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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
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2009 0 0.58 0.39 0 438 438 3059 169 189 0 0 9 5.3 169 0.39 0.33
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12009Credit Market Shocks and Economic Fluctuations: Evidence from Corporate Bond and Stock Markets. (2009). Zakrajsek, Egon ; Yankov, Vladimir ; Gilchrist, Simon. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:514.

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22009Momentum traders in a search model of the housing market. (2009). Schneider, Martin ; Piazzesi, Monika. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:1266.

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32009Liquidity hoarding and interbank market spreads: the role of counterparty risk. (2009). Holthausen, Cornelia ; Hoerova, Marie ; Heider, Florian. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:929.

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42009Uncertain Times, Uncertain Measures. (2009). Alexopoulos, Michelle ; Cohen, Jon . In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:1211.

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52009Sectoral Price Data and Models of Price Setting. (2009). Wiederholt, Mirko ; Moench, Emanuel ; Maćkowiak, Bartosz ; Makowiak, Bartosz. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:666.

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62009Avoiding Market Dominance: Product Compatibility in Markets with Network Effects. (2009). Chen, Jiawei ; Harrington, Joe ; Doraszelski, Ulrich. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:30.

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72009Housing Markets and Current Account Dynamics. (2009). Gete, Pedro ; Of, University. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:427.

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82009Vertical Specialization and International Business Cycle Synchronization. (2009). Ramanarayanan, Ananth ; Arkolakis, Costas. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:780.

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92009Technological Change and the Wealth of Nations. (2009). Zilibotti, Fabrizio ; Gancia, Gino. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:499.

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102009Setting The Right Prices for the Wrong Reasons. (2009). Venkateswaran, Venky ; Hellwig, Christian. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:260.

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112009Reputation for Quality. (2009). Meyer-ter-Vehn, Moritz ; Board, Simon. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:160.

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122009Trade Reforms and Market Selection: Evidence from Manufacturing Plants in Colombia. (2009). Kugler, Maurice ; Haltiwanger, John ; Eslava, Marcela. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:615.

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132009Optimal Policy and the Risk-Properties of Human Capital Reconsidered. (2009). Anderberg, Dan. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:166.

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142009Endogenous job contact networks. (2009). Merlino, Luca ; Galeotti, Andrea. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:133.

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152009Enforcing Cooperation in Networked Societies. (2009). Miller, David ; Ali, S. Nageeb. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:115.

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162009Time-Varying Effects of Oil Supply Shocks on the US Economy. (2009). Peersman, Gert ; Baumeister, Christiane. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:171.

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172009Pitfalls in Estimating Asymmetric Effects of Energy Price Shocks. (2009). Kilian, Lutz. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:473.

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182009Decomposing the Yield Curve. (2009). Cochrane, John ; Piazzesi, Monika. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:18.

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192009Credit and Banking in a DSGE model. (2009). Neri, Stefano ; Gerali, Andrea ; Sessa, Luca ; Signoretti, Federico. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:586.

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202009Hot And Cold Seasons in the Housing Market. (2009). Tenreyro, Silvana ; Ngai, L. Rachel. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:955.

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212009Investment Shocks and the Relative Price of Investment. (2009). Tambalotti, Andrea ; Primiceri, Giorgio ; Justiniano, Alejandro. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:686.

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222009Tax Smoothing in Frictional Labor Markets. (2009). Chugh, Sanjay ; Arseneau, David. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:202.

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232009Soft Information in Earnings Announcements: News or Noise?. (2009). Demers, Elizabeth ; Vega, Clara . In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:80.

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242009When the Highest Bidder Loses the Auction: Theory and Evidence from Public Procurement. (2009). Decarolis, Francesco. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:130.

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252009Economies of Scale and the Size of Exporters. (2009). Koren, Miklós ; Armenter, Roc. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:1269.

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262009Understanding the Aggregate Effects of Anticipated and Unanticipated Tax Policy shocks. (2009). Ravn, Morten ; Mertens, Karel. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:480.

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272009Search with Adverse Selection. (2009). Wolinsky, Asher ; Lauermann, Stephan. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:827.

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282009Aggregate Implications of Employer Search and Recruiting Selection. (2009). Villena-Roldan, Benjamin. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:97.

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292009Firm-Specific Productivity Risk over the Business Cycle: Facts and Aggregate Implications. (2009). Bachmann, Ruediger ; Bayer, Christian. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:869.

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302009Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the Origins of Mistrust in Africa. (2009). Nunn, Nathan ; Wantchekon, Leonard. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:34.

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312009Marriage and Cohabitation. (2009). Laufer, Steven ; Gemici, Ahu. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:1191.

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322009diversity and popularity in social networks. (2009). Rogers, Brian ; Bramoullé, Yann. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:287.

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332009An Empirical Model of Wage Dispersion with Sorting. (2009). Bagger, Jesper ; Lentz, Rasmus. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:964.

