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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2007 0 0.46 0.1 0 77 77 973 7 14 0 0 0 7 0.09 0.2
2008 0.1 0.49 0.14 0.1 67 144 805 19 34 77 8 77 8 2 10.5 7 0.1 0.23
2009 0.14 0.48 0.14 0.14 68 212 745 25 63 144 20 144 20 3 12 4 0.06 0.24
2010 0.08 0.49 0.12 0.1 71 283 1214 30 96 135 11 212 21 3 10 4 0.06 0.21
2011 0.22 0.52 0.15 0.16 87 370 701 51 153 139 31 283 45 0 2 0.02 0.24
2012 0.16 0.52 0.2 0.15 73 443 774 78 243 158 25 370 57 2 2.6 10 0.14 0.22
2013 0.11 0.56 0.24 0.14 69 512 1027 72 366 160 17 366 51 3 4.2 3 0.04 0.24
2014 0.2 0.55 0.42 0.19 74 586 2371 221 613 142 29 368 71 30 13.6 133 1.8 0.23
2015 1.5 0.55 0.63 0.72 78 664 1755 403 1031 143 214 374 271 28 6.9 68 0.87 0.23
2016 2.79 0.53 0.99 1.24 49 713 2121 696 1736 152 424 381 472 8 1.1 72 1.47 0.21
2017 2.74 0.54 1.12 1.8 47 760 646 834 2586 127 348 343 617 11 1.3 20 0.43 0.21
2018 3.44 0.56 1.4 2.6 41 801 538 1098 3710 96 330 317 825 17 1.5 36 0.88 0.24
2019 1.91 0.57 1.42 2.86 59 860 624 1213 4933 88 168 289 826 19 1.6 74 1.25 0.23
2020 2.26 0.69 2.33 2.89 82 942 529 2185 7126 100 226 274 791 47 2.2 58 0.71 0.32
2021 1.57 0.82 2.61 2.38 59 1001 280 2612 9739 141 222 278 662 50 1.9 39 0.66 0.3
2022 1.45 0.88 2.23 1.68 69 1070 129 2391 12130 141 204 288 485 50 2.1 21 0.3 0.27
2023 1.35 0.96 2.11 1.5 54 1124 30 2372 14502 128 173 310 466 68 2.9 15 0.28 0.28
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12016Measuring the Macroeconomic Impact of Monetary Policy at the Zero Lower Bound. (2016). Xia, Fan Dora ; Wu, Jing Cynthia. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:48:y:2016:i:2-3:p:253-291.

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2The Effectiveness of Unconventional Monetary Policy at the Zero Lower Bound: A Cross‐Country Analysis. (2014). Peersman, Gert ; Hofmann, Boris ; Gambacorta, Leonardo. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:4:p:615-642.

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32014Foreign Banks: Trends and Impact. (2014). Van Horen, Neeltje ; Claessens, Stijn. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:s1:p:295-326.

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42013When Credit Bites Back. (2013). Taylor, Alan ; Jorda, Oscar ; Schularick, Moritz. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:45:y:2013:i:s2:p:3-28.

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52007Why Has U.S. Inflation Become Harder to Forecast?. (2007). Watson, Mark W ; Stock, James H. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:39:y:2007:i:s1:p:3-33.

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62014The Interaction between Capital Requirements and Monetary Policy. (2014). Neri, Stefano ; Angelini, Paolo ; Panetta, Fabio. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:6:p:1073-1112.

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7Does Macro‐Prudential Regulation Leak? Evidence from a UK Policy Experiment. (2014). Wieladek, Tomasz ; Calomiris, Charles ; Aiyar, Shekhar. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:s1:p:181-214.

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82010Credit and Banking in a DSGE Model of the Euro Area. (2010). Signoretti, Federico M ; Sessa, Luca ; Neri, Stefano ; Gerali, Andrea. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:42:y:2010:i:s1:p:107-141.

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92014Multinational Banks and the Global Financial Crisis: Weathering the Perfect Storm?. (2014). Lelyveld, Iman ; Haas, Ralph. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:s1:p:333-364.

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102010Oil Price Uncertainty. (2010). Serletis, Apostolos ; Elder, John. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:42:y:2010:i:6:p:1137-1159.

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112010Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy. (2010). Mauro, Paolo ; Blanchard, Olivier ; Dellariccia, Giovanni. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:42:y:2010:i:s1:p:199-215.

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122014The Effects of Oil Price Uncertainty on Global Real Economic Activity. (2014). Jo, Soojin. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:6:p:1113-1135.

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132015Macroprudential Policies and Housing Prices: A New Database and Empirical Evidence for Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. (2015). Vogel, Ursula ; Detragiache, Enrica ; Vandenbussche, Jerome. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:47:y:2015:i:s1:p:343-377.

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142007Real Wage Rigidities and the New Keynesian Model. (2007). Blanchard, Olivier ; Gali, Jordi. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:39:y:2007:i:s1:p:35-65.

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152015Housing Really Is the Business Cycle: What Survives the Lessons of 2008–09?. (2015). Leamer, Edward. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:47:y:2015:i:s1:p:43-50.

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162016Trade Credit, the Financial Crisis, and SME Access to Finance. (2016). Rodríguez Fernández, Francisco ; Carbo Valverde, Santiago ; Udell, Gregory F ; Fernandez, Francisco Rodriguez ; RODRIGUEZFERNANDEZ, FRANCISCO ; CARBOVALVERDE, SANTIAGO . In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:48:y:2016:i:1:p:113-143.

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172016The Roles of Corporate Governance in Bank Failures during the Recent Financial Crisis. (2016). Imbierowicz, Bjorn ; Berger, Allen N ; Rauch, Christian . In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:48:y:2016:i:4:p:729-770.

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182015Simple Banking: Profitability and the Yield Curve. (2015). Nelson, Benjamin ; Alessandri, Piergiorgio. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:47:y:2015:i:1:p:143-175.

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192016Monetary Policy Expectations at the Zero Lower Bound. (2016). Rudebusch, Glenn ; Bauer, Michael. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:48:y:2016:i:7:p:1439-1465.

