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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

NXIVM (pronunciat nɛksiəm) va ser una corporació que venia materials de desenvolupament del potencial humà i d'autoajuda,[1] i es va convertir en un culte a la personalitat del seu fundador, Keith Raniere, servint com a organització façana per a l'activitat criminal d'ell i dels seus col·laboradors propers.[2][3] El Departament de Justícia es va apoderar de la propietat de les entitats relacionades amb NXIVM i la seva propietat intel·lectual mitjançant la confiscació d'actius després de la condemna de Raniere.[4]

La Corporació NXIVM tenia la seu al Districte Capital de Nova York i tenia centres als Estats Units d'Amèrica, Canadà i Mèxic.[5][6] Les empreses filials de NXIVM reclutaven basant-se en el model de màrqueting multinivell i utilitzaven currículums basats en la propietat intel·lectual («tech») de Raniere anomenats «Rational Inquiry».[7] Els cursos van atreure una varietat d'estudiants notables, inclosos actors i fills dels rics i poderosos.[8][9] En el seu apogeu, NXIVM tenia 700 membres actius.[10]

Durant la seva existència, antics membres i famílies dels clients de NXIVM alarmats pel comportament de Raniere i les pràctiques de NXIVM van parlar amb periodistes d'investigació de Forbes, Vanity Fair, The New York Observer i Times Union d'Albany, qualificant l'organització de «culte». L'organització va ser criticada en termes similars per Rick Alan Ross del Cult Education Institute i activistes i acadèmics del moviment antisecta.[11][12][13][14] El 2017, els antics membres Sarah Edmondson, Bonnie Piesse i Mark Vicente, així com Catherine Oxenberg (mare de la membre India Oxenberg) van parlar a The New York Times i van revelar greus preocupacions sobre Keith Raniere i NXIVM, inclosa l'existència d'una societat secreta anomenada «DOS» en què les dones eren marcades, obligades gravar confessions falses i proporcionar fotografies seves nues per a fer-les xantatge.[15]

Després de l'exposició del New York Times, l'advocat dels Estats Units per al districte oriental de Nova York va investigar l'organització, i el 2018 va presentar càrrecs penals contra Raniere, la cofundadora Nancy Salzman i la seva filla Lauren, l'actriu Allison Mack, l'hereva de Seagram Clare Bronfman, i la comptable Kathy Russell. L'oficina de l'advocacia dels Estats Units va argumentar en la seva acusació de la llei de testaferros que NXIVM i les seves filials existien per promoure, millorar i protegir Raniere i els membres de l'empresa. L'acusació al·lega que Raniere i els seus co-acusats formaven una empresa organitzada d'extorsió mitjançant el reclutament d'altres a NXIVM i DOS per obtenir beneficis financers i personals, i van cometre delictes que van des del tràfic sexual fins al treball forçat i el frau de visats i correus electrònics.[16][17][18] Tots els acusats, excepte Raniere, es van declarar culpables.[19][20][21][22][23]

107- Raniere chose to go to trial in 2019. Prosecutors revealed a decades-long pattern of grooming, sexual abuse of girls and women, physical and psychological punishments against dissenters, and hacking and vexatious litigation against enemies.[24][25] Raniere was convicted on the top charge of racketeering and racketeering conspiracy as well as several other charges. Judge Nicholas Garaufis sentenced Raniere to 120 years imprisonment.[2][26][27][28] Co-conspirators Clare Bronfman, Nancy Salzman, and Allison Mack were given lesser prison sentences.[29][30][31] Lauren Salzman and Kathy Russell were each given non-prison sentences.[32][33]

106- Following Raniere's conviction, he continues to direct a small set of loyal members from his prison cell, encouraging continued recruitment.[34][35] At his direction, members of the group danced outside Raniere's jail and staged protests against individual prosecutors. Based on statements of support, it was estimated that about 50 to 60 persons remain loyal to Raniere.[36][37]



105- Before founding NXIVM, Raniere created Consumers Buyline, a business venture that the New York Attorney General accused of having been a pyramid scheme; Raniere signed a consent order in 1996 in which he denied any wrongdoing but agreed to pay a $40,000 fine and to be permanently banned from «promoting, offering or granting participation in a chain distribution scheme».[38]

Éxit fundacional i inicial

Keith Raniere, fundador de NXIVM

104- In 1998, Raniere and Nancy Salzman founded NXIVM, a personal development company offering «Executive Success Programs» (ESP) and a range of techniques for self-improvement.[39][40][41] Raniere claimed that its «main emphasis is to have people experience more joy in their lives».[42] In one account cited by former NXIVM member Sarah Edmondson, Raniere chose the name based on the ancient Roman system of debt bondage known as nexum.[43] The 2002 registration with United States Patent and Trademark Office for the NXIVM trademark states that «The foreign wording in the mark translates into English as 'the next millennium'».[44]

103- During NXIVM seminars, students would call Raniere and Salzman «Vanguard» and «Prefect», respectively.[45][46][14] The Hollywood Reporter wrote that Raniere adopted the title from the 1981 video game Vanguard, «in which the destruction of one's enemies increased one's own power».[47] Within the organization, the reasoning for the titles was that Raniere was the leader of a philosophical movement and Salzman was his first student.[41]

102- By 2003, 3,700 people had taken part in ESP classes. Reported participants included businesswoman Sheila Johnson, former Surgeon General Antonia Novello, Enron executive Stephen Cooper, Ana Cristina Fox (daughter of former Mexican president Vicente Fox),[48] entrepreneur Richard Branson (who denied having taken the classes[49][50]), businessman Edgar Bronfman Sr.,[48] and actresses Linda Evans, Grace Park, and Nicki Clyne.[51][14] In the early 2000s, Seagram heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman, daughters of Edgar Bronfman Sr., became attached to the organization.[14][41]

Denúncies de culte a principis de la dècada del 2000


101- NXIVM claimed its training was a trade secret, subject to non-disclosure agreements, but reportedly used a technique the organization called «rational inquiry» to facilitate personal and professional development. In 2003, NXIVM sued the Ross Institute in the case known as «NXIVM Corp. v. Ross Institute», alleging copyright infringement for publishing excerpts of content from its manual in three critical articles commissioned by cult investigator Rick Alan Ross and posted on his website.[52][53][54] Ross posted a psychiatrist's assessment of NXIVM's «secret» manual on his website that called the regimen «expensive brainwashing».[51][55]

100- Ross obtained the manual from former member Stephanie Franco, a co-defendant in the trial, who had signed a non-disclosure agreement not to divulge information from the manual to others. NXIVM filed suits in New York and New Jersey, but both were dismissed.[51][55] On appeal, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed the dismissal, ruling that the defendant's critical analysis of material obtained in bad faith (i.e. in violation of a non-disclosure agreement) was fair use since the secondary use was transformative as criticism and was not a potential replacement for the original on the market.[56][57][58]

