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Oregon 2018 ballot measures

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Six statewide measures were certified to appear on the Oregon ballot in 2018. One measure—Measure 101—was on the ballot for a special election on Jan. 23, 2018. It was approved. The other five were certified for the November 2018 ballot—four were defeated and one was approved.

  • Measure 101, Oregon Healthcare Insurance Premiums Tax for Medicaid Referendum: The measure was put on the ballot through a veto referendum petition by opponents of a tax bill passed by the legislature to fund Medicaid expansion. A "yes" vote was in favor of the tax bill, and a "no" vote was against it. Sponsors of the petition that put the measure on the ballot advocated for a "no" vote. The measure was approved.
  • On the November 2018 ballot: One legislatively referred constitutional amendment, Measure 102 was approved. It allowed cities and counties to use bonds to fund privately owned affordable housing.
  • Four citizen-initiated measures were on the ballot and were all defeated. The measures would have (1) banned taxes on groceries, (2) prohibited public funds from being spent on abortions, (3) repealed the state's sanctuary law, and (4) redefined raising revenue.
  • On the ballot

    See also: 2018 ballot measures

    January 23, 2018:

    Type Title Subject Description Outcome
    VR Measure 101 Taxes Approves tax on certain insurance premiums for Medicaid funding

    November 6, 2018:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Measure 102 Housing Removes restriction that affordable housing projects funded by city and county bonds must be government owned
    CICA Measure 103 Taxes Bans taxes on groceries
    CICA Measure 104 Budget Defines raising revenue for the three-fifths vote requirement for bills raising revenue
    CISS Measure 105 Immigration Repeals law forbidding state resources from being used to apprehend persons violating federal immigration laws
    CICA Measure 106 Abortion Prohibits public funds from being spent on abortions

    Getting measures on the ballot

    Citizens of Oregon have the powers of initiated state statute, initiated constitutional amendment, and veto referendum. The Oregon State Legislature may also place measures on the ballot as legislatively referred constitutional amendments or legislatively referred state statutes with a majority vote of each chamber.

    Oregon is one of several states that require a certain number of signatures to accompany prospective petition filings. The signatures of at least 1,000 electors are required. The number of signatures required to qualify an initiated state statute, constitutional amendment, or veto referendum measure for the ballot in Oregon is tied to the number of votes cast for the office of governor in the state's most recent gubernatorial election. Valid citizen signatures equaling eight (8) percent of these votes are needed for initiated constitutional amendments, six (6) percent for initiated state statutes, and four (4) percent for a veto referendum. In 2018, this amounted to 88,184 signatures for initiated statutes, 117,578 signatures for initiated constitutional amendments, and 58,789 signatures for veto referendums.

    Signatures for Oregon initiatives must be submitted four months prior to the next regular general election. In 2018, this deadline was July 6, 2018. If signatures are submitted at least 165 days before an election and the petition is found insufficient, additional signatures can be submitted prior to the final deadline.

    Summary of campaign contributions

    See also: Ballot measure campaign finance, 2018

    The combined total raised for and against Measure 101 was $2,755,120.12. Two committees were registered as advocating a "no" vote on the veto referendum: the Stop Healthcare Taxes petition committee, and the Stop Healthcare Taxes measure committee. Two measure committees were registered as advocating for a "yes" vote on the veto referendum: the Yes for Healthcare committee and the Protect Our Healthcare committee.

    The following chart illustrates how much support and opposition committees had amassed in campaign contributions for each measure on the ballot:

    Note: In some cases committees were registered to support or oppose multiple measures. Ballotpedia lists the total sum that all committees registered to support or oppose each measure have received in contributions. This means that the sum of all contributions in the chart below is higher than the total amount contributed.

    November 6:

    Ballot Measure:Support contributions:Opposition contributions:Outcome:
    Oregon Measure 105$477,388.06$12,048,521.34Defeatedd
    Oregon Measure 102$10,317,746.07$0.00Approveda

    January 23:

    Ballot Measure:Support contributions:Opposition contributions:Outcome:
    Oregon Measure 101 (January)$3,825,025.25$404,271.99Approveda

    Committees that supported and opposed Oregon 2018 ballot measures

    Fifteen (15) committees had registered to support and/or oppose the five Oregon ballot measures appearing on the November 2018 ballot in Oregon. Many committees simultaneously supported and opposed multiple measures, which means it is impossible to distinguish between funds spent on a particular measure. Blank cells indicate that the committee had not taken a position on the corresponding measure.

    Cost per required signature

    See also: Ballot measure signature costs, 2018

    The cost per required signatures (CPRS) is a comparison of the amount of money spent on the petition drive to the number of signatures the state requires for an initiative to make the ballot.

    A total of $3.3 million was spent on the five successful initiative petition drives in 2018.