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202014Downward Nominal Wage Rigidities Bend the Phillips Curve. (2014). Hobijn, Bart ; Daly, Mary C.. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:s2:p:51-93.

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21Monetary Policy, Asset Prices, and Liquidity in Over‐the‐Counter Markets. (2016). Herrenbrueck, Lucas ; Geromichalos, Athanasios. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:48:y:2016:i:1:p:35-79.

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222009Are Competitive Banking Systems More Stable?. (2009). Wolfe, Simon ; Cihak, Martin ; Schaeck, Klaus. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:41:y:2009:i:4:p:711-734.

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232007Erratum to “Why Has U.S. Inflation Become Harder to Forecast?”. (2007). Watson, Mark W ; Stock, James H. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:39:y:2007:i:7:p:1849-1849.

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242015The Impact of Uncertainty Shocks under Measurement Error: A Proxy SVAR Approach. (2015). Theodoridis, Konstantinos ; Theophilopoulou, Angeliki ; mumtaz, haroon ; Carriero, Andrea. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:47:y:2015:i:6:p:1223-1238.

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252012Credit Booms and Lending Standards: Evidence from the Subprime Mortgage Market. (2012). Laeven, Luc ; Igan, Deniz ; Dellariccia, Giovanni. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:44:y:2012:i:2-3:p:367-384.

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262019Temperature and Growth: A Panel Analysis of the United States. (2019). Phan, Toan ; Colacito, Riccardo ; Hoffmann, Bridget. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:51:y:2019:i:2-3:p:313-368.

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272014Bank Earnings Management and Tail Risk during the Financial Crisis. (2014). Cohen, Lee ; Marcus, Alan J. ; Cornett, Marcia Millon ; Tehranian, Hassan. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:1:p:171-197.

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282010Credit Spreads and Monetary Policy. (2010). Woodford, Michael ; Curdia, Vasco. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:42:y:2010:i:s1:p:3-35.

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292013The Impact of the Volatility of Monetary Policy Shocks. (2013). Zanetti, Francesco ; Mumtaz, Haroon. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:45:y:2013:i:4:p:535-558.

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302015Do Inflation Expectations Propagate the Inflationary Impact of Real Oil Price Shocks?: Evidence from the Michigan Survey. (2015). Wong, Benjamin. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:47:y:2015:i:8:p:1673-1689.

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312014Macroeconomic Factors and Microlevel Bank Behavior. (2014). Prieto, Esteban ; Eickmeier, Sandra ; Buch, Claudia. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:4:p:715-751.

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32An Inflation‐Predicting Measure of the Output Gap in the Euro Area. (2018). Lenza, Michele ; Jarociński, Marek ; Jarociski, Marek. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:50:y:2018:i:6:p:1189-1224.

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332015Global Liquidity, House Prices, and the Macroeconomy: Evidence from Advanced and Emerging Economies. (2015). Rebucci, Alessandro ; Cespedes, Luis ; Cesa-Bianchi, Ambrogio ; Cesabianchi, Ambrogio . In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:47:y:2015:i:s1:p:301-335.

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342014Labor Force Participation and Monetary Policy in the Wake of the Great Recession. (2014). Levin, Andrew ; Erceg, Christopher. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:s2:p:3-49.

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352014Sovereign Credit Risk, Banks Government Support, and Bank Stock Returns around the World. (2014). Suarez, Gustavo ; Sapriza, Horacio ; Correa, Ricardo ; LEE, KUANHUI . In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:s1:p:93-121.

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362012The Effectiveness of Alternative Monetary Policy Tools in a Zero Lower Bound Environment. (2012). Wu, Jing Cynthia ; Hamilton, James D. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:44:y:2012:i:s1:p:3-46.

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372007Communication by Central Bank Committee Members: Different Strategies, Same Effectiveness?. (2007). Fratzscher, Marcel ; Ehrmann, Michael. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:39:y:2007:i:2-3:p:509-541.

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382018Unconventional Monetary Policy and International Risk Premia. (2018). Rogers, John ; Wright, Jonathan H ; Scotti, Chiara. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:50:y:2018:i:8:p:1827-1850.

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392013Bank Capital: Lessons from the Financial Crisis. (2013). Merrouche, Ouarda ; Detragiache, Enrica ; DemirgucKunt, Asli . In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:45:y:2013:i:6:p:1147-1164.

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402008Finance, Firm Size, and Growth. (2008). Levine, Ross ; Laeven, Luc ; Beck, Thorsten ; DemirgucKunt, Asli . In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:40:y:2008:i:7:p:1379-1405.

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412017The Role of Oil Price Shocks in Causing U.S. Recessions. (2017). Vigfusson, Robert ; Kilian, Lutz. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:49:y:2017:i:8:p:1747-1776.

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422009Price Stability with Imperfect Financial Integration. (2009). Benigno, Pierpaolo. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:41:y:2009:i:s1:p:121-149.

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432014Fiscal Stimulus in Times of High Debt: Reconsidering Multipliers and Twin Deficits. (2014). Tudyka, Andreas ; Nickel, Christiane. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:7:p:1313-1344.

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442017Coordinating Monetary and Macroprudential Policies. (2017). de Paoli, Bianca ; Paustian, Matthias. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:49:y:2017:i:2-3:p:319-349.

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452007External Constraints on Monetary Policy and the Financial Accelerator. (2007). Gertler, Mark ; Natalucci, Fabio M ; Gilchrist, Simon. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:39:y:2007:i:2-3:p:295-330.

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462015Corporate Debt Structure and the Financial Crisis. (2015). Uhlig, Harald ; De Fiore, Fiorella. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:47:y:2015:i:8:p:1571-1598.

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472014The Home Bias and the Credit Crunch: A Regional Perspective. (2014). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Udell, Gregory ; Presbitero, Andrea. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:s1:p:53-85.

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48Sigma Convergence versus Beta Convergence: Evidence from U.S. County‐Level Data. (2008). Levy, Daniel ; Higgins, Matthew J ; Young, Andrew T. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:40:y:2008:i:5:p:1083-1093.