99- In October 2003, Forbes published a critical article on NXIVM and Raniere.[48] According to Vanity Fair, NXIVM leadership, who had spoken to Forbes, had expected a positive story. They were especially upset by remarks made by Bronfman, who told Forbes that he believed NXIVM was a cult and that he was troubled by his daughters' «emotional and financial investment» in it.[48] In 2006, Forbes published an article about the Bronfman sisters, stating that they had taken out a line of credit to loan NXIVM $2 million, repayable through personal training sessions and phone consultations with Salzman.[59] Another Forbes article in 2010 discussed the failures of commodities and real estate deals by the Bronfmans made on Raniere's advice.[60]

Reclutament a Vancouver


98- After actress Kristin Kreuk became involved with NXIVM in 2006, Salzman and her daughter Lauren, a junior NXIVM leader,[41] went to Vancouver to recruit Kreuk's Smallville co-star Allison Mack.[47] Lauren bonded with Mack (the two women eventually became Raniere's inner circle and his sexual partners). Kreuk, however, left NXIVM in 2013.[61] Mack became «an enthusiastic proselytizer» for NXIVM, persuading her parents to take courses, and after wrapping production of Smallville in 2011, moved to Clifton Park, New York, to be near NXIVM's home base in Albany.[47]



97- In 2008, the Bronfman sisters allegedly pressured Stephen Herbits, a confidant of their father, to ask Albany County District Attorney David Soares, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, and New Jersey Attorney General Anne Milgram to begin criminal investigations into NXIVM's critics. NXIVM reportedly kept dossiers on Soares, Spitzer, political consultants Roger Stone and Steve Pigeon, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, and Albany Times Union publisher George Randolph Hearst III in a box in the basement of Nancy Salzman's home.[62][63] According to the Times Union, NXIVM «developed a reputation for aggressively pursuing critics and defectors who broke from its ranks, including using litigation to punish critics of Raniere, the organization, or its training methods».[64]

96- The World Ethical Foundations Consortium, an organization co-founded by Raniere and the Bronfman sisters, sponsored a visit to Albany by the Dalai Lama in 2009. The visit was initially canceled by the Dalai Lama owing to negative press about NXIVM,[65] but was rescheduled; the Dalai Lama spoke at Albany's Palace Theatre in May 2009.[66] In 2017, Lama Tenzin Dhonden, the self-styled «Personal Emissary for Peace for the Dalai Lama» who had arranged the appearance, was suspended from his position amid corruption charges; the investigation also revealed a personal relationship between Dhonden and Sara Bronfman, which began in 2009.[67]

95- NXIVM has been described as a pyramid scheme,[68][69][70][40] a sex-trafficking operation,[71] a cult,[72][73][74] and a sex cult.[75] In a 2010 Times Union article, former NXIVM coaches characterized students as «prey» for Raniere's sexual or gambling-related proclivities.[76] Kristin Keeffe, a longtime partner of Raniere and mother of his child, left the group in 2014 and called Raniere «dangerous», saying, «[a]ll the worst things you know about NXIVM are true».[77]

The Knife of Aristotle


El 2014, Raniere va fundar l'organització de notícies afiliada a NXIVM The Knife of Aristotle (La navalla d'Aristòtil),[78] més tard coneguda com The Knife i The Knife Media.[79][80] The Knife of Aristotle es va descriure posteriorment com un lloc web de notícies falses i un culte.[81] L'organització també va contractar periodistes per intentar obtenir el suport dels mitjans i sol·licitar nous membres a NXIVM, així com per formar membres del personal.[81][82][83]

Divulgació de «DOS» i la caiguda de NXIVM


A partir dels informes de Frank Parlato el juny de 2017[84] i reforçats per un article d'octubre de 2017 a The New York Times, van començar a sorgir detalls sobre «DOS», una societat secreta de dones que va començar el 2015 dins de NXIVM en la qual nomès havia dones (suposadament anomenades «esclaves», marcades amb les inicials de Raniere i Mack), sotmeses a càstigs corporals per part de les «mestresses», i obligades a proporcionar fotografies nues o altra informació potencialment perjudicial sobre elles mateixes com a «garantia».[70][85][86][87]

Els representants de les forces de l'ordre han al·legat que les membres de DOS van ser obligades a ser esclaves sexuals.[88]

Comptes dels denunciants


92- Sarah Edmondson, a Canadian actress who had been an ESP participant since 2005, said that she left NXIVM after Mack inducted her into DOS at her Albany home. Edmondson alleged that participants were blindfolded naked, held down by Mack and three other women, and branded with a cauterizing pen by NXIVM-affiliated doctor Danielle Roberts.[70][89][47] Appearing on an A&E television program about cults, Edmondson provided additional context for the use of the «collateral» concept, saying that it was used in innocuous forms from the earliest, outermost stages of NXIVM in order to acclimate victims—for example, collateralizing small amounts of money that one might forfeit if one did not go to the gym one day.[41] The ''New York Times later reported that hundreds of members left NXIVM after Edmondson went public about her experience.[41]

91- On December 15, 2017, the ABC newsmagazine 20/20 aired an exposé including interviews with many former NXIVM adherents, including Edmondson and Catherine Oxenberg, who alleged that her daughter, India Oxenberg, was in danger from the group. Several former members reported financial and sexual predation by NXIVM leaders.[70][86] Edmondson further appeared in «Escaping NXIVM», during the first season of the CBC podcast Uncover.[90]

90- Seven socially prominent Mexican citizens, including Emiliano Salinas (son of former president Carlos Salinas de Gortari) and Ana Cristina Fox (daughter of former president Vicente Fox), Rosa Laura Junco, Loreta Garza Dávila (a business leader from Nuevo Leon), Daniela Padilla, Camila, and Mónica Durán, have been accused of involvement.[91][92]

Detenció de Raniere


89- In March 2018, Raniere was arrested and indicted on charges related to DOS, including sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy, and conspiracy to commit forced labor.[26][93] He was arrested in Mexico and held in custody in New York after appearing in federal court in Fort Worth, Texas.[94] The indictment alleged that at least one woman was coerced into sex with Raniere, who forced DOS members to undergo the branding ritual alleged by Edmondson and others.[95][96] United States Attorney Richard Donoghue stated that Raniere «created a secret society of women whom he had sex with and branded with his initials, coercing them with the threat of releasing their highly personal information and taking their assets».[40]

Acusació de Raniere i co-conspiradors


88- On April 20, 2018, Mack was arrested and indicted on similar charges to Raniere's.[97] According to prosecutors, after she recruited women into first NXIVM and then DOS, Mack was allegedly paid by Raniere to coerce them into engaging in sexual activity with Raniere.[47] Mack was further alleged to be DOS's second-in-command after Raniere.[98][99] On April 24, Mack was released on $5 million bond pending trial and held under house arrest with her parents in California.[100][101] On May 4, Raniere pleaded not guilty.[102]

