State Election Result Canvassing

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State election result canvassing, also known as the certification of state election results, are the laws governing the certification and review of state election votes. This page highlights the state laws that denote the time frames and requirements for the review.


Section 17-12-15 - Time and manner of canvassing.

On the second Friday next after the election, at the hour of 12:00 noon, the sheriff, in person or by deputy, and the judge of probate and the clerk of the circuit court shall assemble at the courthouse; and if there is no such judge or clerk, or if either of them fails to attend, or if either of them is interested by reason of having been a candidate at such election, his or her place must be supplied by a respectable elector of the county, appointed by the board hereinbefore provided for the appointing of the inspectors in the various voting places for the election, at the time of appointing the election inspectors, and if the appointing board fails to provide for such member or members, or if any member or members as herein provided should fail to attend at the time and place herein mentioned, the sheriff shall supply such deficiency by a respectable elector of the county; and if all such officers are of the same political party, then the sheriff must summon three reputable electors of the county, who are members of the opposite political party who are qualified electors, to attend at such time and place; and, in the presence of such other persons as choose to attend, the board shall make a correct statement from the returns of the votes from the several voting places of the county of the whole number of votes given therein for each officer, and the person to whom such votes were given.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Alabama Code 17-12-15


15.15.440. State ballot counting review.

The state ballot counting review shall begin as soon as practicable after the election is completed and no later than 16 days after an election and shall be continued until completed. The director may designate the hours each day during which the state ballot counting review board is to conduct its ballot counting review. The director shall close the review when the director is satisfied that no missing precinct certificate of election would, if received, change the result of the election. If no election certificate has been received from a precinct, the director may secure from the election supervisors and may count a certified copy of the duplicate election certificate of the precinct. If no election materials have been received, but election results have been received by telephone, telegram, or radio, the director shall count the election results so received. If the director has reason to believe that a missing precinct certificate, if received, would affect the result of the election, the director shall await the receipt of the certificate until the close of business on the 15th day after the date of election. A certificate not actually delivered to the director by the close of business on the 15th day after the election may not be counted at the state ballot counting review.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Alaska State Statutes 15.15.440

15.15.450. Certification of state ballot counting review.

Upon completion of the state ballot counting review the director shall certify the person receiving the largest number of votes for the office for which that person was a candidate as elected to that office and shall certify the approval of a justice or judge not rejected by a majority of the voters voting on the question. The director shall issue to the elected candidates and approved justices and judges a certificate of their election or approval. The director shall also certify the results of a proposition and other question except that the lieutenant governor shall certify the results of an initiative, referendum, or constitutional amendment.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Alaska State Statutes 15.15.450


16-642. Canvass of election; postponements

A. The governing body holding an election shall meet and canvass the election not less than six days nor more than twenty days following the election.

B. The governing body of a special district as defined in title 48 shall present to the board of supervisors a certified copy of the official canvass of the election at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board of supervisors. For purposes of contesting a special district election as described in section 16-673, the canvass is not complete until the presentation to the board of supervisors is made.

C. If, at the time of the meeting of the governing body, the returns from any polling place in the election district where the polls were opened and an election held are found to be missing, the canvass shall be postponed from day to day until all the returns are received or until six postponements have been had.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Arizona State Statute 16-642


7-5-701. Declaration of results -- Certification, delivery, and custody of returns.

(a)(1) No earlier than forty-eight (48) hours after the election and no later than the fifteenth calendar day after the election, the county board of election commissioners, from the certificates and ballots received from the several precincts, shall proceed to ascertain, declare, and certify the result of the election to the Secretary of State.

(2)(A) The county board shall declare preliminary and unofficial results of the election, including a statement of the number of outstanding absentee ballots of overseas voters, immediately after the count of the vote is complete and report the preliminary and unofficial results to the county clerk, who shall immediately transmit the results to the Secretary of State by the Internet website interface provided by the Secretary of State.
(B) If it is not possible for the clerk to transmit the results via the Internet website interface, then the clerk may transmit the results by facsimile transmission.
(3) Within nineteen (19) calendar days after any general, special, or school election, the county board shall deliver a certificate of election to the person having the highest number of legal votes for any county office.

(b) The county board shall also file in the office of the clerk of the county court a certificate setting forth in detail the result of the election. (c) (1) No earlier than forty-eight (48) hours after the election and no later than the fifteenth calendar day after the election, the county board shall deposit certified copies of the abstracts of the returns of the election for members of Congress and for all executive, legislative, and judicial officers in the nearest post office on the most direct route to the seat of government and directed to the Secretary of State.

(2) The county board shall not receive compensation for election duties after the election until the election results have been certified and delivered to the Secretary of State.
(3) The Secretary of State shall file a complaint with the State Board of Election Commissioners pursuant to § 7-4-118 if the county board does not comply with subdivision (c)(1) of this section.

(d) (1) It shall at the same time enclose in a separate envelope and direct to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in care of the Secretary of State, at the seat of government, a certified copy of the abstract of votes given for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer of State, Auditor of State, and Attorney General.

(2) It is made the duty of the Secretary of State to safely keep the returns addressed to the Speaker of the House of Representatives until they shall be required for the purpose of ascertaining and declaring the result of the election as prescribed in Arkansas Constitution, Article 6, § 3.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Arkansas Code 7-5-701


15300. This chapter applies to all elections.

15301. The canvass shall commence no later than the Thursday following the election, shall be open to the public, and, for state or statewide elections, shall result in a report of results to the Secretary of State. The canvass shall be continued daily, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays excepted, for not less than six hours each day until completed.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: California Code 15301

15503. On the 38th day after the election, or as soon within that time as the returns have been received from the entire state or a congressional district, as the case may be, the Secretary of State shall determine the votes cast for candidates for Senator and Representative and certify to the persons having the highest number of votes for the respective offices as duly elected.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: California Code 15503


1-10-102. Official abstract of votes cast - certification.

(1) No later than the thirteenth day after a primary election and no later than the seventeenth day after any other election coordinated by the county clerk and recorder, the canvass board shall complete its duties.
(2) (Deleted by amendment, L. 99, p. 479, §4, effective July 1, 1999.)
(3) If a recount is held and the vote result changes, the county canvass board shall prepare and certify an amended official abstract of votes cast. If the vote result does not change after the recount, the county canvass board shall include a statement to that effect in the official abstract of votes cast.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Colorado Statutes 1-10-102


Sec. 9-315. Canvass for presidential electors, U.S. senator and members of Congress.

The votes returned as cast for a senator in Congress, representatives in Congress and presidential electors shall be publicly counted by the Treasurer, Secretary of the State and Comptroller on the last Wednesday of the month in which they were cast, and such votes shall be counted in conformity to any decision rendered by the judges of the Supreme Court as provided in section 9-323. In accordance with the count so made, they shall, on said day, declare what persons are elected senators in the Congress of the United States or representatives in Congress, and the Secretary of the State shall forthwith notify them by mail of their election; and they shall declare the proper number of persons having the greatest number of votes to be presidential electors and, in case of an equal vote for said electors, shall determine by lot from the persons having such equal number of votes the persons appointed, and the Secretary of the State shall forthwith notify them by mail of their appointment.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Connecticut Statutes 9-315

Sec. 9-318. Canvass of votes for state officers.

The votes for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the State, Treasurer, Comptroller and Attorney General shall be canvassed by the persons authorized to receive and count the same, within thirty days next after they were cast, unless a complaint under the provisions of section 9-324 is pending, in which case such canvass shall not be made until after the third Monday of December next after they were cast. In making such canvass, the votes upon the returns made by presiding officers shall be counted in conformity to the decision of the judge of the Superior Court or of the Supreme Court, as the case may be, and such canvass shall be in conformity to such decision, and a fair list of such votes made to conform to the original returns of the presiding officers, as corrected or affected by the finding or decision of such judge, with the original returns of the presiding officers and certified copies of the decision of such judge, shall, on the first day of the session, be laid before the General Assembly, which shall declare who are elected to said offices respectively.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Connecticut Statutes 9-318

Sec. 9-319. Canvass of votes for state senators and representatives and judges of probate.

The votes for state senators, state representatives and judges of probate, as returned by the moderators, shall be canvassed, during the month in which they are cast, by the Treasurer, Secretary of the State and Comptroller, and they shall declare, except in case of a tie vote, who is elected senator in each senatorial district, representative in each assembly district and judge of probate in each probate district. The Secretary of the State shall, within three days after such declaration, give notice by mail to each person chosen state senator, state representative or judge of probate of his election.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Connecticut Statutes 9-319


5701. Superior Court as board of canvass; convening and composition of Court.

(a) The Superior Court shall convene in each county on the 2nd day after the general election at 10 a.m., for the performance of the duties imposed upon it by § 6 of article V of the Constitution of this State and by this chapter. Thereupon the Court, with the aid of such of its officers and such sworn assistants as it shall appoint, shall publicly ascertain the state of the election throughout the county and in the respective election districts by calculating the aggregate amount of all the votes for each office that shall have been given in all of the election districts of the county for every person voted for such office. For this purpose, the Court shall utilize the voting machine recording tapes, voting machine certificates, absentee vote tally sheets and write-in vote tally sheets for each election district provided by the Prothonotary and the Department of Elections for its county, whose representatives shall sit as observers and assistants to the Court during said calculation of the vote.

(b) For the purposes of this chapter, the Superior Court shall consist in New Castle County of the President Judge and the Resident Judge; in Kent County of the Chancellor and the Resident Judge; and in Sussex County of the Resident Judge and one of the remaining judges. For the purpose of this chapter, the Superior Court in each county, as so constituted, shall be a board of canvass for the respective counties of this State.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Delaware Code 15-5701


102.111 Elections Canvassing Commission.

(1) The Elections Canvassing Commission shall consist of the Governor and two members of the Cabinet selected by the Governor, all of whom shall serve ex officio. If a member of the commission is unable to serve for any reason, the Governor shall appoint a remaining member of the Cabinet. If there is a further vacancy, the remaining members of the commission shall agree on another elected official to fill the vacancy.