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492011How Large Are Housing and Financial Wealth Effects? A New Approach. (2011). Slacalek, Jiri ; Otsuka, Misuzu ; Carroll, Christopher D. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:43:y:2011:i:1:p:55-79.

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502015Do Central Bank Forecasts Influence Private Agents? Forecasting Performance versus Signals. (2015). Hubert, Paul. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:47:y:2015:i:4:p:771-789.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12016Measuring the Macroeconomic Impact of Monetary Policy at the Zero Lower Bound. (2016). Xia, Fan Dora ; Wu, Jing Cynthia. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:48:y:2016:i:2-3:p:253-291.

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22007Why Has U.S. Inflation Become Harder to Forecast?. (2007). Watson, Mark W ; Stock, James H. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:39:y:2007:i:s1:p:3-33.

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32010Credit and Banking in a DSGE Model of the Euro Area. (2010). Signoretti, Federico M ; Sessa, Luca ; Neri, Stefano ; Gerali, Andrea. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:42:y:2010:i:s1:p:107-141.

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42013When Credit Bites Back. (2013). Taylor, Alan ; Jorda, Oscar ; Schularick, Moritz. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:45:y:2013:i:s2:p:3-28.

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52010Oil Price Uncertainty. (2010). Serletis, Apostolos ; Elder, John. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:42:y:2010:i:6:p:1137-1159.

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62014The Effects of Oil Price Uncertainty on Global Real Economic Activity. (2014). Jo, Soojin. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:6:p:1113-1135.

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72019Temperature and Growth: A Panel Analysis of the United States. (2019). Phan, Toan ; Colacito, Riccardo ; Hoffmann, Bridget. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:51:y:2019:i:2-3:p:313-368.

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82007Real Wage Rigidities and the New Keynesian Model. (2007). Blanchard, Olivier ; Gali, Jordi. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:39:y:2007:i:s1:p:35-65.

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92014The Interaction between Capital Requirements and Monetary Policy. (2014). Neri, Stefano ; Angelini, Paolo ; Panetta, Fabio. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:6:p:1073-1112.

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102014Foreign Banks: Trends and Impact. (2014). Van Horen, Neeltje ; Claessens, Stijn. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:46:y:2014:i:s1:p:295-326.

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112013The Impact of the Volatility of Monetary Policy Shocks. (2013). Zanetti, Francesco ; Mumtaz, Haroon. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:45:y:2013:i:4:p:535-558.

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122016Trade Credit, the Financial Crisis, and SME Access to Finance. (2016). Rodríguez Fernández, Francisco ; Carbo Valverde, Santiago ; Udell, Gregory F ; Fernandez, Francisco Rodriguez ; RODRIGUEZFERNANDEZ, FRANCISCO ; CARBOVALVERDE, SANTIAGO . In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:48:y:2016:i:1:p:113-143.

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132012Credit Booms and Lending Standards: Evidence from the Subprime Mortgage Market. (2012). Laeven, Luc ; Igan, Deniz ; Dellariccia, Giovanni. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:44:y:2012:i:2-3:p:367-384.

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142013Bank Capital: Lessons from the Financial Crisis. (2013). Merrouche, Ouarda ; Detragiache, Enrica ; DemirgucKunt, Asli . In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:45:y:2013:i:6:p:1147-1164.

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152008Finance, Firm Size, and Growth. (2008). Levine, Ross ; Laeven, Luc ; Beck, Thorsten ; DemirgucKunt, Asli . In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:40:y:2008:i:7:p:1379-1405.

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162007External Constraints on Monetary Policy and the Financial Accelerator. (2007). Gertler, Mark ; Natalucci, Fabio M ; Gilchrist, Simon. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:39:y:2007:i:2-3:p:295-330.

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172010Credit Spreads and Monetary Policy. (2010). Woodford, Michael ; Curdia, Vasco. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:42:y:2010:i:s1:p:3-35.

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182015Do Inflation Expectations Propagate the Inflationary Impact of Real Oil Price Shocks?: Evidence from the Michigan Survey. (2015). Wong, Benjamin. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:47:y:2015:i:8:p:1673-1689.

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192018Unconventional Monetary Policy and International Risk Premia. (2018). Rogers, John ; Wright, Jonathan H ; Scotti, Chiara. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:50:y:2018:i:8:p:1827-1850.

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202015Housing Really Is the Business Cycle: What Survives the Lessons of 2008–09?. (2015). Leamer, Edward. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:47:y:2015:i:s1:p:43-50.

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212007Erratum to “Why Has U.S. Inflation Become Harder to Forecast?”. (2007). Watson, Mark W ; Stock, James H. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:39:y:2007:i:7:p:1849-1849.

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222012The Effectiveness of Alternative Monetary Policy Tools in a Zero Lower Bound Environment. (2012). Wu, Jing Cynthia ; Hamilton, James D. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:44:y:2012:i:s1:p:3-46.

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232010Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy. (2010). Mauro, Paolo ; Blanchard, Olivier ; Dellariccia, Giovanni. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:42:y:2010:i:s1:p:199-215.

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242007Communication by Central Bank Committee Members: Different Strategies, Same Effectiveness?. (2007). Fratzscher, Marcel ; Ehrmann, Michael. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:39:y:2007:i:2-3:p:509-541.

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252017The Role of Oil Price Shocks in Causing U.S. Recessions. (2017). Vigfusson, Robert ; Kilian, Lutz. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:49:y:2017:i:8:p:1747-1776.

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262020A Note of Caution on Shadow Rate Estimates. (2020). Krippner, Leo. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:52:y:2020:i:4:p:951-962.

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272009Are Competitive Banking Systems More Stable?. (2009). Wolfe, Simon ; Cihak, Martin ; Schaeck, Klaus. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:41:y:2009:i:4:p:711-734.

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282008Information Contagion and Bank Herding. (2008). Acharya, Viral ; Yorulmazer, Tanju. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. RePEc:wly:jmoncb:v:40:y:2008:i:1:p:215-231.

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2023Interconnectedness of financial institutions based on pledged shares in China. (2023). Liu, Zhidong ; Yan, Guan. In: Finance Research Letters. RePEc:eee:finlet:v:57:y:2023:i:c:s1544612323005238.

