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Competition and Relationship Lending: Friends or Foes?. (2009). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Presbitero, Andrea.
In: Mo.Fi.R. Working Papers.

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  1. Bank Competition, Cost of Credit and Economic Activity: evidence from Brazil. (2019). Van Doornik, Bernardus ; Joaquim, Gustavo.
    In: Working Papers Series.

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  2. The Benefits of Relationship Lending in a Cross-Country Context: A Meta-Analysis. (2016). Kysucky, Vlado ; Norden, Lars.
    In: Management Science.

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  3. The asymmetric burden of regulation: will local banks survive?. (2016). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Zaidi, Asghar ; Papi, Luca ; Fratianni, Michele ; Alessandrini, Pietro.
    In: Mo.Fi.R. Working Papers.

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  4. The Impact of Local Knowledge on Banking. (2015). Knopf, John ; Bird, Robert.
    In: Journal of Financial Services Research.

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  5. Relationship Lending and Credit Quality. (2014). Fiordelisi, Franco ; Monferra, Stefano ; Sampagnaro, Gabriele.
    In: Journal of Financial Services Research.

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  6. Gender differences in bank loan access.. (2012). GIOMBINI, GERMANA ; Calcagnini, Giorgio ; Lenti, Elisa .
    In: Working Papers.

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  7. Relacje firm z bankami w Polsce w świetle danych ze sprawozdawczości bankowej. (2012). Rogowski, Wojciech ; Pawłowska, Małgorzata.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  8. Do Firm-Bank ``Odd Couples Exacerbate Credit Rationing?. (2012). Murro, Pierluigi ; Ferri, Giovanni.
    In: Working Papers CASMEF.

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  9. The Home Bias and the Credit Crunch: A Regional Perspective. (2012). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Udell, Gregory ; Presbitero, Andrea.
    In: Mo.Fi.R. Working Papers.

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  10. Small and Medium Enterprise Financing in Transition Economies. (2011). Barth, James.
    In: Atlantic Economic Journal.

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  11. Global warming and extreme events: Rethinking the timing and intensity of environment policy. (2010). Funke, Michael ; Chen, Yu-Fu.
    In: Quantitative Macroeconomics Working Papers.

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    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  43. Financial contracts and the legal treatment of informed investors. (1999). Mester, Loretta ; Berlin, Mitchell.
    In: Working Papers.

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  44. Corporate Governance. (1999). Tirole, Jean.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  45. A Tale of Two Wages: Separating Contract from Governance. (1997). James, Harvey.
    In: Microeconomics.

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  46. Public vs. Private Ownership of Firms: Evidence from Rural China. (1997). Jin, Hehui ; Qian, Yingyi .
    In: Working Papers.

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  47. Costly Coasian Contracts. (1997). Felli, Leonardo ; Anderlini, Luca.
    In: CARESS Working Papres.

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  48. Influence activity and the organization of research and development. (1997). Cassiman, Bruno.
    In: Economics Working Papers.

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  49. Cooperative Investments and the Value of Contracting.. (1997). Che, Yeon-Koo ; Hausch, D. B..
    In: Working papers.

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  50. Costly Coasian Contracts. (1996). Felli, Leonardo ; Anderlini, Luca.
    In: Game Theory and Information.

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