(2) The Elections Canvassing Commission shall meet at 9 a.m. on the 9th day after a primary election and at 9 a.m. on the 14th day after a general election to certify the returns of the election for each federal, state, and multicounty office. If a member of a county canvassing board that was constituted pursuant to s. 102.141 determines, within 5 days after the certification by the Elections Canvassing Commission, that a typographical error occurred in the official returns of the county, the correction of which could result in a change in the outcome of an election, the county canvassing board must certify corrected returns to the Department of State within 24 hours, and the Elections Canvassing Commission must correct and recertify the election returns as soon as practicable.

(3) The Division of Elections shall provide the staff services required by the Elections Canvassing Commission.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Florida Statutes 102.111


21-2-499. Duty of Secretary of State as to tabulation, computation, and canvassing of votes for state and federal officers; certification of presidential electors by Governor .

(a) Upon receiving the certified returns of any election from the various superintendents, the Secretary of State shall immediately proceed to tabulate, compute, and canvass the votes cast for all candidates described in subparagraph (a)(4)(A) of Code Section 21-2-497 and upon all questions voted for by the electors of more than one county and shall thereupon certify and file in his or her office the tabulation thereof. In the event an error is found in the certified returns presented to the Secretary of State or in the tabulation, computation, or canvassing of votes as described in this Code section, the Secretary of State shall notify the county submitting the incorrect returns and direct the county to correct and recertify such returns. Upon receipt by the Secretary of State of the corrected certified returns of the county, the Secretary of State shall issue a new certification of the results and shall file the same in his or her office.

(b) The Secretary of State shall also, upon receiving the certified returns for presidential electors, proceed to tabulate, compute, and canvass the votes cast for each slate of presidential electors and shall immediately lay them before the Governor. Not later than 5:00 P.M. on the fourteenth day following the date on which such election was conducted, the Secretary of State shall certify the votes cast for all candidates described in subparagraph (a)(4)(A) of Code Section 21-2-497 and upon all questions voted for by the electors of more than one county and shall no later than that same time lay the returns for presidential electors before the Governor. The Governor shall enumerate and ascertain the number of votes for each person so voted and shall certify the slates of presidential electors receiving the highest number of votes. The Governor shall certify the slates of presidential electors no later than 5:00 P.M. on the fifteenth day following the date on which such election was conducted. Notwithstanding the deadlines specified in this Code section, such times may be altered for just cause by an order of a judge of superior court of this state.

(c) The Secretary of State shall not count, tabulate, or publish the names of any write-in candidates for whom the notice of intention of candidacy has not been provided in compliance with Code Section 21-2-133.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Georgia Code 21-2-499


11-155 Certification of results of election.

On receipt of certified tabulations from the election officials concerned, the chief election officer or county clerk in county elections shall compile, certify, and release the election results after the expiration of the time for bringing an election contest. The certification shall be based on a comparison and reconciliation of the following:

(1) The results of the canvass of ballots conducted pursuant to chapter 16;
(2) The audit of pollbooks (and related record books) and resultant overage and underage report;
(3) The audit results of the manual audit team;
(4) The results of the absentee ballot reconciliation report compiled by the clerks; and
(5) All logs, tally sheets, and other documents generated during the election and in the canvass of the election results.

A certificate of election or a certificate of results declaring the results of the election as of Election Day shall be issued pursuant to section 11-156; provided that in the event of an overage or underage, a list of all precincts in which an overage or underage occurred shall be attached to the certificate. The number of candidates to be elected receiving the highest number of votes in any election district shall be declared to be elected. Unless otherwise provided, the term of office shall begin or end as of the close of polls on election day. The position on the question receiving the appropriate majority of the votes cast shall be reflected in a certificate of results issued pursuant to section 11-156.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Hawaii Revised Statutes 11-155


34-1205. County board of canvassers -- Meetings.

The county board of commissioners shall be the county board of canvassers and the county clerk shall serve as their secretary for this purpose. The county board of canvassers shall meet within seven (7) days after the primary election and within ten (10) days after the general election for the purpose of canvassing the election returns of all precincts within the county.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Idaho Statutes 34-1205

34-1209.Certificates of election to county candidates after general election.

Immediately after the general election canvass, the county clerk shall issue a certificate of election to the county candidates who received the highest number of votes for that particular office and they shall be considered duly elected to assume the duties of the office for the next ensuing term.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Idaho Statutes 34-1209


Sec. 22-7. Canvass of votes; declaration and proclamation of result.

The State Board of Elections, shall proceed within 31 days after the election, and sooner if all the returns are received, to canvass the votes given for United States Senators and Representatives to Congress, State executive officers, judges of the Supreme Court, judges of the Appellate Court, judges of the Circuit Court, Senators, Representatives to the General Assembly, State's Attorneys and Regional Superintendents of Schools elected from 2 or more counties, respectively, and the persons having the highest number of votes for the respective offices shall be declared duly elected, but if it appears that more than the number of persons to be elected have the highest and an equal number of votes for the same office, the electoral board shall decide by lot which of such persons shall be elected; and to each person duly elected, the Governor shall give a certificate of election or commission, as the case may require, and shall cause proclamation to be made of the result of the canvass, and they shall at the same time and in the same manner, canvass the vote cast upon amendments to the Constitution, and upon other propositions submitted to the electors of the entire State; and the Governor shall cause to be made such proclamation of the result of the canvass as the statutes elsewhere provide. The State Board of Elections shall transmit to the State Comptroller a list of the persons elected to the various offices. The State Board of Elections shall also transmit to the Supreme Court the names of persons elected to judgeships in adversary elections and the names of judges who fail to win retention in office.

No person who is shown by the canvassing board's proclamation to have been elected at the consolidated election or general election as a write-in candidate shall take office unless that person has first filed with the certifying office or board a statement of candidacy pursuant to Section 7-10 or Section 10-5, a statement pursuant to Section 7-10.1, and a receipt for filing a statement of economic interests in relation to the unit of government to which he or she has been elected. For officers elected at the consolidated election, the certifying officer shall notify the election authority of the receipt of those documents, and the county clerk shall issue the certification of election under the provisions of Section 22-18.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Illinois Compiled Statutes 10-5-22-7


3-12-5-5 Governor and lieutenant governor; certified sealed statements; transmission of statements

Sec. 5. (a) Not later than noon on the second Monday following an election for governor and lieutenant governor, each circuit court clerk shall prepare a certified statement under the clerk's seal showing the number of votes each candidate received. The clerk shall transmit the statement to the election division. The election division shall deliver:

(1) the statement to the speaker of the house of representatives before the date described in subsection (b); and
(2) a copy of each statement to the office.
(b) The house of representatives and the senate shall meet in joint convention not later than the date specified in Article 5, Section 9 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana for the commencement of the term of the governor and the lieutenant governor to hear the canvass of votes cast for governor and lieutenant governor.
(c) The joint convention shall act to resolve any:
(1) tie vote, as required under Article 5, Section 5 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana; or
(2) contest under Article 5, Section 6 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana.
(d) The joint rules that governed the house of representatives and senate before the general election govern the joint convention until those rules are amended as provided in those rules.
(e) After resolving any tie or contest, the presiding officer of the joint convention shall certify to the convention that the individuals receiving the most votes according to the canvass have been elected governor and lieutenant governor.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Indiana Code 3-12-5-5

3-12-5-6 Certified and sealed statement of number of votes for each candidate

Sec. 6. (a) Not later than noon on the second Monday following an election, each circuit court clerk shall prepare a certified statement under the clerk's seal of the number of votes received by each candidate for:

(1) federal office;
(2) state office;
(3) legislative office; and
(4) a local office for which a declaration of candidacy must be filed with the election division under IC 3-8-2.
(b) The clerk shall send the statements by certified mail, return receipt requested, or hand deliver the statements to the election division.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Indiana Code 3-12-5-6


50.38 Time of state canvass.

Not later than twenty-seven days after the day of the election, the secretary of state shall present to the board of state canvassers abstracts of votes cast at the election showing the number of ballots cast for each office and a summary of the results for each office, showing the votes cast in each county. The state board of canvassers shall review the results compiled by the secretary of state and, if the results are accurately tabulated, the state board shall approve the canvass.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Iowa Code 50.38


25-3206 Canvass of state and national general elections; canvass of statewide question submitted election; result certified to secretary of state.

(a) The state board of canvassers shall make the final canvass of national and state primary and general elections. Such board shall also make the final canvass of elections upon constitutional amendments and all questions submitted to election on a statewide basis, including questions on retention in office of justices of the supreme court, judges of the court of appeals and judges of the district court.

(b) For the purpose of canvassing elections specified in subsection (a), the state board of canvassers shall meet on the call of the secretary of state, in the secretary's office, as soon as convenient after the tabulation of the returns is made. In the case of general elections, the meeting shall be called not later than December 1 next following such election, except when such date falls on Sunday, then not later than the following day, and may recess from time to time until the canvass is completed.

(c) The state board of canvassers shall, upon the abstracts on file in the office of secretary of state, proceed to make final canvass of any election for officers specified in subsection (a). The state board of canvassers shall certify a statement which shall show the names of the persons receiving votes for any of such offices, and the whole number received by each, distinguishing the districts and counties in which they were voted.

(d) The state board of canvassers shall, upon the abstracts on file in the office of the secretary of state, proceed to make final canvass and determination of the result of statewide question submitted elections. The state board of canvassers shall certify a statement of the number of votes on each question and the result thereof.