    Ballot Measure:Topic:Petition companyCostSignaturesCPRS
    Oregon Measure 105Immigration$65,000.0088,184$0.74
    Oregon Measure 101 (January)Taxes$38,326.2958,789$0.65
    Averages:N/ABallot Access LLC$654,524N/A$5.67

    Historical facts

    See also: History of Initiative & Referendum in Oregon and List of Oregon ballot measures
    • A total of 177 measures appeared on statewide ballots in Oregon from 1995 to 2016.
    • From 1995 to 2016, the number of measures on statewide ballots during even-numbered years ranged from seven to 32.
    • Between 1995 and 2016, an average of 14 measures appeared on the ballot in Oregon during even-numbered election years.
    • Between 1995 and 2016, about 48 percent (85 of 177) of the total number of measures that appeared on statewide ballots during even-numbered years were approved, and about 42 percent (92 of 177) were defeated.

    Not on the ballot

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    VR Individual Gun Access Prevention by Court Order Referendum (#302) Firearms Court protection orders to remove access to firearms Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Secession Initiative (#9) Constitution Secession from the U.S. Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Voter Approval of Local Taxes and Fees Initiative (#'s 10,11) Direct Democracy Voter approval of local laws increasing taxes and fees Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Business Tax for Education Funding Initiative (#27) Taxes Business tax increase for education funds Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Legislative Vote to Tax Corporations for Education Funding Initiative (#26) Legislature Simple majority vote of the legislature to tax corporations for education Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Emergency Clause Vote Initiative (#4) Legislature Two-thirds legislative vote to pass emergency bill Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Employee Scheduling Initiative (#'s 23, 24) Labor Creates laws governing employee scheduling Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Three-Fifths Approval Requirement for Income Tax Increases Only Initiative (#38) Healthcare Restricts three-fifths approval requirement for tax increases by the legisalture to personal income tax Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Repeal Three-Fifths Approval Requirement in Legislature for Tax Increases Initiative (#39) State legislatures measures Repeals the three-fifths approval requirement for tax increases passed by the legislature Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA Impeachment of Elected State Executives Amendment State Exec Impeachment process against state executive officials Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    LRCA HJR 203 Healthcare Amends constitution to provide fundamental right to healthcare Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Firearm Storage, Control, Transfer, and Reporting Initiative Firearms Provides laws and regulations related to the storage, transfer, and reporting of firearms Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Ban on Certain Firearms and Magazines with More than a 10-Round Capacity Initiative (#43) Firearms Prohibits and requires surrender of certain firearms and ammunition magazines with a capacity for more than 10 bullets Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Government Spending Limit and Excess Revenue for Unfunded Pension Liability Initiative (#36) Budget Creates a government spending limit and requires excess revenue for unfunded pension liabilities Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Public Employee Union Membership (#34) Labor and unions Allows public employees to decide whether to join a union and specifies that nonunion employee salaries will be determined differently than union member salaries Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Corporate Tax Disclosures Initiative (#25) Business Requires publicly-traded corporations to disclose their state taxes Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Electronic Signature Gathering Initiative (#2) Elections Allows for digital signature gathering for initiatives and referendums Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Proof of Citizenship to Vote Initiative (#5) Suffrage Requires proof of citizenship to register to vote Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Right to Refuse Medical Procedures Initiative (#7) Healthcare Establishes a constitutional right to refuse medical procedures Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Legislative Term Limits Initiative (#19) Term Limits Provides term limits of eight years of any 12-year period for state legislators Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Public Employee Union Spending Reporting (#33) Labor and unions Requires public unions to report financial information Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Repeal Sex Offender Registration Laws Initiative (#3) Law enforcement Repeals sex offender registration laws pertaining to those who have completed their criminal sentences Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Private Voter Information Initiative (#8) Elections Requires written consent of the voter to have voter information released to the public or private third parties Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Informed Consent of Parent to Vaccinate Minor Initiative (#13) Healthcare Requires healthcare providers to obtain consent from the parent of a minor to administer vaccination Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Vaccine Safety Study Initiative (#14) Healthcare Mandates the Oregon Health Authority to conduct a study on vaccine safety Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Public Education Available Without Distinction Initiative (#15) Education Provides that public education is open to all without distinction to race, color, creed, sex, national origin, medical disability, or vaccination status Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Prohibit Discrimination on Basis of Vaccination Status Initiative (#16) Healthcare Prohibits the government, public education institutions, employers, and insurers from discriminating on the basis of vaccination status Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Vaccine Consumer Protection Office Initiative (#17) Healthcare Creates a Vaccine Consumer Protection Office Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Immunization of School Children Initiative (#18) Education Provides laws regarding the immunization of school children Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Legislative Term Limits Initiative (#19) Term Limits Provides term limits of eight years of any 12-year period for state legislators Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS City Utility Fees Initiative (#20) Utilities Provides for amount that cities can charge utilities for using rights of way Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Increase (#21) Taxes Increases cigarette tax and changes tobacco tax Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Regulation of Political Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Initiative (#28) Campaigns Allows Oregon to regulate political contributions and expenditures in so far as consistent with U.S. Constitution Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Right to Enforce Local Laws Initiative (#29) Local Gov't Provides constitutional right to enforcing certain local laws Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CICA Net Neutrality Initiative (#40) Internet regulations Prohibits internet providers from providing varying speeds based on content or payment Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
    CISS First-in-the-West Presidential Primary Initiative (#45) Elections and campaigns Makes Oregon the second state in the nation to vote in the presidential primary election, and the first state in the West Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot

    See also


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