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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bundle Up

It's 'bundle up' or 'stay in' kind of weather today. -8C(16F) or -16C(0F) with the wind chill.

I made it to my step class this morning. Our regular instructor was away and a peppy, younger one was there in her place. The music was extra loud and it seemed harder to keep up, but she's a nice, funny girl that loves what she does. The gym was super-crowded. It always gets busy around the New Year.

We're having another family over for lunch on Friday so I had to do some groceries. The plan is Lasagna, baked chicken legs and salad as they have 3 kids.

L passed her swim instructor course. She was having a hard time with the instructor. One day he would say her lesson plan was too detailed. Then the next day it would be too simple. She didn't think there was that much difference in either plan. So she had a talk with him after class to express her frustration and got an 'A' rating the next day. Go figure.

This morning, I received some gossipy emails about our extended family from 2 of my sisters. We're terrible.

A lot of people seem to be going to CUBA for vacations lately. I guess it's one of the safe countries.

I agreed to a charity pickup in the New Year, thinking I'd have lots of time to gather stuff over the holidays. Hmm.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year when it comes and have fun tonight doing whatever pleases you. We'll stay home, and have a quiet one.


Avoiding the failure trap of New Year’s resolutions

Retirement-Proof Your Relationship

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Reprieve

Well, I had my breast ultrasound this morning and the technician couldn't find anything, so I'll see my doctor next week to see what he wants to do next. I should think up some questions/suggestions for him. My mammogram a few weeks ago had detected a lump in the left breast. Now the technician said my breasts are dense so it's difficult to see stuff. She also mentioned that the best time to do a mammogram is about a week after the END of your period, if anyone cares to know. Also, mammograms can't be done too often as they are X-rays. This poor girl was waiting to get her tests done after me and her bladder was too full, so she had to go empty it. I remember her saying in the waiting room that she couldn't do a 'partial' emptying, that with her it was 'all or nothing!' I had a good feeling going into this test this morning when I drove into the crowded parking lot and a spot opened up right before me. After which, 2 or 3 cars came right behind me.

Afterwards, I stopped by a mall and found a new pair of boots and some nice Christmas cards at 90% off. I didn't really need any, but 90% off is a good deal.


Foodies feel the credit crunch

Save Your Marriage!

Iran confirms arrest of Canadian blogger

Monday, December 29, 2008

New Furniture

home theatre

new couch, new coffee table
new dining set
new bar table and chairs

I've posted some photos of the new basement furniture that I've been talking about. Hope you like them!

We saw the new James Bond movie last night. Action, violence, beautiful women and not a lot of plot this time. L saw the Benjamin Button movie and loved all 3 hours of it, declaring that it's a 'must see'.

K and I spent a lovely afternoon bowling with the cousins today. K's really enjoying the imitation CK One cologne I got him for Christmas. The weather was spring-like today, I even went for a walk this morning.


Uproar in Australia over plan to block Web sites (AP)

Researchers unlock secrets of 1918 flu pandemic

Why Eating Fruits And Vegetables Can Be Good For Your Bones

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Honest Scrap

Scrap means left overs, fragments, discarded material, and many times truth and honesty is discarded material, considered fragments and left over. So, we need to tell it like it is, and let the scraps fall where they will.
Honorees are to first list 10 honest things about ourselves - and make it interesting, even if we have to dig deep! Second, we are to pass the award on to 7 bloggers we feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

Well ,first, let me thank Mr Bill for the nomination.

So I need 10 honest things about myself. Alright, let me give it a try...

1) I grew up thinking we were poor, but now I realize we were just middle class, I guess I was comparing with the lifestyles of other relatives

2) It bothers me to see full garbage cans, empty toilet paper holders, empty ice trays, a sink full of dishes. The same goes for uncleared mailboxes, unsorted junk mail, clutter in general.

3) One day my sister pointed out that I was a hypochondriac. I just have to read about some disease, and I have it. I've improved since then.

4) I hate dusting, and housework in general. I'll add sewing and mending to that list. Luckily, my husband is always vacuuming.

5) I have a friend I've known for over 20 years and my daughter pointed out how little we really know about each other. I see her regularly throughout the year. But I've had friends that discuss the most intimate details of their lives with me, go figure.

6) I think I'm loyal, responsible, trustworthy, thoughtful, compassionate...sounds boring, doesn't it? I have to live a little.

7) I'm miserable and cranky (bitchy) when tired.

8) I can be judgmental and blaming

9) My parents had 4 daughters and a son. I'm the eldest daughter and my brother is the youngest. My dad had a son from a previous relationship. But we've lost touch with this half brother who disappeared after a family wedding (1991?) when a thoughtless speech was made that did not include him.

10) I think I naturally set goals and love to accomplish. My favourite saying is 'I have to...'

If this intrigues you, consider yourself tagged and feel free to participate.

Profound Advice

Well, I survived last night's party. We ended up cutting 3 birthday cakes complete with singing, slicing and serving throughout the night. The first cake was for M's sister's 60th, then they decided to do one for M's mom who will be 79 Jan 4th, then they did one for M's nephew who is 18 today. (My niece in California is also 15? today.) L got into a religious fight with her uncle and her grandma, which I did not witness. Her uncle told her it was a shame she didn't attend church every Sunday which he does and she took offence to that. He's far from what you could call Godly. Then her grandma argued about who her godparents really were, but she was the one who was mistaken. Then M walked into the room and berated them all for upsetting his daughter. My take on this is that it's all in the family and thank goodness I wasn't involved. Everyone enjoyed the new basement.

I took L for her tennis match earlier on that evening. She was just there for the experience as she was trounced by her opponent. But I had an interesting conversation with her mom for the 45 minutes that we sat together. We talked about urban growth, the benefits of sport for kids, then she offered some profound advice. She said that basically, for a young girl, it doesn't matter what great job you end up getting, it all boils down to who you marry. That could either make you happy or ruin your life. But she couldn't offer any insight as to how to go about picking this 'right' person. (-:


The year's best wines for under $12

Keeping fit during cold months

Friday, December 26, 2008

Everyone's perspective

It's snowing lightly today and supposed to warm up to 10C (about 50F) tomorrow! That sounds like a lot of water.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas. My sister gave me some new makeup, so I was all dolled up for a change yesterday. L arranged that I should have a spa gift certificate for Christmas. So I plan to book my first massage (Swedish?) sometime this year. Something I've wanted to do but would never have gotten around to otherwise. She thinks she knows what's best for me.

