Invited Lecture by Dr. Jeremy P. Allen: A Guide to Academic Publishing

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On 18 Sep. 2024, Dr. Jeremy P. Allen, Executive Editor of the Royal Society of Chemistry, delivered an insightful lecture at the Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IPE), organized by Industrial Chemistry & Materials. His talk, titled “Publishing for Impact: A Guide to Peer Review and Tips & Tricks to Make Your Paper Stand Out,” provided a comprehensive overview of the scientific publishing landscape.

The lecture was hosted by Prof. Mingshui Yao of IPE. Dr. Allen’s presentation covered various key aspects of publishing, including the role of a scientific publisher, essential tips for writing a successful research paper, submission requirements, the peer-review process, publication ethics, and open access options. He also introduced the Royal Society of Chemistry and shared practical advice to help researchers enhance the visibility and impact of their work. The lecture was simultaneously live-streamed across multiple platforms, attracting an online audience of over 8,500 viewers.

The atmosphere at the event was vibrant, with many attendees eagerly participating in the discussion and posing insightful questions. Dr. Allen’s extensive experience and insights provided valuable guidance to the researchers, emphasizing the Royal Society of Chemistry’s commitment to fostering innovative ideas and upholding ethical standards in academic publishing.

About Dr. Jeremy P. Allen:

Dr. Jeremy P. Allen joined the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2014 as a Publishing Editor, initially working on the journals Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics and Nanoscale. In 2018, he became the Deputy Editor for Chemical Science. Since early 2022, Dr. Allen has served as the Executive Editor for Materials Advances and Nanoscale Advances, leading the development of these journals and collaborating closely with their Editorial Boards. He is also the Executive Editor of two newly launched journals, RSC Applied Interfaces and RSC Applied Polymers.




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Announcing New Editorial Board Members for Industrial Chemistry & Materials

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We are delighted to announce that Professor Svetlana Mintova, Professor Michael Stockenhuber, Professor Hirotomo Nishihara, Professor Jong Wook Bae, Professor Chong Min Koo, Professor Mark Biggs, Professor Carlo Santoro have joined Industrial Chemistry & Materials as the Editorial Board members.


Professor Svetlana Mintova is the Director of Research at CNRS, Normandy University, France, and an Invited Professor at China University of Petroleum (Qingdao). She received her PhD from the Technological University of Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1992. Her research focuses on porous materials and physical chemistry, with expertise in zeolite synthesis, advanced characterization, and applications in catalysis, separation, sensors, membranes, and biomedicine.
Professor Michael Stockenhuber leads the Catalysis and Process Research Laboratory at the University of Newcastle, Australia. He specializes in heterogeneous catalysis and nanoporous materials, publishing over 150 papers and 4 patents. He has served as President of the Australian Catalysis Society and secured over $15 million AUD in research funding, collaborating globally on projects ranging from mineral carbonation to methane conversion.
Professor Hirotomo Nishihara is a professor at IMRAM, Tohoku University, Japan. He earned his PhD from Kyoto University in 2005 and joined Tohoku University in 2011. His research focuses on the development of advanced functional carbon materials. Professor Nishihara has published 168 papers. He was selected for the 2020 edition of the Asian Scientist 100 list and was among the Top 20 at the Innovation Leaders Summit (ILS) in 2022.
Professor Jong Wook Bae is a professor at the School of Chemical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea. His current research focuses on fuels from alternative feedstocks, the development of environmentally benign processes, the design of highly efficient heterogeneous catalysts, and compact reactors. He earned his PhD from Pohang University of Science & Technology in 2003 and has published more than 250 papers.
Professor Chong Min Koo is a professor at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea. His current research focuses on the development and application of 2D materials and soft matter hybrid materials. He earned his PhD from KAIST in 2003 and has authored more than 200 peer-reviewed papers and 5 books. He was awarded the Korean Presidential Award in 2019 and was selected as Scientist of the Month by the Ministry of Science and ICT, NRF in 2018.
Professor Mark Biggs is a Professor Mark Biggs is the Vice-Principal, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Heriot-Watt University, UK. His research focuses on interfacial science and engineering. He has supervised around 20 PhD students to completion and nearly 10 postdoctoral fellows. He has held more than ten major grants as principle investigator. He has published around 120 papers that have been extensively cited and holds a number of patents.
Professor Carlo Santoro is a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, specializing in electrocatalysis and bioelectrocatalysis. He earned his PhD from the University of Connecticut in 2013 and has since authored 108 papers. He was awarded the Zhaowu Tian Prize and the TAJIMA PRIZE from the International Society of Electrochemistry, and the Carl Wagner Medal from the European Federation of Chemical Engineering.