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2023Banks’ Physical Footprint and Financial Technology Adoption. (2023). Ricca, Bernardo ; Haas, Jose Renato ; Mariani, Lucas A. In: Working Papers Series. RePEc:bcb:wpaper:576.

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2023COVID-19 and bank branch lending: The moderating effect of digitalization. (2023). Silva, Thiago ; Tabak, Benjamin Miranda ; Guerra, Solange Maria ; Stancato, Sergio Rubens. In: Journal of Banking & Finance. RePEc:eee:jbfina:v:152:y:2023:i:c:s0378426623000936.

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2023Country environmental, social and governance performance and economic growth: The international evidence. (2023). Zhong, Rui ; Yu, Jing ; Wang, Jiazhen. In: Accounting and Finance. RePEc:bla:acctfi:v:63:y:2023:i:4:p:3911-3941.

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2023Four facts about relationship lending: The case of Chile 2012-2019. (2023). Pratap, Sangeeta ; Acosta-Henao, Miguel ; Taboada, Manuel. In: Journal of Corporate Finance. RePEc:eee:corfin:v:80:y:2023:i:c:s0929119923000640.

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2023Bank loans, trade credit, and liquidity shortages of small businesses during the global financial crisis. (2023). Tsuruta, Daisuke. In: International Review of Financial Analysis. RePEc:eee:finana:v:90:y:2023:i:c:s1057521923004210.

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2023Occasionally binding liquidity constraints and macroeconomic dynamics. (2023). Werner, Maximilian. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:150:y:2023:i:c:s0165188923000155.

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2023Financial shocks to banks, R&D investment, and recessions. (2023). Ohdoi, Ryoji. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:kgu:wpaper:250.

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2023Recursive expectations approach in policymaking. (2023). Kobayashi, Keiichiro. In: International Journal of Economic Policy Studies. RePEc:spr:ijoeps:v:17:y:2023:i:2:d:10.1007_s42495-023-00108-w.

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2023Monetary policy shocks and consumer expectations in the euro area. (2023). Scharler, Johann ; Grundler, Daniel ; Geiger, Martin. In: Journal of International Economics. RePEc:eee:inecon:v:140:y:2023:i:c:s0022199622001404.

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2023Expectations, structural breaks and the recent surge in inflation. (2023). Grundler, Daniel. In: Economics Letters. RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:233:y:2023:i:c:s0165176523004202.

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2023Why Does the Yield Curve Predict GDP Growth? The Role of Banks. (2023). Wei, Min ; Schneider, Andres ; Minoiu, Camelia. In: Finance and Economics Discussion Series. RePEc:fip:fedgfe:96648.

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2023The Unintended Consequences of ECB’s Asset Purchases. How Excess Reserves Shape Bank Lending.. (2023). Saadaoui, Jamel ; Serranito, Francisco ; Roderweis, Philipp. In: Working Papers of BETA. RePEc:ulp:sbbeta:2023-34.

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2023Central bank asset purchases, banks’ risky security holdings and profitability: Macro and micro evidence from Japan and the U.S.. (2023). Wang, Ling. In: International Review of Economics & Finance. RePEc:eee:reveco:v:87:y:2023:i:c:p:347-364.

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2023Dissecting the impact of imports from low-wage countries on inflation. (2023). Guilloux-Nefussi, Sophie ; Gautier, Erwan ; Carluccio, Juan. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:160:y:2023:i:c:s0014292123002416.

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2023Estimation of heuristic switching in behavioral macroeconomic models. (2023). Sacht, Stephen ; Kukacka, Jiri. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:146:y:2023:i:c:s0165188922002883.

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2023Bank capital requirement shocks: A narrative perspective. (2023). Conti, Antonio ; Signoretti, Federico M ; Nobili, Andrea. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:151:y:2023:i:c:s0014292122001507.

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2023Central bank lending facility and investment efficiency of non-SOEs: evidence from China. (2023). Si, Deng-Kui ; Ding, Hui ; Xie, Pinyi ; Li, Xiao-Lin. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:126:y:2023:i:c:s026499932300233x.

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2023Inflation, Output, and Welfare in the Laboratory. (2023). Zhang, Cathy ; Puzzello, Daniela ; Jiang, Janet Hua. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:152:y:2023:i:c:s0014292122002318.

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2023Bank competition and corporate employment: Evidence from the geographic distribution of bank branches in China. (2023). Anderson, Hamish D ; Wang, Qing Sophie ; Chen, Lihan ; Lai, Shaojie. In: Journal of Banking & Finance. RePEc:eee:jbfina:v:154:y:2023:i:c:s0378426623001620.

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2023Testing for Differences in Survey-Based Density Expectations: A Compositional Data Approach. (2023). Kenny, Geoff ; Glas, Alexander ; Dovern, Jonas. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_10256.

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2023Testing for differences in survey-based density expectations: a compositional data approach. (2023). Kenny, Geoff ; Glas, Alexander ; Dovern, Jonas. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20232791.

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2023Testing for differences in survey-based density expectations: A compositional data approach. (2023). Kenny, Geoff ; Glas, Alexander ; Dovern, Jonas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:pp1859:39.

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2023Inflation target credibility in times of high inflation. (2023). Nautz, Dieter ; Coleman, Winnie. In: Economics Letters. RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:222:y:2023:i:c:s0165176522004049.

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2023Labour market uncertainty after the irruption of COVID-19. (2023). Claveria, Oscar ; Sori, Petar. In: Empirical Economics. RePEc:spr:empeco:v:64:y:2023:i:4:d:10.1007_s00181-022-02304-7.

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2023Uncertainty of Household Inflation Expectations: Reconciling Point and Density Forecasts. (2023). Zhao, Yongchen. In: Working Papers. RePEc:tow:wpaper:2023-09.

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2023Heterogeneous expectations among professional forecasters. (2023). Lahiri, Kajal ; Conrad, Christian. In: ZEW Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:zewdip:283583.

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2023Conditional macroeconomic survey forecasts: Revisions and errors. (2023). Glas, Alexander ; Heinisch, Katja. In: Journal of International Money and Finance. RePEc:eee:jimfin:v:138:y:2023:i:c:s0261560623001286.