87- Salzman's home was raided shortly after Raniere's arrest,[40] and prosecutors stated during his arraignment that further arrests and a superseding indictment for Raniere and Mack should be expected.[103][104] In late May, authorities moved to seize two NXIVM-owned properties near Albany.[105]

86- In April 2018, the New York Post reported that NXIVM had moved to Brooklyn, New York, and was being led by Clare Bronfman.[106] On June 12, 2018, the Times Union reported that NXIVM had suspended its operations owing to «extraordinary circumstances facing the company».[107] Bronfman was arrested on July 24 and charged with racketeering. She was released to house arrest after signing a $100 million bail bond. Also arrested and charged with the same crime were NXIVM President Nancy Salzman; her daughter, Lauren Salzman; and another NXIVM employee, Kathy Russell.[108][109]

Advocacions de culpabilitat, corporacions i condemna


85- On March 13, 2019, Nancy Salzman pleaded guilty to a charge of racketeering criminal conspiracy.[110][111][112] She agreed, as nominal owner, not to contest forfeiture of NXIVM-related assets including real estate as well as corporations that owned Keith Raniere and NXIVM's trademark and patent portfolio.

84- The same day as Nancy Salzman's plea, the court unsealed a second (and final) superseding indictment against Raniere and his codefendants, adding the charge that Raniere produced and kept child sexual abuse material of a girl who was 15 at the time.[113]

83- Later in March 2019, Lauren Salzman pleaded guilty to racketeering and racketeering conspiracy; she later testified against Raniere and received leniency.[114][115][116]

82- Sentencing documents for Allison Mack state that she entered proffer sessions on April 2, 2019. The government credited her for providing relevant emails, documents and recordings later used to convict Raniere. On April 8, 2019, Mack pleaded guilty to racketeering and racketeering conspiracy. Though not called to testify against Keith Raniere, prosecutors said that Mack, «was available to testify at Raniere’s trial if requested to do so».[117][118]

81- On April 19, 2019, Bronfman pleaded guilty to charges of harboring an alien and identity fraud; bookkeeper Kathy Russell pleaded guilty to visa fraud.[119]

80- The federal trial of Keith Raniere began on May 7, 2019.[120] On June 19, 2019, the jury convicted him of all counts.[27]

NXIVM després de la condemna de Raniere


79- The assets of NXIVM were held by Nancy Salzman, including several corporate entities and titles to intellectual property. As part of her plea agreement with the government, Salzman did not contest asset forfeiture.

78- Following the conviction of Keith Raniere, members of the defunct organization split, with many speaking out against Raniere and the organization. A small number of NXIVM members continue to support Raniere and protest his innocence.[121] Attorneys for Raniere submitted letters from 56 supporters requesting leniency for Raniere.

Demanda civil contra la direcció de NXIVM


77- In January 2020, Sarah Edmondson became lead plaintiff in a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act civil suit filed in United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York accusing Raniere and 14 associates (including Nancy Salzman, Clare Bronfman, Sara Bronfman, Lauren Salzman, Allison Mack, Kathy Russell, Karen Unterreiner, Brandon Porter, Danielle Roberts, and Nicki Clyne) of conducting illegal psychological experiments on members of the company and abusing them physically, emotionally and financially.[122][123]

Raniere i activitats lleialistes


76- In summer 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic preventing in-person visitation to the Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn, Raniere's remaining followers, including actress Nicki Clyne, began assembling to dance near the jail. Though they initially claimed to be entertaining all of the detainees, they were seen with a sign addressed to «Kay Rose», a name sharing Raniere's initials.[124] The group began calling itself «The Forgotten Ones» and «We Are As You». Former NXIVM member turned prosecution witness Mark Vicente dismissed the group as a «cover movement» to support Raniere.[125][126]

75- While incarcerated, Raniere has maintained his leadership role over NXIVM, regularly communicating with his followers by phone and through TRULINCS email. A July 16, 2020, intelligence analysis memorandum from the Federal Bureau of Prisons' Counter Terrorism Unit states that Raniere instructed his follower Suneel Chakravorty to get more women to dance «erotically» outside of the MDC. In response, authorities at the MDC moved Raniere to another unit to keep the dancers out of his line of sight. A frustrated Raniere instructed his followers to help get him moved back by ingratiating themselves to prison staff, including offering coffee and donuts as they left their shifts.

74- Ahead of his sentencing, prosecutors submitted a number of Raniere's communications and disciplinary issues in prison as evidence of remorselessness and that he continues to control his followers. The communications included Raniere instructing his followers to have Alan Dershowitz, the attorney who successfully negotiated a non-prosecution agreement of the late Jeffrey Epstein, speak on his behalf; Dershowitz did not comment on the matter.[127] Prosecutors also submitted documentation that Raniere and his follower Chakravorty used a false name and «burner phone» to evade detection, with Raniere instructing Chakravorty to «get scrutiny» on Judge Nicholas Garaufis, explaining that «the judge needs to know he's being watched».[128]

Sentència i apel·lacions per a Raniere i Bronfman


73- On September 30, 2020, Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York sentenced Clare Bronfman to six years and nine months in federal prison. The sentence was more severe than those recommended by guidelines, with Garaufis stating that, «Raniere and his adherents appear to understand Ms. Bronfman’s continued loyalty—even after his trial and conviction, during which all the details of his sexual abuse and exploitation became known to the world».

72- Ronald S. Sullivan Jr., attorney for Bronfman, called the sentence «an abomination».[29] Sullivan filed notice of appeal on October 7, 2020. Bronfman only could appeal the sentence, as she forfeited the right to appeal her conviction as part of her plea.

71- Bronfman initially served her sentence in Federal Detention Center, Philadelphia.[129] She is presently imprisoned at Federal Correctional Institution, Danbury.[130]

70- On October 27, 2020, federal judge Nicholas Garaufis sentenced Raniere to a prison term of 120 years in prison and fined him $1.75 million.[37][131] Attorneys for Keith Raniere gave notice of appeal of both his conviction and sentence on November 4, 2020.

69- In January 2021, Raniere was transferred from Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn to begin serving his 120-year sentence. The Federal Bureau of Prisons first transferred him temporarily to United States Penitentiary, Lewisburg, a medium-security penitentiary, followed by a transfer to his permanent prison at United States Penitentiary, Tucson. The facility in Tucson, Arizona is noted as the sole facility in the federal prison system that is both specially-designated for sex offenders and also at maximum-security level.[132][133][134]

68- In a hearing on restitution claims against Raniere, criminal defense attorney Marc Fernich represented Keith Raniere and stated that Bronfman had paid his fee.[129]

67- Oral arguments on both Raniere and Bronfman's appeals were heard before the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit on May 3, 2022.[135] On December 9, 2022, the federal appeals court upheld the convictions and sentences for Keith Raniere and Clare Bronfman.[136][137]

Cas de difamació Marc Elliot contra Lions Gate Entertainment


66- In 2021, Raniere supporter Marc Elliot filed a lawsuit against Lions Gate Entertainment in the United States District Court for the Central District of California, alleging that he was libelled and defamed by the Starz network documentary Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult.[138] Joseph Tully, the attorney who represented Elliot, also represented Raniere in his appeals.[139] The court dismissed the lawsuit and ordered Elliot to pay Lions Gate Entertainment's attorneys' fees and costs, finding that the documentary «implied that Plaintiff was a devoted member of an organization whose leader has been implicated in a range of serious sexual crimes, but this assertion – however unflattering – is substantially true».

