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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2000 0 0.36 1 0 5 5 379 3 6 0 0 0 3 0.6 0.16
2001 3.8 0.39 1.64 3.8 9 14 768 21 29 5 19 5 19 0 2 0.22 0.17
2002 3.14 0.41 2.44 3.14 11 25 959 60 90 14 44 14 44 0 16 1.45 0.21
2003 2.7 0.44 3.06 3.44 10 35 347 105 197 20 54 25 86 0 18 1.8 0.22
2004 3.1 0.49 3.47 3.83 10 45 484 155 353 21 65 35 134 0 9 0.9 0.22
2005 3.6 0.51 3.29 3.8 13 58 420 189 544 20 72 45 171 0 2 0.15 0.23
2006 1.91 0.5 2.87 2.85 11 69 195 197 742 23 44 53 151 0 5 0.45 0.23
2007 1.17 0.46 2.42 2.4 12 81 252 194 938 24 28 55 132 0 3 0.25 0.2
2008 1.35 0.49 2.85 2.07 11 92 274 262 1200 23 31 56 116 0 9 0.82 0.23
2009 1 0.48 2.44 1.84 8 100 46 243 1444 23 23 57 105 0 0 0.24
2010 1 0.49 2.28 1.29 9 109 150 246 1693 19 19 55 71 0 0 0.21
2011 0.76 0.52 2.38 1.47 8 117 187 279 1972 17 13 51 75 0 3 0.38 0.24
2012 1.06 0.52 2.2 1.46 8 125 101 275 2247 17 18 48 70 0 10 1.25 0.22
2013 1.56 0.56 2.33 1.68 8 133 66 308 2557 16 25 44 74 0 2 0.25 0.24
2014 1 0.55 1.89 1.41 9 142 50 267 2825 16 16 41 58 0 2 0.22 0.23
2015 0.76 0.55 1.96 1.67 12 154 63 297 3127 17 13 42 70 1 0.3 4 0.33 0.23
2016 0.67 0.53 1.75 1.22 13 167 79 293 3420 21 14 45 55 0 1 0.08 0.21
2017 0.88 0.54 1.42 0.94 13 180 100 256 3676 25 22 50 47 0 6 0.46 0.21
2018 0.77 0.56 1.39 0.73 12 192 35 267 3943 26 20 55 40 0 3 0.25 0.24
2019 0.88 0.57 1.2 0.73 12 204 34 244 4187 25 22 59 43 0 1 0.08 0.23
2020 0.33 0.69 1.08 0.56 6 210 4 226 4413 24 8 62 35 0 0 0.32
2021 0.33 0.82 1.18 0.63 6 216 1 254 4667 18 6 56 35 0 1 0.17 0.3
2022 0.17 0.88 0.96 0.65 6 222 0 213 4880 12 2 49 32 0 0 0.27
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12002Factor Endowments, Inequality, and Paths of Development Among New World Economies. (2002). Sokoloff, Kenneth Lee ; Engerman, Stanley L.. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008689.

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22001Lending Booms: Latin America and the World. (2001). Valdés, Rodrigo ; Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier ; Landerretche, Oscar ; Valdes, Rodrigo . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008707.

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32002Growth without Governance. (2002). Kraay, Aart ; Kaufmann, Daniel. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008687.

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42001Conditional Cash Transfers and Their Impact on Child Work and Schooling: Evidence from the PROGRESA Program in Mexico. (2001). Skoufias, Emmanuel ; Parker, Susan. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008704.

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52005The Effects of Migration on Child Health in Mexico. (2005). McKenzie, David ; Hildebrandt, Nicole . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008655.

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62000The Cost of Job Security Regulation: Evidence from Latin American Labor Markets. (2000). Pages, Carmen ; Pages-Serra, Carmen . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008711.

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72007Another Pass-Through Bites the Dust? Oil Prices and Inflation. (2007). Neilson, Christopher ; De Gregorio, Jose ; Landerretche, Oscar ; DeGregorio, Jose . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008640.

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82001Intergenerational Mobility in Latin America. (2001). Gaviria, Alejandro ; Behrman, Jere ; Szekely, Miguel. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008705.

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92002Inflation Targeting in Brazil, Chile, and Mexico: Performance, Credibility, and the Exchange Rate. (2002). Schmidt-Hebbel, Klaus ; Werner, Alejandro M.. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008695.

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102004On the Consequences of Sudden Stops. (2004). Sturzenegger, Federico ; Guidotti, Pablo ; Villar, Agustin . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008672.

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112000Crises and the Poor: Socially Responsible Macroeconomics. (2000). Lustig, Nora. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008710.

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122003The Distributive Impact of Privatization in Latin America: Evidence from Four Countries. (2003). Mookherjee, Dilip ; McKenzie, David. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008682.