(e) The state board of canvassers shall certify such statements to be correct, and the members shall subscribe their names thereto, and the board shall determine what persons have been elected to such offices and the members shall endorse and subscribe on the statement a certificate of such determination and deliver them to the secretary of state.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Kansas Statutes 25-3206


117.275 Counting and certification of votes -- Return of keys and machines -- Return of ballot box, ballot stubs, spoiled, and unvoted ballots -- Authorized representatives and news media representatives to witness vote count.

(1) At the count of the votes in any precinct, any candidate or slate of candidates and any representatives to witness and check the count of the votes therein, who are authorized to be appointed as is provided in subsection (9) of this section, shall be admitted and be permitted to be present and witness the count.
(2) As soon as the polls are closed, and the last voter has voted, the judges shall immediately lock and seal the voting equipment so that the voting and counting mechanism will be prevented from operation, and they shall sign a certificate stating:

(a) That the voting equipment has been locked against voting and sealed;
(b) The number of voters, as shown on the public counters;
(c) The number registered on the protective or accumulative counter or device, if any; and
(d) The number or other designation of the voting equipment, which certificate shall be returned by the judges of election to the officials authorized by law to receive it. The judges shall compare the number of voters, as shown by the counter of the voting equipment, with the number of those who have voted as shown by the protective or accumulative counter or device, if any.

(3) Where voting equipment is used which does not print the candidates' names along with the total votes received on a general return sheet or record for that equipment, the procedure to be followed shall be as follows:

(a) The judges, in the presence of the representatives mentioned in subsection (1) of this section, if any, and of all other persons who may be lawfully within the polling place, shall give full view of all the counter numbers;
(b) The judges shall enter, in ink, the total votes cast for each candidate, and slate of candidates, and for and against each question on the return sheets; and
(c) Each precinct election officer shall sign the return sheets, and a copy of the return sheets shall be posted on the precinct door.

(4) Where voting equipment is used that prints the candidates' names along with the total votes received on a return sheet or record for that equipment, the precinct election officers shall sign the return sheets or record for the voting equipment, which shall be posted on the door of the precinct.
(5) If any officer shall decline to sign the return sheets, he or she shall state the reason in writing, and a copy thereof, signed by the officer, shall be enclosed with the return sheets.
(6) Each of the return sheets, if applicable, and the record of the voting equipment shall be enclosed in an envelope. One (1) copy of the return sheets, if applicable, one (1) copy of the record of the voting equipment, and the write-in roll, if any write-in votes were cast in the precinct, shall be directed to the county board of elections of the county in which the election is being held. One (1) copy of the return sheets or record of the voting equipment shall be given to the county clerk of the county in which the election is being held and to each of the local governing bodies of the two (2) dominant political parties, but a local governing body of a dominant political party may decline a copy of the precinct election return by filing a written declination with the county board of elections prior to the election, and upon this declination, a printed copy shall not be issued to the political party so declining. The declination on file shall be effective for that election and any subsequent elections until revoked by the local governing body of a dominant political party by filing a written revocation with the county board of elections. The envelope shall have endorsed thereon a certificate of the election officers, stating the number of the machine, the precinct where it has been used, the number on the seal, and the number on the protective or accumulative counter or device at the close of the polls.
(7) Following the tabulation of all votes cast in the election, including absentee votes and write-in votes, the county board shall mail a copy of the precinct-by-precinct summary of the tabulation sheets showing the results from each precinct to the State Board of Elections and the county clerk shall mail or deliver the precinct signature rosters from each precinct to the State Board of Elections during the period established by KRS 117.355(3).
(8) As soon as possible after the completion of the count, the two (2) judges shall return to the county board of elections the keys to the voting machine received and receipted for by them, and the county clerk in which the precinct is located shall have the voting machine properly boxed or securely covered and removed to a proper and secure place of storage.
(9) In primaries, each candidate, slate of candidates, or group of candidates may designate to the county board of elections a representative to witness and check the vote count. In regular elections, the governing authority of each political party, each candidate for member of board of education, nonpartisan candidate, independent candidate, or independent ticket may designate a representative to the county board of elections to witness and check the vote count. The county board of elections shall authorize representatives of the news media to witness the vote count.
(10) If supplemental paper ballots have been approved, as provided in KRS 118.215, after the polls are closed, the two (2) judges shall return to the county clerk's office the locked ballot box, all ballot stubs, spoiled ballots, and unvoted ballots at the same time as the tabulation of votes from the voting machine is delivered. The county clerk shall issue a receipt for the number of ballot stubs, unvoted ballots, spoiled ballots and the ballot box.
(11) The county board of elections, or its designee, shall count and tally the paper ballots manually or with the use of tabulating equipment which does not involve an additional voting system. The results of the vote tally shall be certified by the county board of elections to the county clerk and to the Secretary of State.
(12) The county board of elections shall authorize the candidates, slates of candidates, or their representatives, and representatives of the news media to be present during the counting of the paper ballots.
(13) Except as otherwise required in this chapter that certain records and papers relating to specified elections be retained for twenty-two (22) months, the county clerk shall retain the voted paper ballots for twenty-two (22) months and the unvoted paper ballots for sixty (60) days after each election day, after which time they shall be destroyed in a manner to render them unreadable by the county board of elections if no contest or recount action has been filed.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Kentucky Revised Statutes 117.275

117.355 Election reports to be made by the precinct election sheriff and county board of elections -- Contents.

(1) Within three (3) days after any primary or general election, the precinct election sheriff shall file a report with the chairman of the county board of elections and with the local grand jury. The report shall include any irregularities observed and any recommendations for improving the election process.
(2) Within ten (10) days after any primary or general election, the county board of elections shall file a report with the State Board of Elections and the local grand jury. The report shall include any irregularities of which the county board has knowledge and any recommendations for improving the election process. The report shall also include a breakdown by precinct of the number of voters requiring assistance to vote and the reasons therefor; the number of special ballots cast by category; and any other information required by the state board.
(3) Within thirty (30) days after any primary or general election, the county board of elections shall transmit the information required by KRS 117.275(4) to (7).
(4) The State Board of Elections shall issue administrative regulations to prescribe the forms required by this section.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Kentucky Revised Statutes 117.355


18.513. Certification of candidates elected.

A. Certification of candidates elected for a full term. Within thirty days after the date on which a general election is scheduled to be held, the secretary of state shall certify the name of each candidate elected for a full term to the appropriate official in the following manner:

(1) The name of a candidate elected to the state legislature and the district from which he was elected shall be certified to the appropriate house of the state legislature, and the name of the candidate shall be entered on the rolls of the appropriate house by the secretary of the Senate or the clerk of the House of Representatives.
(2) The name of a candidate elected to Congress and the election results shall be certified as provided by R.S. 18:1277.
(3) The name of a candidate elected as a presidential elector and the election results shall be certified as provided by R.S. 18:1261.
(4) The name of the candidate elected to membership on a political party committee shall be certified to the chairman of the political party committee to which the candidate was elected.
(5) The name of a candidate elected to any other office, except governor or lieutenant governor, shall be certified to the governor, who shall issue a commission to the elected official on the date the term begins as provided by law or the home rule charter or plan of government. If the date the term begins for an official of a municipality elected in accordance with R.S. 18:402(C) is not provided for, the term shall begin July first following the election. If the date the term begins for any other elected official is not provided by law or home rule charter or plan of government, the governor shall issue a commission:
(a) To an official elected for a full term at the gubernatorial election, within thirty days after the date on which the governor is inaugurated.
(b) To an official elected for a full term at the congressional election, within thirty days after the name of the official has been certified to the governor by the secretary of state.
(c) To an official elected for a full term at a municipal election not held at the time of a congressional or gubernatorial election, within thirty days after the name of the official has been certified to the governor by the secretary of state.
(d) To an official elected at a special election to fill an unexpired term, within thirty days after the name of the official has been certified to the governor by the secretary of state.
(e) Repealed by Acts 1996, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 23, §2.
(6) The name of a candidate elected to the office of parish president for the parish of Jefferson or to the Jefferson Parish Council shall be certified by the secretary of state to the governor who shall issue a commission to the elected official which shall not become effective until the first Wednesday after the first Monday in January following the election.

B. Certification of candidates elected for an unexpired term. If a candidate is elected at a special primary or general election for an unexpired term or if he is elected at such an election by the people without opposition, the secretary of state shall promptly certify the name of the candidate elected to the appropriate official named in Paragraphs (1) through (6) of Subsection A of this Section.
C. Certification of candidates elected to a reduced term due to a postponed election. (1) When a reapportionment or redistricting plan fails to receive preclearance pursuant to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by the deadline set forth in R.S. 18:1941 or R.S. 18:1942 and there is a postponement of the election, the secretary of state shall promptly certify the name of any candidate elected at the postponed election to the appropriate official named in Subsection A of this Section, when the secretary of state can immediately determine which office and term of office to which such newly elected official has been elected as follows:

(a) Following the close of qualifying and prior to the primary election if the candidate is declared elected without opposition.
(b) Following the primary election and prior to the general election if the candidate is elected at the primary election.
(c) Following the general election if the candidate is elected at the general election.
(2) If the secretary of state cannot immediately determine which office and term of office to which a newly elected official has been elected, the secretary of state shall not certify any candidate for the postponed election until the general election has been held. Following the general election, the secretary of state shall promptly certify the name of any candidate elected at the postponed election to the appropriate official named in Subsection A of this Section.

D. If the secretary of state receives a proclamation calling a special election in accordance with the provision of R.S. 18:583(A), prior to certifying a candidate's name as required by this Section, the secretary of state shall not be required to certify the name of the candidate as being elected to the office.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Louisiana Election Code 18.513

18.574. Compilation and promulgation of returns.

A.(1) The parish board of election supervisors or the members of the board selected by the board as its representatives shall meet at the time and place designated by the clerk of court for the voting machines to be opened. The board or its representatives shall observe the verification of the votes by the clerk of court.