Cas de la presó Raniere contra Garland


65- In May 2022, Keith Raniere sued the U.S. Department of Justice and Bureau of Prisons, alleging violation of his civil rights. Raniere sought an injunction allowing visitation and phone calls from follower Suneel Chakravorty, who he claims is a paralegal working on his appeals.[140] The Department of Justice, Bureau of Prisons and authorities at USP Tucson argued the injunction should be denied because Chakravorty was not a paralegal but merely «an ardent former ESP and NXIVM coach with whom [Raniere] is banned from associating».

64- Judge Raner Collins granted the Department of Justice's motion to dismiss the suit on grounds that Raniere failed to exhaust administrative remedies (in line with the Prison Litigation Reform Act), and his lawyer's insufficient service of process.

Culte a la personalitat de Keith Raniere


62- NXIVM has been described as a cult and Raniere a cult leader by anti-cult activists such as Rick Alan Ross and Steven Hassan, as well as the billionaire businessman Edgar Bronfman Sr.[141][142][10] Stephen A. Kent, a sociologist who studies new religious movements, in an article comparing NXIVM to Scientology, noted NXIVM operated mainly as a business and never incorporated as a religious organization.[143]

Afirmacions hagiogràfiques


62- Over the decades, NXIVM emphasized Raniere's specialness through hagiography. A complaint from a 2020 lawsuit by former members of NXIVM recapitulated several fantastical claims made in marketing materials about Raniere. These claims included that Raniere spoke in complete sentences as a one-year-old, mastered college-level mathematics in grade school, and was an elite athlete who won judo and track tournaments.

61- Raniere frequently cited having three degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. However, he graduated with a 2.26 GPA, having failed or barely passed many of the upper-level math and science classes he bragged about.[144]

60- Every August, NXIVM members would gather in Silver Bay, New York, to celebrate Raniere's birthday, known as «Vanguard Week», which began as a single day and eventually expanded to 11 days. The event included «tribute ceremonies» to Raniere by NXIVM members.[145]

59- According to former high-ranking members of NXIVM, Raniere's word was final within NXIVM, and nothing of import happened within NXIVM without Raniere's approval. NXIVM students were taught that Raniere was the smartest and most ethical man in the world.

Afirmacions de l'intel·lecte superior i els poders sexuals de Raniere


58- Well before co-founding NXIVM, Keith Raniere made fantastical claims about his intelligence. In June 1988, the Times Union profiled Raniere, reporting on his membership in the Mega Society after he achieved a high score on founder Ronald K. Hoeflin's MEGA test, an unsupervised, 48-question test published in the April 1985 issue of Omni magazine.[146][147] Although the MEGA test has been widely criticized as not having been properly validated, the 1989 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records (the last to include a category for highest IQ[148]) described the Hoeflin Research Group as «the most exclusive ultrahigh IQ society», and the 1989 Australian edition identified Raniere, Marilyn vos Savant, and Eric Hart as the highest-scoring members of the group.[149][150][151][152]

57- The 2003 Forbes exposé of NXIVM and Raniere showed that Raniere continued to make the claim of being the world's most intelligent man, with the addition of being «the most ethical».[48] By the time of a 2012 Times Union article, these claims had extended to Raniere convincing some in NXIVM that «his intellectual energy sets off radar detectors».[45]

56- At Raniere's trial, testimony revealed that Raniere had convinced several girls and women that sex with him could heal their purported «disintegrations», and that his semen had supernatural qualities.[153] Raniere instructed one sexual partner to seek out a virgin because he needed a «pure vessel» for reasons «energy-related and DNA-wise».

Les creences i pràctiques de NXIVM


55- In a 2003 mission statement on the NXIVM website:[154]

« NXIVM embodies a set of consistent and universal principles in which all humans can participate. These principles - apart from any mystical or religious notions - allow for life to persist and uphold a diversity of beliefs. By creating a new understanding, we can actualize our potential to live and work together and consequently bring human existence to a whole new level. Yet this cannot be done without first raising human awareness, fostering an ethical humanitarianism, and celebrating what it truly means to be human - and this is our mission. »

54- In a transcript and audio of Clare Bronfman's testimony in a bankruptcy proceeding, Bronfman described the organization as a part of the Human Potential Movement.


Els ensenyaments de NXIVM es van inspirar en diverses influències, com Ayn Rand («paràsits»), L. Ron Hubbard («supressors»), la hipnosi de Milton Erickson, la ciència ficció d'Isaac Asimov, Rudolf Steiner i Tony Robbins, i la programació neurolingüística.[155][156][157] NXIVM va incorporar elements de màrqueting multinivell i pràctiques de judo, amb tela de colors per al rang i la reverència.[158]

53- The oldest program of NXIVM, Executive Success Programs, had students recite a «Twelve-point Mission Statement», pledging to «purge» themselves «of all parasite and envy-based habits», to enroll others, and to «ethically control as much of the money, wealth and resources of the world as possible within my success plan». The Mission Statement also labeled students who shared Executive Success Programs materials as «breaking a promise and breaching my contract», and compromising «inner honesty and integrity».[159][160]

52- The doctrine of the NXIVM organization, «Rational Inquiry method», was treated as Raniere's scientific invention and submitted to multiple patent offices.

51- NXIVM taught that some people, called «Suppressives», try to impede progress within NXIVM.[161] People who irrevocably turned against Raniere were said to have undergone «The Fall» and were labeled, in the words of a former member, as «Luciferians, lost people for whom bad feels good, and good feels bad».[162] Some members of NXIVM's inner circle were reportedly taught that, in past lives, they were high-ranking Nazis.[163]

Classes i programes


50- NXIVM conducted «Intensives», classes conducted for 12 hours daily for 16 days. One cited price was $7,500.[164][6] Classes were divided into modules. In one module, «Relationship Sourcing», students were instructed to explore the benefits they would receive in the event of a partner's sudden death. Another module, «Dracula and his ghouls», reportedly discussed psychopaths and their followers. Other module titles included «Best People; Perfect World» and «The Heroic Struggle».[165]

49- NXIVM has been associated with several related organizations. Jness was a society aimed at women, while the Society of Protectors was aimed primarily at men.[166] A third group was known by the acronym DOS, short for «Dominus Obsequious Sororium», which, according to one member, means «master over slave women».[167] In 2006, Raniere founded Rainbow Cultural Garden, an international chain of childcare organizations in which children were to be exposed to seven different languages.[168]

Rituals i pràctiques


48- Classes by NXIVM had a number of idiosyncratic practices, described within the Rational Inquiry patent as «rules and rituals» and third-party sources as including:

47- * Rules and rituals: Rational Inquiry prescribes students to perform a number of gestures including a handshake, bowing, and handclap. Greetings included both a common handshake and an «ESP» or «NXIVM» handshake.[169] In the second episode of The Vow Raniere suggests these elements are intentionally strange, telling his students, «We put rules and rituals up front to be the guardian at the gate. We want some people to say 'I don't want anything to do with this».