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132004Multinationals and Linkages: An Empirical Investigation. (2004). Rodriguez-Clare, Andres ; Alfaro, Laura. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008673.

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142004Effects of Foreign Exchange Intervention under Public Information: The Chilean Case. (2004). Tokman, Andrea ; Tapia, Matias. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008671.

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152005Real Exchange Rate Volatility and the Price of Nontradable Goods in Economies Prone to Sudden Stops. (2005). Mendoza, Enrique. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008658.

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162008In search of the Missing Resource Curse. (2008). Maloney, William ; Lederman, Daniel. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008596.

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172011Recent Trends In Income Inequality In Latin America. (2011). Tornarolli, Leopoldo ; Gasparini, Leonardo ; Cruces, Guillermo. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008446.

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182003Living and Dying with Hard Pegs: The Rise and Fall of Argentina’s Currency Board. (2003). Schmukler, Sergio ; Levy Yeyati, Eduardo ; de la Torre, Augusto. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008684.

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192003Labor Turnover and Labor Legislation in Brazil. (2003). Gonzaga, Gustavo. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008676.

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202008Cash Transfers, Conditions, and School enrollment in Ecuador. (2008). Schady, Norbert ; Araujo, M. Caridad. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008612.

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212012Chinas Emergence in the World Economy and Business Cycles in Latin America. (2012). Xu, TengTeng ; Rebucci, Alessandro ; Pesaran, M ; Cesa-Bianchi, Ambrogio. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:009966.

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222001Contagion in Latin America: Definitions, Measurement, and Policy Implications. (2001). Rigobon, Roberto ; Forbes, Kristin. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008709.

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232000Crime and Victimization: An Economic Perspective. (2000). Loayza, Norman ; Lederman, Daniel ; Fajnzylber, Pablo . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008713.

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242004Minimum Wage Policy and Employment Effects: Evidence from Brazil. (2004). Lemos, Sara. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008666.

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252010Understanding the Impact of High Food Prices in Latin America. (2010). Torero, Maximo ; Robles, Luis. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:014300.

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262010Labor Market Rigidities and Informality in Colombia. (2010). Peña, Ximena ; Mondragon-Velez, Camilo ; Pea, Ximena ; Wills, Daniel. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008355.

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272005Globalization, Migration, and Development: The Role of Mexican Migrant Remittances. (2005). López-Córdova, José ; Lopez-Cordova, Ernesto . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008656.

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282004Distributional Effects of Crises: The Financial Channel. (2004). Schmukler, Sergio ; Halac, Marina. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008670.

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292004Growth and Adjustment in East Asia and Latin America. (2004). Lee, Jong-Wha ; De Gregorio, Jose ; DeGregorio, Jose . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008669.

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302000Macroeconomic Volatility in Latin America: A Conceptual Framework and Three Case Studies. (2000). Caballero, Ricardo. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008714.

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312002Globalization Hazard and Delayed Reform in Emerging Markets. (2002). Calvo, Guillermo. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008696.

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322003Privatizing Highways in Latin America: Fixing What Went Wrong. (2003). Fischer, Ronald ; Engel, Eduardo ; Galetovic, Alexander. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008677.

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332017The Impact of Lowering the Payroll Tax on Informality in Colombia. (2017). Villar, Leonardo ; Fernandez, Cristina. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:015830.

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342001Fiscal Federalism in Argentina: Policies, Politics, and Institutional Reform. (2001). Tommasi, Mariano ; Saiegh, Sebastian ; Sanguinetti, Pablo. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008706.

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35Taxes and Growth in a Financially Underdevelopped Country: Evidence from the Chilean Investment Boom. (2007). Parker, Jonathan ; Hsieh, Chang-Tai. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008638.

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362008Output Volatility and Openness to Trade: a Reassessment. (2008). Cavallo, Eduardo. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008594.

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372017Do Payroll Tax Breaks Stimulate Formality? Evidence from Colombia’s Reform. (2017). Kugler, Maurice ; Herrera-Prada, Luis O. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:015827.

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382006Assessing Health Reform in Colombia: From Theory to Practice. (2006). Medina, Carlos ; Gaviria, Alejandro ; Mejia, Carolina. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008647.

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392004Privatization in Latin America: What Does the Evidence Say?. (2004). Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio ; Chong, Albert ; Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008674.

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402006Chilean Pension Reform: Coverage Facts and Policy Alternatives. (2006). Pino, Francisco ; Berstein, Solange ; Larrain, Guillermo. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008649.

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412007Taxes and Growth in a Financially Underdeveloped Country: Evidence from the Chilean Investment Boom. (2007). Parker, Jonathan ; Hsieh, Chang-Tai. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:014202.