(2) Immediately after the completion of the verification by the clerk of court and the counting and tabulation of provisional ballots for federal office, if applicable, the board shall publicly prepare two compiled statements of the election returns as shown by the record of the votes made by the clerk of court. The compiled statements shall separately show the machine votes for each candidate and for and against each proposition in each precinct, the total absentee by mail and early voting votes for each candidate and for and against each proposition in the parish, the total provisional votes for each candidate for federal office, and the total of all votes for each candidate and for and against each proposition in the parish.
(3) The board shall complete the compilation of the election returns and file one copy of the compiled statement with the clerk of court no later than 4:00 p.m. on the fourth day after the election. One copy of the compiled statement shall be postmarked no later than 12:00 noon on the fifth day after the election and mailed to the secretary of state. The clerk of court shall transmit the election returns as shown by the compiled statement from the parish board of election supervisors to the secretary of state no later than 12:00 noon on the fifth day after the election. In a parish containing a municipality with a population of three hundred thousand or more, the parish board of election supervisors shall transmit the election returns as shown by their compiled statement to the secretary of state no later than 12:00 noon on the fifth day after the election. Failure to comply with these time limits shall not void the election.

B. By a majority vote of the members, the parish board of election supervisors may attach to the compiled statements a notation of any irregularities observed by the board with respect to:

(1) The security of the place in which the voting machines are located;
(2) The security of the voting machines;
(3) The physical condition of the voting machines;
(4) The physical condition of the election materials in the voting machines;
(5) The substantive contents of the election materials in the voting machines; and
(6) Any other matter affecting the verification of the vote totals by the clerk of court.

C. The compiled statements made by the parish board of election supervisors shall be admissible in court in an action contesting a primary or general election as prima facie proof of the number of votes received by the candidates in the election.
D.(1) The secretary of state shall compile the results of the election for all candidates, proposed constitutional amendments, and recall elections based upon the compilation of the votes transmitted to him by the clerks of court from the compiled statements by the parish boards of election supervisors. In a parish containing a municipality with a population of three hundred thousand or more, the secretary of state shall compile the results of the election for all candidates, proposed constitutional amendments, and recall elections based upon the compilation of the votes transmitted to him by the parish board of election supervisors. The compilation shall be completed and the results thereof shall be announced not later than 12:00 noon on the sixth day after the election.

(2) The secretary of state shall announce the results for state candidates, proposed constitutional amendments, and recall elections and that the results of elections for candidates other than state candidates are available in his office. The results thus announced shall be deemed to be the tentative results of the election and shall not be deemed to be the official results of the election.

E.(1) On or before the twelfth day after the primary or general election, if no action has been timely filed contesting the election to the office of a state candidate, the secretary of state shall promulgate the returns for state candidates, proposed constitutional amendments, and recall elections by publishing in the official journal of the state the names of the state candidates for each office in the election, the text of the proposed constitutional amendment, and recall elections and the number of votes received by each such candidate, proposed constitutional amendment, and recall elections as shown by the returns transmitted by the clerks of court from the compiled statements by the parish boards of election supervisors. In a parish containing a municipality with a population of three hundred thousand or more, the promulgation shall be from the returns transmitted by the parish board of election supervisors. On or before the twelfth day after the primary or general election, if no action has been timely filed contesting the election to office of a candidate other than a state candidate, the secretary of state shall promulgate the returns for the election for candidates other than state candidates by transmitting to the clerk of court for the parish wherein the state capital is located a notice containing the results of the elections for candidates other than state candidates. The clerk of court shall post this notice in a prominent place in his office.

(2) However, if the twelfth day after the primary or general election falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or other legal holiday, and the secretary of state does not promulgate said returns prior to the twelfth day after the primary or general election, he shall promulgate said returns on the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or other legal holiday.

F. Computation of all time intervals in this Section shall include Saturdays, Sundays, and other legal holidays. However, if the final day in a time interval falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or other legal holiday, then the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday shall be deemed to be the final day of the time interval. If one or more of the duties in this Section, required to be performed on the fourth, fifth, or sixth day after an election are delayed because of a Saturday, Sunday, or other legal holiday, the duties which follow will be delayed a like amount of time.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Louisiana Election Code 18.574


§722. Secretary of State to tabulate and print results

Within 20 days after an election, the Secretary of State shall tabulate the election returns and submit the tabulation to the Governor.

1. How tabulated. The Secretary of State shall tabulate all votes that appear by an election return to have been cast for each question or candidate whose name appeared on the ballot. The Secretary of State shall tabulate the votes that appear by an election return to have been cast for a declared write-in candidate and shall tabulate the votes that appear to have been cast for an undeclared write-in candidate based on a recount requested and conducted pursuant to section 737-A, subsection 2-A.

1-A. Form of tabulation. The tabulation must include the total votes for each question choice or candidate whose name appeared on the ballot. The tabulation also must include the total votes for any write-in candidates who qualified to have their votes tabulated under subsection 1 as follows.
A. For a write-in candidate who receives 5% or more of the votes cast for that office, the Secretary of State shall report the votes under the candidate's name.
B. For a write-in candidate who receives less than 5% of the votes cast for that office, the Secretary of State shall report the votes under the designation "others."
2. Correction of return. If it appears that an election return does not agree with the record of the vote at any voting place, the Secretary of State shall correct the tabulation by obtaining a certified copy of the record from the clerk.
3. Tabulation printed. The Secretary of State shall have copies of the tabulation printed and made available to the public.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Maine Statutes 722; 21-A


11-503. Board of State Canvassers -- Canvass of election results.

(a) Duties. -- The Board of State Canvassers shall:

(1) (i) convene only after a presidential primary election, a State general election, or a general or special general election that includes a candidate for member of the Congress of the United States;
(ii) convene within 35 days of that election; and
(iii) if a majority of members of the Board of State Canvassers is not present, adjourn for not more than 1 day;
(2) determine which candidates, by the greatest number of votes, have been elected to each office and which questions have received a sufficient number of votes to be adopted or approved;
(3) prepare statewide election results for each candidate and question, based on the certified copies of the statements made by the boards of canvassers; and
(4) prepare and transmit a certified statement of the election results to the State Board of Elections.

(b) Dissent by a Board member -- Written statement required. --

(1) If a member of the Board of State Canvassers dissents from a determination of an election result or reasonably believes that the conduct of a Board member or Board proceeding was not in compliance with applicable law or regulation or was otherwise illegal or irregular, the member shall prepare and transmit a distinct written statement of the reasons for the dissent or concern to the State Board of Elections.
(2) The State Board of Elections shall maintain a file of the written statements submitted under this subsection by members of the Board of State Canvassers.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Code of Maryland 11-503


54.112 Copies of records of votes to state secretary.

The clerk of each city and town and in Boston the Board of Election Commissioners, within fifteen days after the day of any election therein for a senator in congress, representative in congress, governor, lieutenant governor, councillor, state secretary, state treasurer, state auditor, attorney general, clerk of courts, register of probate, sheriff, district attorney, senator or representative in the general court, or for presidential electors, shall transmit to the state secretary copies of the records of votes cast for such officers, together with copies of the records of votes cast on any constitutional amendment, law or proposed law, and on any question submitted to them by statute in any senatorial or representative district or in two or more cities or towns. Said record shall be certified, attested, and sealed by the city or town clerk or election commissioners. The city or town clerk shall within fifteen days after an election for county treasurer or register of deeds, transmit to the county commissioners, and within fifteen days after an election for county commissioners, transmit to the clerk of the courts the records of votes for such officers, certified, attested and sealed as aforesaid; except that in Chelsea, Revere and Winthrop the records of votes for register of deeds shall be transmitted to the election commissioners of Boston. Such copies shall be transmitted in envelopes, upon which shall be stated the offices for, questions on which and districts in which the votes were cast.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Massachusetts General Law 54.112

54.115 Copies of records of votes to governor and council; examination; determination of results.

The state secretary shall lay before the governor and council the copies of the votes cast. After such delivery, the governor, with at least five councillors, shall examine the copies. They shall tabulate said votes and determine who appear to be elected to the several offices, and what appears to be the result of the votes on any question or questions, and shall forthwith transmit to the state secretary an abstract of such tabulation and determination. The state secretary, upon application, shall furnish to newspapers copies of such abstract. In case of a state-wide or district-wide recount under section one hundred and thirty-five, the state secretary shall in like manner lay before the governor and council the copies of the amended records received by him under said section, and the governor with at least five councillors shall, if necessary, revise the aforesaid tabulation and determination accordingly.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Massachusetts General Law 54.115

54.116 Certification of results; summons; certificates of election.

The governor shall, in the presence of at least five councillors, certify to the results of the examination of the copies of the records of votes cast for governor and lieutenant governor, for councillors, for state secretary, state treasurer, state auditor and attorney general, and for senators and representatives in the general court, and shall issue his summons to such persons as appear to be chosen to said offices. The governor shall issue certificates of election to such persons as appear to be chosen to the offices of senator in congress, representative in congress, clerk of the courts, register of probate, sheriff and district attorney, which shall be countersigned and transmitted by the state secretary. No certification shall be made or summons or certificate issued under this section until after five o’clock in the afternoon of the fifteenth day following a state election, or, in case a state-wide or district-wide recount is held in accordance with section one hundred and thirty-five, until the tabulation and determination under the preceding section have been revised in accordance with the results of such recount; provided, however, that such certification may be made or summons or certificate issued on or after the seventh day following a special state election, unless a candidate who received votes at that election files with the state secretary, not later than five o’clock in the afternoon of the sixth day following the election, a written statement of intention to seek a recount or otherwise to contest the election.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Massachusetts General Law 54.116


168.842 Board of state canvassers; meeting; time and place, notice, adjournment; expedited canvass of returns.

(1) The board of state canvassers, for the purpose of canvassing the returns and ascertaining and determining the result of an election, shall meet at the office of the secretary of state on or before the twentieth day after the election. The secretary of state shall appoint the day of the meeting and shall notify the other members of the board. The board has power to adjourn from time to time to await the receipt or correction of returns, or for other necessary purposes, but shall complete the canvass and announce their determination not later than the fortieth day after the election. The board may at the time of its meeting, or an adjournment of its meeting, canvass the returns for any office for which the complete returns have been received.