Within M's family, a joyous pregnancy was announced. There was news of a surprising and saddening divorce (M's sister-in-law's brother). M's handsome 18 year old nephew seems to have broken up with his constant girlfriend of 4 and a half years and is seeing someone else. Is this always the risk when you have a good looking boyfriend? (Brad Pitt comes to mind!) Another 18 year old nephew has a totally transformed look upon his return from the first semester at university. Goatee beards and moustaches are 'in', along with one earring in I forget which ear. I mentioned that I enjoy the odd annual xmas newsletter. I now understand that not everyone appreciates these as some can seem boastful or bragging. Hmm, you have to think of everyone's perspective when you write, don't you? Well, I did enjoy a moist butterball turkey with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, the classic meal.

Now I have to go for my walk, it's been a challenge keeping up with the exercise during the holidays. I also have to plan the grocery list and the logistics for tomorrow's party. L's weekend tennis tournament got scheduled right in the middle of the party which won't help. Along with the fact that my mother in law is bringing 2 trays of hors d'oeuvres and 3 other dishes that will need to be warmed up. Helpful, yet ...


What You Bought On The Busiest Shopping Day Of The Year

Penned to perfection: The art of the thank you note

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

All the Best

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!

My florist friend made this arrangement for me for Christmas.

The kids' old piano teacher dropped by last night with some surprise little gifts and we caught up with her news. I think the kids have spent more time with her over the years than with real family!


Combo gifts, party no-shows: hazards of a Xmas birthday

Words That Ought To Be In The Dictionary, '08 Edition

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's busy out there

L wants to see the new Benjamin Button movie, says it sounds interesting. Well, they have a lot of movie gift certificates to use, that's for sure.

I went to the grocery store around noon and had difficulty finding a parking spot, it was so busy. I'm glad I won't be out there tomorrow. I panicked when someone went off with my grocery cart by mistake, but I caught up with them down one aisle. I've done that before a few times. I decided to do a frenched rib rack of pork in cranberry sauce tomorrow for Christmas eve when my sister comes over with her family. There was an older couple shopping in the aisles and the man said to me 'at my age I'm in no hurry to get anywhere', so it didn't matter people blocking his path for a bit now and then!

I decided to shovel a path through my neighbour's sidewalk to the mailbox. My neighbour keeps waiting for the town to do it, but it's been a few days. It never fails, they always drive out just as I'm in the act. So they said 'thank you'. She has a university age son living there that could do it. My girlfriend thinks I should report them to the town, but I can't do that. My neighbour on the other side always shovels a path right up to our driveway with his snowblower.

Now, I'll go for a walk, less traffic than driving to the gym I think.


Will 'Benjamin Button' be 2008's big Xmas hit?

New snow blower? Take care, it's not a toy

Caffeine Gives Men Faster Jolt: Study

Monday, December 22, 2008

Blogging is mainstream

You know, I think blogging is becoming mainstream. It's the way the internet came to us, sort of fledgling, then growing quickly. We're at the forefront of it! To be honest, I think I've been neglecting family and friends on email because I've been busy blogging and commenting. (Maybe I'm doing them a favour!)

This morning, L had a dental checkup, hers are always perfect and the dental assistant and dentist always comment on her perfect habits. It's almost a welcome relief, compared to what they regularly see. And their office was so busy today, as all the kids are on holidays. Then I realized it was Dec 22nd and the least I could do was bring in a box of chocolates for the staff. So we doubled back home and retrieved a spare box and delivered it with a card.

M, K and I went to IKEA in the afternoon to look for a new coffee table. We found a nice one (as well as a couple of bar stools and a matching table). M noticed at the last party that everyone seemed to stand around the basement kitchen for a bit, but there was nowhere to really congregate unless you went straight to the TV area. The Saturday party turned out to be a real trial run!

Well, I have a few more things to do before day's end, including making dinner and some History and Math review with K.


Blog network b5media has Write stuff to attract advertisers

Blind man easily navigates obstacle course

Toronto Fire Wants You To Turn Up The Heat Safely This Winter

Sunday, December 21, 2008

What do you think?

Well, we had another snowstorm last night, so I trundled through the 4 inches or so of snow all the way to church this morning (good workout). I picked up next year's donation envelopes and checked out the mass times for Christmas. It's the priest's birthday today, so they played happy birthday for him at the end of mass.

We had a fun party last night, and christened the new basement, actually serving snacks and drinks down there and using the entertainment systems. We found out we need a coffee table. The new couch has this soft square ottoman piece that I thought would be ok with a tray on it, but we kept worrying that sauce may fall on the poor fabric. So it's off to IKEA we go. Next up is to focus on our Dec 24 and 27th parties. I hope the grocery stores will be open on the 27th, I'm sure I'll need a few things. It's hard to resist all the cookies and chocolates we have lying around the house these days.

Does anyone think that Madonna's husband got such a large settlement because she's a woman? I mean, Paul McCartney didn't have to pay that much! Not that I know the details, I'm just maybe overthinking.

A friend just called to go for a walk, and I thought, why not? It's sunny and likely the roads have been ploughed by now.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Having a knack for it

It's sunny and cold after the storm with another one on the way for this evening? My girlfriend came by with the intention of us going for a walk, but we felt it was too cold. We exchanged gifts anyway and she's on her way to Montreal to see her family.

M took the kids for haircuts and I have to get ready for our dinner party later this evening. M had to get the snowblower out last night, there was about a foot of snow to shovel although it was light and powdery. My arms are still sore from the shovelling that I did do. K came out to help, but just messed everything up by diving around in the snow. At least he got the mail for me after reportedly losing the key in the snow a couple of times.

L had an 89.4 average this term, and she needs 89.5 for academic excellence. She thinks she can make it up by the end of the year. The advanced math class is beating her down, the teacher gives impossible tests. Some of the kids get tutored outside of school and seem to know the material ahead of time. One girl even achieved a 100% math average! Well, to give her due credit, she must have a knack for the stuff.

There are some funny regifting stories from ( in the news article below!


Feeling down? Learn how to beat the winter blues

Should You 'Regift' Christmas Presents To Save Money?