We are thrilled to have these distinguished experts join our Editorial Board and eagerly anticipate the valuable insights and guidance they will bring. Their expertise is certain to propel the Industrial Chemistry & Materials to a new level.

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Exciting News! Industrial Chemistry & Materials Now Indexed in Ei Compendex

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We are excited to announce that the Industrial Chemistry & Materials (ICM) has been officially indexed in the Ei Compendex database as of August 2024. This significant milestone is a testament to the journal’s rapid growth and its commitment to publishing application-oriented, high-quality research.

The Development Timeline of ICM















The inclusion of ICM in Ei Compendex is a significant achievement that marks international recognition of the journal’s academic quality, global reach, and adherence to high standards. We remain dedicated to supporting the global scientific community by providing a platform for innovative research and technological breakthroughs.


We extend our heartfelt thanks to our editorial board members, authors, reviewers and readers for their continued support. Together, we look forward to achieving even greater milestones in the years to come.



Introducing Our New Associate Editor: Professor Atsushi Urakawa

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We are thrilled to announce that Professor Atsushi Urakawa has joined Industrial Chemistry & Materials (ICM) as an Associate Editor. With his extensive expertise and pioneering research in the field of catalysis engineering, Professor Urakawa’s addition further elevates the internationalization and authority of ICM’s Associate Editor team.


About Professor Atsushi Urakawa:


Professor Atsushi Urakawa obtained his PhD in 2006 at ETH Zurich (Switzerland). Then, he worked as a Senior Scientist and Lecturer at ETH Zurich before joining ICIQ (Spain) in 2010 as a Group Leader. In 2019, he took on a new challenge as Professor of Catalysis Engineering at ChemE, TU Delft. His research group is dedicated to developing novel heterogeneous catalysts and catalytic processes that minimize energy usage and reduce negative impacts on the environment and human health. By employing a multidisciplinary approach that integrates material science, reaction engineering, and in situ/operando methodologies, they aim to gain a thorough understanding of active sites and transformation pathways. Their primary target reactions include CO2 conversion to valuable chemicals, methane activation, environmental catalysis (NOx abatement), and hydrogen production through electro- and photocatalytic activation. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) in 2016 and has received numerous accolades, including the JSPS Prize (2020) and The Japan Academy Medal (2021).


A Message from Professor Atsushi Urakawa:


“Yet another journal?” – This is a common sentiment among researchers when encountering a new journal nowadays. However, my impression of ICM before its inauguration was different and it remains the same. Its scope and necessity, coupled with the strong drive of the editorial team and the prominent leadership of Prof. Zhang, promised to make it a standout flagship journal. By covering innovative chemistry and materials research of high practical impact, I am confident that ICM will showcase outstanding research and establish its key position in the field.


We are confident that Professor Urakawa’s vision and expertise will greatly contribute to the continued growth and success of ICM. Please join us in welcoming him to our editorial team.

ICM Virtual Collections—Carbon Dioxide Capture, Conversion and Utilization

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Carbon dioxide (CO2) research is crucial for tackling climate change and creating sustainable solutions. Capturing, converting, and utilizing CO2 can reduce its environmental impact, transforming it into valuable resources.


We are excited to present the Virtual Collection: Carbon Dioxide Capture, Conversion, and Utilization from ICM. This collection highlights innovative research on CO2 capture, storage, conversion, and practical applications.


Explore this comprehensive resource to stay updated on the latest advancements in CO2 research. Read the full collection bellow:


Recent progress in nickel single-atom catalysts for the electroreduction of CO2 to CO

Ziyan Yang, Yuhang Li,* Chunzhong Li,* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D3IM00109A.


Multicomponent catalyst design for CO2/N2/NOx electroreduction

Shunhan Jia, Xiaofu Sun,* Buxing Han,* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2023, 1, 93-105.


Aqueous Zn–CO2 batteries: a route towards sustainable energy storage

Yanxiu Liu, Yu Zhang,* Zhihong Tian,* Tianxi Liu,* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D4IM00014E.


Overview of CO2 capture and electrolysis technology in molten salts: operational parameters and their effects

Qiuji Zhu, Yimin Zeng* and Ying Zheng*.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2023, 1, 595-617.


Electrochemical CO2 reduction with ionic liquids: review and evaluation

Yangshuo Li, Xiaoyan Ji,* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2023, 1, 410-430.


Carboxylic ligands to enhance material recovery from construction waste to produce CaCO3 for carbon utilization

Jonah M. Williams, Aaron J. Moment,* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D4IM00025K.


Theoretical investigation of carbon dioxide adsorption on MgH2 with a cobalt catalyst

Sara Rozas, Santiago Aparicio,* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2024, 10.1039/D3IM00096F.


