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"Grammy, I Don't Love You Anymore"

God taught me an important truth when my granddaughter told me she didn't love me anymore.

We were on furlough from Budapest in 2006, and my first granddaughter Emma was three years old. Because I saw her so rarely, I couldn’t resist buying her little presents whenever we went out.

One evening Emma went to the grocery store with me, and she started asking me to buy her treats. But since it was close to supper, I kept saying "no."

Finally, she looked up at me and said, “I don’t love you, Grammy, cause you won’t buy me anything.” 

I bent down to her level, looked her in the eye, and said, “Emma, Grammy loves you even when I say no to you.” 

Emma was silent for the next few aisles. Then she tugged on my hand and said, “I love you, too, Grammy.” 

This situation reflects my relationship with God at times.

Sometimes I’m like a child who doesn’t know what’s best for her. I fail to grasp the truth that everything God gives and everything He withholds is motivated by His deep love for me and His wisdom and knowledge of the big picture of my life.

It's easy to thank God for His many blessings, but it's just as important to thank Him for what He withholds.

But most of all, we should thank Him for bending down to tell us He always loves us, even when He says no to something we want.

Today let's tug at God's hand and tell Him that we also love Him.

"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Wonderful Christian Devotional!!
💙 Please check out The Bible Love Notes devotional 
Wisdom for Life. It  features 1-minute devotions from Psalms and Proverbs and is on sale at reduced prices on LifewayAmazon, and CBD  

And please sign up for a free email subscription to Bible Love Notes online devotions HERE

God taught me an important truth when my granddaughter told me she didn't love me anymore.

God taught me an important truth when my granddaughter told me she didn't love me anymore.

The Mary & Martha Collection

This is a short collection of one-minute devotions about Mary and Martha, offering insights into some interesting Bible truths.

Once each month we are sending subscribers a different collection of devotions to read on weekends or whenever you have a few extra minutes. Enjoy!

These 1-minute devotions address the important truths found in the Bible stories about Mary and Martha.

Did Mary and Martha Simply Have Different Personalities
This 1-minute devotion discusses the fact that it wasn't simply a difference in personalities that led Christ to compare Mary and Martha.

Extravagant Love
Don't miss this 1-minute devotion. It will inspire you with a look at extravagant love.

Give Your Agenda to the Lord – Luke 10:38-42
Are you too busy like Martha? This 1-minute devotion offers 3 ways to give up our agenda and sit at Christ's feet.

Martha Was Distracted But Mary Sat At Jesus’ Feet – Luke 10:38-42
The story of Mary and Martha gives us important principles about our attitude and priorities.

Jesus made it very clear that He wasn't interested in fancy meals as much as in this one "necessary" thing. 

Sometimes an argument sounds logical, but we need to be careful not to let it stop us from showing extravagant love for Christ.

This is a short collection of one-minute devotions about Mary and Martha, offering insights into some interesting Bible truths.

An Old Blue Book and the Best Book in History

An old book...actually, 2 old books...and God used them both to speak to my  heart.

Years ago, I bought The Beautiful Tree of Life in a used bookstore in Budapest. I couldn’t resist the beautiful illustrations and 1891 copyright. 

I used it for six years as a mantle decoration but never read it. Then one morning, I woke up sad and discouraged. As I sat praying, my eyes were drawn to The Beautiful Tree of Life sitting on my mantle. 

Picking it up, I noticed one of its pages was marked with a small scrap of paper. Opening it, I read: 

“God Makes No Mistakes. If God sends you tribulation…you can be patient under it because you know God means the best for you.… In that comforting twelfth chapter of the Epistle of the Hebrews, we are specially assured that God makes no mistakes in the chastening tribulation which he sends to us.… It shall work out the peaceable fruit of righteousness.” (See note below.)

Tears rolled down my cheeks when I read this “word from the Lord” specifically for me at that moment of my day…that moment of my life. 