46- * Stripe path: Sashes or scarves were implemented in a ranking system similar to colored belts in martial arts.[170] The sashes or scarves came in different colors and patterns symbolizing contribution to the Executive Success mission.[170]

45- * Tribute: The Rational Inquiry patent indicates that «pictures of the founders may be displayed to show respect and to give tribute». Classes ended with students expressing gratitude to Keith Raniere (as «Vanguard») and Nancy Salzman (as «Prefect»).[170]

44- * Exploration of Meaning (EM's): Described as «therapy by number», the «exploration of meaning» involved a senior member questioning participants as they delved into their childhood memories.[166]

Afirmacions del tractament de la síndrome de Tourette


43- A 2018 documentary film directed by Alessandro Molatore showcases a purported study of the use of NXIVM's exploration of meaning technique to treat Tourette syndrome. The film is executive produced by Clare Bronfman. The film identifies the Tourette's study's «lead researcher» as Dr. Brandon Porter, at the time a hospitalist at St. Peter's Hospital in Albany.[171][172][173]

42- In the sentencing of Clare Bronfman, prosecutors from the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York wrote, «the participants in this 'study' have expressed significant distress at their involvement» and offered one victim impact statement from a Tourette's study's participant that said the study «did nothing for me except ruin my self-esteem, ruin my mental health, and made me hate myself. It did not cure my Tourette’s in any way».

41- The purported treatment for Tourette syndrome was noted by one reporter as not having been tested in a scientific peer-reviewed setting.[174] Another reporter reached out to NXIVM member Marc Elliot, who promotes both the purported treatment and film, and did not receive a reply.[175] Dr. Alan Jern, Associate Professor of Psychology at Rose–Hulman Institute of Technology, wrote in Psychology Today that «despite NXIVM’s obsession with being taken seriously by influential people and mainstream institutions, their penchant for secrecy and refusal to follow the norms of science means that their research was scientifically pretty worthless».[176]

Experimentació amb subjectes humans


Un altre suposat estudi que Porter va dur a terme a la comunitat NXIVM es va descriure com fer mirar a gent imatges inquietants, inclòs vídeos de persones assassinades, mentre les seves ones cerebrals, l'activitat fisiològica i les respostes facials i auditives es van registrar mitjançant electroencefalografia, resposta galvànica de la pell i gravació de vídeo.[162][177]

El suposat estudi és similar a una patent presentada per Raniere, «Determinació de si un lluciferià pot ser rehabilitat»:

« Un exemple d'una prova per determinar si una persona és un lluciferià consta d'un videoclip d'un patinador sobre gel actuant en una competició. Tot va perfectament fins que, al final, es comet un error durant un salt i el patinador cau al gel; tota esperança de guanyar l'esdeveniment ha desaparegut. Un lluciferià experimentarà plaer i satisfacció amb això. En conseqüència, els processos neurofisiològics del lluciferià registraran plaer per la desgràcia del patinador que es podrà identificar i quantificar mitjançant la instrumentació mèdica. D'altra banda, un no-lluciferià se sentirà simpàtic i empatitzarà amb el desafortunat patinador. A diferència del lluciferià, els processos neurofisiològics d'un no-lluciferià no es registraran com a plaer per a aquest estímul. »

Diversos subjectes es van queixar a la Junta de l'Estat de Nova York de l'Oficina de Conducta Mèdica Professional dels experiments. Porter es va enfrontar a 24 càrrecs de conducta professional, inclosa «incapacitat moral per exercir la medicina».[178] L'agost de 2019, el Departament de Salut de l'Estat de Nova York va suspendre la llicència de Porter per exercir la medicina a l'estat, trobant que va realitzar estudis sense un comitè de revisió de la investigació humana adequat.[172][179]

Participants destacats de NXIVM

Clare Bronfman
  • Edgar Boone, descendent d'una família acomodada, va presentar NXIVM a nombrosos mexicans rics, convertint-se en cap de NXIVM-Mèxic i ocupant el tercer lloc de l'organització NXIVM.[180][181][182]
  • Clare Bronfman, filla del multimilionari president de Seagrams, Edgar Bronfman Sr., va ser presentada a NXIVM per la seva germana Sara. Clare Bronfman va ser arrestada per agents federals el 24 de juliol de 2018 a la ciutat de Nova York i acusada de blanqueig de diners i robatori d'identitat en relació amb les activitats de NXIVM. Es va declarar no culpable al Tribunal de Districte dels Estats Units per al Districte Est de Nova York a Brooklyn. Va ser alliberada amb una fiança de 100 milions de dòlars i va ser posada en arrest domiciliari amb turmellera electrònica.[183] El 19 d'abril de 2019, Clare Bronfman es va declarar culpable de conspiració per ocultar i acollir estrangers il·legals per obtenir guanys financers i ús fraudulent de la identificació; s'enfrontava a 21 a 27 mesos de presó i va acceptar pagar 6 milions de dòlars.[173][184][185][186] El 30 de setembre de 2020 va ser condemnada a sis anys i nou mesos de presó per un jutge federal.[29]
  • Sara Bronfman, filla d'Edgar Bronfman Sr., va ser presentada a NXIVM per un amic de la família el 2002.[163]
  • Pam Cafritz,[6][187] de Washington, D.C., era filla dels socialité Buffy i William Cafritz.[188] Cafritz va ser fundadora de JNESS, un grup de dones afiliat a Raniere. Es va informar que Cafritz era la «núvia més important a llarg termini» de Raniere.[6] El 7 de novembre de 2016 va morir Pam Cafritz. Després de la seva mort, la seva targeta de crèdit es va carregar amb més de 300.000 dòlars.[189]
  • Suneel Chakravorty, un desenvolupador de programari, va romandre entre els seguidors de Raniere després de la condemna que ballaven fora de la presó on està tancat Raniere.[127][128][190]
L'actriu canadenca Nicki Clyne segueix fidel a Raniere
  • Nicki Clyne és una actriu canadenca coneguda pel seu paper a la sèrie Battlestar Galactica (2004). Segons els informes, el 2006, Clyne es va involucrar amb NXIVM. Es va casar amb la membre sènior Allison Mack el 2017; es va suposar que el matrimoni va ser una farsa per evadir les lleis d'immigració dels Estats Units d'Amèrica. Després de la condemna de Raniere, Clyne i altres van començar a ballar cada nit fora del centre de detenció on estava empresonat Raniere.[191]
  • Marc Elliot, un autor, afirma que fer cursos a través de NXIVM i treballar amb Keith Raniere i Nancy Salzman l'han ajudat a superar la seva síndrome de Tourette. Es troba entre els membres de NXIVM que segueixen sent lleials a Raniere.
  • Allison Mack és una actriu estatunidenca coneguda pel seu paper a la sèrie Smallville. Mack va ser reclutada al capítol de Vancouver de NXIVM, juntament amb la seva coprotagonista de Smallville Kristin Kreuk. Mack va ser un fundadora de DOS, un grup Amo/Esclau afiliat a Raniere. Mack va ser arrestada el 20 d'abril de 2018 per càrrecs de tràfic sexual, associació il·lícita de tràfic sexual i associació il·lícita de treball forçat. Mack es va declarar culpable dels càrrecs d'associació il·lícita i d'activitats criminals organitzades l'abril de 2019, i havia de ser condemnada el setembre de 2019. No obstant això, el 15 de juliol de 2019, el jutge de districte superior dels Estats Units d'Amèrica, Nicholas Garaufis, va ajornar la sentència fins a nou avís per permetre que els funcionaris federals de llibertat condicional poguessin dur a terme les investigacions.[192] El 30 de juny de 2021, Mack va ser condemnada a tres anys de presó.
  • Brandon Porter, metge, va dur a terme investigacions sense llicència sobre subjectes humans en 200 persones per a NXIVM. Durant un «estudi de por», Porter va exposar els subjectes a vídeos inquietants, incloses imatges reals d'una decapitació.[193] El 2016, Porter va estar present en un retir de la NXIVM (V-Week) on entre 300 i 400 persones van ser afectades per una malaltia no identificada; Porter no va informar del brot, en violació de les seves obligacions com a metge amb llicència.[193] Porter va perdre la seva llicència mèdica el 2020.[193][194][195]
L'actriu estatunidenca Allison Mack es va declarar culpable dels càrrecs de conspiració i extorsió a l'abril del 2019