Supercritical CO2-induced room-temperature ferromagnetism in two-dimensional MoO3−x

Wei Liu and Qun Xu.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2023, 1, 140-145.


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Top 10 Most Downloaded Articles in the First Half of 2024

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We are excited to present the top 10 most downloaded articles from the first half of 2024. These high-quality articles have garnered significant attention, and we hope you enjoy exploring these hot papers!


Read these popular articles for free!


Recent progress in metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) for electrocatalysis

Cha Li, Jiandong Pang* and Xian-He Bu* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2023, 1, 9-38.



Design of functional binders for high-specific-energy lithium-ion batteries: from molecular structure to electrode properties

Tian Qin, Quan Li,* Xiqian Yu* and Hong Li et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2024, 2, 191-225.


Recent progress and challenges in silicon-based anode materials for lithium-ion batteries

Gazi Farhan Ishraque Toki, Li Wang* and Jianping Yang* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2024, 2, 226-269.


Ionic liquid/poly(ionic liquid)-based electrolytes for lithium batteries

Xinyu Ma, John Texter* and Feng Yan* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2023, 1, 39-59.


Recent progress of manganese dioxide based electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction

Yunlong He, Zhenye Kang,* Yawei Li* and Xinlong Tian* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2023, 1, 312-331.


Catalytic conversion network for lignocellulosic biomass valorization: A panoramic view

Shenyu Wang, Wei Fan* and Ying Zhang* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2023, 1, 188-206.


Ammonia as a carbon-free hydrogen carrier for fuel cells: a perspective

Lingling Zhai and Zhonghua Xiang* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2023, 1, 332-342.


Recent progress in nickel single-atom catalysts for the electroreduction of CO2 to CO

Ziyan Yang, Yuhang Li* and Chunzhong Li* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D3IM00109A


Recent progress of antipoisoning catalytic materials for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells doped with phosphoric acid

Dongping Xue and Jia-Nan Zhang*

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2024, 2, 173-190.


Designing zeolites for the removal of aqueous PFAS: a perspective

Charles A. Ponge and Mark B. Shiflett* et al.

Citation: Ind. Chem. Mater., 2024, 2, 270-275.


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ICM Co-organized APCIL-8 Session 10 “International Outstanding Young Scholar Symposium on ILs and Green Processes”

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In May 2024, the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Ionic Liquids and Green Processes (APCIL-8) was held in Kaifeng, China, with the theme “Ionic Liquids Creating New Future, Low Carbon Innovation Contributing to Green World.” Industrial Chemistry & Materials (ICM) co-organized the conference.

ICM spearheaded the planning and organization of session 10, the “International Outstanding Young Scholar Symposium on ILs and Green Processes.” This session brought together 30 distinguished young experts from around the world, including Dr. Liang Zhao (China University of Petroleum, Beijing), Dr. Kazuhiko Matsumoto (Kyoto University, Japan), Dr. Jason Chun-Ho Lam (City University of Hong Kong, China), Dr. Ruwei Chen (University College London, UK), Dr. Xu Hou (Xiamen University, China), Dr. Kosuke Kuroda (Kanazawa University, Japan), Dr. Jieshan Qiu (Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China), Dr. Zongbi Bao (Zhejiang University, China), Dr. Linbing Sun (Nanjing Tech University, China), and Dr. Junli Ren (South China University of Technology, China). Their presentations showcased latest innovative research and fostered rich discussions on green innovation.

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RSC President’s Remarks in ICM Interview at the 34th CCS Congress

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During the 34th CCS Congress, Professor Gill Reid, President of the Royal Society of Chemistry, had a thorough and cordial exchange with the Editorial Office of Industrial Chemistry & Materials (ICM). Professor Reid highlighted the journal’s crucial role in bridging academic and industrial research, emphasizing its importance in translating lab discoveries into industrial processes that benefit society.

Professor Reid said, “The ICM journal is a vital example of bringing academic and industrial communities together, ensuring effective feedback and producing the best outcomes in chemistry. This collaboration is essential for addressing global challenges and sustainable development goals.”

This recognition underscores the ICM journal’s importance in advancing chemical research and its practical applications, earning high praise from the international chemistry community.


ICM Shines at the 34th CCS Congress: A Celebration of Excellence and Engagement

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The 34th Chinese Chemical Society (CCS) Congress was held in Guangzhou, China, June 15-18, 2024, themed “Toward Higher Quality Chemistry Research.” Industrial Chemistry & Materials (ICM) participated the congress and hosted several notable activities, including the 2023 Outstanding Reviewer Awards Ceremony and a “Meet the Editor” session.