A book more than a century old somehow ended up in a Hungarian used bookstore in the early 2000s. I bought it because of its charming illustrations. A marked page went unnoticed for six years until the morning when I needed encouragement from God. 

This was an unusual morning in one sense, but not in another because every morning God speaks to me through my absolute favorite book, His Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 


Note: The author of this book said God sends tribulation, which God sometimes does as part of His fatherly discipline. But many difficulties in our lives are things that God allows but does not send. Why do I make this distinction? Because some of our tribulation is caused by the sins of others or simply by our fallen world. See John 16:33 and Hebrews 12:1-13.

If you’d like to read the longer devotion I wrote about this situation ten years ago right after it happened, please see The Blue Book. It contains many of the illustrations from the book as well. 

Wonderful Christian Devotional!!
💙 Please check out the Bible Love Notes book 
Wisdom for Life. It features one-minute devotions from Psalms and Proverbs and is on sale at great prices on LifewayAmazon, and CBD 

And as always you can sign up for a free email subscription to Bible Love Notes online devotions HERE

An old book...actually, 2 old books...and God used them both to speak to my  heart.


A Behind-the-Scenes Christian Who Sacrificially Served the Gospel

You probably will never hear much about this behind-the-scenes lady, but she was a blessing to God's kingdom.
Miss Wetherford was superintendent of a girls' school in the late 1800's. When she heard of Rowland Bingham's mission work in Africa, she told him she had once offered herself for mission work but her church turned her down. 

“Since that time, I have been living for missions,” she said. 

Wetherford had saved everything she earned beyond what she needed for her bare necessities. And she'd also saved a small inheritance she'd received. 

When she gave it all to Bingham, he told her he couldn't take her last dollar. What if she had needs? 

“But what else can I do with it, Mr. Bingham? I feel God has earmarked it for you, so I cannot keep it for myself, can I?”  

Sometimes we underestimate the faith of “behind-the-scenes” Christians like this woman. She served the Lord sacrificially, and her words speak across the centuries, convicting us to examine our own hearts for the lost.

“Then Jesus explained: ‘My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work. You know the saying, “Four months between planting and harvest.” But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike!’” John 4:34-36 

Let's make sure we are doing whatever God calls us to do, being willing to sacrifice time and resources for the harvest of souls.


Read more about Rowland Bingham: Did They Die for No Reason? And read of another woman like Miss Wetherford: In God's Economy, Sometimes Less Is More.

This is a true story from Rowland Bingham, Into Africa's Interior by Janet and Geoff Benge

You probably will never hear much about this behind-the-scenes lady, but she was a blessing to God's kingdom.


I'm Not Listening

I love the wonderful way God revealed the meaning of Psalm 66 to me. All it took was a little girl and a muffin.
Today I'm sharing a devotion from my book Wisdom for Life. I hope you enjoy it!!
I was sitting in a coffee shop, studying Psalm 66, trying to grasp the meaning of verse 18: “If I had been aware of malice [sin, iniquity, wickedness] in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.” 
How can an omniscient, omnipresent God stop listening? 
Just then, a mother and her small daughter sat down at the table next to mine. You could tell they loved each other as the little girl climbed into her mother’s lap and began eating a large muffin. 
“Don’t take such big bites,” her mother warned. “You’ll make yourself sick.” 
The child glanced at her mom defiantly and stuffed the rest of the muffin into her small mouth. 
“Time out,” her mom said, moving her from her lap to the chair across from her. “You didn’t listen to me. You need to think about what you’ve done.” 
With a mouth full of muffin, the child began protesting. 
“I’m not listening,” her mother said calmly. 
Aha! I thought. That’s the meaning of verse 18. When we defy God, He puts us in a type of “time out” so we can consider what we’ve done and repent. 
He still loves us, but He stops “listening” to our excuses until we are ready to give up our rebellion and climb back into His lap. 
The psalmist understood the importance of confession, and that’s why he proclaimed, “God has listened; he has paid attention to the sound of my prayer. Blessed be God! He has not turned away my prayer or turned his faithful love from me” (vv. 19–20). 
For Further Thought 

How do 1 John 1:8–10; John 9:31; and James 4:3 reinforce this truth in Psalm 66:18?