Antics membres fonamentals

  • Barbara Bouchey era clienta de Nancy Salzman, després d'haver estat referida a ella el 1988. A partir de l'any 2000, Bouchey va sortir amb Raniere. El 2009, Bouchey i vuit dones més (The NXIVM Nine) van enfrontar Raniere amb les preocupacions sobre els abusos dins de l'organització. Aquell any, Bouchey va abandonar el grup i més tard va passar a les forces de l'ordre.[205]
  • Sarah Edmondson és una actriu canadenca. Després de deixar NXIVM a principis de 2017 va denunciar públicament l'organització, al·legant que va ser convidada a DOS, una subestructura dins de NXIVM operada per Keith Raniere i Allison Mack, i que va ser marcada amb una combinació de les inicials de Raniere i Mack a casa de Mack a Albany.[86][70][206] Edmondson va mostrar la marca en una exposició del New York Times de NXIVM.[70]
  • Kristin Keeffe es va convertir en la parella de Raniere a principis de la dècada del 1990. El 2013, Keeffe va donar a llum el fill de Raniere, Gaelyn.[207] El febrer de 2014, Keeffe va trencar amb Raniere i el seu grup. Fugint de la regió amb el seu fill, un correu electrònic amb el nom de Keeffe explicava: «Tinc la custòdia legal exclusiva de Gaelyn. Keith estava experimentant amb ell. Vaig haver d'allunyar Gaelyn».[77] Keeffe va descriure públicament Raniere com a «perillós».[77] El 2015, Keeffe va al·legar que els líders de NXIVM havien planejat atraure els crítics a Mèxic amb una invitació a una conferència anti-cultes; un cop a Mèxic, els crítics havien de ser detinguts per càrrecs falsos per ordre d'un jutge que havia estat subornat.[208][209][210][211]
  • Toni Natalie va conèixer Raniere el 1991 quan presentava el seu negoci Consumer's Buyline.[212] Natalie i el seu marit d'aleshores es van convertir en els més venuts de l'organització.[212] Natalie va recordar que va poder deixar de fumar després d'una sessió de dues hores amb Raniere.[212] Natalie i el seu fill es van traslladar més tard per estar a prop de Raniere; el seu matrimoni va acabar poc després. Natalie i Raniere van sortir junts com a parella durant els vuit anys següents. [212]A mitjans de la dècada del 1990, Raniere i Natalie operaven una botiga d'aliments saludables a Clifton Park, Nova York.[48] El 1999, la relació de vuit anys de Raniere amb Natalie va acabar. Posteriorment, Natalie afirmaria haver estat víctima d'assetjament. En una sentència de gener de 2003, el jutge federal Robert Littlefield va donar a entendre que Raniere estava utilitzant una demanda legal per assetjar Natalie. Littlefield va escriure: «Aquest assumpte fa olor a l'intent de venjança o represàlia d'un company abandonat contra la seva antiga xicota, amb molts intents de trobar-se al llarg del camí».[212] El 2011, Natalie va presentar documents al tribunal federal al·legant que havia estat violada repetidament per Raniere.[212]
  • Joseph J. O'Hara va ser un advocat que va abandonar NXIVM el 2005 després d'acusar el grup de delictes. El 2007, O'Hara va ser acusat pel comtat d'Albany. Més tard es va revelar que el fiscal del districte havia permès que la xicota de Raniere, Kristin Keeffe, treballès a la seva oficina com una mena d'advocada de les víctimes.[213] Els càrrecs van ser finalment desestimats.
  • India Oxenberg, filla de l'actriu Catherine Oxenberg, va ser presentada al grup el 2011.[214] En el judici de Raniere, un testimoni va declarar que India havia passat un any amb una dieta de 500 calories per dia.[215] El maig de 2017, India va admetre a la seva mare que estava entre les que havien estat marcades.[216] India va abandonar el grup el juny de 2018, després de la detenció de Raniere.[217] L'agost de 2018 es va publicar el llibre de Catherine Oxenberg Captive: A Mother's Crusade to Save Her Daughter from a Terrifying Cult.[218][219]
  • Mark Vicente, un cineasta conegut per la pel·lícula de 2004 What the Bleep Do We Know!?, va començar a implicar-se amb el grup l'any 2005. Vicente va declarar contra Raniere al seu judici de 2019.[220]

