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Privacy policy

At the Ministry of Employment, we take citizens’ privacy and the due process of law seriously.

All citizens can trust that we process, store and – if required – transfer personal data according to current rules and recommendations. In our privacy policy described below, you may read how we process your data and comply with the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.


The Ministry of Employment’s effort to maintain information security follows the so-called ISO27002 standard, which is the standard for information security that guides the Central Government. It helps us to ensure a systematic and targeted approach to protecting all data and personal information.

The EU General Data Protection Regulation imposes demands on our standards of security and, in data processing agreements with our suppliers, we can ensure that they too maintain appropriate security.

How do we process your data?

When you contact the Ministry of Employment, eg. by email, we are obliged as a public authority to register and save your personal data. Personal data are information that can identify you as a person, such as your name, address, email address or civil registry no. We process the data you have given us as well as data we might have received from other authorities, citizens or enterprises. We may also obtain information about you from other authorities, citizens or enterprises when this is necessary for us as a public authority.

However, we only store your data as long as we need it or are obliged to. You will find the rules on how, as a public authority, we must store documents under the provisions of the Archives Act. We store your data safely and confidentially in our IT systems, where access is restricted to the staff that needs the data to carry out their work.

The Archives Act

If necessary when we have to process your enquiry, we transfer your data to authorities such as the Agency for the Labour Market and Recruitment (STAR), the Working Environment Authority (AT) or the National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NFA), which are entities under the Ministry of Employment.  We may also have legal obligations that require transfer of your data to other authorities. We may do so, for example, if the subject you write to us about falls under the responsibility of another ministry.

What are your rights?

When we have your personal data in our systems, you are what is called a data subject. As a data subject you have a number of rights which, in our capacity of data controller, the Ministry of Employment must be able to fulfil.

You have the right to:

  • Access – you have the right to be informed at any time of what information we store about you.
  • Rectification – you have the right to ask us for example to have data corrected if they are incorrect or misleading.
  • Restriction – if we rectify your data we will stop using them until they have been corrected. In certain cases, you may also ask us to stop using your data. And if we have transferred your data, you may also ask us to inform the recipients that they must do the same.
  • Erasure (right to be forgotten) – in principle, you have the right to have your data deleted but, as a public authority, we normally cannot delete information due to regulations in the Public Administration Act and the Archives Act. If you subscribe to press releases you may at all times ask us to delete your data. See the description below under ‘legal basis of processing’.
  • Objection – if you don’t think we have any reason to use your personal data, you also have the right to point it out to us.
  • Data portability – in principle, you have the right to receive a copy of your data in a machine readable format, which you can give to another data controller. However, the right does not apply when we use the data as a public authority, but it may be relevant, if the basis of processing is a contract between the data controller and a data subject.

Read more about your rights in the guidelines of the Danish Data Protection Agency (PDF)

If you want to know more about the EU General Data Protection Regulation and your rights (PDF)

In addition to the General Data Protection Regulation, the Data Protection Act applies, cf. Act no. 502 of 23 May 2018. The Data Protection Act supplements and clarifies the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, for example in relation to the processing of information on CPR numbers and restrictions on data subjects' rights.

You can find the Data Protection Act here

Legal basis of processing

We handle your personal data as a public authority. The legal authority to handle your data is provided in point e) of Article 6(1) on the use of ordinary personal data and  points b) and f) – g) of Article 9(2) on the use of sensitive personal data of the General Data Protection Regulation: Regulation 2016/679 (EU) of 27 April 2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data  and on the free exchange of such data and on the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC.

If you subscribe to press releases from us, you give your consent to our use of your data. In that case, our legal authority is point a) of Article 6(1) of the General Data Protection Regulation.

You can always withdraw your consent easily. You can do it by choosing ”Unsubscribe” at the bottom of all press releases. If you cancel your subscription, we will stop sending you press releases as soon as possible and delete your email address and your name.

You may find more information about data protection, your rights and the use of personal data on the Danish Data Protection Agency’s website:

The Employment Ministry is a data controller

As a data controller, we must ensure that your rights with us are fulfilled. If you have any questions about how we process your personal data, you are welcome to contact us.

Ministry of Employment
Holmens Kanal 20
DK-1060 Copenhagen K
Telephone: 7220 5000
Email: [email protected]
Reg. No.: 10 17 27 48

We strive to take good care of your personal information.  As ordinary emails are not encrypted, we propose that you send a message by Digital Post (e-Boks) from Here, you can select the Ministry of Employment as a recipient.

Particularly data concerning private conditions (special categories of personal data) and civil reg. numbers (CPR) should be sent by Digital Post.

Data Protection Officer – DPO

You also have the option of contacting our Data Protection Officer. The DPO advises and monitors our compliance with the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation. You may for instance need more extensive guidance than we can give you, or perhaps you experience that we handle your personal data in a way that should be known to the DPO.

You may contact our DPO via [email protected] or by telephone 5091 7768 on Tuesdays 9-12 and Wednesdays 13 -16. You may also write to the Ministry of Employment, Holmens Kanal 20, DK-1060 Copenhagen K, attn.: ‘Data Protection Officer’ (the DPO).

If you wish to send secure digital post to the DPO, you must send an email to the Ministry of Employment through the e-Boks system at, writing attn. Data Protection Officer in the subject field.

You may file a complaint here

If you wish to file a complaint against the way we process your personal data, you may contact the Data Protection Agency through their website here.

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Cookie policy

When you visit the Ministry of Employment’s website a cookie will be left in your computer. A cookie is a small text file used by many websites in order to recognise your computer from one time to another. A cookie is a passive file and cannot disseminate virus or other malicious programs. If you want to know more about what a cookie is or how you can block or delete cookies, we recommend that you read information from this website:

How do we use cookies?

At, we use cookies only to keep statistics of how our website is used in order to optimise its usability.

We keep statistics of the number of visitors to the various parts of our website, for example. We also use the statistics to identify the keywords from search engines that generate the highest number of visitors and the words and expressions users search for most frequently.

Cookies collect the following information about you when you visit

  • Type of browser
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