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2023Interactions between investors’ fear and greed sentiment and Bitcoin prices. (2023). Schweizer, Denis ; Sahut, Jean-Michel ; Nakhli, Mohamed Sahbi ; Gaies, Brahim. In: The North American Journal of Economics and Finance. RePEc:eee:ecofin:v:67:y:2023:i:c:s1062940823000475.

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2023Asymmetric impact of economic policy uncertainty on cryptocurrency market: Evidence from NARDL approach. (2023). Sharma, Anil Kumar ; Imran, S. In: The Journal of Economic Asymmetries. RePEc:eee:joecas:v:27:y:2023:i:c:s1703494923000105.

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2023Analysing financial stability reports as crisis predictors with the use of text-mining. (2023). Smaga, Pawe ; Kurowski, Ukasz. In: The Journal of Economic Asymmetries. RePEc:eee:joecas:v:28:y:2023:i:c:s1703494923000348.

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2023One Monetary Policy and Two Bank Lending Standards: A Tale of Two Europes. (2023). Choi, Sangyup ; Kim, Jiseob ; Jeong, Kimoon. In: Working papers. RePEc:yon:wpaper:2023rwp-209.

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2023State-level Taylor rule and monetary policy stress. (2023). Gajewski, Pawe ; Duran, Hasan Engin. In: Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy. RePEc:pes:ierequ:v:18:y:2023:i:1:p:89-120.

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2023Primary market demand for German government bonds. (2023). Shida, Jakob. In: Journal of International Money and Finance. RePEc:eee:jimfin:v:137:y:2023:i:c:s0261560623001109.

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2023Does the ECBs monetary policy affect personal finances and economic inequality? A household perspective from Germany. (2023). Hayo, Bernd. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:129:y:2023:i:c:s0264999323003681.

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2022Structural risk indicators for the Spanish banking sector. (2022). Broto, Carmen ; Melnychuk, Mariya. In: Financial Stability Review. RePEc:bde:revisl:y:2022:i:autumn:n:2.

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2022Structural risk indicators for the Spanish banking sector. (2022). Melnychuk, Mariya ; Broto, Carmen. In: Revista de Estabilidad Financiera. RePEc:bde:revist:y:2022:i:11:n:2.

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2022Lost in Negative Territory? Search for Yield!. (2022). Sahuc, Jean-Guillaume ; Horny, Guillaume ; Mattia, Girotti. In: Working papers. RePEc:bfr:banfra:877.

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2022Hysteresis in unemployment: Evidence from OECD estimates of the natural rate. (2022). Ball, Laurence ; Onken, Joern. In: International Finance. RePEc:bla:intfin:v:25:y:2022:i:3:p:268-284.

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2022Desirable Banking Competition and Stability. (2022). Benchimol, Jonathan ; Bozou, Caroline. In: Bank of Israel Working Papers. RePEc:boi:wpaper:2022.18.

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2022The demand and supply of information about inflation. (2022). Stevanovic, Dalibor ; Marcellino, Massimiliano. In: CIRANO Working Papers. RePEc:cir:cirwor:2022s-27.

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2022Lost in Negative Territory? Search for Yield!. (2022). Sahuc, Jean-Guillaume ; Horny, Guillaume ; Girotti, Mattia. In: EconomiX Working Papers. RePEc:drm:wpaper:2022-10.

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2022How do income and the debt position of households propagate fiscal stimulus into consumption?. (2022). Rüth, Sebastian ; Simon, Camilla ; Ruth, Sebastian K. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:143:y:2022:i:c:s0165188922001610.

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2022Completing the European Banking Union: Capital cost consequences for credit providers and corporate borrowers. (2022). Sfrappini, Eleonora ; Krause, Thomas ; Koetter, Michael ; Tonzer, Lena. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:148:y:2022:i:c:s0014292122001337.

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2022Forecasting the real prices of crude oil: A robust weighted least squares approach. (2022). Hao, Xianfeng ; Wang, Yudong. In: Energy Economics. RePEc:eee:eneeco:v:116:y:2022:i:c:s0140988322005345.

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2022Operational Risk is More Systemic than You Think: Evidence from U.S. Bank Holding Companies. (2022). Sedunov, John ; Mihov, Atanas ; Curti, Filippo ; Berger, Allen N. In: Journal of Banking & Finance. RePEc:eee:jbfina:v:143:y:2022:i:c:s0378426622001996.

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2022Greening collateral frameworks. (2022). van Lerven, Frank ; Nikolaidi, Maria ; Gabor, Daniela ; Dafermos, Yannis. In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:116640.

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2022Recursive Expectations Approach in Policymaking. (2022). Keiichiro, Kobayashi. In: Policy Discussion Papers. RePEc:eti:polidp:22028.

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2022Interbank Networks and the Interregional Transmission of Financial Crises: Evidence from the Panic of 1907. (2022). Wheelock, David C ; Jaremski, Matthew. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedlwp:94716.

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2022Economic Size, Uncertainty, and Income Inequality in Nigeria. (2022). Akpa, Emeka ; Obiakor, Rowland ; Okwu, Andy. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:113637.

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2022Perceived monetary policy uncertainty. (2022). Beckmann, Joscha ; Czudaj, Robert L. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:114964.

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2022Screening and loan origination time: lending standards, loan defaults and bank failures. (2020). Peydro, Jose-Luis ; Bedayo, Mikel ; Vegas, Raquel ; Jimenez, Gabriel. In: Economics Working Papers. RePEc:upf:upfgen:1749.

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Recent citations received in 2021

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2021Output effects of fiscal consolidations: does spending composition matter?. (2021). Izquierdo, Alejandro ; Cavallo, Eduardo ; Ardanaz, Martin ; Puig, Jorge Pablo. In: Asociación Argentina de Economía Política: Working Papers. RePEc:aep:anales:4507.

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2021“Employment uncertainty a year after the irruption of the covid-19 pandemic”. (2021). Sorić, Petar ; Claveria, Oscar ; Soric, Petar. In: AQR Working Papers. RePEc:aqr:wpaper:202104.

