Google Merchant Center regional inventories table


Regional inventories table shows merchants their regional availability and pricing overrides of their products. The format of regional inventories data corresponds primarily to the format of the relevant fields of the Content API's regionalinventory resource.

The data is written to a table named RegionalInventories_MERCHANT_ID if you are using an individual Merchant ID, or RegionalInventories_AGGREGATOR_ID if you are using an MCA account.


The RegionalInventories_ table has the following schema:

Column BigQuery data type Description Example data
product_id STRING Content API's REST ID of the product in the form: channel:content_language:feed_label:offer_id. This field is a primary key. online:en:AU:666840730
merchant_id INTEGER Merchant account ID. This field is a primary key.
aggregator_id INTEGER Aggregator account ID for multi-client accounts.
region_id STRING Region ID of the inventory.
price RECORD Regional price of the item.
price.value NUMERIC Regional price of the item. 99
price.currency STRING Currency of the regional price of the item. CHF
sale_price RECORD Regional sale price of the item.
sale_price.value NUMERIC Regional sale price of the item. 49
sale_price.currency STRING Currency of the regional sale price of the item. CHF
sale_price_effective_start_date TIMESTAMP Start date and time when the item is on sale in the region. 2021-03-30 00:00:00 UTC
sale_price_effective_end_date TIMESTAMP End date and time when the item is on sale in the region. 2021-04-14 00:00:00 UTC
availability STRING Regional availability status of the item. out of stock