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342009The Impact of Medical and Nursing Home Expenses and Social Insurance Policies on Savings and Inequality. (2009). Kopecky, Karen ; Koreshkova, Tatyana. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:46.

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352009Is Newer Better? Penn World Table Revisions and the Growth Literature. (2009). Papageorgiou, Chris ; Larson, William ; Johnson, Simon ; Subramania, Arvind . In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:858.

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362009Unemployment in an Interdependent World. (2009). Lechthaler, Wolfgang ; Larch, Mario ; Felbermayr, Gabriel. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:596.

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372009HOW BIG ARE THE GAINS FROM INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INTEGRATION?. (2009). Vollrath, Dietrich ; Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem ; Hoxha, Indrit ; Hoxa, Indrit . In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:143.

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382009Growing like China. (2009). Zilibotti, Fabrizio ; Storesletten, Kjetil ; Song, Zheng. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:912.

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392009A Model of International Cities: Implications for Real Exchange Rates. (2009). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN ; Crucini, Mario. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:1271.

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402009International Trade and Aggregate Fluctuations in Granular Economies. (2009). Levchenko, Andrei ; di Giovanni, Julian. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:491.

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412009Multi-product Firms and Product Turnover in the Developing World: Evidence from India. (2009). Topalova, Petia ; Pavcnik, Nina ; Khandelwal, Amit ; Goldberg, Penny . In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:176.

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422009Non-Exclusive Dynamic Contracts, Competition, and the Limits of Insurance. (2009). Maziero, Pricila. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:509.

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432009Trade Liberalization, Exports and Technology Upgrading: Evidence on the Impact of MERCOSUR on Argentinean Firms. (2009). Bustos, Paula. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:1029.

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442009Business Cycle Spillovers. (2009). Yilmaz, Kamil. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:1079.

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452009Firm Size, Innovation Dynamics and Growth. (2009). Akcigit, Ufuk. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:1267.

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462009Heterogeneous beliefs under recursive preferences. (2009). Borovička, Jaroslav. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:892.

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472009Liquidity shocks and order book dynamics. (2009). Weill, Pierre-Olivier ; Biais, Bruno. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:89.

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482009Adverse Selection in Competitive Search Equilibrium. (2009). Shimer, Robert ; Guerrieri, Veronica ; Wright, Randall. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:139.

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492009The Impact of Schooling on the Timing of Marriage and Fertility: Evidence from a Change in Compulsory Schooling Law. (2009). Kirdar, Murat G. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:809.

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502009Monetary Policy Regime Shifts and Inflation Persistence. (2009). Doh, Taeyoung ; Davig, Troy. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:182.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12009Credit Market Shocks and Economic Fluctuations: Evidence from Corporate Bond and Stock Markets. (2009). Zakrajsek, Egon ; Yankov, Vladimir ; Gilchrist, Simon. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:514.

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22009Momentum traders in a search model of the housing market. (2009). Schneider, Martin ; Piazzesi, Monika. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:1266.

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32009Avoiding Market Dominance: Product Compatibility in Markets with Network Effects. (2009). Chen, Jiawei ; Harrington, Joe ; Doraszelski, Ulrich. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:30.

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42009Sectoral Price Data and Models of Price Setting. (2009). Wiederholt, Mirko ; Moench, Emanuel ; Maćkowiak, Bartosz ; Makowiak, Bartosz. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:666.

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52009Uncertain Times, Uncertain Measures. (2009). Alexopoulos, Michelle ; Cohen, Jon . In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:1211.

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62009Technological Change and the Wealth of Nations. (2009). Zilibotti, Fabrizio ; Gancia, Gino. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:499.

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72009Vertical Specialization and International Business Cycle Synchronization. (2009). Ramanarayanan, Ananth ; Arkolakis, Costas. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:780.

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82009Liquidity hoarding and interbank market spreads: the role of counterparty risk. (2009). Holthausen, Cornelia ; Hoerova, Marie ; Heider, Florian. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:929.

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92009Setting The Right Prices for the Wrong Reasons. (2009). Venkateswaran, Venky ; Hellwig, Christian. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:260.

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102009The Rug Rat Race. (2009). Ramey, Valerie. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:431.

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112009Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the Origins of Mistrust in Africa. (2009). Nunn, Nathan ; Wantchekon, Leonard. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:34.

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122009Pitfalls in Estimating Asymmetric Effects of Energy Price Shocks. (2009). Kilian, Lutz. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:473.

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132009Decomposing the Yield Curve. (2009). Cochrane, John ; Piazzesi, Monika. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:18.

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142009Time-Varying Effects of Oil Supply Shocks on the US Economy. (2009). Peersman, Gert ; Baumeister, Christiane. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:171.

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152009Optimal Policy and the Risk-Properties of Human Capital Reconsidered. (2009). Anderberg, Dan. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:166.

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162009Firm Size, Innovation Dynamics and Growth. (2009). Akcigit, Ufuk. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:1267.

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172009Potential and natural output. (2009). Primiceri, Giorgio ; Justiniano, Alejandro. In: 2009 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed009:25.

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