change.

In essence, this book mirrors my life philosophy – always be curious, seek your own truths, and understand that our actions and decisions are part of a larger tapestry. It's about finding meaning beyond the surface, which is what I strive to do in all aspects of my life.

If I could be any fictional character, I'd choose Luffy from 'One Piece.' Why? Because Luffy embodies qualities that resonate with me, both personally and professionally. He's a character with unyielding determination, boundless optimism, and a deep sense of loyalty to his friends and his goals. These are traits I admire and strive to embody in my own life.

Luffy's never-say-die attitude and his ability to keep pushing forward, no matter the odds, mirror my approach to business and politics. Whether it's tackling a tough appliance repair job, crafting a new comedy set, or navigating the complexities of political campaigns, that tenacity is something I relate to.

His optimism, even in the face of daunting challenges, is something I try to maintain in all my endeavors. In comedy, you need that positive outlook to connect with your audience, and in politics, it's essential for driving change and inspiring hope.

Lastly, Luffy's loyalty and commitment to his crew reflect how I view my relationships with my colleagues, constituents, and community. It's about being there for them, standing up for what's right, and working towards a common goal, much like Luffy does with his friends on their adventures.

So, yeah, Luffy from 'One Piece' – a character who's not just a fearless leader but also a symbol of resilience, optimism, and loyalty. These are the qualities I admire and strive to bring to every aspect of my life."

America by Tom McDonald That man sings to my soul and clears up exactly what's wrong with the country today.

Throughout my life, I've constantly found myself in positions where I've been judged, underestimated, and faced with adversity. In the business world, especially in something as hands-on as appliance repair, it's easy for people to box you in, to see you just as a 'fix-it guy' and nothing more. I've had to work twice as hard to prove that my insights and abilities extend far beyond repairing appliances.

Then there's the world of stand-up comedy. If you think politics is tough, try standing up in front of a crowd who's just waiting to see if you're funny or not. I've been underestimated more times than I can count, but every joke that lands, every laugh I get, it's a small victory against those doubts and judgments.

Now, as I step into the political arena, I'm facing a whole new level of scrutiny. Coming from a non-traditional background, I've often felt the weight of skepticism. People question whether a businessman and comedian can seriously tackle the challenges of political office.

But here's the thing – every challenge, every moment of being underestimated, it's only fueled my determination. I've learned to turn skepticism into motivation. Overcoming these adversities has made me more resilient, more adaptable, and more committed to my goals. It's taught me the value of perseverance, the importance of staying true to myself, and the power of a positive outlook, even when the odds seem stacked against me.

So, yes, being judged and underestimated has been a struggle, but it's a struggle that's shaped me into who I am today – a fighter, a problem-solver, and someone who never backs down from a challenge.

In the grand tapestry of American politics, the U.S. House of Representatives stands out for a few key reasons. First, it's the 'People's House.' This isn't just a catchy nickname; it reflects the House's role as the most direct link between American citizens and their federal government. As a businessman and comedian who's always been close to the grassroots, I appreciate this aspect. It's all about being on the ground, listening to the people, and bringing their voices to the forefront.

Second, the House has a unique vibrancy due to its size and frequency of elections. Every two years, we get a fresh batch of representatives, which keeps the House dynamic and responsive. It's like a constant renewal process, ensuring that the House reflects the current mood and needs of the American people. This is where new ideas and perspectives are constantly introduced, making it a lively and ever-evolving body.

Lastly, the House has the exclusive power to initiate revenue bills. This ties back to its close relationship with the public – since we're talking about taxpayer money, it makes sense that the House, being the closest to the electorate, gets the first say.

In sum, the U.S. House of Representatives is unique because it's a melting pot of ideas, closely tied to the will of the people, and has a crucial role in shaping our fiscal policy. It's a place where change is always possible, and that's something I deeply respect and am eager to be a part of."

In my view, while previous experience in government or politics can be valuable, it's not the be-all and end-all for a representative. Coming from a background in business and entertainment, I see immense benefits in bringing diverse perspectives to the table. Just like in business, where innovative ideas often come from outside the traditional industry norms, or in comedy, where the freshest material comes from unique experiences, government too can benefit from a variety of viewpoints.

I believe that skills like problem-solving, understanding real-world challenges, and being able to connect with people from all walks of life are just as important, if not more so, than conventional political experience. It's about having a mix of people in government – those who know the system, sure, but also those who can challenge it, bring new ideas, and represent the true diversity of our nation.

