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Sierra Club

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Sierra Club
Sierra Club.png
President:Michael Brune
Chairman:David Scott
Year created:1892

The Sierra Club is a national political organization. It is an environmental organization and is "the oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States."[1] They have a strong belief that humans must share the finite resources on earth with all other living things. They fight to help sustain wildlife ecosystems, facilitate species survival, create and protect natural reserves, decrease the impact of growing human populations, learn and educate about nature, create ecosystem friendly technologies and encourage social responsibility.[2] The Sierra Club has chapters all over the United States and even in Canada.[3]


The Sierra Club was founded in 1892 by John Muir. The group's first initiative was to fight a reduction to the boundaries of Yosemite National Park.[4] The first office opened a year later where they planned various national environmental and preservation campaigns. The Club's efforts helped establish or enlarge Mr. Rainier National Park, Glacier National Park, Sequoia National Park, Mt. Tamalpais State Park, Kings Canyon National Park, Anza State Park, Olympic National Park, Point Reyes, Redwood National Park, North Cascades National Park, Big Cypress Preserve and Grand Canyon National Park, among others. They also backed environmental legislation including the Clean Air Act in , opposition to a pipeline through the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline.[4]

Mission Statement

"To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives."[5]


The Sierra Club is led by their Board of Directors. Board members are nominated by the nomination committee and then elected. Five members of the fifteen member Board face election each year.[6]


Priority campaigns

The Sierra Club's four "priority campaigns" are:[7]

  • Beyond Coal is an initiative to replace coal with clean energy.[8]
  • Beyond Oil is an initiative to replace oil with clean energy.[9]
  • Beyond Natural Gas is an initiative to replace natural gas with clean energy.[10]
  • Our Wild America is an initiative to create a network of connected wild lands to "preserve America's natural, cultural, and recreational heritage."[11]

Other programs

Other initiatives of the Sierra Club include:[7]

  • Borderlands Campaign
  • Chill the Drills! Protect America's Arctic
  • Ecocentro
  • Electric Vehicles
  • Environmental Justice
  • Environmental Law
  • Genetic Engineering Program
  • Global Population and the Environment
  • International Climate Campaign
  • Mission Outdoors
  • Nuclear Free Campaign
  • Responsible Trade
  • Toxics

Presidential preference

2016 presidential endorsement

✓ The Sierra Club endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Democratic primary in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.[12]

See also: Endorsements for Hillary Clinton

2014 elections

As of December 9, 2013, Sierra Club had $0 spending for the 2014 elections.[13]

2012 elections

Programs supported

The Sierra Club supported the passage of California's Proposition 39, the Clean Energy Jobs Act, which passed. The group also supported the "Michigan Energy, Michigan Jobs" ballot initiative, which failed.[14]

Candidates endorsed

The Sierra Club Independent Action Super PAC supported four candidates in the 2012 election, spending $286,286.[15]

Sierra Club supported candidates[15]
Candidate Party State Office Total Desired Result
Tulsi Gabbard Democratic Party HI House $147,728
Pete Gallego Democratic Party TX House $126,558
Angus King Independent ME House $95,521
Eric Griego Democratic Party NM House $12,000

Incumbents targeted

The Sierra Club Independent Action Super PAC targeted six Republican representatives in the 2012 election with the "Toxic Money, Toxic Votes" campaign, spending $812,266.[15]

Toxic Money, Toxic Votes targets[15]
Candidate Party State Office Total Desired Result
Dan Lundgren Republican Party CA House $625,801
Quico Canseco Republican Party TX House $126,709
Jim Renacci Republican Party OH House $57,058
Bobby Schilling Republican Party IL House $1,722
Mike Coffman (Colorado) Republican Party CO House $778
Chris Gibson Republican Party NY House $198

Campaign advertisements

"Oily Politics"
"La Mascara"



The top five donors to the Sierra Club Independent Action Super PAC in the 2012 election cycle were:[16]

Top 5 Donors to Sierra Club Independent Action, 2012[16]
Donor Total
Sierra Club $702,702
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) $120,000
America Votes $50,000
American Federation of State, County, Municipal Employees $50,000
Missionpoint Capital Partners $30,000


The top five industries that donated to the Sierra Club Independent Action Super PAC during the 2012 election cycle were:[17]

Top 5 Donors to Sierra Club Independent Action, 2012[17]
Industry Total
Environment $703,702
Misc. Finance $150,000
Misc. Unions $120,000
Business Services $105,000
Democratic/Liberal $50,000

Contact information

National Headquarters
85 Second Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: 415-977-5500
Fax: 415-977-5799

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for "Sierra + Club"

All stories may not be relevant to this organization due to the nature of the search engine.

External links