(2) If the unofficial election returns show that the election of electors of president and vice president is determined by a vote differential between the first place and second place candidates for president and vice president of the United States of less than 25,000 votes, the secretary of state may direct the boards of county canvassers to canvass returns for electors of president and vice president on an expedited schedule. The secretary of state may direct the boards of county canvassers to complete the statements for electors of president and vice president required by section 824 and certify the statements as required by section 828 to the secretary of state by the seventh day after the election or by a date before the fourteenth day after the election.

(3) The secretary of state may appoint the day for the board of state canvassers to conduct the expedited canvass of the returns for electors of president and vice president and determine the results of that election. The day appointed for the expedited canvass shall be as soon as practicable after receipt of the returns from the boards of county canvassers, but no later than the twentieth day after the election.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Michigan Coded Laws 168.842


204C.33 Canvass of state general elections.

Subdivision 1.County canvass.

The county canvassing board shall meet at the county auditor's office between the third and tenth days following the state general election. After taking the oath of office, the board shall promptly and publicly canvass the general election returns delivered to the county auditor. Upon completion of the canvass, the board shall promptly prepare and file with the county auditor a report which states:

(a) the number of individuals voting at the election in the county and in each precinct;
(b) the number of individuals registering to vote on Election Day and the number of individuals registered before Election Day in each precinct;
(c) the names of the candidates for each office and the number of votes received by each candidate in the county and in each precinct;
(d) the number of votes counted for and against a proposed change of county lines or county seat; and
(e) the number of votes counted for and against a constitutional amendment or other question in the county and in each precinct.

The result of write-in votes cast on the general election ballots must be compiled by the county auditor before the county canvass, except that write-in votes for a candidate for federal, state, or county office must not be counted unless the candidate has timely filed a request under section 204B.09, subdivision 3. The county auditor shall arrange for each municipality to provide an adequate number of election judges to perform this duty or the county auditor may appoint additional election judges for this purpose. The county auditor may open the envelopes or containers in which the voted ballots have been sealed in order to count and record the write-in votes and must reseal the voted ballots at the conclusion of this process. The county auditor must prepare a separate report of votes received by precinct for write-in candidates for federal, state, and county offices who have requested under section 204B.09 that votes for those candidates be tallied.

Upon completion of the canvass, the county canvassing board shall declare the candidate duly elected who received the highest number of votes for each county and state office voted for only within the county. The county auditor shall transmit a certified copy of the county canvassing board report for state and federal offices to the secretary of state by messenger, express mail, or similar service immediately upon conclusion of the county canvass.

Subd. 2.County canvassing board reports; public availability.

The county auditor of each county shall provide a certified copy of the county canvassing board report to anyone who requests it upon payment to the auditor of costs of reproduction actually incurred by the auditor's office. The auditor shall not take into account the general office expenses or other expenses.

Subd. 3.State canvass.

The State Canvassing Board shall meet at the secretary of state's office on the third Tuesday following the state general election to canvass the certified copies of the county canvassing board reports received from the county auditors and shall prepare a report that states:

(a) the number of individuals voting in the state and in each county;
(b) the number of votes received by each of the candidates, specifying the counties in which they were cast; and
(c) the number of votes counted for and against each constitutional amendment, specifying the counties in which they were cast.

All members of the State Canvassing Board shall sign the report and certify its correctness. The State Canvassing Board shall declare the result within three days after completing the canvass.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Minnesota Statutes 204C.33


23-15-605. Ascertainment of vote and declaration of results by Secretary of State; determination of tie vote.

The Secretary of State, immediately after receiving the returns of an election, not longer than thirty (30) days after the election, shall sum up the whole number of votes given for each candidate other than candidates for state offices, legislative offices composed of one (1) county or less, county offices and county district offices, according to the statements of the votes certified to him and ascertain the person or persons having the largest number of votes for each office, and declare such person or persons to be duly elected; and thereupon all persons chosen to any office at the election shall be commissioned by the Governor; but if it appears that two (2) or more candidates for any district office where the district is composed of two (2) or more counties, standing highest on the list, and not elected, have an equal number of votes, the election shall be forthwith decided between the candidates having an equal number of votes by lot, fairly and publicly drawn, under the direction of the Governor and Secretary of State.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Mississippi Code 23:15:605


115.511.Board of state canvassers to convene, when--secretary of state to announce results, when.

1. The secretary of state shall convene the board of state canvassers to total the abstracts of each primary election and the board shall, not later than two weeks after receiving all required abstracts from the primary election, issue a statement announcing the results of the primary election for federal officers, governor, lieutenant governor, state senators and representatives, circuit judges, secretary of state, attorney general, state treasurer and state auditor.

2. The secretary of state shall convene the board of state canvassers to total the abstracts of each general election and the board shall, not later than the second Tuesday in December following the general election, issue a statement announcing the results of the general election for federal officers, governor, lieutenant governor, state senators and representatives, circuit judges, appellate and circuit judges subject to the provisions of article V, section 25 of the state constitution, secretary of state, attorney general, state treasurer and state auditor.

3. The secretary of state shall convene the board of state canvassers to total the abstracts of each special election at which the name of a candidate for nomination or election to the office of United States senator, representative in Congress, governor, lieutenant governor, state senator, state representative, circuit judge not subject to the provisions of article V, section 25 of the state constitution, secretary of state, attorney general, state treasurer or state auditor, or at which an initiative, referendum or constitutional amendment appears on the ballot, and the board shall, not later than two weeks after receiving all required abstracts from the election, issue a statement announcing the results of the election for such office or on such question.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Missouri Revised Statutes 115.511


13-15-502. Composition and meeting of board of state canvassers.

Within 27 days after the election, or sooner if the returns are all received, the state auditor, superintendent of public instruction, and attorney general shall meet as a board of state canvassers in the office of the secretary of state and determine the vote. The secretary of state shall serve as secretary of the board, keep minutes of the meeting of the board, and file them in the official records of the secretary of state's office.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Montana Annotated Code 13-15-502.

13-15-503. Notification if returns not received from counties.

If the returns from all counties have not been received 3 days before the meeting of the board of state canvassers, the secretary of state shall immediately advise the election administrator of each delinquent county.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Montana Annotated Code 13-15-503.


32-1037. Board of state canvassers; members; duties.

There shall be a board of state canvassers consisting of the Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, State Treasurer, and Attorney General. The board of state canvassers shall meet at the office of the Secretary of State on the fourth Monday after each statewide primary and general election for the sole purpose of canvassing the votes cast for all officers and issues certified to the election commissioner or county clerk by the Secretary of State. The board of state canvassers may adjourn from day to day until all returns are received and all votes are tabulated. The Governor on the advice of the Secretary of State or the Attorney General may call an extraordinary session of the board of state canvassers. The duty of the board of state canvassers to canvass the votes is ministerial in nature.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Nebraska Revised Statutes 32-1037

32-1040. Certificate of nomination; certificate of election; issuance by Secretary of State; when; form.

The Secretary of State shall within forty days after the election prepare and deliver a certificate of nomination or certificate of election to each person who meets the constitutional and statutory requirements of office and whom the board of state canvassers or Legislature has declared to have received the highest vote for such office or position in the statewide primary or general election. The certificate shall be substantially as follows:

State of Nebraska. At an election held on the ..... day of ........, ........... was elected to (or nominated for) the office of ......... for the term of ........ years from the ....... (or when filling a vacancy, for the residue of the term ending on the .... day of ........ 20....). Given at ............ this .... day of ........ 20.... .

The certificate shall be signed by the Governor, under the seal of the state, and countersigned by the Secretary of State if the candidate filed with the Secretary of State and was elected to a state office, as a member of Congress, or from a district whose boundaries extend beyond the limits of a single county.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Nebraska Revised Statutes 32-1040


293.393  Preparation of abstracts of votes cast at general election or other statewide election; certificates of election.
  1.  On or before the sixth working day after any general election or any other election at which votes are cast for any United States Senator, Representative in Congress, member of the Legislature or any state officer who is elected statewide, the board of county commissioners shall open the returns of votes cast and make abstracts of the votes.
  2.  Abstracts of votes must be prepared in the manner prescribed by the Secretary of State by regulation.
  3.  The county clerk shall make out a certificate of election to each of the persons having the highest number of votes for the district, county and township offices.
  4.  Each certificate must be delivered to the person elected upon application at the office of the county clerk.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Nevada Revised Statutes 293.393

293.395  Transmission of copy of certified abstract of votes and mechanized report to Secretary of State; canvass of vote by justices of Supreme Court; Governor to grant certificates of election and issue proclamations.

1. The board of county commissioners, after making the abstract of votes as provided in NRS 293.393, shall cause the county clerk to certify the abstract and, by an order made and entered in the minutes of its proceedings, to make:

(a) A copy of the certified abstract; and
(b) A mechanized report of that abstract in compliance with regulations adopted by the Secretary of State,Ê [sic] and forthwith transmit them to the Secretary of State.