Wonderful Christian Devotional!!
This is one of the 100 devotions in the Wisdom for Life devotional which I'm able to share to give my readers an idea of what to expect if they buy the book. If you want to read the story behind Wisdom for Life, you'll find it HERE. You might also like to read 10 Reasons You'll Love Wisdom for Life.

💙 In addition, it's a great time to purchase Wisdom for Life because you'll find some great sales on LifewayAmazon, and CBD I think you'll agree that it's a beautiful hardcover devotional priced lower than most paperbacks.

I love the wonderful way God revealed the meaning of Psalm 66 to me. All it took was a little girl and a muffin.


Do We Really Think that Some People Are Without Hope of Salvation?

If you've ever wondered how someone can be saved if they've never heard the gospel, this devotion will encourage you!

This Bible Love Note is a bit longer than the normal one minute. It will take you two to three minutes to read, but I think you'll find it helpful.

Hell is a difficult concept for people to grasp, and this is a question that often comes up: 

Some people are raised in pagan cultures where the gospel is never preached. They will never have the opportunity to trust Christ, so how could a good God send them to hell? 

My first response is this: Does this ever happen? 

God is, after all, in the business of miracles. Do we really think someone raised in a Muslim or Hindu country is beyond His reach?

I have a case in point—Rahab (Joshua 2-6).

Rahab was raised in a thoroughly evil city surrounded by the worship of false gods. There were no people of God in her city. Nor was she a rich woman who could study religion and history. She was a working woman, a prostitute, constantly surrounded by immorality.

What hope did she have?

She had this hope:

God loves mankind and wants everyone to be saved from hell. He doesn't promise that all will be saved but He certainly responds to true seekers (1 Timothy 2:3-4; Jeremiah 29:13).

Therefore, He puts clues to His existence everywhere:

He puts a sense of right and wrong in everyone's heart (Romans 2:14-15).
✔ He reveals His divine character in creation. Every human being who looks at the beauty and design of nature knows there is a God (Romans 1:20).
✔ He reveals His power in other ways. In Rahab’s case, God made sure the people of Jericho heard about His power in the Red Sea miracle (Joshua 2:10).
Despite these loving messages sent to each man and woman on earth, most people refuse God’s invitation. But Scripture says those who refuse are "without excuse" (Romans 1:18-20). 

No one in Jericho listened to God's voice except Rahab. But God refused to destroy the city until He rescued this one true seeker. He guided two Israelite spies to her door, and she made an incredible statement of faith (Joshua 2:10-11). This shouldn’t surprise us—God assures us that true seekers will find Him (Matthew 7:7-11), and Rahab was obviously a true seeker.

The Israelite spies thought they were on a fact-finding mission, but they were on a soul-finding mission when they sneaked into Jericho. What information did they need in Jericho anyway? They destroyed it miraculously by marching around the city walls and shouting (Joshua 6)!

God is interested in every individual—so interested that He will change the course of history to save a single prostitute. So why do we think thousands of people are dying without a chance to know Him?

Perhaps we have too high an opinion of man, assuming that everyone who hears God’s voice will answer. But we have a Bible full of proof and world history to confirm that man is more likely to reject the wonderful love of God than receive it.

Instead of challenging the concept of hell, perhaps we need to challenge our high view of man and our small view of God!

Wonderful Christian Devotional!!
💙 Please check out the Bible Love Notes devotional Wisdom for Life. It features one-minute devotions from Psalms and Proverbs and is on sale at reduced prices on LifewayAmazon, and CBD 

And please sign up for a free email subscription to Bible Love Notes online devotions HERE. 


If you've ever wondered how someone can be saved if they've never heard the gospel, this devotion will encourage you!