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2021On regulation and excess reserves: The case of Basel III. (2021). Hoarty, Blake ; Miller, Stephen Matteo. In: Journal of Financial Research. RePEc:bla:jfnres:v:44:y:2021:i:2:p:215-247.

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2021Revisiting the Trade Policy Uncertainty Index. (2021). Hong, T. In: Cambridge Working Papers in Economics. RePEc:cam:camdae:2174.

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2021Behavioral New Keynesian Models: Learning vs. Cognitive Discounting. (2021). Milani, Fabio ; Meggiorini, Greta. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_9039.

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2021A Model of QE, Reserve Demand and the Money Multiplier. (2021). Whelan, Karl ; Ryan, Ellen. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:15882.

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2021Information Markets and Nonmarkets. (2021). Bergemann, Dirk ; Ottaviani, Marco. In: Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers. RePEc:cwl:cwldpp:2296.

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2021Measured productivity with endogenous markups and economic profits. (2021). Savagar, Anthony. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:133:y:2021:i:c:s0165188921001676.

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2021Recession-specific recoveries: L’s, U’s and everything in between. (2021). Panovska, Irina ; Donayre, Luiggi. In: Economics Letters. RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:209:y:2021:i:c:s0165176521004225.

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2021Negative interest rates, excess liquidity and retail deposits: Banks’ reaction to unconventional monetary policy in the euro area. (2021). Vlassopoulos, Thomas ; Eisenschmidt, Jens ; Demiralp, Selva. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:136:y:2021:i:c:s0014292121000982.

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2021Monetary and fiscal policy interactions in a frictional model of fiat money, nominal public debt and banking. (2021). Haslag, Joseph ; Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro ; Dhital, Saroj. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:139:y:2021:i:c:s0014292121001872.

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2021Do negative interest rates affect bank risk-taking?. (2021). Williams, Jonathan ; Reghezza, Alessio ; Santamaria, Riccardo ; Bongiovanni, Alessio. In: Journal of Empirical Finance. RePEc:eee:empfin:v:63:y:2021:i:c:p:350-364.

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2021The macro effects of GPR and EPU indexes over the global oil market—Are the two types of uncertainty shock alike?. (2021). Zhu, Zixiang ; Gu, Xin ; Yu, Minli. In: Energy Economics. RePEc:eee:eneeco:v:100:y:2021:i:c:s0140988321002930.

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2021Does oil price aggravate the impact of economic policy uncertainty on bank performance in India?. (2021). Tripe, David ; Nghiem, Son ; Thien, Thanh Pham. In: Energy Economics. RePEc:eee:eneeco:v:104:y:2021:i:c:s0140988321004072.

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2021International coordination of macroprudential policies with capital flows and financial asymmetries. (2021). Phelan, Gregory ; Chen, William. In: Journal of Financial Stability. RePEc:eee:finsta:v:56:y:2021:i:c:s1572308921000899.

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2021Heterogeneity in individual expectations, sentiment, and constant-gain learning. (2021). Milani, Fabio ; Cole, Stephen. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. RePEc:eee:jeborg:v:188:y:2021:i:c:p:627-650.

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2021State ownership, macroprudential policies, and bank lending. (2021). Mirzaei, Ali ; Samet, Anis ; Pasiouras, Fotios. In: Journal of International Money and Finance. RePEc:eee:jimfin:v:117:y:2021:i:c:s0261560621001078.

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2021Entry costs and aggregate dynamics. (2021). Jones, Callum ; Philippon, Thomas ; Gutierrez, German. In: Journal of Monetary Economics. RePEc:eee:moneco:v:124:y:2021:i:s:p:s77-s91.

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2021Oligopoly Banking, Risky Investment, and Monetary Policy. (2021). Altermatt, Lukas ; Wang, Zijian. In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:30728.

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2021The Real Effects of Monetary Shocks: Evidence from Micro Pricing Moments. (2021). Klepacz, Matthew ; Hong, Gee Hee ; Schoenle, Raphael ; Pasten, Ernesto. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedcwq:93012.

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2021A Tale of Two Bailouts: Effects of TARP and PPP on Subprime Consumer Debt. (2021). Roman, Raluca ; Epouhe, Onesime ; Berger, Allen N. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedpwp:93065.

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2021Output Effects of Fiscal Consolidations: Does Spending Composition Matter?. (2021). Puig, Jorge ; Izquierdo, Alejandro ; Cavallo, Eduardo A ; Ardanaz, Martin. In: IDB Publications (Working Papers). RePEc:idb:brikps:11857.

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2021Central Bank Communication and Disagreement about the Natural Rate Hypothesis. (2021). Binder, Carola Conces. In: International Journal of Central Banking. RePEc:ijc:ijcjou:y:2021:q:2:a:3.

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2021Macrofinancial Causes of Optimism in Growth Forecasts. (2021). Carrière-Swallow, Yan ; Marzluf, Jose ; Carriere-Swallow, Yan. In: IMF Working Papers. RePEc:imf:imfwpa:2021/275.

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2021Employment uncertainty a year after the irruption of the covid-19 pandemic.. (2021). Sorić, Petar ; Claveria, Oscar ; Soric, Petar. In: IREA Working Papers. RePEc:ira:wpaper:202112.

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2021Behavioral New Keynesian Models: Learning vs. Cognitive Discounting. (2021). Milani, Fabio ; Meggiorini, Greta. In: Working Papers. RePEc:irv:wpaper:202103.

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2021Improving decisions with market information: an experiment on corporate prediction markets. (2021). Siemroth, Christoph ; Dianat, Ahrash. In: Experimental Economics. RePEc:kap:expeco:v:24:y:2021:i:1:d:10.1007_s10683-020-09654-y.

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2021Consumer Payment Choice and the Heterogeneous Impact of India’s Demonetization. (2021). Bajaj, Ayushi ; Damodaran, Nikhil. In: Monash Economics Working Papers. RePEc:mos:moswps:2021-15.