Periodistes i bloguers

  • James Odato és un periodista d'investigació que va escriure per a l'Albany Times Union. El 2012, Odato va informar de la història de pedofília de Raniere. L'octubre de 2013, Odato va ser nomenat en una demanda presentada per NXIVM, juntament amb Suzanna Andrews de Vanity Fair i el bloguer John J. Tighe; tots havien escrit críticament sobre el grup.[221] La demanda al·legava que s'havia accedit il·legalment als ordinadors de NXIVM. Poc després, Odato va ser «donat de baixa» del Times Union.[221] Després de la sentència de Keith Raniere el 2020, el consell editorial del New York Daily News va elogiar el treball d'Odato exposant NXIVM per la seva presciència, fent el pas inusual de lloar el treball publicat per un competidor.[222]
  • Frank Parlato va ser contractat per NXIVM el 2007 per ajudar amb la publicitat. Després de concloure que els membres de NXIVM estaven sent estafats per Raniere, Parlato va començar a escriure sobre el grup a les seves pàgines web ArtVoice, The Niagara Falls Reporter i The Frank Report.[204][223]
  • Rick Alan Ross és el director executiu de l'Institut Ross, especialitzat en l'estudi de cultes. Ross va rebre una còpia d'un manual de formació de NXIVM i en va publicar parts a la seva pàgina web. A NXIVM Corp. contra Ross Institute, NXIVM va demandar per intentar bloquejar més publicacions. Els tribunals van donar la raó a Ross.
  • John Tighe va escriure sobre NXIVM en un blog.[224] El 2013, NXIVM va acusar Tighe d'accedir il·legalment als servidors de NXIVM mitjançant la informació d'inici de sessió d'un antic membre. La casa de Tighe va ser registrada per la policia de l'estat de Nova York i el seu ordinador va ser confiscat.[225]


  • A&E Investigates: Cults and Extreme Belief va emetre el seu primer episodi d'1 hora, «NXIVM», amb entrevistes dels antics membres Sarah Edmondson i Mark Vicente, el 28 de maig de 2018.[226]
  • Investigation Discovery va llançar un especial de dues hores, The Lost Women of NXIVM el 20 de juny de 2019.[227]
  • HBO va llançar una sèrie-documental sobre NXIVM titulada The Vow; es va estrenar el 23 d'agost de 2020.[228][229]
  • Starz va publicar una sèrie-documental sobre NXIVM titulada Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult; es va estrenar el 18 d'octubre de 2020.[230][231]
  • NXIVM va ser el tema d'un episodi E! True Hollywood Story que inclou entrevistes de diversos periodistes i persones que alguna vegada van estar involucrades amb l'organització, com Catherine Oxenberg, Sarah Edmondson i l'actor i amic real d'Oxenberg, Callum Blue.
  • CNBC va emetre un episodi d'American Greed titulat «Nightmare at NXIVM» el 25 de gener de 2021.[232]
  • NBC va emetre un especial dataline el 26 de febrer de 2021, amb una entrevista amb Keith Raniere.[233]


  • La Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) va publicar un podcast el 2018 sobre NXIVM com a part de la temporada 1 de la sèrie de la CBC Uncover.
  • NBC va emetre Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Temporada 20, Episodi 5 titulat Accredo basat en els detalls d'aquest culte. L'episodi es va emetre el 18 d'octubre de 2018.
  • Catherine Oxenberg va produir una pel·lícula per Lifetime sobre les experiències de la seva filla amb NXIVM.[234][235] Es titula Escaping the NXIVM Cult: A Mother's Fight to Save Her Daughter i es va emetre el 21 de setembre de 2019. Mentre que Catherine Oxenberg va fer de narradora i productora executiva, la pel·lícula va protagonitzar Andrea Roth com Catherine Oxenberg, Peter Facinelli com Keith Raniere i Sara Fletcher com Allison Mack.[236]
  • India Oxenberg va escriure i narrar un llibre de memòries d'àudio, Still Learning, sobre el seu temps a NXIVM i la seva fugida.[237]
  • El programa Outlook de la BBC World Service va emetre una sèrie de quatre parts sobre NXIVM al maig i juny del 2021.[238]