2.  On the fourth Tuesday of November after each general election, the justices of the Supreme Court, or a majority thereof, shall meet with the Secretary of State, and shall open and canvass the vote for the number of presidential electors to which this State may be entitled, United States Senator, Representative in Congress, members of the Legislature, state officers who are elected statewide or by district, district judges, or district officers whose districts include area in more than one county and for and against any question submitted.
3.  The Governor shall issue certificates of election to and commission the persons having the highest number of votes and shall issue proclamations declaring the election of those persons.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Nevada Revised Statutes 293.395

New Hampshire

659:78 Late Return.

Whenever the election return of any town or ward has not been received by the secretary of state by 8:00 a.m. on the day after a state election, the secretary of state shall so notify the attorney general and the moderator, the selectmen, and the clerk of the town or ward who shall forward such return forthwith.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: New Hampshire RSA 659:78

659:81 Canvass and Declaration Generally.

Except as provided in RSA 659:82, when the secretary of state has received the returns for an office from all towns or wards comprising the elective district for that office, he shall examine, record and total such returns and shall declare elected to the office the same number of persons as the number of officers to which the district is entitled; provided that those persons declared officers-elect shall be those persons who received the highest number of votes cast for said office.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: New Hampshire RSA 659:81

New Jersey

19:21-1 Meeting times.

a. The Board of State Canvassers shall meet at Trenton as soon as practicable but no later than the 28th day after the day of election, for the purpose of canvassing and estimating the votes cast for each person for whom any vote or votes shall have been cast for one or more members of the United States senate or of the house of representatives, or for electors of president and vice president, or for governor and lieutenant governor, or for members of the Legislature, and upon each public question voted upon by the voters of the entire state or political division thereof greater than a county and of determining and declaring the person or persons who shall, by the greatest number of votes, have been duly elected to such office or offices, and the result of the vote cast upon any public question setting forth that it was approved or rejected.

b.For the purpose of canvassing and estimating the votes cast for each person for whom any vote or votes shall have been cast in any special election, the board shall meet in Trenton as soon as practicable but no later than the 28th day after the day of the special election.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: New Jersey Statutes 19:21-1

New Mexico

1-13-15. Post-election duties; state canvass.

The state canvassing board shall meet in the state capitol on the third Tuesday after each election and proceed to canvass and declare the results of the election or nomination of each candidate voted upon by the entire state and by the voters of more than one county. The state canvassing board shall also canvass and declare the result of the vote on any constitutional amendment or any question voted upon by the voters of more than one county. Upon the completion of the state canvass, the secretary of state shall notify each county clerk of that fact.

1-13-16. Post-election duties; state canvass method.

A.The state canvass shall be made from the election returns transmitted directly to the secretary of state from each of the precinct boards and, in the case of candidates voted upon by a district composed of two or more counties, from the certificates transmitted by the county canvassing boards.
B. Upon the completion of the canvass, but not sooner than the thirty-first day after any primary, general or district special election, the state canvassing board shall issue to those candidates entitled by law the appropriate certificate of election or, in the case of a primary election, a certificate of nomination.
C.The state canvassing board may designate a person or persons to compare the totals appearing on the election returns, statements of canvass and certificates and to certify the results of their findings to the state canvassing board.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: New Mexico Statutes 1-13-15, 16

New York

9-216. Canvass of statements of general and special elections by state board of canvassers.

1. The state board of elections shall be the state board of canvassers. The records of the state board of canvassers shall be kept in the custody of the state board of elections, which shall assign a deputy or other assistant to act as the clerk of said board of canvassers.
2. The state board of canvassers shall canvass the certified copies of the statements of the county board of canvassers of each county. They shall canvass first the statements, if any, for the offices of president and vice-president and next the statements, if any, for the office of member of the state senate, and next the statements, if any, for the office of member of the state assembly. Three members of the board shall constitute a quorum. The state board of canvassers shall meet on or before the fifteenth day, or, in a year when electors of president and vice-president are chosen on or before the first Monday after the first Wednesday, of December next after each general election, and within forty days after each special election, to canvass such statements. The board may adjourn from day to day, not exceeding a term of five days. If any member of the board shall dissent from a decision of the board or shall protest against any of the proceedings of the board as irregular, he shall state such dissent or protest in a writing signed by him setting forth his reasons and file it in the office of the state board of elections.
3. Upon the completion of the canvass the board shall make separate tabulated statements, signed by the members of the board or a majority thereof, of the number of votes cast for all the candidates for each office voted for, the number of votes cast for each of such candidates, the number of votes cast in each county for each of them and if the voters of any one district of the state voted for any such candidate, the name and number of such district, the determination of the board as to the persons elected to each office, the number of votes cast upon each ballot proposal, the number of votes cast in favor of and against each respectively, and the determination of the board as to whether it was adopted or rejected.
4. Such tabulated statements shall be filed and recorded in the office of the state board of elections. Thereupon, the state board of elections shall transmit a certified copy of each such statement of votes cast for candidates for any office to the person shown thereby to have been elected to such office. The state board of elections shall prepare a general certificate under the seal of the state and attested by the members of the state board of elections, addressed to the house of representatives of the United States, of the due election of all persons chosen at that election as representatives of this state in congress, and shall transmit the same to the house of representatives. If any person so chosen at such election shall have been elected to fill a vacancy in the office of representative in congress, the statement of the state board of elections shall so specify.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: New York Statutes 9:216

Note: For more complete information about canvassing procedures in New York, see Article 9 of the Election Laws of New York.

North Carolina

§ 163-182.5. Canvassing votes.

(c) Canvassing by State Board of Elections. – After each general election, the State Board of Elections shall meet at 11:00 A.M. on the Tuesday three weeks after Election Day to complete the canvass of votes cast in all ballot items within the jurisdiction of the State Board of Elections and to authenticate the count in every ballot item in the county by determining that the votes have been counted and tabulated correctly. After each primary, theState Board shall fix the date of its canvass meeting. If, by the time of its scheduled canvass meeting, the State Board has not received the county canvasses, the State Board may adjourn for not more than 10 days to secure the missing abstracts. In obtaining them, the State Board is authorized to secure the originals or copies from the appropriate clerks of superior court or county boards of elections, at the expense of the counties. (2001‑398, s. 3; 2003‑278, s. 10(a); 2005‑323, s.5(c); 2005‑428, s. 11(a).) Natural rights. All people are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent and unalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and of pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: North Carolina Statutes 163-182.5

North Dakota

16.1-15-35. Meeting of state canvassing board.

Not later than seventeen days next following a primary, general, or special election, the state canvassing board shall meet at the office of the secretary of state for the purpose of canvassing and ascertaining the result of the election. The secretary of state shall notify the members of the board of the date and time of the meeting.


16.1-15-44. Secretary of state to record statement of general or special election, prepare certificates of election, publish abstract.

After receiving each certified statement and determination made by the state canvassing board, the secretary of state shall record the same in the secretary of state's office and shall prepare, and transmit to each of the individuals declared to be elected, a certificate of election as provided in this chapter. If the election results indicate that any candidate is entitled to a recount or to demand a recount pursuant to section 16.1-16-01, the secretary of state may not prepare or deliver the certificate of election until the time to demand a recount has expired, or the recount results have been determined and the winner declared, whichever is later. The secretary of state shall cause a copy of the certified abstract and determination to be published in the official newspaper of Burleigh County.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: North Dakota Code 16.1


3505.32 Canvass of election returns.

(A) Except as otherwise provided in division (D) of this section, not earlier than the eleventh day or later than the fifteenth day after a general or special election, the board of elections shall begin to canvass the election returns from the precincts in which electors were entitled to vote at that election. It shall continue the canvass daily until it is completed and the results of the voting in that election in each of the precincts are determined.

The board shall complete the canvass not later than the twenty-first day after the day of the election. Eighty-one days after the day of the election, the canvass of election returns shall be deemed final, and no amendments to the canvass may be made after that date. The secretary of state may specify an earlier date upon which the canvass of election returns shall be deemed final, and after which amendments to the final canvass may not be made, if so required by federal law.


DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Ohio Code 3505-32


26-7-136. Canvassing returns.

The county election board shall convene at the county courthouse, or at such other place as the county election board may designate on the day of each election, for the purpose of receiving the official precinct returns and shall remain in session until such precinct returns are all delivered. The board shall cause to be accumulated and listed the results of such election, as the official precinct returns are received, in a manner and upon forms prescribed by the Secretary of the State Election Board. The county election board shall use such precinct returns to certify the results of such election for county officers and questions and shall transmit electronically or in writing as prescribed by the Secretary of the State Election Board after 5 p.m. on Friday following the election to the State Election Board the completed county returns for all state officers and questions. Such county returns shall be prima facie evidence of the correctness of the result in the several counties. The State Election Board shall use such county returns to certify the results of such election for all state officers and questions after 5 p.m. on Tuesday next succeeding the election.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Oklahoma Statutes 26-7-136


254.555 Secretary of State’s duties after election; Governor’s proclamation.

(1) Except as provided in ORS 254.548, not later than the 30th day after any election, the Secretary of State, regarding offices for which the secretary receives filings for nomination, shall:

(a) Canvass the votes for the offices, except the office of Governor after the general election.
(b) Enter in a register of nominations after the primary election the name and, if applicable, major political party of each candidate nominated, the office for which the candidate is nominated and the date of entry.
(c) Prepare and deliver a certificate of nomination or election to each candidate having the most votes for nomination for or election to the office. The Secretary of State shall sign the certificate under the seal of the state.
(d) Issue a proclamation declaring the election of candidates to the offices.

