Interviews & Commentary

  • New Energy Geopolitics: Global Transition, Clean Tech Arms Race, or Trade Wars?

    The geopolitical landscape is more turbulent than ever in a world marked by rapid changes in energy policies and technologies. The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 2023 World Energy Outlook highlights significant shifts in global energy systems driven by geopolitical tensions, fragile energy markets, and rapid advancements in clean technology. Clean energy adoption is accelerating, with

  • Harry Kazianis Speaks on Fox Business

    A fight between China and the U.S. would be ‘the epic struggle of our time.’ Senior Director of National Security Affairs Harry Kazianis spoke with Fox Business’ Neil Cavuto to discuss his latest piece in the New York Post, addressing the increasing threat to the U.S. from China’s military and technology capabilities. Watch the interview

  • Podcast: Henry Kissinger and His World

    Henry Kissinger and His World | Henry Kissinger became the bête noire of the American right and left during and after the Vietnam War era for pursuing what critics decried as amoral realpolitik. On the event of his passing at age 100, what is Kissinger’s legacy for U.S. foreign policy? On this episode, Jacob

  • CFTNI Launches its “Unobstructed Views” Web Series

    On January 28, 2021, the Center for the National Interest began a new video series entitled “Unobstructed Views” which will run on the organization’s YouTube channel. This series of short videos will feature prominent foreign policy experts (including several analysts affiliated with the Center) discussing current topics in international affairs. “Unobstructed Views” seeks to provide

  • The Long-Lasting Impact of the Russian Revolution

    On November 8, Dimitri K. Simes, president and CEO of the Center for the National Interest, was interviewed by Fox News’ James Rosen about the 100th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution.