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2021A Unified Approach for Jointly Estimating the Business and Financial Cycle, and the Role of Financial Factors. (2021). Wong, Benjamin ; Berger, Tino ; Richter, Julia. In: Monash Econometrics and Business Statistics Working Papers. RePEc:msh:ebswps:2021-4.

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2021Testing the effectiveness of unconventional monetary policy in Japan and the United States. (2021). Zanetti, Francesco ; Mavroeidis, Sophocles ; Li, Shangshang ; Ikeda, Daisuke. In: Economics Series Working Papers. RePEc:oxf:wpaper:961.

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2021Cash Holdings and Firm-Level Exposure to Epidemic Diseases. (2021). Tut, Daniel. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:109704.

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2021Macroprudential Limits on Mortgage Products: The Australian Experience. (2021). Kearney, Alex ; Garvin, Nicholas ; Rose, Corrine. In: RBA Research Discussion Papers. RePEc:rba:rbardp:rdp2021-07.

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2021Bank Revolving Credit as a Channel of Monetary Policy. (2021). Logan, Jennifer ; Zia, Mujtaba. In: The Review of Finance and Banking. RePEc:rfb:journl:v:13:y:2021:i:2:p:147-160.

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2021Disagreement on expectations: firms versus consumers. (2021). Claveria, Oscar. In: SN Business & Economics. RePEc:spr:snbeco:v:1:y:2021:i:12:d:10.1007_s43546-021-00164-4.

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2021A unified approach for jointly estimating the business and financial cycle, and the role of financial factors. (2021). Wong, Benjamin ; Richter, Julia ; Berger, Tino. In: Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:cegedp:415.

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2021Inflation expectations, inflation target credibility and the COVID-19 pandemic: New evidence from Germany. (2021). Nautz, Dieter ; Coleman, Winnie. In: CFS Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:cfswop:658.

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2021Inflation expectations, inflation target credibility and the COVID-19 pandemic: New evidence from Germany. (2021). Nautz, Dieter ; Coleman, Winnie. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:fubsbe:202112.

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Recent citations received in 2020

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2020Analysis of the residential mortgage market in the Ural Federal District. (2020). Akhmetzianova, O O ; Koptyakova, S V ; Balynskaya, N R ; Zinovyeva, E G. In: R-Economy. RePEc:aiy:journl:v:6:y:2020:i:1:p:5-13.

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2020An internal fraud model for operational losses in retail banking. (2020). Vega, Marco ; Paredes, Roc'Io. In: Papers. RePEc:arx:papers:2002.03235.

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2020Implementation and Effectiveness of Extended Monetary Policy Tools: Lessons from the Literature. (2020). Yang, Jing ; Witmer, Jonathan ; Priftis, Romanos ; Kozicki, Sharon ; Suchanek, Lena ; Johnson, Grahame. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:bca:bocadp:20-16.

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2020Monetary Policy Independence and the Strength of the Global Financial Cycle. (2020). Witmer, Jonathan. In: Staff Working Papers. RePEc:bca:bocawp:20-26.

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2020The market stabilization role of central bank asset purchases: high-frequency evidence from the COVID-19 crisis. (2020). Bernardini, Marco ; de Nicola, Annalisa. In: Temi di discussione (Economic working papers). RePEc:bdi:wptemi:td_1310_20.

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2020The Great Lockdown and the Big Stimulus: Tracing the Pandemic Possibility Frontier for the U.S.. (2020). Moll, Benjamin ; Kaplan, Greg ; Violante, Giovanni . In: Working Papers. RePEc:bfi:wpaper:2020-119.

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2020Fiscal Consolidations and Informality in Latin America and the Caribbean. (2020). Lemaire, Thibault. In: Working papers. RePEc:bfr:banfra:764.

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2020Firm Heterogeneity and Trade Credit Behaviour. (2020). Karavias, Yiannis ; Asimakopoulos, Stylianos ; da Silva, Filipa. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:bir:birmec:20-20.

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2020Operational and cyber risks in the financial sector. (2020). Giudici, Paolo ; Gambacorta, Leonardo ; Aldasoro, Iñaki ; Leach, Thomas. In: BIS Working Papers. RePEc:bis:biswps:840.

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2020Nonlinear transmission of U.S. monetary policy shocks to international financial markets. (2020). Ha, Jongrim. In: International Finance. RePEc:bla:intfin:v:23:y:2020:i:3:p:350-369.

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2020Pension information and womens awareness. (2020). Del Boca, Daniela ; Angelici, Marta ; Villosio, Claudia ; Rossi, Maria Cristina ; Profeta, Paola ; Oggero, Noemi. In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks. RePEc:cca:wpaper:615.

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2020Pension Information and Womens Awareness. (2020). Profeta, Paola ; Del Boca, Daniela ; Angelici, Marta ; Villosio, Claudia ; Rossi, Mariacristina ; Oggero, Noemi. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_8563.

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2020COVID-Induced Sovereign Risk in the Euro Area: When Did the ECB Stop the Contagion?. (2020). Tripier, Fabien ; Ortmans, Aymeric. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cii:cepidt:2020-11.

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2020Micro Jumps, Macro Humps: Monetary Policy and Business Cycles in an Estimated HANK Model. (2020). Straub, Ludwig ; Rognlie, Matthew ; Auclert, Adrien. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:14279.

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2020Operational and cyber risks in the financial sector. (2020). Aldasoro, Inaki ; Gambacorta, Leonardo ; Giudici, Paolo ; Leach, Thomas. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:14418.

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2020The costs of macroprudential deleveraging in a liquidity trap. (2020). Walentin, Karl ; Lindé, Jesper ; Finocchiaro, Daria ; Linde, Jesper ; Chen, Jiaqian. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:14564.

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2020The Microeconomics of Cryptocurrencies. (2020). Halaburda, Hanna ; Haeringer, Guillaume ; Gandal, Neil ; Gans, Joshua. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:14972.

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2020A dilemma between liquidity regulation and monetary policy: some history and theory. (2020). Vari, Miklos ; Monnet, Eric. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:15001.

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2020The Great Lockdown and the Big Stimulus: Tracing the Pandemic Possibility Frontier for the U.S.. (2020). Moll, Benjamin ; Violante, Giovanni L ; Kaplan, Greg. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:15256.