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422004The Economics of Latin American Art: Creativity Patterns and Rates of Return. (2004). Edwards, Sebastian. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008675.

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432007Social Mobility and Preferences for Redistribution in Latin America. (2007). Gaviria, Alejandro. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008637.

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442001The Role of American Depositary Receipts in the Development of Emerging Markets. (2001). Moel, Alberto . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008701.

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452005Self-Discovery in a Development Strategy for El Salvador. (2005). Rodrik, Dani ; Hausmann, Ricardo. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008659.

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462017Assessing the Effect of Payroll Taxes on Formal Employment: The Case of the 2012 Tax Reform in Colombia. (2017). Morales, Leonardo ; Medina, Carlos. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:015829.

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472011The Dynamics of Income Inequality in Mexico since NAFTA. (2011). Esquivel, Gerardo. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:009148.

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482001Public Sector Wages and Bureaucratic Quality: Evidence from Latin America. (2001). Panizza, Ugo ; U G O Panizza, . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008703.

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492002Financial Liberalization: Does It Pay to Join the Party?. (2002). Ordonez, Guillermo ; Micco, Alejandro ; Galindo, Arturo ; Ordoez, Guillermo. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008686.

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502002Missed Opportunities: Innovation and Resource-Based Growth in Latin America. (2002). Maloney, William. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008688.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12007Another Pass-Through Bites the Dust? Oil Prices and Inflation. (2007). Neilson, Christopher ; De Gregorio, Jose ; Landerretche, Oscar ; DeGregorio, Jose . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008640.

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22002Factor Endowments, Inequality, and Paths of Development Among New World Economies. (2002). Sokoloff, Kenneth Lee ; Engerman, Stanley L.. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008689.

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32017The Impact of Lowering the Payroll Tax on Informality in Colombia. (2017). Villar, Leonardo ; Fernandez, Cristina. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:015830.

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42002Growth without Governance. (2002). Kraay, Aart ; Kaufmann, Daniel. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008687.

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52001Intergenerational Mobility in Latin America. (2001). Gaviria, Alejandro ; Behrman, Jere ; Szekely, Miguel. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008705.

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62017Do Payroll Tax Breaks Stimulate Formality? Evidence from Colombia’s Reform. (2017). Kugler, Maurice ; Herrera-Prada, Luis O. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:015827.

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72005The Effects of Migration on Child Health in Mexico. (2005). McKenzie, David ; Hildebrandt, Nicole . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008655.

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82019Contagion, Spillover, and Interdependence. (2019). Rigobon, Roberto . In: Economía Journal. RePEc:col:000425:017277.

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92001Conditional Cash Transfers and Their Impact on Child Work and Schooling: Evidence from the PROGRESA Program in Mexico. (2001). Skoufias, Emmanuel ; Parker, Susan. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008704.

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102001Lending Booms: Latin America and the World. (2001). Valdés, Rodrigo ; Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier ; Landerretche, Oscar ; Valdes, Rodrigo . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008707.

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112011Recent Trends In Income Inequality In Latin America. (2011). Tornarolli, Leopoldo ; Gasparini, Leonardo ; Cruces, Guillermo. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008446.

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122010Understanding the Impact of High Food Prices in Latin America. (2010). Torero, Maximo ; Robles, Luis. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:014300.

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132017Assessing the Effect of Payroll Taxes on Formal Employment: The Case of the 2012 Tax Reform in Colombia. (2017). Morales, Leonardo ; Medina, Carlos. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:015829.

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142004Multinationals and Linkages: An Empirical Investigation. (2004). Rodriguez-Clare, Andres ; Alfaro, Laura. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008673.

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152016Reciprocity and Willingness to Pay Taxes: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Latin America. (2016). Ronconi, Lucas ; Sanguinetti, Pablo ; Ortega, Daniel. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:014410.

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162008Cash Transfers, Conditions, and School enrollment in Ecuador. (2008). Schady, Norbert ; Araujo, M. Caridad. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008612.

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172004The Economics of Latin American Art: Creativity Patterns and Rates of Return. (2004). Edwards, Sebastian. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008675.

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182003Living and Dying with Hard Pegs: The Rise and Fall of Argentina’s Currency Board. (2003). Schmukler, Sergio ; Levy Yeyati, Eduardo ; de la Torre, Augusto. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008684.

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192008Output Volatility and Openness to Trade: a Reassessment. (2008). Cavallo, Eduardo. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008594.

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202017Deceleration in Female Labor Force Participation in Latin America. (2017). Marchionni, Mariana ; Gasparini, Leonardo. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:015832.

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212000The Cost of Job Security Regulation: Evidence from Latin American Labor Markets. (2000). Pages, Carmen ; Pages-Serra, Carmen . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008711.

