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Export diversification and resource-based industrialization : the case of natural gas.. (2011). Massol, Olivier ; Banal-Estaol, Albert.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. Sanctions against Iran: An assessment of their global impact through the lens of international methanol prices. (2016). Massol, Olivier ; Hache, Emmanuel.
    In: Working Papers.

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  2. The Effect of Biofuels on the Link between Oil and Agricultural Commodity Prices: A Smooth Transition Cointegration Approach. (2016). Paris, Anthony.
    In: Working Papers.

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  3. Sanctions against Iran: An assessment of their global impact through the lens of international methanol prices. (2016). MASSOL, Olivier ; HACHE, Emmanuel.
    In: Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  78. So, given that (i) the number of combinations that are worth being considered is bounded, and (ii) there exists at least one combination of discrete parameters that provides a real valued solution, an enumeration of the solutions of ( ) , , NLPn δ ς for the various combinations of discrete parameters provides the global solution to the problem (P1). Q.E.D. 17 Dedicated algorithms have recently been proposed to solve such a DC problem. For example, Xue et al. (2006) have constructed a branch-and-bound scheme using linear underestimating functions of the univariate concave cost functions aimed at creating an outer underestimate relaxation of the original problem. Appendix B In this Appendix, we detail the data used in our numerical analyses.
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  79. Stevens, P., 2003. Resource Impact: curse or blessing? A literature survey. Journal of Energy Literature, 9(1), 3–42.
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  80. Table C-10. Diagnostic checks of the conditional mean equations Note: JB is Jarque-Bera multivariate statistic based on Doornik and Hansen (2008). All the other tests are those described in Lütkepohl (2005): LM(x) is the multivariate Breusch-Godfrey LM-test for the xth order autocorrelation, LB(y) is the multivariate portmanteau test for residual autocorrelation up to the order y, and ARCH(3) is the multivariate LM-test for ARCH effect with 3 lags.
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  81. Table C-12. CCC-GARCH model estimates and diagnostic test results Note: z-statistics based on robust standard errors are in [ ]. Asterisks indicate significance at 0.10* , 0.05** and 0.01*** levels, respectively. 2 (15) is the Bartlett statistic associated with a likelihood ratio test of the null hypothesis that the correlation matrix is equal to the identity matrix described in Morrison (1967, p. 113). The associated p-value is in brackets.
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  82. Tawarmalani, M., Sahinidis, N.V., 2004. Global optimization of mixed-integer nonlinear programs: A theoretical and computational study. Mathematical Programming, 99(3), 563–591.
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    In: 2011 International Congress, August 30-September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland.

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  46. Placing the 2006/08 commodity price boom into perspective. (2010). Baffes, John ; Haniotis, Tassos .
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  47. Revisiting the excess co-movements of commodity prices in a data-rich environment. (2010). Sevi, Benoit ; le Pen, Yannick.
    In: Economics Papers from University Paris Dauphine.

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  48. More on the energy / non-energy commodity price link. (2009). Baffes, John.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  49. On the excess co-movement of commodity prices--A note about the role of fundamental factors in short-run dynamics. (2009). Lescaroux, François.
    In: Energy Policy.

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  50. Oil spills on other commodities. (2007). Baffes, John.
    In: Resources Policy.

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