Friday, December 19, 2008


Well, the news of the day is that I had a routine 2 year mammogram done on Monday, and the doctor's secretary just called me back to say that they saw something (a lump? I even forgot to ask which breast), and that they've booked me for an ultrasound Dec 30th to have a better look. Of course, the doctor told me not to worry, and I'm to see him Jan 7th for a followup. The first thought I had was 'what will everyone do without me?' But no one is indispensable and such is life. My sister had a similar scare earlier this year, but she was lucky. I've been having these done since about age 40, simply because we asked the doctor 'why not?'

We're in the middle of a snow storm, L's driving lesson was cancelled and we have some shovelling to look forward to. It'll be good exercise. Wonder if the mailman came? K is loving his new dog tag necklace, with his initials engraved in it. He even went to bed with it. Luckily they ask them to remove all jewellery before gym at school.

Japra, I've included some cookbook reviews in the news below. There's a 'sustainable seafood' one that looks interesting.


Good reads yield some good eats (Cookbook reviews)

Mirth & Earth: A green gift guide

How to throw an ugly Christmas sweater party

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Vacations abroad

We're waiting for a big snow storm tomorrow. That's the day when a lot of people are heading off on vacations abroad. A lot of people we know seem to be going away for Christmas this year, including the kids' classmates.

I've got everything I need for Saturday's party, largely due to the impending storm. A friend and I are planning to go for a walk Saturday morning...hmm. K and I found a nice stainless steel dog tag necklace last night at the mall. We got it engraved in his initials and he chose the type of lettering he wanted. K's History average has gone up 30% since he started studying for his tests. We're happy. The goal next year is to break the back of Math and Science (easier said than done).


Researchers Debunk Holiday Medical Myths

Want to marry a doctor? Survey shows most do

Study: Young people watch less TV

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Makeup Tip

So at the hairdresser's yesterday this young girl came by selling a line of cosmetics and I got this survival kit for L for only $20. It even included this little booklet with makeup tips. I think the girl said this makeup line is from the ProActive (acne medicine) people that we see on TV. Anyway, L says to me this morning 'so you can't tell I'm wearing any makeup, can you?' I said 'No'. It seems this particular makeup tip told her that daytime makeup is supposed to look that way, very subtle if you will, nothing glittery. I'm glad she's enjoying the kit! I would've put it in her stocking, but I have to keep the stuff a bit even with her brother, and I finished all that already. Although he wants to go to the mall this week to find a stainless steel necklace.

My nephew sent me this video and I thought you might find it entertaining



Where to get Toronto's best poutine

Low GI diet helps type 2
diabetics, study says

What are you looking at? Japan scientists find out

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Don't skip your exercise

The story below suggests keyboards, laptops and 9-5 jobs will be a thing of the past by 2012! I have at least one friend whose iphone seems to have taken over his life. He can do everything on it, Facebook, email, he has even set it up to display your picture when you phone him.

Well, I've been thinking how to make it to the gym for some exercise over the holidays in all hustle and bustle. Maybe the odd walk might be possible if the sidewalks aren't too icy. It seems there's a pending snowstorm or two over the next couple of I made L an appointment for a manicure and eyebrow threading which she wanted to do before the holidays. I'm going for a haircut today.

K and his friend's hydraulic mango picker design was apparently a big hit yesterday, the teacher was pleased, especially as it actually worked.


Survey: Keyboards, DRM to become scarce in 2012 (CNET)

Jennifer Sygo: Hot topics of '08 (Nutrition trends)

Ask yourself: ‘What would Jesus buy?’ (Health topic)

Monday, December 15, 2008


We're having spring-like weather the past few days, so all the ice is melting away, except the temperatures are supposed to plunge this evening and things may freeze up again.

The kids will take a couple of teacher's gifts in this week. I got chocolates this year and a little bracelet for a particularly nice teacher. K and his friend's big hydraulics project was due today, so I'll hear how that went. They ended up doing a hydraulic mango picker for a poor Caribbean nation and it was actually quite fun.

We're entertaining some friends this coming Saturday (10-12 people including teenagers), so I'm thinking about the menu. Thankfully, there are no special dietary concerns and they are pretty easygoing friends (the ones that don't mind paper plates (-:)


Obesity genes suggest some people hardwired to overeat

Less is more for going green at Christmas

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lovely and Quiet

It's been a lovely, quiet Sunday afternoon. A friend gave us some 'melt in your mouth' shortbread cookies and they are not going to last long. Better still, she gave me the recipe and it's so simple. The secret is 454 grams of unsalted butter, of course. Now my sister wants to know how many cups that would be. This friend was telling me she put herself on the 'do not call' list and it has cut down on her telemarketing calls quite a bit. The people that are currently getting through will still be able to do so, but any new ones won't. I'm thinking about doing this.

L almost made it to the final of some tennis tournament this afternoon and is currently very miffed. The good part is she's now home and can start that homework.
M went to get the Festive Swiss Chalet Rotisserie Chicken special for our supper. It comes with 4 little packs of assorted Lindt chocolates, stuffing and cranberry sauce.


Reporter's blog on Chicago sit-in to become book

Couple eats on $1 day

The best presents are the ones you bake yourself

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A big celebration

We went out to dinner last night with some friends and exchanged Christmas gifts. The moon was at it's biggest, brightest, apparently it was very close to earth last night, something called geocentric perigee.

Tonight we're going to dinner at a friend's house. K and I are doing some studying for a math test next week, it's not pretty. So I blog therapeutically. L went to a tennis lesson.

Our new couch set arrived earlier this week and we got it set up today, it works well in the space. It's a modular 5 piece set, a neutral taupe colour. We'll be entertaining 24 people on Dec 27th, M's relatives and a few friends, including us. His mom will bring some dishes (whew!). One member is vegetarian. I understand there will be a special announcement from one of the young couples! And we will also be celebrating M's older sister's 60th birthday (which was actually earlier this month).

Friday, December 12, 2008

Miscellaneous thoughts

Mom, here's an article for you to read. It's on the topic of donating to charity on behalf of your loved ones instead of giving them gifts!

Well, my sister that lives in California told me that a neighbour's 21 year old university-aged son just committed suicide. Apparently there's been 4 this year at Stanford University. We really have to be careful of stress in young kids. Talk to your children?