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222007Social Mobility and Preferences for Redistribution in Latin America. (2007). Gaviria, Alejandro. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008637.

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232017Switching from Payroll Taxes to Corporate Income Taxes: Firms’ Employment and Wages after the 2012 Colombian Tax Reform. (2017). Eslava, Marcela ; Pinzon, Alvaro ; Melendez, Marcela ; Bernal, Raquel. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:015828.

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242001Public Sector Wages and Bureaucratic Quality: Evidence from Latin America. (2001). Panizza, Ugo ; U G O Panizza, . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008703.

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252018The Impact of Export Restrictions on Production: A Synthetic Control Approach. (2018). Stucchi, Rodolfo ; Rossi, Martín ; Garcia-Lembergman, Ezequiel. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:016335.

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262004On the Consequences of Sudden Stops. (2004). Sturzenegger, Federico ; Guidotti, Pablo ; Villar, Agustin . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008672.

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272011Buying Less but Shopping More: The Use of Nonmarket Labor during a Crisis. (2011). Schargrodsky, Ernesto ; McKenzie, David. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008450.

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282005Real Exchange Rate Volatility and the Price of Nontradable Goods in Economies Prone to Sudden Stops. (2005). Mendoza, Enrique. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008658.

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292006Assessing Health Reform in Colombia: From Theory to Practice. (2006). Medina, Carlos ; Gaviria, Alejandro ; Mejia, Carolina. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008647.

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302012Chinas Emergence in the World Economy and Business Cycles in Latin America. (2012). Xu, TengTeng ; Rebucci, Alessandro ; Pesaran, M ; Cesa-Bianchi, Ambrogio. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:009966.

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312019Consumers as VAT “Evaders”: Incidence, Social Bias, and Correlates in Colombia. (2019). Riao, Juan Felipe ; Molina, Carlos ; Fergusson, Leopoldo. In: Economía Journal. RePEc:col:000425:017276.

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322011A Comparison Of Product Price Targeting And Other Monetary Anchor Options, For Commodity Exporters In Latin America. (2011). Frankel, Jeffrey. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:009145.

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332016Firm Size and Development. (2016). Hopenhayn, Hugo . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:015155.

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342004Effects of Foreign Exchange Intervention under Public Information: The Chilean Case. (2004). Tokman, Andrea ; Tapia, Matias. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008671.

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352007Intragenerational Income Mobility in Latin America. (2007). Sanchez Puerta, Maria ; Duval-Hernandez, Robert ; Field, Gary S. ; Freije, Samuel ; Maria Laura Sanchez Puerta, . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008641.

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362019Cash, Conditions, and Child Development: Experimental Evidence from a Cash Transfer Program in Honduras. (2019). Creamer, John ; Boo, Florencia Lopez. In: Economía Journal. RePEc:col:000425:017280.

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372010Labor Market Rigidities and Informality in Colombia. (2010). Peña, Ximena ; Mondragon-Velez, Camilo ; Pea, Ximena ; Wills, Daniel. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008355.

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382003The Distributive Impact of Privatization in Latin America: Evidence from Four Countries. (2003). Mookherjee, Dilip ; McKenzie, David. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008682.

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392001Contagion in Latin America: Definitions, Measurement, and Policy Implications. (2001). Rigobon, Roberto ; Forbes, Kristin. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008709.

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402019Informality and Optimal Public Policy. (2019). Mejia, Daniel ; Bardey, David. In: Economía Journal. RePEc:col:000425:017275.

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412003Meeting the Millennium Development Goals in Brazil: Can Microeconomic Simulations Help?. (2003). Ferreira, Francisco ; Francisco H. G. Ferreira, ; Leite, Phillippe G.. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008681.

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422013Teenage School Attendance and Cash Transfers: An Impact Evaluation of PANES. (2013). Vigorito, Andrea ; AMARANTE, VERONICA ; Ferrando, Mery . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:010917.

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432016The Costs of Sovereign Default: Theory and Empirical Evidence. (2016). Sandleris, Guido. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:014408.

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442015Capital Inflow Surges in Emerging Economies: How Worried Should Latin America and the Caribbean Be?. (2015). Powell, Andrew ; Tavella, Pilar. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:012568.

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452008The Political Economy of Oil Production in Latin America. (2008). Manzano Mazzali, Osmel ; Monaldi, Francisco. In: Economía Journal. RePEc:col:000425:008595.

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462000Crime and Victimization: An Economic Perspective. (2000). Loayza, Norman ; Lederman, Daniel ; Fajnzylber, Pablo . In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:008713.

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472014Inflation Targeting and Quantitative Tightening: Effects of Reserve Requirements in Peru. (2014). Vega, Marco ; Castillo, Paul ; Armas, Adrian. In: ECONOMIA JOURNAL. RePEc:col:000425:012281.

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