  1. «IP Details» (en anglès). ONSCOPE.
  2. 2,0 2,1 «NXIVM Leader Keith Raniere Sentenced to 120 Years in Prison for Racketeering and Sex Trafficking Offenses» (en anglès). Department of Justice, 27-10-2020.
  3. «What Is NXIVM?» (en anglès). NXIVM.
  4. Gavin, 2020.
  5. «How NXIVM Rippled Through Vancouver Actors' Friend Networks» (en anglès). Vice, 12-09-2018.
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 Grigoriadis, 2018.
  7. Harnish, Amelia. «How NXIVM Brainwashed My Brother» (en anglès). Refinery 29. «NXIVM (que és com una empresa matriu de totes aquestes entitats separades) va oferir múltiples vies per a l'autoconeixement: l'ESP segueix sent el més gran i sovint és el punt d'entrada per a la majoria de la gent. Però també hi ha Jness, per a dones; Society of Protectors o SOP per a homes, tots dos per ensenyar les idees regressives de Raniere sobre el gènere. Hi ha The Source per a actors, The Knife Media, Rainbow Cultural Garden per a nens, el programa de la Universitat i, per descomptat, hi ha DOS. Tots aquests diversos currículums tenen les seves arrels en el mètode de Raniere conegut com a Indagació Racional».
  8. Kranc, 2021.
  9. Schwartz, 2020.
  10. 10,0 10,1 Harnish, 2019.
  11. «Cult of Personality» (en anglès). Forbes.
  12. «A Critical Analysis of the Executive Success Programs Inc.» (en anglès). CMU.
  13. Gish, 2012.
  14. 14,0 14,1 14,2 14,3 Andrews, 2010.
  15. Meier, 2007.
  16. «Founder Of "NXIVM", a Purported Self-Help Organization, and Five Others Charged in Superseding Indictment with Racketeering Conspiracy» (en anglès). Department of Justice, 24-07-2018.
  17. Burton, 2018.
  18. Dickson, 2019b.
  19. Campbell, Jon «NXIVM co-founder Nancy Salzman pleads guilty in case of alleged cult» (en anglès). Democrat & Chronicle.
  20. «NXIVM: Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman pleads guilty in 'sex cult' case» (en anglès). BBC News, 20-04-2019.
  21. «Woman implicated in NXIVM sex slave case pleads guilty» (en anglès). CBS News, 29-03-2019.
  22. Moynihan i Gold, 2019.
  23. Saul i Brown, 2019.
  24. Arnold, 2019.
  25. Shea, Courtney. «How Nxivm Targeted Women» (en anglès). Chatelaine, 08-02-2019.
  26. 26,0 26,1 26,2 «Leader of NY Group Branded Women, Made Them Sex Slaves: Feds» (en anglès). NBC 4 New York]]. Associated Press, 26-03-2018.
  27. 27,0 27,1 Moynihn, 2019.
  28. Thebault, 2019.
  29. 29,0 29,1 29,2 Hong, 2020.
  30. Hays, 2021.
  31. Blistein, 2021.
  32. «NXIVM's bookkeeper avoids jail time in sentencing» (en anglès). WNYT (News Channel 13), 06-10-2021.
  33. Moynihan, 2021.
  34. Whiting, 2020.
  35. «The Government's Sentencing Memorandum: As to Defendant Keith Raniere» (PDF) (en anglès). WNYT (TV), 2017.
  36. «'The Vow' Star Mark Vicente on the 'Horror' of NXIVM» (en anglès). Hollywood Reporter, setembre 2020.
  37. 37,0 37,1 37,2 Hong i Piccoli, 2020.
  38. Odato, 2012.
  39. 39,0 39,1 39,2 Bloch, Josh; Goldhar, Kathleen; Elash, Anita; Pizer, Dave «Escaping NXIVM: Inside the secretive world of leader Keith Raniere» (en anglès). Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).
  40. 40,0 40,1 40,2 40,3 40,4 «Who is Keith Raniere? Self-help guru accused of sex trafficking» (en anglès). News Week, 28 arç 2018.
  41. 41,0 41,1 41,2 41,3 41,4 41,5 41,6 «The 'Sex Cult' That Preached Empowerment» (en anglès). The New York Times, 30-05-2018.
  42. «A&E Cults and Extreme Belief (S1E1)» (en anglès). AETV.
  43. Edmonson i Gasbarre, 2019, p. 25.
  44. «Mark: NXIVM, U.S. Serial Number: 78109670» (en anglès). Trademark Status & Document Retrieval, 19-02-2002.
  45. 45,0 45,1 Odato i Gish, 2012.
  46. Barcella, 2017.
  47. 47,0 47,1 47,2 47,3 47,4 «Her Darkest Role: Actress Allison Mack's Descent From 'Smallville' to Sex Cult» (en anglès). The Hollywood Reporter, 16-05-2018.
  48. 48,0 48,1 48,2 48,3 48,4 48,5 Freedman, 2003.
  49. «This Keith Raniere Sex-Cult Story Is Much Deeper Than Allison Mack's Arrest» (en anglès). Vanity Fair, 20-04-2018.
  50. «A Top NXIVM Sex Cult Recruiter Comes Forward, Says Founder 'Messed With the Wrong Person'» (en anglès). The Daily Beast], 26-03-2018.
  51. 51,0 51,1 51,2 Köler, 2010.
  52. «A Forensic Psychiatrist Evaluates ESP» (en anglès). Cult Education Institute, febrer 2003.
  53. «A Critical Analysis of the Executive Success Programs Inc.» (en anglès). Cult Education Institute, febrer 2003.
  54. «Robert Jay Lifton's eight criteria of thought reform as applied to the Executive Success Programs» (en anglès). Cult Education Institute, febrer 2003.
  55. 55,0 55,1 «NXIVM Corp. v. Ross» (en anglès). Citizen Media Law Company.
  56. Copyright. Keyed to Keyed to Course Using Gorman and Ginsburg's Copyright: Cases and Materials Seventh Edition (en anglès). Wolters Kluwer, 2007, p. 95-96 (Casenote Legal Briefs). ISBN 978-0-735-56176-2. 
  57. Meiners, Ringleb i Edwards, 2006, p. 230.
  58. «NXIVM Corp. v. Ross Institute ;F.3d, 471, 2d Cir.» (en anglès). Justia, 2004.
  59. Berman et al., Blakeley.
  60. Vardi, 2010.
  61. «'Smallville' Actress Kristin Kreuk 'Horrified and Disgusted' by Nxivm Cult She Left» (en anglès). The Daily Beast, 30-03-2018.
  62. Gavin, 2019.
  63. Gavin, 2019b.
  64. Lyons, 2018.
  65. Ettkin, 2009.
  66. Caprood, 2009.
  67. «Suspended Lama Tenzin Dhonden Had A Lover Too!» (en anglès). Tibetan Journal, 01-11-2017.
  68. Odato, 2011.
  69. «The Only (Alleged) Sex-Slave Cult Story You Need to Understand: Kirsten Gillibrand's Weakness as a 2020 Candidate» (en anglès). Slate, març 2018.
  70. 70,0 70,1 70,2 70,3 70,4 70,5 70,6 Meier, 2017.
  71. «Associate pleads guilty in 'sex cult' case» (en anglès). BBC, 13-03-2019.
  72. Cohan, 2014.
  73. «Bronfman, Russell plead guilty in NXIVM case» (en anglès). Times Union, 19-04-2019.
  74. «Members of alleged sex cult NXIVM appear in federal court» (en anglès). ABC News.
  75. «Heiress among four arrested in 'sex cult'» (en anglès). BBC, 25-07-2018.
  76. Odato, 2010b.
  77. 77,0 77,1 77,2 Odato, 2014.
  78. Hong, 2020b.
  79. Dellinger, 2018.
  80. Dessem, 2018.
  81. 81,0 81,1 Wilbur, 2017.
  82. Spozio, 2018.
  83. Von Aue, 2018.
  84. «Part 1 The Slave Women of DOS – Revealed» (en anglès). Frank Report, 13-06-2017.
  85. «The Founder of NXIVM, a Purported Self-Help Organization Based in Albany, N.Y., Arrested for Sex Trafficking and Forced Labor Conspiracy» (en anglès). Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of New York, 26-03-2018.
  86. 86,0 86,1 86,2 «Former NXIVM member says she was invited into a secret sorority, then branded» (en anglès). ABC News, 16-12-2017.
  87. 87,0 87,1 Barcella, 2018.
  88. «What is NXIVM?» (en anglès). News Week, 27-03-2018.
  89. 89,0 89,1 «Vancouver woman says scars from ritual 'branding' fuel her fight against 'cultish' group» (en anglès). Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), 27-10-2017.
  90. «Escaping NXIVM» (en anglès). Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), 05-09-2018.
  91. «¿Quiénes son los mexicanos involucrados con la secta NXIVM?» (en castellà). El Sol de Mexico, 26-05-2019.
  92. «Revelan video de Emiliano Salinas bailando en celebración a Keith Raniere» (en castellà). Proceso Magazine.
  93. 93,0 93,1 Siemaszko, 2018.
  94. «Leader of alleged cult that ensnared Vancouver woman appears in court» (en anglès). Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBS), 27-03-2018.
  95. Swenson, 2018.
  96. «NXIVM female sex 'slaves' allegedly branded with secretive group leader's initials» (en anglès). CBS News, 27-03-2018.
  97. «Smallville Actress Arrested for Role in Alleged Sex Cult that Branded and Enslaved Women» (en anglès). Time, 20-04-2018.
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  99. Helmore, 2018.
  100. «Allison Mack of 'Smallville' granted bail in sex cult case» (en anglès). CBS News, 24-04-2018.
  101. Gonzalez, 2018.
  102. «Self-help guru denies enslaving, branding women in sex cult» (en anglès). NBC News, 04-05-2018.
  103. «Raniere, Mack appear in court on sex-slavery charges» (en anglès). Albany Times Union, 04-05-2018.
  104. «Trial date set for Keith Raniere and Allison Mack» (en anglès). Albany News 10, 04-05-2018.
  105. «Foreclosure Complaint Reveals NXIVM Sex Cult Rituals In Upstate New York» (en anglès). CBS Local (New York), 24-05-2018.
  106. Italiano, 2018.
  107. Hughes, 2018.
  108. «Clare Bronfman, Seagram's heiress, arrested in Nxivm sex-trafficking case» (en anglès). Global News.
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