2023 Outstanding Reviewer Awards Ceremony

Professor Gill Reid, President of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), presented certificates to the invited outstanding reviewers of RSC journals. ICM honored 38 outstanding reviewers for their exceptional contributions to the journal in 2023. Among them were Dr. Yanbin Fan (Dow Chemical China Investment Co Ltd, China) and Dr. Gang Feng (Nanchang University, China), who attended the event in person. This recognition underscores the crucial role that reviewers play in maintaining the high standards of ICM, ensuring the publication of impactful and rigorous research.

“Meet the Editor” Session

The “Meet the Editor” session was a vibrant and engaging event which provided an invaluable opportunity for attendees to interact directly with key figures from the ICM Editorial team. Take this opportunity, the Editorial Office of ICM communicated with Professor Gill Reid, ICM Associate Editor Professor Quanhong Yang, RSC Publisher Dr. Jeanne Andres, and Executive Editor Dr. Richard Kelly. They engaged in deep discussions about the journal’s current developments and future directions, reflecting ICM’s commitment to advancing the field of industrial chemistry.

Engaging Activities and Lucky Draw

To show appreciation for the continued support from the academic community, ICM organized a special lucky draw. Participants had the chance to win custom ICM memorabilia, which added excitement and a sense of community to the event. In addition, the booth attracted a large number of audiences who participated in a popular check-in photo activity. This allowed attendees to capture memorable moments and demonstrate their support for our journal. The enthusiastic participation highlighted the strong engagement and interest in ICM among the attendees.


Highlights of ICM’s Participation in the last CCS Congress (2023, Qingdao)

  • New Journal Meetup
  • Sponsorship of the Outstanding Poster Award— Biomass Session
  • Sponsorship of the Outstanding Oral Award— Porous Material Session
  • Sponsorship of the Outstanding Flash Oral Award— CO2 Utilization
  • Check-in photo Activity
  • Share Sweet Cake

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Announcing New Advisory Board Members for Industrial Chemistry & Materials

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We are thrilled to announce the addition of four distinguished experts to the Advisory Board of Industrial Chemistry & Materials: Professor Graham J. Hutchings, Professor Menachem Elimelech, Professor Seeram Ramakrishna, and Professor Bart Van der Bruggen. Each of them brings a vast wealth of knowledge and experience in the respective fields. We are confident that their contributions will significantly enhance the quality and impact of our publication.


Professor Graham J. Hutchings is the Regius Professor of Chemistry at Cardiff University. He is distinguished for his work in the field of heterogeneous catalysis, particularly catalysis by gold and oxidation catalysis. He has held three academic chairs (Witwatersrand, Liverpool, Cardiff), and for each, he has reshaped his research and attacked new fields, demonstrating a proven track record in opening up new areas of heterogeneous catalysis using multidisciplinary approaches. He established the Cardiff Catalysis Institute in 2008, which has now become one of the leading research centers for catalysis globally. He was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2009 and Academia Europaea in 2010.


Professor Menachem Elimelech is the Sterling Professor at Yale University. His research focuses on energy-efficient, sustainable membrane-based technologies for desalination and the management of brines and industrial wastewaters. He earned his Ph.D. in environmental engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 1989. In 2005, he became the Roberto C. Goizueta Professor and Chair of Yale’s Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department. Elimelech is an elected member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (2022), the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (2021), the Chinese Academy of Engineering (2017), and the United States National Academy of Engineering (2006).


Professor Seeram Ramakrishna is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore. He is a co-director of the NUS Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Initiative (NUSNNI) and heads the Centre for Nanofibers and Nanotechnology. His research focuses on Materials Circular Economy, Sustainability, Nanofibers, and Nanotechnology. He has been named among the Top 1% Highly Cited Researchers in cross-field and materials science categories since 2014 by Clarivate. He is an elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), the Singapore Academy of Engineering, the Indian National Academy of Engineering, and the ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology.


Professor Bart van der Bruggen is a professor at KU Leuven, Belgium. His current research interests include, but are not limited to, solvent separation, resource recovery, and water treatment. He earned his Ph.D. in Applied Sciences at KU Leuven in 2000, then worked as a postdoc/visiting researcher at Universita della Calabria and ITM-CNR, Italy; Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), Finland; and the University of North Carolina (UNC-Chapel Hill), USA. With over 800 publications and extensive academic experience, Professor Van der Bruggen is a prominent figure in his field, contributing significantly to both scientific advancements and practical applications in environmental engineering.


We are excited to welcome these esteemed experts to our Advisory Board and look forward to their valuable insights and guidance. Their expertise will undoubtedly help steer the Industrial Chemistry & Materials journal towards new heights of excellence.