So, while I respect the experience long-time politicians bring, I also believe there's a need for fresh faces, different career backgrounds, and new perspectives. It keeps our government more in touch with the people it's meant to serve. That's the kind of representation I aim to bring to the House."

As Michael Boris, a businessman from Las Vegas and someone who's been hands-on in both the appliance repair sector and the medical community, particularly regarding alternative treatments, I see several key challenges for the U.S. in the next decade.

Economically, we're at a crossroads. My experience as a small business owner has shown me the importance of a stable, thriving economy. We need to overcome the economic impacts of the pandemic, address inflation, and create a nurturing environment for job growth and small business success. It's about fostering an economy that's robust and equitable, supporting the backbone of our communities – small businesses.

In healthcare, the challenge is twofold: accessibility and innovation. Working in the realm of alternative treatments has opened my eyes to the potential of innovative healthcare solutions. The goal for the next decade should be to make healthcare more accessible and affordable while embracing new treatments that can improve lives. Mental health, especially for our veterans, is a crucial part of this conversation.

Finally, there's education. Our education system needs a revamp to prepare our children for a rapidly evolving world. We need to rethink our educational strategies, ensuring they're not just informative but also practical, equipping young minds for the realities of the future.

Tackling these challenges won't be easy, but with the right mindset and policies, we can turn them into opportunities to strengthen and improve our nation. It's time for action and innovation, and I'm ready to lead the charge."

As someone who's navigated the fast-paced worlds of business and entertainment, I understand the value of staying current and responsive. The two-year term length for House representatives has its pros and cons. On one hand, it keeps representatives on their toes, ensuring they stay closely connected to their constituents' needs and opinions. It's like being a stand-up comedian; you've got to read the room constantly and adjust your act accordingly.

However, the flip side is that a two-year cycle can put a lot of pressure on lawmakers to focus on short-term wins and reelection efforts, possibly at the expense of long-term policy planning and implementation. In business, while it's crucial to meet immediate customer needs, you also have to plan for the future. The same balance is essential in politics.

So, while I see the merit in having representatives who are frequently accountable to the electorate, I also recognize the challenges this short term presents. It's about finding the right balance between being responsive to the present and planning strategically for the future. Perhaps it's time we consider how we can maintain this accountability while also encouraging more long-term, visionary policymaking."

As Michael Boris, a Las Vegas businessman, stand-up comedian, and a fresh face in politics, I'm a firm believer in term limits. Why? Because just like in business and comedy, politics needs fresh ideas and new energy. Think of term limits as the 'new special' on the menu – it keeps things exciting and innovative.

In my view, term limits are the antidote to career politicians who might lose touch with everyday folks like us. We need leaders who understand the real-world challenges people face, not just the view from the ivory towers of Washington. Term limits help ensure that our representatives stay as grounded and as connected as the rest of us.

Plus, let's talk about special interests. Without term limits, politicians can get a little too cozy with these groups. We need leaders focused on serving the public, not securing their next election. Term limits help keep our government accountable and responsive to us – the people.

So yes, I'm all for term limits. They're like a breath of fresh Nevada air in the sometimes-stale halls of Congress. It's time to bring change, accountability, and a bit of that Vegas dynamism to our political system."

In the world of politics, if there's one figure I truly admire and seek to emulate, it's Ron Paul. His commitment to principle, his dedication to individual liberty, and his unwavering stance on fiscal responsibility resonate deeply with me. As a businessman and someone who values straightforward, no-nonsense approaches, I see Ron Paul as a kind of political role model.

What really strikes a chord with me is how Ron Paul managed to stick to his principles, even when they weren't the most popular. In the appliance repair business, like in politics, the easy path isn't always the right path, and Paul’s career exemplifies this. He was never afraid to stand alone on issues he believed in, from advocating for a more non-interventionist foreign policy to his consistent push for audit and reform of the Federal Reserve.

Moreover, his grassroots approach to politics, engaging directly with his supporters and fostering a genuine community of followers, is something I aim to replicate. He understood the importance of connecting with people on a human level, not just as voters or numbers.

So, as I step into this role, I carry with me the lessons of Ron Paul's political journey – the importance of consistency, the courage to stand by your convictions, and the power of connecting directly with the people you represent."

In my journey, both as a businessman and as a candidate, I've encountered many stories from residents that have stayed with me. But there's one that particularly stands out and has profoundly impacted me.