Can you believe a company like GM could go bankrupt? The world must be coming to an end.

I saw a young man leaving the gym this morning with a double stroller containing kids that couldn't have been more than 6 months old. He was on his own. It's usually a mom in that scenario. They have a child minding service there while you work out.


Are You A Sugar Addict?

Hot Drinks Help Fight Common Cold: Study

Top 10 food trends of 2008

Amish gene trait may inspire heart protection

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A sign of the times

So I'm in Chapter's book store browsing this morning. I decided to search online at one of their kiosks for a book. I had to get help 'excuse me, but is there a mouse on this computer?' The answer 'it's touch screen, touch the screen'. Well, it did have a big sign on it that said 'touch the screen'! Ok, the last time I was in there searching it was a regular computer!

I cooked a lot today. I made beef stir-fry with ginger, and then I sauteed some mushrooms. I also roasted (baked) some cauliflower and zucchini, along with baked salmon fillets.

K has his middle school music concert tonight. L emails me from school occasionally during the day regarding schedule changes, etc. Sort of like she's at the office!

Well, I should wrap some gifts.


Consumers dreaming of a cheaper Christmas

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Compression Wear

Our driveway is like a sheet of ice today, I did try to salt it down. M had some electrical wires delivered and I saw the delivery man having some fun skating down to his truck.

I'm currently subscribing to Chatelaine Magazine and I received this recipe for
Chunky country fries . The neat thing about it is that it uses egg whites instead of oil to coat and bake the fries in and claims it looks and tastes like the real thing! Worth a try don't you think?

I have an adventure story in my news today. And have you ever heard of compression athletic wear? It's the latest thing according to the story below.


Crash survivor didn't think he would 'make it out'

Silver-woven and to all a good tight fit

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Seven Things Meme and a funny post

Choose this award Or this award

I was 'tagged' by Japra

Here are the rules:
1. Do five jumping jacks
2. Balance on one foot.
3. Call a friend to say hi.
4. Take a hot bath.
5. Hug your kid or your dog.
6. Post seven (or whatever you have time for) random things about yourself.

Then, choose your award(s) and i.d. five people (or whatever) for the meme. Oh yeah, and let the people know you chose them. Oh yeah, and link back to me"

So, here are my "Seven Things"

1. I love flowers, they're so beautiful
2. I had at least 50 penpals from around the world when I was a teenager. It was so fun receiving all this mail. (relatively inexpensive hobby) I remember receiving this package of pastries from a penpal in Tunisia. They were delicious! I remember keeping in touch with this one girl from France until she got married and even sent me a photo. Do you suppose blogging is like a modern day online version of this?
3. I admire fearless and adventurous people, being as I tend to overthink a situation.
4. I've sailed with my family on a gondola in Venice and we were serenaded by the gondolier on a hot summer's day in broad daylight.
5. I like people who are young at heart, whatever their age.
6. I nag my husband but he needs it, I think!
7. I actually like doing groceries, it's not a chore for me.

I won't select anyone to play, but feel free if you're in the mood. It's kind of fun thinking of random things about yourself.

Oh, I found a funny post from The Bold Soul, worth reading

Full Circle

We shovelled a fair bit today, then it got slushy and it's now raining as the temperature rose to 5C (42F)...but if it freezes tonight it won't be pretty on the roads tomorrow morning. I should see what happened to the bunch of snowmen the neighbour and his son created earlier today, complete with carrot noses.

L's first employment contract arrived in the mail today, so she has to sign it and return it to the town. She'll be working at the same community centre where she took swim lessons herself as a little girl. She then did volunteer work with them and now she has a real job there! It's come full circle and it's a nice feeling to think she's giving back in some way.


Monochrome for the holidays

Bad economy helping Web scammers recruit `mules' (AP)

P.E.I. households greenest in the country

Scientists find nutty risk reducer: Eat more nuts

Wait a second: 2008 gets extended by timekeepers

Monday, December 8, 2008


I'm so sluggish and tired in the mornings, the cold weather doesn't help. I think arthritis is rearing it's ugly head. The wonder of it all is that I force myself to go to the gym. After the exercise, I'm miraculously energized and raring to go about my day. I must keep remembering that. The 'Amazing Race' winners Nick and Starr Spangler were on TV this morning. Starr says she's now dating Dallas, another contestant on the show. They had met during the series. The next Amazing Race will start February 15th. We love that show. The winners rack up so many air miles, it was fascinating to see how much territory they cover in those weeks.

The best story below must be that 'dogs have a sense of fairness'. It's known that they do have intelligence.


Studies show dogs have sense of fairness

Cold sore virus linked to Alzheimer's, study suggests

Dinosaurs were total airheads, study finds

Putting Facebook before exams

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ornament exchange

It's -6C outside and -21C with the windchill (-10F?) and it snowed a bit last night.
So what do you think of these fabric garlands? Something different. I kind of like them. My sister says she prefers traditional green garlands.

I read in a magazine about a family ornament exchange at their Christmas gathering. So you pick a name and choose an ornament for that person. That may be a fun idea for Christmas parties in general.


Two breeds of Buffalo Bills fans

Hidden health risks of the holiday season

19 easy ways to look ten years younger

Saturday, December 6, 2008

New Couch

Another cold day. L and a friend had dinner near Main Street yesterday and tried to take in a bit of the parade, they reported a tremendous crowd in spite of the frigid weather. You couldn't really see anything.

K and his friend just finished their Science project. They seem to be more motivated working together, unless they're trying to finish as fast as possible so that they can play and horse around. They're taking crazy videos of each other with my cell phone at the moment. At this age, they seem to entertain themselves more, no babysitting required other than providing snacks.

L had another staff training session with the town this morning, basically another wet test. Now she's off to a tennis lesson and then a sweet sixteen party in the evening. It's dinner at a Japanese restaurant and then over to the girl's house afterward. M is buying a new modular couch set for the basement to be delivered on Tuesday! He's happy about that. What's a big screen TV without a comfy couch set? It sounds like a heart attack recipe to me. I chose it, then he and K approved it as being comfortable, and the price was right, so we decided to get it.

We got invited to a dinner party next Saturday evening. I think I'll get some butter tarts to take over for dessert.


Can DNA tests help you change your life?