(2) Not later than the 30th day after the election:

(a) The Secretary of State, regarding measures for which the secretary is the filing officer, shall canvass the votes for each measure.
(b) The Governor shall issue a proclamation giving the number of votes cast for or against each such measure, and declaring the approved measures as the law on the effective date of the measure. If two or more approved measures contain conflicting provisions, the Governor shall proclaim which is paramount.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Oregon Revised Statutes 254.555


Section 1404, (f)


(f) As the returns from each election district are read, computed and found to be correct or corrected as aforesaid, they shall be recorded on the blanks prepared for the purpose until all the returns from the various election districts which are entitled to be counted shall have been duly recorded, when they shall be added together, announced and attested by the clerks who made and computed the entries respectively and signed by the members of the county board. Returns under this subsection shall be considered unofficial for five (5) days. The county board shall submit the unofficial returns to the Secretary of the Commonwealth by five o'clock P. M. on the Tuesday following the election. The submission shall be as directed by the secretary for public office which appears on the ballot in every election district in this Commonwealth or for a ballot question which appears on the ballot in every election district in this Commonwealth. At the expiration of five (5) days after the completion of the computation of votes, in case no petition for a recount or recanvass has been filed in accordance with the provisions of this act, or upon the completion of the recount or recanvass if a petition therefor has been filed within five (5) days after the completion of the computation of votes, the county board shall certify the returns so computed in said county in the manner required by this act, unless upon appeals taken from any decision, the court of common pleas shall have directed any returns to be revised, or unless in case of a recount, errors in the said returns shall have been found, in which case said returns shall be revised, corrected and certified accordingly. The county board shall thereupon, in the case of elections, issue certificates of election to the successful candidates for all county, city, borough, township, ward, school district, poor district and election offices, and local party offices to be filled by the votes of the electors of said county, or of any part thereof.

Section 1414 - Members of the General Assembly; Certificates of Election; Returns.

The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall issue certificates of election to the persons elected members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth, and between the hours of twelve noon and one P. M. on the first Tuesday in January of each odd-numbered year, present before the Senate and the House of Representatives the several returns of the elections of members of the respective houses: Provided, however, That if the General Assembly shall be convened in extraordinary session during the month of December next following their election, the said returns shall be presented as aforesaid, on the first day of said extraordinary session. In case of a special election occurring during a session of the General Assembly, he shall present the returns thereof to the proper house as soon as received and tabulated by him.

Section 1415. Governor and Other State Officers; Judges; Certificates of Election; Commissions.

The Secretary of the Commonwealth, at the first meeting of the General Assembly following the election of a Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of Internal Affairs, Auditor General or State Treasurer, shall deliver to the President of the Senate the returns of elections for all such offices, who shall open and publish them in the presence of members of both houses of the General Assembly. The person receiving the highest number of votes for the respective offices shall be declared elected thereto, and certificates of such elections shall be made and filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall immediately lay before the Governor such certificates of election, except the certificate of election of Governor, whereupon the Governor shall issue a commission to each person so elected. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall immediately after tabulating and computing the returns of each election of Judge of every court, certify the result thereof to the Governor, who shall immediately issue a commission to such person.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Pennsylvania Election Code

Rhode Island

17-22-1 Commencement and continuance of tabulations.

The state board shall commence the counting, canvassing, and tabulating of all votes cast, including mail ballots, at nine o'clock (9:00) p.m. on any Election Day at which mail ballots may be cast and within twenty-four (24) hours after any other election or primary, and shall continue and complete the tabulation with all reasonable expedition by using an optical scan count system.


17-22-5 Certificates of election – Statement to secretary of state.

(a) The state board shall immediately, after the result has been ascertained, furnish to each candidate elected a certificate of that candidate's election, and shall deliver to the secretary of state, who shall keep it on file in the secretary's office, a statement of...

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Rhode Island General Laws 17-22-1, 5

South Carolina

SECTION 7-17-220. Meeting of Board; telecommunication or electronic communication; public access.

Unless otherwise provided in Section 7-3-10(c), the Board of State Canvassers shall convene a meeting scheduled through the office of the Election Commission within ten days after any general election for the purpose of canvassing the vote for all officers voted for at such election, including the vote for the electors for President and Vice President, and for the purpose of canvassing the vote on all Constitutional Amendments and questions and other issues. Nothing in this section prohibits the meeting from being conducted by using telephone conference or other means of telecommunication or electronic communication. Any meeting of the Board of Canvassers as provided in this section must be accessible and without cost to the public and must comply with the notice requirements of Chapter 4, Title 30, the Freedom of Information Act.

SECTION 7-17-230. Power to adjourn; procedure when all certified statements have not been received.

The Board shall have power to adjourn from day to day for a term not exceeding fifteen days. In case all the certified statements for the election of electors for President and Vice-President shall not have been received on the day set for the meeting of the Board, the Board may adjourn from day to day until the same shall have been received, not exceeding five days; and if at the expiration of four days certified copies of the statements of the county canvassers shall not have been received from any county, the Board shall proceed to canvass upon such of the statements as shall have been received.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: South Carolina Code of Laws 7-17-220, 230

South Dakota

12-20-36. Time for canvass of vote.

Governing board as canvassing board--Representatives for absent board members. Within six calendar days after the close of any election, the officer in charge of the election, with the assistance of a majority of the governing board as the canvassing board, shall make the canvass of votes. Each member of the governing board may name and have on file with the officer in charge of the election a person to represent the member at the official canvass in the event of the member's absence for cause.


12-20-47. Time of convening of state canvassers.

Adjournment to obtain late returns. Within seven days after the day of election, the Board of State Canvassers shall open and examine the returns from each county. However, if the returns from each county have not been received, the board may adjourn, not exceeding ten days, for the purpose of obtaining the returns from each county. The board shall proceed with the canvass after the returns have been received from each county.

12-20-48. Abstract by state canvassers of county returns.

Signature and seal--Recording and filing of abstracts. The Board of State Canvassers shall make an abstract stating the number of votes cast for each of such officers, the names of all persons voted for, for what office they respectively received the votes, and the number of votes each received, in words at length, and stating whom they declare to be elected to each office, which abstract shall be signed by the canvassers in their official capacity and as state canvassers, and have the great seal of the state affixed.

The secretary of state shall record such abstracts in a book to be kept by him for recording the result of state elections, called the "election book," and also file such abstracts.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: South Dakota Codified Laws 12-20-


2-8-101. Meeting of county election commission following election.

(a) The county election commission shall meet at its office upon completion of its duties under § 2-8-104, but no later than the third Monday after the election to compare the returns on the tally sheets, to certify the results as shown by the returns in writing signed by at least the majority of them, and to perform the duties prescribed by this chapter.

(b) The commission may not recount any paper ballots, including absentee ballots.

(c) Upon the completion of the vote tabulation on election night, each county election commission shall report unofficial results to the coordinator of elections in a form prescribed by the coordinator.

(d) Any county election commission which fails to certify any election by the deadlines set forth in subsection (a), unless such failure is determined by the state election commission to be for good cause, shall forfeit any compensation due the members for the holding of such election. The chair of the state election commission shall promptly notify the chief fiscal officer of any county of such failure to certify under the provisions of this section.


2-8-110. Public calculation and comparison of votes -- Declaration of election -- Certificates of election.

(a) The governor, secretary of state and attorney general and reporter shall, as soon as the returns are received, publicly calculate and compare the votes received by each person for the office of member of the general assembly, presidential and vice presidential elector, member of congress, judge, chancellor, or district attorney general, and declare the person receiving the highest number of votes elected.

(b) The secretary of state shall assure the preservation of the original certification of results executed under this section.

(c) The governor shall furnish each person elected with a certificate of election, which shall also be a commission of office, signed by the governor and the secretary of state. The certificate shall be prima facie evidence of election. A duplicate original of the certificate of election as United States senator shall be sent to the president of the United States senate.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Tennessee Code 2-8-101,110


Sec. 67.002. Canvass of Precinct Elections.

(a) Except as otherwise provided by law, the precinct election returns for each election shall be canvassed by the following authority:

(1) for an election ordered by the governor or by a county authority, the commissioners court of each county in which the election is held; and

(2) for an election ordered by an authority of a political subdivision other than a county, the political subdivision's governing body.

(b) The canvass of precinct returns shall be conducted in accordance with this chapter except as otherwise provided by this code.

Sec. 67.003. Time for Local Canvass.

(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), each local canvassing authority shall convene to conduct the local canvass at the time set by the canvassing authority's presiding officer not earlier than the eighth day or later than the 11th day after election day.

(b) For an election held on the uniform election date in May, the local canvass must occur not later than the 11th day after Election Day and not earlier than the later of:

(1) the third day after election day;

(2) the date on which the early voting ballot board has verified and counted all provisional ballots, if a provisional ballot has been cast in the election; or

(3) the date on which all timely received ballots cast from addresses outside of the United States are counted, if a ballot to be voted by mail in the election was provided to a person outside of the United States.


Sec. 67.012. Time for Canvass by Governor.

(a) The governor shall conduct the state canvass not earlier than the 15th or later than the 30th day after Election Day at the time set by the secretary of state.

(b) The secretary of state shall post, on the bulletin board used for posting notice of meetings of state governmental bodies, a notice of the date, hour, and place of the canvass at least 72 hours before the canvass is conducted.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Texas Election Code Chapter 67


20A-4-306 Statewide canvass.

(1)(a) The state board of canvassers shall convene:

(i) on the fourth Monday of November, at noon; or
(ii) at noon on the day following the receipt by the lieutenant governor of the last of the returns of a statewide special election.
(b) The state auditor, the state treasurer, and the attorney general are the state board of canvassers.
(c) Attendance of all members of the state board of canvassers shall be required to constitute a quorum for conducting the canvass.


(5) (a) At noon on the fourth Monday after the regular primary election, the lieutenant governor shall:

(i) canvass the returns for all multicounty candidates required to file with the office of the lieutenant governor; and
(ii) publish and file the results of the canvass in the lieutenant governor's office.
(b) Not later than the August 1 after the primary election, the lieutenant governor shall certify the results of:
(i) the primary canvass, except for the office of President of the United States, to the county clerks; and
(ii) the primary canvass for the office of President of the United States to each registered political party that participated in the primary.

