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Sticky Prices and Indeterminacy. (2006). Weder, Mark.
In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  2. Is forward-looking inflation targeting destabilizing? The role of policys response to current output under endogenous investment. (2007). Meng, Qinglai ; Huang, Kevin.
    In: Kiel Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

  1. [1] Bils, Mark and Peter Klenow (2004): Some Evidence on the Importance of Sticky Prices, Journal of Political Economy 112, 947-985.

  2. [10] Lubik, Thomas A. and Massimiliano Marzo (2005): An Inventory of Simple Monetary Policy Rules in a New Keynesian Macroeconomic Model, International Review of Economics and Finance (forthcoming).

  3. [11] Sbordone, Argia M. (2002): Prices and Unit Labor Costs: A New Test of Price Stickiness, Journal of Mon~ary Economics 49, 265-292.

  4. [12] Weder, Mark (2005a): Interest Rate Rules and Macroeconomic Stabilization , R~herches Economique de Louvain (forthcoming).
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  5. [13] Weder, Mark (2005b): Taylor Rules and Macroeconomic Instability or How the Central Bank Can Pre-empt Sunspot Expectations, Journal of Mon~, Cr~it and Banking (forthcoming).

  6. [14] Wen, Yi (1998): Capacity Utilization under Increasing Returns to Scale, Journal of Economic Theory 81, 7-36. 13

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  8. [3] Carlstrom, Charles T. and Timothy S. Fuerst (2000): Forward-Looking Versus Backward-Looking Taylor Rules, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Working Paper 00-09.

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  10. [5] Farmer, Roger E. A. (1999): The Macro~onomics of ~f-fulfilling Proph~ies (2nd edition), MIT Press, Cambridge.
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  11. [6] Goodfriend, Marvin and Robert G. King (1997): The New Neoclassical Synthesis and the Role of Monetary Policy, in Ben Bernanke and Julio Rotemberg (editors) NBER Macro~onomic Annual 1997, MIT Press, Cambridge, 231-282.

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  14. [9] Kocherlakota, Narayana R. (1996): The Equity Premium: Its Still a Puzzle, Journal of Economic Literature 34, 42-71. 12


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