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2020Monetary Policy Surprises and Exchange Rate Behavior. (2020). Lee, Sang Seok ; Kısacıkoğlu, Burçin ; Kara, Hakan ; Gürkaynak, Refet. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:15289.

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2020Financial Fragility during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2020). Mitchell, Olivia ; Lusardi, Annamaria ; Clark, Robert. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:15532.

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2020Understanding Debt in the Older Population. (2020). Mitchell, Olivia ; Lusardi, Annamaria ; Oggero, Noemi. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:15568.

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2020Estimation of Impulse response functions with term structure local projections. (2020). McNeil, James. In: Working Papers. RePEc:dal:wpaper:daleconwp2020-05.

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2020Economic policy uncertainty and short-term financing: The case of trade credit. (2020). Toscano, Francesca ; D'Mello, Ranjan. In: Journal of Corporate Finance. RePEc:eee:corfin:v:64:y:2020:i:c:s0929119920301309.

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2020Winter is possibly not coming: Mitigating financial instability in an agent-based model with interbank market. (2020). Roventini, Andrea ; Napoletano, Mauro ; Popoyan, Lilit. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:117:y:2020:i:c:s0165188920301056.

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2020European spreads at the interest rate lower bound. (2020). Coroneo, Laura ; Pastorello, Sergio. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:119:y:2020:i:c:s0165188920301470.

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2020Macroeconomic effects of the mortgage refinance and the home equity lines of credit. (2020). Kim, Jiseob. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:121:y:2020:i:c:s0165188920301895.

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2020Bank partnership and liquidity crisis. (2020). Shin, Hojong ; Park, Junho ; Gam, Yong Kyu ; Choi, Seungho. In: Journal of Banking & Finance. RePEc:eee:jbfina:v:120:y:2020:i:c:s037842662030220x.

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2020Nominal GDP versus price level targeting: An empirical evaluation. (2020). McMillin, W. ; Fackler, James S. In: Journal of Economics and Business. RePEc:eee:jebusi:v:109:y:2020:i:c:s0148619519301882.

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2020The scarcity effect of QE on repo rates: Evidence from the euro area. (2020). Vari, Miklos ; Rahmouni-Rousseau, Imene ; Nguyen, Benoit ; Arrata, William. In: Journal of Financial Economics. RePEc:eee:jfinec:v:137:y:2020:i:3:p:837-856.

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2020Can Labor Market Policies Reduce Deaths of Despair?. (2020). Reich, Michael ; Lowenstein, Christopher ; Godoy, Anna ; Dow, William H. In: Journal of Health Economics. RePEc:eee:jhecon:v:74:y:2020:i:c:s0167629620301119.

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2020Are the Largest Banking Organizations Operationally More Risky?. (2020). Frame, W ; Mihov, Atanas ; Curti, Filippo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:feddwp:88097.

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2020Haste Makes Waste: Banking Organization Growth and Operational Risk. (2020). Frame, W ; Mihov, Atanas ; McLemore, Ping. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:feddwp:88596.

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2020What is Certain about Uncertainty?. (2020). Sarisoy, Cisil ; Rodriguez, Marius ; Rogers, John ; Ma, Sai ; Jahan-Parvar, Mohammad ; Grishchenko, Olesya ; Datta, Deepa ; Cascaldi-Garcia, Danilo ; del Giudice, Marius ; Loria, Francesca ; Londono, Juan M ; Revil, Thiago ; Zer, Ilknur. In: International Finance Discussion Papers. RePEc:fip:fedgif:1294.

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2020The Effects of Pension Information on Individuals’ Economic Outcomes: A Survey. (2020). Oggero, Noemi ; Basiglio, Stefania. In: Economies. RePEc:gam:jecomi:v:8:y:2020:i:3:p:67-:d:401559.

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2020Fiscal Consolidations and Informality in Latin America and the Caribbean. (2020). Lemaire, Thibault. In: Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers). RePEc:hal:cesptp:halshs-03948669.

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2020Income inequality and monetary policy in the Euro Area. (2020). El Herradi, Mehdi ; Creel, Jerome. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-03389183.

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2020Fiscal Consolidations and Informality in Latin America and the Caribbean. (2020). Lemaire, Thibault. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-03948669.

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2020Pension Information and Womens Awareness. (2020). Villosio, Claudia ; rossi, mariacristina ; Profeta, Paola ; Del Boca, Daniela ; Oggero, Noemi ; Angelici, Marta. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13573.

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2020Suboptimal Equilibria from Nominal GDP Targeting. (2020). Luther, William J ; Hogan, Thomas L. In: Journal of Private Enterprise. RePEc:jpe:journl:1684.

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2020Quantifying and Stress Testing Operational Risk with Peer Banks’ Data. (2020). Curti, Filippo ; Abdymomunov, Azamat. In: Journal of Financial Services Research. RePEc:kap:jfsres:v:57:y:2020:i:3:d:10.1007_s10693-019-00320-w.

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2020Macroprudential Policy in the Euro Area. (2020). Paya, Ivan ; Fernandez-Gallardo, Alvaro. In: Working Papers. RePEc:lan:wpaper:307121127.

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2020The Microeconomics of Cryptocurrencies. (2020). Halaburda, Hanna ; Haeringer, Guillaume ; Gandal, Neil ; Gans, Joshua. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:27477.

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2020MPCs, MPEs and Multipliers: A Trilemma for New Keynesian Models. (2020). Rognlie, Matthew ; Auclert, Adrien ; Bardoczy, Bence. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:27486.

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2020The Great Lockdown and the Big Stimulus: Tracing the Pandemic Possibility Frontier for the U.S.. (2020). Moll, Benjamin ; Kaplan, Greg ; Violante, Giovanni L. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:27794.

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2020Financial Fragility during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2020). Mitchell, Olivia ; Lusardi, Annamaria ; Clark, Robert L. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:28207.

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2020Patent Policy and Economic Growth: A Survey. (2020). Chu, Angus. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:103643.

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2020Inflation, Innovation and Growth: A Survey. (2020). Chu, Angus. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:103740.

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