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United States congressional delegations from Arizona

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Flag of Arizona
Census Topic Value
Population 7,151,502
50% Male
50% Female
60.4% White
4.7% Black
3.6% Asian
4.5% Native American
0.2% Pacific Islander
Ethnicity 30.7% Hispanic
Median household income $72,581
High school graduation rate 88.7%
College graduation rate 31.8%
Upcoming elections
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2020 census and 2022 ACS data. Percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.

This page displays the current and historical members of U.S. Congress from Arizona.

Here is the current partisan breakdown of the congressional members from Arizona.

Congressional Partisan Breakdown from Arizona
Party U.S. Senate U.S. House Total
Democratic 1 3 4
Republican 0 6 6
Independent 1 0 1
Vacancies 0 0 0
Total 2 9 11

Current members

U.S. Senate

See also: Classes of United States Senators

The current members of the U.S. Senate from Arizona are:

Office Name Party Date assumed office Date term ends
U.S. Senate Arizona Mark Kelly Democratic December 2, 2020 January 3, 2029
U.S. Senate Arizona Kyrsten Sinema Independent January 3, 2019 January 3, 2025

U.S. House

The current members of the U.S. House from Arizona are:

Office Name Party Date assumed office Date term ends
U.S. House Arizona District 1 David Schweikert Republican January 3, 2023 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Arizona District 2 Eli Crane Republican January 3, 2023 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Arizona District 3 Ruben Gallego Democratic January 3, 2023 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Arizona District 4 Greg Stanton Democratic January 3, 2023 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Arizona District 5 Andy Biggs Republican January 3, 2017 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Arizona District 6 Juan Ciscomani Republican January 3, 2023 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Arizona District 7 Raúl Grijalva Democratic January 3, 2023 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Arizona District 8 Debbie Lesko Republican May 7, 2018 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Arizona District 9 Paul Gosar Republican January 3, 2023 January 3, 2025

Historical members

U.S. Senate

Historical Representation to the U.S. Senate by Party from Arizona
Party Total
     Democratic 6
     Republican 9
     Independent 1
Class 1 Senators from Arizona
Senator Years Served Party
Henry Fountain Ashurst 1912-1941 Democratic
Ernest W. McFarland 1941-1953 Democratic
Barry M. Goldwater 1953-1965 Republican
Paul J. Fannin 1965-1977 Republican
Dennis W. DeConcini 1977-1995 Democratic
Jon Kyl 1995-2013 Republican
Jeff Flake 2013-2019 Republican
Kyrsten Sinema 2019-present Independent
Class 3 Senators from Arizona
Senator Years Served Party
Marcus A. Smith 1912-1921 Democratic
Ralph H. Cameron 1921-1927 Republican
Carl T. Hayden 1927-1969 Democratic
Barry M. Goldwater 1969-1987 Republican
John McCain 1987-2018 Republican
Jon Kyl 2018 Republican
Martha McSally 2019-2020 Republican
Mark Kelly 2020-present Democratic

U.S. House


Historical Representation to the U.S. House by Party in the 2000s from Arizona
Party Total
     Democratic 9
     Republican 11
Total Representatives 20
Representatives to the U.S. House from Arizona
Representative Years Served Party
Jeff Flake 2001-2013 Republican
Rick Renzi 2003-2009 Republican
Raul Grijalva 2003-present Democratic
Trent Franks 2003-2017 Republican
Harry Mitchell 2007-2011 Democratic
Gabrielle Giffords 2007-2012 Democratic
Ann Kirkpatrick 2009-2011, 2013-2017, 2019-2023 Democratic
Paul Gosar 2011-present Republican
Benjamin Quayle 2011-2013 Republican
David Schweikert 2011-present Republican
Ron Barber 2012-2015 Democratic
Kyrsten Sinema 2013-2019 Democratic
Martha McSally 2015-2019 Republican
Ruben Gallego 2015-present Democratic
Tom O'Halleran 2017-2023 Democratic
Andy Biggs 2017-present Republican
Debbie Lesko 2018-present Republican
Greg Stanton 2019-present Democratic
Eli Crane 2023-present Republican
Juan Ciscomani 2023-present Republican


Historical Representation to the U.S. House by Party in the 1900s from Arizona
Party Total
     Democratic 14
     Republican 12
Total Representatives 26
Representatives to the U.S. House from Arizona
Representative Years Served Party
Carl Hayden 1912-1927 Democratic
Lewis W. Douglas 1927-1933 Democratic
Isabella Selmes Greenway 1933-1937 Democratic
John R. Murdock 1937-1953 Democratic
Richard F. Harless 1943-1949 Democratic
Harold A. Patten 1949-1955 Democratic
John Jacob Rhodes 1953-1983 Republican
Stewart Lee Udall 1955-1961 Democratic
Mo Udall 1961-1991 Democratic
George Frederick Senner, Jr. 1963-1967 Democratic
Sam Steiger 1967-1977 Republican
John Bertrand Conlan 1973-1977 Republican
Bob Stump 1977-1983 Democratic
Eldon D. Rudd 1977-1987 Republican
James Francis McNulty, Jr. 1983-1985 Democratic
John McCain 1983-1987 Republican
Bob Stump 1983-2003 Republican
Jim Kolbe 1985-2007 Republican
John Jacob Rhodes III 1987-1993 Republican
Jon Kyl 1987-1995 Republican
Ed Pastor 1991-2015 Democratic
Samuel G. Coppersmith 1993-1995 Democratic
Karan English 1993-1995 Democratic
Matt Salmon 1995-2001 and 2013-2017 Republican
J. D. Hayworth 1995-2007 Republican
John B. Shadegg 1995-2011 Republican

District map


District 1
District 2
Eli Crane (R)
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
Republican Party (6)
Democratic Party (4)
Independent (1)