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A Generalized Nash-Cournot Model for the North-Western European Natural Gas Markets with a Fuel SubstitutionDemand Function: The GaMMES Model. (2011). MASSOL, Olivier ; BRIAT, Vincent ; ABADA, Ibrahim ; Gabriel, Steve A..
In: EconomiX Working Papers.

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  1. Turkeys Role in Natural Gas - Becoming a Transit Country?. (2017). Berk, Istemi ; Schulte, Simon.
    In: EWI Working Papers.

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  2. The Role of CO2-EOR for the Development of a CCTS Infrastructure in the North Sea Region: A Techno-Economic Model and Application. (2013). Mendelevitch, Roman.
    In: Annual Conference 2013 (Duesseldorf): Competition Policy and Regulation in a Global Economic Order.

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  3. Endogenous shifts in OPEC market power - A Stackelberg oligopoly with fringe. (2013). Huppmann, Daniel.
    In: Annual Conference 2013 (Duesseldorf): Competition Policy and Regulation in a Global Economic Order.

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  4. Endogenous production capacity investment in natural gas market equilibrium models. (2013). Huppmann, Daniel.
    In: European Journal of Operational Research.

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  5. Endogenous Shifts in OPEC Market Power: A Stackelberg Oligopoly with Fringe. (2013). Huppmann, Daniel.
    In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.

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  6. The Role of CO2-EOR for the Development of a CCTS Infrastructure in the North Sea Region: A Techno-Economic Model and Application. (2013). Mendelevitch, Roman.
    In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.

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  7. A stochastic generalized Nash-Cournot model for the northwestern European natural gas markets: The S-GaMMES model. (2013). Jouvet, Pierre-André ; ABADA, Ibrahim.
    In: Working Papers.

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  8. Endogenous Investment Decisions in Natural Gas Equilibrium Models with Logarithmic Cost Functions. (2012). Huppmann, Daniel.
    In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.

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  9. Study of the evolution of the northwestern European natural gas markets using S-GaMMES. (2012). ABADA, Ibrahim.
    In: Working Papers.

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  10. A stochastic generalized Nash-Cournot model for the northwestern European natural gas markets with a fuel substitution demand function: The S-GaMMES model. (2012). ABADA, Ibrahim.
    In: Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  31. S.A. Gabriel, J. Zhuang, S. Kiet, 2005b, A Large-scale Complementarity Model of the North American Gas Market, Energy Economics, 27, 639-665.
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  32. S.A. Gabriel, K.E. Rosendahl, R. Egging, H. Avetisyan, S. Siddiqui, Cartelization in Gas Markets: Studying the Potential for a 'Gas OPEC', September 2010, in review.

  33. S.A. Gabriel, S. Kiet, J. Zhuang, 2005a, A Mixed Complementarity-Based Equilibrium Model of Natural Gas Markets, Operations Research, 53(5), 799-818.
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