Cell Phones On The Subway: Viewers React

Which Everyday Household Items Contain Lead?

it’s a turkey! it’s a duck! it’s a chicken! it’s everything!

Wealthy Boomer meets the Wealthy Barber

Friday, December 5, 2008

Fig/black olive tapenade

The sun finally came out today, but it's so cold and windy, you really need your gloves on.

I heard on the radio this morning that Barack Obama smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.

Japra, I was trying to copy your meme rules, but those 'awards' are giving me trouble, any suggestions?

At the gym, I caught the 'Regis and Kelly' show this morning. They were interviewing Keira Knightley who has a new movie out (The Duchess), I wouldn't mind seeing it. Anyway, she seems quite intelligent and a good actress that really researches and understands her part. She said she was only allowed to do commercials and other work during the summers as a child, because her parents thought schoolwork came first.

There is a Loblaws just downstairs of a lot of these gyms. So, I usually pick up a few things on my way out some days. They were having a festive grand re-opening of the store after undergoing some renovations. After sampling a yummy banana berry smoothie made with soy milk, I was invited upstairs to the cooking class room to sample a range of hors d'oeuvres prepared by the staff. I picked up a few recipe cards and particularly enjoyed the 'goat cheese and fig crostini'. In fact I bought the president's choice fig/black olive tapenade so I could make more of it as my next party appetizer. Reading from my recipe cards, I had wild mushroom and rosemary toast crisp, caprese salad, sundried tomatoes with goat cheese crostini. I also had a chinese dumpling. Let's just say I tasted enough things that it became lunch for today.

I even got my housework done. And now I'm going to see what's in the box of Christmas decorations and get the tree up tonight.

There is a Christmas candlelight parade on Main Street tonight, so the street will be closed. Some years the weather is mild, some years snowy, and this year it will be cooold.


Boy meets girls

An Australian Definition of a Canadian

I received this in an email from a friend last night and I really liked it. Hope you do too!

This is absolutely wonderful, don't miss it. Be proud! Pass it on.

Once in a while someone does a nice job of describing a Canadian, this time it was an Australian dentist..

An Australian Definition of a Canadian

In case anyone asks you who a Canadian is . . .

** **Proud to be Canadian An Australian Definition of a Canadian
- Written by an Australian Dentist

You probably missed it in the local news, but there was a report that someone in Pakistan had advertised in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed a Canadian - any Canadian.

An Australian dentist wrote the following editorial to help define what a Canadian is, so they would know one when they found one.

A Canadian can be English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian or Greek. A Canadian can be Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, Arab, Pakistani or Afghan.

A Canadian may also be a Cree, Métis, Mohawk, Blackfoot, Sioux, or one of the many other tribes known as native Canadians.

A Canadian's religious beliefs range from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or none. In fact, there are more Muslims in Canada than in Afghanistan. The key difference is that in Canada they are free to worship as each of them chooses. Whether they have a religion or no religion, each Canadian ultimately answers only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God..

A Canadian lives in one of the most prosperous lands in the history of the world. The root of that prosperity can be found in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which recognize the right of each person to the pursuit of happiness. A Canadian is generous and Canadians have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return.

Canadians welcome the best of everything, the best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best services and the best minds. But they also welcome the least - the oppressed, the outcast and the rejected.

These are the people who built Canada. You can try to kill a Canadian if you must as other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world have tried but in doing so you could just be killing a relative or a neighbour. This is because Canadians are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom.

Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, can be a Canadian.

Please keep this going! Pass this around the World. Then pass it around again. It says it all, for all of us. 'Keep your stick on the ice'

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A vicious cycle

It's windy and cold outside. We haven't had much sun the past few weeks if I think about it. I went to the gym this morning, then I went to lunch with my mom and sister. I've spent a good part of the afternoon emailing and blogging and the housework chores didn't get started. I'm also tired. I did manage to make some breaded pork chops.

But if you think about it, how can you ever be caught up with housework? It's like a vicious cycle, it keeps coming back.

I noticed at the local Loblaws grocery store that instead of hanging artificial fir garlands beneath the stair bannisters, they hung pretty ribbons. I like that idea.

I did receive a lovely large gift basket at the front door filled with cookies, chocolates, hot chocolate,etc. Bring on the Christmas season!

I think the story below from might appeal to Mom and Mr. Bill's wacky sense of humour.


Empty nests make better marriages

Garbage Collector's Amazing Trash Find Could Be Worth Almost $20,000

Top 10 Stupidest Christmas Gifts Of 2008 Revealed

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


L got a job with the town as a swim instructor. She'll start in the winter. In true government fashion, we had to fill out about 10 forms including references and police check. She still has to take the instructor course.

K was upstairs last night doing a workout with some ten pound weights. He's asked me to get him a 'dog tag' necklace. I don't remember L doing stuff like this when she became a teenager, it's cute. One of his friends announced that his relationship 'ended', but it was back on again the next day.

I think I'm done with the kids' Xmas gifts, whew! It would be nice to get the tree up this week and wrap some chocolates.


Toronto approves 5-cent fee on bags

Butter tarts lure tourists to travel tasty trail

So You Think You Can Dance Canada down to final four contestants

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I was tagged by Mr Bill

The rules are:

You don't have to play if you don't want to.

Pass this along to 6 other blogger buds.

List 6 things people may or may not know about you, providing you're okay with 6 other bloggers knowing more about you.

Unfortunately, I don't have that much of a following, so it's difficult at this point to find '6 other blogger buds' that haven't been recently already tagged, but I thought it would be fun to think of 6 things about me that my readers might find interesting anyway, so here goes.

I smile and laugh a lot.

I did ballet dancing into my teens and had the biggest crush on the charismatic Russian ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev, who I later found out was gay.

I took French in university, among other subjects.

I'm introverted, so I will skirt the edges of a crowded room, while one of my sisters will carve a path straight into the middle.

I can be naive.

I love butter tarts and mincemeat pies. Let's throw in the low fat eggnog I picked up at the grocery store today!

Now, onto the rest of this posting.

I was at a family xmas party on the weekend and there were a couple of foodies there sharing their tips. One of them was to consider marinating your meat in your favourite spices and then freezing it for busy days. When you're ready, just thaw and cook! Apparently the flavour is great. Another member of the party works at a bank and she was saying things are very quiet there these days. The only thing people are doing is moving their money around to ensure their accounts are within the limits for insurance coverage, with no new investments to speak of.