If you've ever wondered how someone can be saved if they've never heard the gospel, this devotion will encourage you!


Real Victims Can Find Victory in Christ. Fake Victims Never Will.

Genuine Victims can find joy and restoration in Christ. But people who like playing the victim will never find peace.

Instead of realizing that life involves some difficult relationships, Satan wants us to see ourselves as victims. 

This “victim mentality,” has led to the phenomenal success of Boundaries teachings, creating a culture of blame-shifting and self-pity (Proverbs 18:1).

Instead of learning mature relationship skills, many are choosing to blame-shift and exaggerate their circumstances. 

When I write about reconciliation (especially with parents), I usually hear from people insisting their mistreatment is beyond hope.  

I once had a man write to tell me that his emotional suffering from his negative parents was “far worse” than people who've been sexually or physically abused. 

I know several women personally who've been genuinely abused, and my heart breaks for them. I guarantee that this man didn't suffer more than they did.

And here's the amazing part: these women I know who've been genuinely victimized aren't living as victims because they've found Christ. 

I'll never understand their pain, but their lives testify to Christ's ability to restore and heal those who've been abused (Romans 8:28). 

Instead of dwelling on the genuine pain they've suffered, they've learned to dwell on the genuine love of Christ. Instead of letting their pain stunt their spiritual growth, Christ has helped them move beyond it.  

Each of us has a choice: we can let those who mistreat us ruin our lives, or we can let Christ mature us, set us free, move us forward, teach us forgiveness, and refine our faith.


To read about the Bible character who had every reason to feel victimized see: Are You a Victim or a Victor?

To understand that cutting people off is not the biblical way to deal with difficult relationships, see Are Boundaries Biblical?

Genuine Victims can find joy and restoration in Christ. But people who like playing the victim will never find peace.

Genuine Victims can find joy and restoration in Christ. But people who like playing the victim will never find peace.

Genuine Victims can find joy and restoration in Christ. But people who like playing the victim will never find peace.


Ancient Pharaohs and Modern Politicians

This evil Pharaoh did population control in the same way some modern politicians recommend. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Please note: You can disagree with human opinions. But disagreeing with God's Word is a denial of your faith. 

When we vote, we reveal our values.

During the last election, a woman told me she voted 
for Biden because his platform promised to pay her school loans. She claimed to be pro-life but said a pro-life vote probably wouldn't have any effect on abortion anyway. 

When a Christian sets aside biblical principles for personal gain or bases their choice on whether it will achieve the desired results, they're living by situational ethics. (See From VeggieTales to Situational Ethics.) 

To vote for pro-abortion candidates, you must deny Scripture's clear teaching on human life in the womb (Psalm 139:13-16Proverbs 31:8Job 31:15Isaiah 44:2Isaiah 49:5Jeremiah 1:5Luke 1:41-44Psalm 106:37-38; and Jeremiah 7:30-31). 

But let me share an additional relevant passage:

In Exodus 1:1-21, the Egyptian Pharaoh didn't want such a large Jewish population, so he commanded midwives to murder Jewish boys as they were being born.

These midwives risked more than school loans if they disobeyed. And they could easily have justified killing the babies by claiming Pharaoh would simply find another way to kill them if they disobeyed. But they did the right thing, and God rewarded them. 

Why is this passage relevant? Because the Democratic voting records prove they promote abortion at every stage of development including brutal dismemberment in late-term abortions (source) and the killing of babies born alive during abortions. If you doubt this, read Be Sure You Fully Understand This Fact.*
These issues are not negotiable for genuine believers (Proverbs 24:11-12; Proverbs 31:8-9James 4:17; Romans 12:21; Colossians 3:17; Galatians 6:7-10).

I won't sugarcoat God's truth: If you vote for pro-abortion candidates, you are voting for the brutal murder of babies and God will hold you accountable.