I met a veteran, a young guy, not much older than my business, who had served overseas. He came back with physical and mental scars, trying to adjust to civilian life. He shared his struggles with me – the bureaucracy he faced getting healthcare, the challenges in finding a job that accommodated his needs, and the general feeling of being forgotten by the system he served to protect.

What struck me the most was his resilience and his unshakeable spirit. Despite the hurdles, he was determined to make a life for himself and help others like him. His story is a stark reminder of the gaps in our system, especially in how we care for our veterans. It reinforced my commitment to fight for better healthcare and support systems for our veterans. Their service shouldn’t end with neglect; it should be met with our unwavering support and gratitude.

This story isn't just a single narrative; it represents the experiences of many veterans in our country. It's these personal, real-life stories that drive my passion to make a difference in Congress. They deserve more than just our thanks – they deserve action."

Why don't I trust stairs? Because they're always up to something. But hey, that's still more straightforward than politics – at least with stairs, you know exactly which way they're going!

In my line of work, both as a business owner and as someone who's ventured into the medical community, I've learned that compromise isn't just a nice-to-have; it's often a must-have. In policymaking, I believe compromise is both necessary and desirable. It's like fixing a complex appliance or finding the right treatment plan – you need to understand different perspectives and find a middle ground that works.

Sure, compromise doesn't mean abandoning your principles. It's about recognizing that in a country as diverse as ours, no single viewpoint has all the answers. Effective policymaking requires balancing different interests and finding solutions that address the needs of as many people as possible. It's like being a comedian on stage – you've got to read the room and adapt, ensuring your message resonates with a wide audience.

In Congress, I'd approach policymaking with the mindset that compromise is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and practicality. It's about working together to get things done, not just scoring political points. After all, we're all in this together, and the best solutions often come from a place of collaboration and mutual understanding."

In the House of Representatives, we have the unique power to kickstart bills for raising revenue, and that's a responsibility I take seriously. As a businessman, I understand the importance of financial prudence and the impact of taxation on both individuals and businesses. In Congress, I'd use this power to ensure that any new revenue measures are fair, efficient, and, most importantly, make sense for the average American.

My priority would be to advocate for tax policies that stimulate economic growth, support small businesses, and relieve the unnecessary burdens on hardworking families. I've seen firsthand how heavy taxation can stifle entrepreneurship and economic vitality. We need a system that fuels innovation and rewards hard work, not one that punishes success.

Moreover, as someone who's been involved in healthcare, particularly in alternative treatments, I'd also focus on how our tax policy can support healthcare initiatives. It's crucial that we find ways to fund healthcare in a manner that's sustainable and beneficial to all, especially our veterans and underserved communities.

So, the power to originate revenue bills is not just a constitutional mandate for me; it's an opportunity to shape a fiscal policy that's aligned with the realities of everyday Americans. It's about creating a balance – funding essential services and initiatives without placing undue strain on our citizens

In the U.S. House, our investigative powers are a crucial tool for maintaining transparency and accountability in government. Just like in business, where regular audits are necessary to keep things on track, the House needs to use its investigative powers to ensure that our government is working efficiently and ethically for the people.

These powers should be used responsibly and judiciously, not as a political weapon to score points against opponents, but as a means to uncover the truth, address systemic issues, and improve governance. It's about holding those in power accountable, whether it's investigating misuse of public funds, conflicts of interest, or other forms of governmental misconduct.

Moreover, these investigations should be conducted with fairness and impartiality, focusing on facts and evidence rather than partisan agendas. As a representative, I would advocate for investigations that serve the public interest and uphold the integrity of our democratic institutions.

Ultimately, the House's investigative powers are there to protect the principles of our democracy and ensure that our government remains of the people, by the people, and for the people. We need to use these powers to keep our government transparent, accountable, and aligned with the needs and values of the American people."

Barry Lindemann Senate Candidate Nevada
Bill Kousens Aerowind
Rob Van Dam WWE Hall of Famer
Mike Houlihan Sublime

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Campaign finance summary

Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law.

Michael Boris campaign contribution history
2024* U.S. House Nevada District 1Lost primary$30,781 $30,781
Grand total$30,781 $30,781
Sources: OpenSecretsFederal Elections Commission ***This product uses the openFEC API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
* Data from this year may not be complete

See also

External links


  1. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on December 13, 2023
  2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  3. Michael Boris’s campaign website, “Issues,” accessed June 11, 2024

District 1
District 2
District 3
Susie Lee (D)
District 4
Democratic Party (5)
Republican Party (1)