As our Lilly made it out of Thailand safely, there's an ironic story below that 2 Canadians did not make it out.


Two Canadians reported dead in Thailand van crash

Canadian Media Pioneer Ted Rogers Dies At Age 75

Body-swap illusion tricks mind in new study

Holiday Tipping in a Nutshell

Monday, December 1, 2008

An Ultrasound Story

The winter storm bypassed Toronto, it's just rainy and slushy so I was able to get on with my day.

I received a neat quiz from the Heart and Stroke Foundation, just in time for the holidays, have a go at it below!

Oh, I forgot to mention that the Chum City Christmas wish do not accept gambling toys or weapon type toys, except for nerf guns.

I drank 3 8oz cups of water (instead of the recommended 4 cups) in preparation for my routine ultrasound this morning. And that worked out fine for me. At the reception desk I encountered a lovely young woman wearing the prettiest scarf on her head, a burnt orange colour with a tiny jewelled flower at one end. I asked her if it was ok that I had taken my blood pressure medication by habit this morning, as I knew I wasn't supposed to have anything but water. She said that was fine, and just asked if I had had anything else as she processed me.

It turns out she was the ultrasound technician. She beckoned me into the ultrasound room and asked me a few competent, discerning questions, which surprised me and I found myself opening up to her, telling her little bits about myself. In turn, I found out she was the mother of one child so far. She mentioned as a young mother, how hard it is in Canada because there is no extended family to help out, it falls totally on the parents and they both typically have to work. She said it's also harder to preserve your culture this way. Then I mentioned Mumbai and the troubles in that area of the world and she said the terrorists are horrible people, she doesn't care which side they're on. They don't care, and they don't realize that by killing one man, they have destroyed a whole community. Typically in Pakistan (where she's from), the men would support the wives and extended family members who stay home. So, a community suffers when one person dies, not just a wife and her children. I suggested that maybe Obama would be able to help change the world and she agreed.

In between taking deep breaths, and releasing, I asked her where she had received her ultrasound training. She said she had been in Canada for 5 or 6 years and was trained here. Then she mentioned that she is a qualified doctor in her home country. You have to sit 3 exams here to be certified to practice in Canada and she has one more to go. Interesting that she was warned at the outset that the odds of her qualifying are very low. She mentioned most of the technicians in the area are qualified doctors from other countries. It's interesting that we have a shortage of qualified doctors in the Province and there are all these smart people around who would love to be able to practice.

I told her she's so good at giving ultrasounds and wished her the best of luck.
So I received an 'in-depth' ultrasound this morning, perhaps the most thorough one I've ever had. I was in there for at least half an hour. (Let's hope they don't find anything by mistake!)


Some Canadians may be unknowingly living with epilepsy

Foodie books to drool upon

Holiday temptations quiz

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chum City Christmas Wish

We filled toy orders today for the CHUM city Christmas Wish. So for example, you'd get a 'shopping list' for 15 toys for girls aged 9 and 2 toys for girls aged 11. You'd go to the bins and pick out the appropriate toys. Kyle got 3 volunteer hours although he found it boring. We also helped sort one of the huge toy bins. We got a lot of instructions, like if there's a toy avalanche, move out of the way. We saw that they are in need of gifts for teenagers as they always are. They are already booked out for volunteers for the rest of the season, it's a popular activity, especially on Christmas Eve.

L said the Twilight movie is not as good as the book and she did not think the lead actress was a good actress, although physically she fit the role perfectly. So that's her opinion if anyone's interested.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Time to downsize

It's cold, and we're expecting a major snowstorm starting tomorrow night. There goes Monday's plans. I have a Monday morning ultrasound (routine) and K has orthodontist later that the evening. The kids are just hoping for a snow day. So yesterday I waited at home until 12.45pm suspecting I might have an online delivery. Then I said, I must go for my walk. Guess when it came? (signature required). So they'll try again sometime on Monday. Let's hope.

Tomorrow the kids and I are doing some volunteer work for the CP24 CHUM city Christmas Wish. A friend is picking us up. I think we'll be sorting toys but we've never done this before so it will be interesting. It's a popular activity so you have to book well in advance and sign a disclaimer that you don't mind having your picture taken for news media purposes (it's a Radio and TV place).

I called a friend of mine last night and she was saying she and her husband are finding it hard to lift their Christmas tree these days. They are in their early sixties. I suggested she downsize to a smaller tree and make things easier for herself.

Well, I better get on with my day.


Research on mice links fast food to Alzheimer's

Friday, November 28, 2008

It's cold

Our home insurance guy came over today to assess the basement renovations and he's going to get back to us about the adjustments. That gives me a certain peace of mind, I believe in insurance.

Gosh, winter is here early. I even shovelled a bit yesterday. Thinking about putting up the Xmas decorations. I never go overboard, and this year I think I'm going to do less. But I'll always put the tree up.

M and K are going to a Raptor's basketball game tonight, L has an evening driving lesson. Tomorrow's schedule is scary in that everyone is doing something different. M is chauffeuring L to a swim test in the morning, tennis lesson in the afternoon and a movie (Twilight) sweet 16 party in the evening. He wants to go the the gym somewhere in there. K and I will be getting his friend over to work on the big Science project for the day. Then we'll be heading over to my mom and sister's place for an Xmas party.

We're also setting up some dates to do some entertaining over the holidays. Last year, I seem to have got away without doing too much and I think it's our turn this year.

Well, have to go for my walk.


Reusable bags contain bacteria, mould: study

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Shrimp fried rice

Took K to the dentist for a checkup this morning. He gets cleanings every 3 months as he tends to build up tartar. High maintenance kid. As it is, they told him to pay extra attention to gum brushing. He missed a History test, but I guess that means more time to study! I blew my top last night because for some reason he ended up at Science tutorial that evening instead of Math which needs more help.

I stopped by Costco Wholesaler and picked up a few things, including the new Il Divo CD. More of the same, I guess, but easy listening. They have an upcoming concert next May in Toronto, but I decided to pass on tickets, recession and all. I had seen them last year. Costco has a new 'Rib and Fries' combo in their restaurant, I should try that sometime. I just got a Starbucks latte for $1.99 because it's a good deal at Costco.