If you aren't a U.S. citizen, abortion is still a relevant subject for you. It's undeniably a worldwide issue, and wherever we live we should be speaking up against the killing of unborn life. If hearing about this issue bothers you, feel free to unsubscribe. I'm not going to remain silent just because political parties are involved. My first priority is the Kingdom of God. And I want every American Christian to know that their vote is a reflection of their faith.

I've had readers demand that I write devotions about the personal sins of Harris and Trump, but I will not be doing that. I'm not called to write about political candidates, nor could I endorse the lifestyle or character of either candidate. I am called to write about their political platforms when those platforms directly impact Scriptural principles. That doesn't mean that I think the Republican platform accurately represents biblical truths. It doesn't. In fact, the Republicans have backed away in regard to seeking a Federal law against abortion and in regard to the abortion pill. But they are the only party that will allow voters the right to prohibit unlimited abortion at the state level. And both pro-life and pro-abortion advocates admit that this would prevent thousands of abortions each month, saving the lives of babies God created in their mother's womb. And it will spare many women from a lifetime of regret due to post-abortion syndrome. 
* Kamala Harris and the Democratic platform demand Federal legislation that guarantees a woman can kill her child up to the day of delivery. Please read Be Sure You Fully Understand This Fact to verify this truth and note Harris' disgust with a law that guarantees medical care for live babies outside the womb.

If you need more encouragement to stand firm, please see the Bible Love Notes Collection called The Value God Places on Human Life. And I strongly recommend you read From VeggieTales to Situational Ethics. It contains some specific ways professing Christians used situational ethics to justify voting Democratic in the last election.

Wonderful Christian Devotional!!
💙 Please check out The Bible Love Notes devotional 
Wisdom for Life. It  features 1-minute devotions from Psalms and Proverbs and is on sale at reduced prices on LifewayAmazon, and CBD  

And please sign up for a free email subscription to Bible Love Notes online devotions HERE

This evil Pharaoh did population control in the same way some modern politicians recommend. This 1-minute devotion explains.


Did They Die for No Reason?

This 1-minute devotion shares a story of awesome devotion in the lives of 2 men.

Because no mission organizations would sponsor work in the dangerous African Sudan in 1893, Tom, Walter, and Rowland went on their own. 

Within a year, Tom and Walter were dead from diseases contracted during failed attempts to reach remote villages with the gospel.

Does this seem like a useless loss of life? 


Right before he died, Walter Gowans wrote these words:

"Well, glory to God, He has enabled me to make a hard fight for the Sudan, and although it may seem like a total failure and defeat, it is not. We shall have the victory. I have no regret for undertaking this venture, and in this manner my life has not been thrown away."  

Rowland Bingham survived and devoted his life to setting up a successful mission network in the Sudan.

Have you ever done something you thought the Lord wanted you to do, but it didn't turn out as you expected? 

I have. But I'm learning that when I'm sincerely trusting God and obeying Him, I'm not responsible for the results.

"If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord." Romans 14:8

My desire is to obey the Lord. As Paul explained:

"I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death." Philippians 1:20


Another Example: This story reminds me of the four men martyred in an attempt to take the gospel to natives in Ecuador in 1956. Some might have seen their deaths as a failure. But their testimony eventually led to the salvation of many, including those who'd killed them. Read about the son of one of the men martyred in Ecuador and how he was baptized by his father's murderer: A Saint's Life.
I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. To find out more see 10 Reasons You'll Love Wisdom for LifeI also encourage you to sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet offering quiet time encouragement. Find out more HERE.

Source: Rowland Bingham, Into Africa's Interior, YWAM Christian Heroes series, page 72
While I recommend this book in the series, I do not recommend the book in the series called "Lottie Moon, Giving Her All for China." Lottie Moon's family had a large plantation and they were slave owners, but the book presents them as victims of the Civil War. I wrote YWAM about my concerns, and they made it clear that they were comfortable with the book.

This 1-minute devotion shares a story of awesome devotion in the lives of 2 men.