(6) (a) At noon on the day that falls seven days after the last day on which a county canvass may occur under Section 20A-4-301 for the Western States Presidential Primary election, the lieutenant governor shall:

(i) canvass the returns; and
(ii) publish and file the results of the canvass in the lieutenant governor's office.
(b) The lieutenant governor shall certify the results of the Western States Presidential Primary canvass to each registered political party that participated in the primary not later than the April 15 after the primary election.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Utah Code 20A-4-306


17-51-2592. Canvassing committees; canvass of votes in general or special elections

(a) For all state and national offices and statewide public questions, the secretary of state and the chair of the state committee of each major political party (or designee) shall constitute a canvassing committee to receive and tally returns and issue certificates.


(g) In the case of general or special elections, each canvassing committee shall meet at 10:00 a.m. one week after the day of the election and proceed to canvass the votes as provided in subsections (h) through (m) of this section. The canvassing committee may recess from time to time until it has completed its work.


(2) The committee shall send or deliver the certificate to the candidate elected. In the case of representatives to the general assembly, the committee shall also send or deliver a copy of each certificate to the secretary of state.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Vermont Statutes 17-51-2592


24-2-679. State Board to meet and make statement as to number of votes.

A. The State Board shall meet on the fourth Monday in November to ascertain the results of the November election. If a majority of the Board is not present or if, for any other reason, the Board is unable to ascertain the results on that day, the meeting shall stand adjourned from day to day for not more than three days until a quorum is present and the Board has ascertained the results as provided in this section.

The Board shall examine the certified abstracts on file in its office and make statements of the whole number of votes given at any such election for members of the General Assembly, Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General, members of the United States Congress and electors of President and Vice President of the United States, and any officer shared by more than one county or city, or any combination thereof, or for so many of such officers as have been voted for at the election.

The statement shall show, for each office and each county, city, and election district, the whole number of votes given to each candidate and to any other person elected to office. The Board members shall certify the statements to be correct and sign the statements. The Board shall then determine those persons who received the greatest number of votes and have been duly elected to each office. The Board members shall endorse and subscribe on such statements a certificate of their determination. The Board shall record each certified statement and determination in a suitable book to be kept by it in its office.

B. The State Board shall meet as soon as possible after it receives the returns for any special election held at a time other than the November general election to ascertain the results of the special election in the manner prescribed in subsection A. If the returns have not been received within seven days of the election, the Board shall meet and adjourn from day to day until it receives the returns, ascertains the results, and makes its determination.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Code of Virginia 24.2.679


RCW 29A.60.190 Certification of election results

Fourteen days after a primary or special election and twenty-one days after a general election, the county canvassing board shall complete the canvass and certify the results. Each ballot that was returned before 8:00 p.m. on the day of the special election, general election, or primary, and each ballot bearing a postmark on or before the date of the special election, general election, or primary and received no later than the day before certification, must be included in the canvass report.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Washington RCW 29A.60.190

West Virginia

3-6-11. Disposition of certificates.

The separate certificates of the board of canvassers, made pursuant to section ten of this article, shall be disposed of by the board of canvassers as follows: Of the certificates respecting the election for delegate or delegates in the Legislature, they shall, upon request of the candidate, transmit a copy to any candidate, and shall file a copy in the office of the clerk of the county commission to be preserved and made available to the general public and to the media. The clerk shall transmit a copy to the secretary of state within thirty days from the date of the election, except that in the case of a recount, within thirty days from the date of the completion of the recount, who shall submit the same to the House of Delegates, on the first day of the next ensuing session, together with a list of the persons appearing thereby to be elected. Of the certificates respecting the election of state senator, they shall, upon request of the candidate, transmit a copy to any candidate, and shall file a copy in the office of the clerk of the county commission to be preserved and made available to the general public and to the media. The clerk shall transmit a copy to the secretary of state within thirty days from the date of the election, except that in the case of a recount, within thirty days from the date of the completion of the recount, to be submitted by the secretary of state to the Senate, on the first day of the next ensuing session, together with a list of persons appearing thereby to be elected. Of the certificates respecting the election of state officers, a copy for each officer, except justice of the supreme court of appeals, shall be sealed and transmitted by the commissioners to the secretary of state within thirty days from the date of the election endorsed on the envelope as follows: "Returns of the election for state officers." Except in the case of a recount, the certificates shall be transmitted within thirty days from the date of the completion of the recount. The secretary of state shall deliver the certificates to the speaker of the House of Delegates on the first day of the next session of the Legislature; and the speaker shall, immediately after the organization of the House of Delegates and before proceeding to other business, open and publish the certificates in the presence of a majority of each house of the Legislature, which bodies shall, for that purpose, assemble in the hall of the House of Delegates. The person having the highest number of votes for any one of such offices shall be declared duly elected thereto; but if two or more persons have the same and the highest number of votes for the same office, the Legislature shall, by a joint vote of the two houses, choose one of said persons for the office; and one of each of the last-mentioned certificates shall also be transmitted, under seal, to the governor, who shall immediately tabulate the vote in all the counties, for each office, and cause the results to be printed in a newspaper published at the seat of government. Of the certificates respecting the election for United States senator, member of the House of Representatives in the Congress of the United States, justice of the supreme court of appeals, judge of a circuit court, and president and vice president of the United States, respectively, the commissioners shall, upon request of the candidate, transmit a copy to any candidate, and a copy to the governor within thirty days from the date of the election; except that in the case of a recount, within thirty days from the date of the completion of the recount; and the governor shall ascertain who are elected and make proclamation thereof. The commissioners shall also file a copy of the certificates in the office of the clerk of the county commission to be preserved and made available to the general public and to the media. Of the certificates respecting the election of all county and district officers, the commissioners shall, upon request of the candidate, transmit a copy to any candidate, and shall file a copy in the office of the clerk of the county commission to be preserved and made available to the general public and to the media.

No county may be charged for the publication of any certificates of election.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: West Virginia 3-6-11


7.70 State canvass.


(3) Canvassing. (a) The chairperson of the board or a designee of the chairperson appointed by the chairperson to canvass a specific election shall publicly canvass the returns and make his or her certifications and determinations on or before the 2nd Tuesday following a spring primary, the 15th day of May following a spring election, the 3rd Wednesday following a partisan primary, the first day of December following a general election, the 2nd Thursday following a special primary, or within 18 days after any special election.


(5) Certificates of election.

(a) The board shall record in its office each certified statement and determination made by the chairperson of the board or the chairperson's designee. Immediately after the expiration of the time allowed to file a petition for recount, the board shall make and transmit to each person declared elected a certificate of election under the seal of the board. It shall also prepare similar certificates, attested by the administrator of the elections division of the board, addressed to the U.S. house of representatives, stating the names of those persons elected as representatives to the congress from this state. In the case of U.S. senators, the board shall prepare a certificate of election for the governor's signature, and the governor shall sign and affix the great seal of the state and transmit the certificate to the president of the U.S. senate. The certificate shall be countersigned by the secretary of state. If a person elected was elected to fill a vacancy, the certificate shall so state. When a valid petition for recount is filed, the chairperson of the board or the chairperson's designee may not certify a nomination, and the governor or board may not issue a certificate of election until the recount has been completed and the time allowed for filing an appeal has passed, or if appealed until the appeal is decided.
(b) For presidential electors, the board shall prepare a certificate showing the determination of the results of the canvass and the names of the persons elected, and the governor shall sign, affix the great seal of the state, and transmit the certificate by registered mail to the U.S. administrator of general services. The governor shall also prepare 6 duplicate originals of such certificate and deliver them to one of the presidential electors on or before the first Monday after the 2nd Wednesday in December.

7.75  Presidential electors meeting. (1) The electors for president and vice president shall meet at the state capitol following the presidential election at 12:00 noon the first Monday after the 2nd Wednesday in December. If there is a vacancy in the office of an elector due to death, refusal to act, failure to attend or other cause, the electors present shall immediately proceed to fill by ballot, by a plurality of votes, the electoral college vacancy. When all electors are present, or the vacancies filled, they shall perform their required duties under the constitution and laws of the United States.


DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Wisconsin Code 7.70, 7.75


22-16-118. Meeting of state canvassing board.

The state canvassing board shall meet no later than the second Wednesday following the election. The secretary of state shall send a messenger to obtain official county abstracts not filed in a reasonable length of time. The canvassing board shall meet at the time and place set by the secretary of state. The board shall review the state abstracts prepared by the secretary of state, compare them with the tabulation and materials prepared by the secretary of state, resolve any tie votes, and certify the abstract as the official state canvass.


22-16-120. Filing of state abstract.

When the canvass by the state canvassing board is completed and certified, the secretary of state shall file the official state abstract in his office with the minutes of the state canvassing board meeting signed by the members of the state canvassing board. The secretary of state shall cause a copy of the official state canvass to be posted in the office of the secretary of state and shall make additional copies available to the public.

22-16-121. Certificates of nomination and election following state or county canvass.

(a) When the state canvass is concluded, the secretary of state shall issue a certificate of nomination to each candidate nominated at a primary election and certify the names of nominees as provided in W.S. 22-6-101. When the county canvass is concluded, the county clerk shall issue a certificate of nomination to each candidate nominated at a primary election or by petition.

(b) The governor shall issue a certificate of election to a candidate duly elected to an office to be filled by electors of the state, district court judges, and members of the state legislature. The county clerk shall issue a certificate of election to each candidate duly elected to a county or precinct office in the county and to members elected to boards of trustees of hospital, school or community college districts and city or town councils.

DocumentIcon.jpg See law: Wyoming Statutes 22-16-118, 120, 121

See also