It's shaping up to be a busy weekend, with everyone doing different things, more on that as it happens. Well, I'm off to make shrimp fried rice and then I AM going to purposefully engage myself in doing Christmas cards.

Here's my shrimp fried rice recipe (very roughly out of my head)

one pack of large frozen shrimp, deveined, shell on, thawed and seasoned with salt, garlic powder and pepper to taste (about 20 of them)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
2 Tbs oyster sauce
2 Tbs soy sauce
3 Tbs canola oil
1 1/2 - 2 cups of uncooked white rice
3 eggs, scrambled with salt and pepper to taste

Cook the white rice (even better with leftover rice). In a large pan, saute the shrimp, shell on for about 7 minutes until pink (cooked). Remove shells and cut shrimp into bite-sized pieces. Mix salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, oyster sauce, and soy sauce into the cooked rice. Using the same pan with the shrimp flavour, heat canola oil and saute the rice until warmed through. Mix eggs and shrimp in. Remove to a serving bowl. You can sprinkle chopped green onions over top for texture, if you don't have picky kids.


Relative Stranger Makes Amazing Sacrifice To Save Baby's Life

Blogs feed information frenzy on Mumbai attacks (Reuters)

Restaurant Owner Uses Facebook To Find Customers Who Stiffed Him

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today's Excitement

Well, today's excitement had to be L calling me from school in the afternoon to say that her backpack containing her valuables had gone missing. So that would be her cell phone, debit card and G1 Driver's permit, textbook and test notes. She had left it in the hall like a lot of kids do, while she ran to be first in line for the lunch specials. (can't blame her for that part!) Normally she doesn't have her valuables in the knapsack but she had needed a nail file from her purse for a broken nail. She enlisted most of the school in a search for a black knapsack, of which there were at least 13 identical ones located. Finally she spotted one under a chair in the library and bingo! She's now at home recovering from the stress.

Meanwhile, I had been efficient and had her debit card cancelled right away. I was about to cancel her cell phone when she called to say everything was ok. This was a good thing, because it is near impossible to get service from our cell phone company (Roger's Wireless). You have to talk to this electronic voice, then finally wade your way through the menu to obtain an actual person, then you're put on hold indefinitely. I didn't notice an emergency number anywhere on the billing statement. It would've been another hassle to get another phone set up.

On the way home, the bank was still open, so they re-instated her card and told me I should activate my new debit card with the chip, so I did. All's well that ends well.

I managed to purchase 2 xmas gift cards after my step class today, so I even accomplished a bit of Christmas 'shopping' before the December rush. I had to drag myself into exercise class today, but was glad after. Then I made a top sirloin roast with rice and a salad, so we're all set for supper. I find top sirloin to be very tender and has much less fat than prime rib, so it's now my preference.


This week's PAUSE article from Patricia Katz:

I'm a big fan of Marshall Goldsmith and his thinking about human behaviour and leadership. And so it was no surprise that his brief article in the November 2008 Harvard Management Update caught my eye.

The article focuses on a common roadblock to advancing change in our lives.

Goldman refers to it as a fantasy held tightly by good people with great intentions. The fantasy delusion reads something like this: "I'm desperately busy at the moment. My life is out of control. My challenges are unique. The situation is temporary. Once the worst of it is over, THEN I'll get started on X."

Does this script play in your life? I know it makes guest appearances in mine.

Goldman's take on the situation, is that there will always be challenges, busyness, and crazy pressure. This means that the perfect time for diving in is unlikely to be just around the corner - once we're caught up, as things settle down, or when we get to the end of the list. The chances that someone is going to gift us with a couple of free weeks to tackle X are slim to non-existent.

So, the critical question becomes, 'In the midst of the muddle, despite the busyness and distractions, what am I willing to change now?'

Take a look at one of the items on your back burners, lingering there in hopes that this perfect storm will soon subside.

Ask yourself the question: What am I willing to change now?

Act accordingly - one small action - one first step.

Let the storm continue to swirl around your feet as you step forward in a new direction.'

"Accept the craziness of your life. Do what you can do now. Let go of everything else." - Marshall Goldman

>From the e-zine, 'PAUSE '. Copyright 2008 Patricia Katz,
Optimus Consulting. (877) 728-5289 or


Distracted easily? You're getting older

Shoppers May Soon Pay For Plastic Bags At All Major Grocery Chains

Online networks a magnet for job-seekers (Reuters)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So you think you can dance Canada

Yesterday I picked up some maple walnut flavoured yogurt ice cream from the supermarket. It's 30% less fat than regular ice cream and wow, it's amazing, especially if maple walnut is one of your favourite flavours. It's a great dessert idea for those watching their calories, try to stick to half cup portions. I think I did 3/4 cup last night!

Today, I received a new debit card with a chip implanted in it. It's supposed to be more secure.

We don't do a lot of online shopping, but last night M ordered some electrical cables online and it says it will arrive today for an unbelievable price including shipping. We used paypal, and that may be more secure than using your credit card directly. Maybe online shopping is the new way to go, if we get used to it. It would be a real time saver for certain things. Being cautious, we're typically not the first ones to embrace new technology. And online shopping has come a long way.

'So You Think You Can Dance Canada has to be rated one of the most successful shows ever produced in this country. Six weeks into the series, launched on Sept. 11, the show came in as No. 1 of all the new fall programs.' according to the news story below. The dancing really is top notch.


Give Thanks by Paying It Forward

'Not an easy job': Germans running out of Santas

Are these baby dolls cute or creepy?

Five foods that perk up your skin

Great TV but it's not all dance

Monday, November 24, 2008

Warehouse sales

I went a cosmetic warehouse sale this morning, hoping to find my favourite perfume at a bargain price and they did have it. I also ended up getting some great stocking stuffers for L and even found something for K. It struck me that last year I was still doing the toy warehouse sales and now I'm doing the cosmetic ones. Then I got some groceries, am just about to finish cooking, and go for a walk. (I'm doing salmon, roasted cauliflower and wine soup). Then it will be time to get the kids. Didn't really get started on the Christmas cards yet. Everyone likes to sign them, so it's like a production line.