Jesus in the Old Testament

Don't miss the wonderful list that shows how God was "whispering" about Jesus in every Old Testament book! #Jesus #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

After His resurrection, Jesus met two disciples walking to a village called Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). They didn't recognize Jesus, but "beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself" (Luke 24:27).

Christ's redemption was part of God's plan from the beginning (Genesis 3:15). When we recognize this important truth, it enhances our understanding and appreciation of both Old and New Testaments.

Enjoy this list of "whispers" (clues, foreshadowings) that God placed in each Old Testament book, preparing us for the coming of Jesus.

In Genesis Jesus is the Seed of the Woman
Exodus…………………...Our Passover Lamb
Leviticus……………………..Our High Priest
Numbers........Guiding Pillar of Fire and Cloud
Deuteronomy……….The Prophet Like Moses
Joshua………………..The Mighty Conqueror
Judges…...…....………....…...Our Rescuer                     
Ruth………………...Our Kinsman Redeemer
1 & 2 Samuel……......…..The Seed of David
Kings & Chronicles…….....….Our Mighty King
Ezra & Nehemiah…..Re-builder of Our Broken Walls
Esther………………….....Our Way of Escape
Job……………...Our Hope in Times of Trouble
Psalms…………..…..Our Shepherd and Sacrifice
Proverbs & Ecclesiastes…….…..Our Wisdom
Song of Solomon…Our Lover and Bridegroom
Isaiah…………………...Our Suffering Savior
Jeremiah……………....The Righteous Branch
Lamentations…..…Prophet Who Weeps for Us
Ezekiel………..The Watchman Who Warns Us
Daniel……..The 4th Man in the Fiery Furnace
Hosea………………….Our Faithful Husband
Joel…............Our Baptizer in the Holy Spirit
Amos……………………..Our Burden Bearer
Obadiah……………..The One Mighty to Save
Jonah…………....The Sender of Missionaries
Micah……..The Messenger of the Good News
Nahum………..The Avenger of the Righteous
Habakkuk……....The One Crying for Revival
Zephaniah & Haggai….Giver of Another Chance
Zechariah…….…………...The Pierced Son
Malachi.........Sun of Righteousness w/ Healing in His Wings

As you read through the Bible, remember that you are reading the greatest story ever written—the story of mankind's inexcusable fall and God's Unreasonable Love.


I did not create this list. I compiled and edited it from various non-copyrighted lists.

You might enjoy reading these helpful one-minute devotions related to Old Testament books:

Genesis: Crushing Satan's Head
Exodus: Passover Whispers
Joshua: Stones of Remembrance 
Judges: How's That Working for You?
Ruth: The Great Challenges and Great Faith of Ruth  
2 Samuel: 6 Characteristics of Sincere Repentance 
1 Kings: From Wisdom to Foolishness  
Ezra: Where to Set Your Heart
Nehemiah: The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength and Nehemiah's Protection Plan
Esther: Born for Such a Time as This and A Glimpse Behind the Scenes
Job: The Unshakable Bottom Line and Job's Judgmental Friends
Psalms: The Comfort of Psalm 23 and An Incredible Prophecy of Christ's Death 
Proverbs: A Proverbial Mistake  
Ecclesiastes: When One Falls Down  
Isaiah: Misunderstandings About the Stripes of Jesus 
Jeremiah: 1-Minute Devotions from the Book of Jeremiah 
Ezekiel: Don't Shrink Back and What God Does with Stone Hearts 
Daniel: Hard Things  
Hosea: His Love Knows No Bounds
Obadiah: Our Edomite Brothers
Jonah: Does God Change His Mind: Nineveh   
Habakkuk: Habakkuk's Statement of Faith 
Haggai: Great Wisdom in the Small Book of Haggai


I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word: Wisdom for Life. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE. You can read the first four devotions in the book by clicking "look inside" on Lifeway or Amazon.
I also encourage you to sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet. Find out more HERE.

Don't miss this wonderful list that shows how God was "whispering" about Jesus in Every Old Testament Book!