My poor car is down to 10% oil life, they recommend service at 15%, which is was at last week when it started complaining. I'm taking it in tomorrow morning. Maybe it should complain when it's at 20% oil life.


Authorities Arrest 'Butt Bandit' Suspect After 2 Yrs. Of Leaving A Bad Impression

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Decision Making

Winter Wonderland the other morning

L and I went to church today, she is a sponsor for her cousin's confirmation and they had a little ceremony to enrol those kids. The choir was particularly bad today, one of the soloists had a voice that kept cracking. The deacon delivered a nice speech however, he's a good speaker. Today it was about helping others less fortunate.

I should get started on my Christmas cards, considering I already bought the stamps and I'll go for a walk in the cold, I've been neglecting my exercise the past few days.

Oh, here are the 5 steps you should go through in decision making:

-Identify the problem
-List your options/alternatives
-List the consequences of your options
-Choose an option
-Evaluate your decision

I suppose we all do this unconsciously, but it can be helpful to see the steps listed out. Decisions can take a lot of thought.


Economy has made conspicuous consumption tacky

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Conflict Management

I was helping K study for a Health test last night and we were going through Conflict Management. Turns out there are 4 basic responses to conflict and maybe we could all use a refresher:

flight - running away from it
diversion - delaying or changing the subject, keeping issues unacknowledged
fight - verbally or physically
conflict resolution - resolving conflicts with actions that are mutually satisfying

We laughed about it, because as a way of getting him to relate to the topic, I said I think I manage conflict by running away from it. He said he uses diversion tactics, and we all agreed L uses conflict resolution which might explain her success in life to this point. We said M's mom usually fights, being a feisty character.

Maybe tomorrow I'll cover decision making steps, I like this stuff.

K and I are off to do some quick shopping this morning if I can get him up. Hopefully we can find him a snazzy new winter coat because the new teenage thing is to wear as little as possible outside and show how manly you are to brave the elements. I tried explaining that certain things don't make sense although peer pressure is unavoidable at this age.

L is going to tennis lessons and directly to a sweet 16 party after. Luckily her dad is willing to chauffeur her around. M is still working on his big screen TV components. This week he was finally hooking up all the stereo components and discovered they had shipped him an incompatible European receiver. So he had to get them to re-deliver the proper part. Now he's deciding which HD cables to get for the video games.


Learning about different cultures before working abroad can greatly enhance your chances of success

European countries top places for women to live

Should You Invest Now Or Hang On To Your Money?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Fast food

Well, I lined up in the bitter cold this morning to attend the local country chrismas craft show. Well, it was sunny and bright and Santa made an appearance, even singing Christmas carols. I found a few little things for myself, and some little gifts (jewellery). I seem to have a collection of little Christmas trees going. I got M his favourite banana walnut bread from the usual stand and passed on the miniature Mennonite cookie selection.

I think I'm taking a break from the cooking today, and we'll do fast food. Everyone always eats that.


Weird Secret Santa Office Gifts Can Reveal More About You Than You Might Like

Children Get A Fifth Of Daily Calories From Drinks: StatsCan

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Salsa Verde

I bought some green salsa today, as suggested by Just a Plane Ride Away. It's made with tomatillos and I was really keen on trying it. It tastes a bit like regular salsa, just green. So it may be a good idea for my next Christmas party, something different.

Gosh, I had a busy day today. K had a checkup with the thyroid doctor. His levels were great, so he gets to stay on the same medication and follow up in about a year's time.

Oh, we woke up to a winter wonderland, but it didn't last. Maybe it's better that way. Although I did hear that they've started skiing up north in Barrie already.


Green Bin Program Hits Condos, Apartments

Great Gifts Under $30

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Food for thought

I forget which magazine I was reading in a doctor's office, but the topic was communication within families and wills. It cited examples where misunderstandings about inheritances lead to lifelong estrangement. It said you have to be fair to your children. For example, if you helped one child with a downpayment on a house, and then leave him an equal share upon your death...the other siblings may have bad feelings toward that child. The fair thing would be to count that downpayment as part of his inheritance. This other example was about this good son that had supported his ailing mom for 18 years. He was financially well off and was happy to do it. Then he suddenly passed away and his sister, who is not as well off or able, is now having to cope with looking after their mother. It seems his will left everything to his wife who now refuses to help. The sister is no longer speaking to his wife. The best thing would've been for the brother to have stated his wishes in his will, but he never thought he'd pre-decease his mom. So it advises people to talk about their plans before the fact so there is no misunderstanding. Well, this was my quick interpretation of the article anyway. Food for thought.

Went for a quick walk in the cold with a friend. It's supposed to snow later this afternoon and into tomorrow. I bought stamps to mail my Christmas cards, it's such a habit now. Wonder if one day they will become obsolete?


HP launches first multi-touch laptop, the TouchSmart tx2

Stem cells restore hearing, vision in animals

Woman gets first trachea transplant without drugs

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Baby it's cold outside

and they're predicting significant snow on Thursday.

Well, I'm proud of myself for putting air in my own tire this morning. The car was complaining about it and I didn't think I should wait too long. I've done it before, but I'm not too mechanical, being a more analytical type of person. So saying, I know a mom that goes to full serve for her gas fillups. I think most people do that for themselves, even in winter.

I found some date/almond rolls at the grocery that are low calorie and taste good if you like dates. The cashier told me they reminded her of a recipe she uses from her aunt that was rice krispies, nuts and date squares. I should google that.

My mom's follow-up appointment with the heart specialist went very quickly this afternoon, I was amazed when she was called in right on time especially as the waiting room was very busy. The waiting room serves several doctors, though. I waited an hour for my own doctor yesterday.


Toronto Could Get First Significant Snow For Thursday Morning Commute

Tooth Decay Contagious, Dentists Warn, And Parents Pass It To Their Children

Unhappy folks watch more TV, happy ones read: study

Kangaroo genes close to humans

Scientists find prehistoric "nuclear family"

Monday, November 17, 2008


The new Twilight movie is all the rage here, opening this weekend I think. The stars are already famous and the movie hasn't even opened yet! They made a live appearance at a local TV station last week and there was a huge noisy crowd of teenagers all over the street outside.

I notice that people are sending a lot of emails from their iphones and blackberries these days, I thought graduating to a wireless laptop computer was a step up, but there are people now that are hooked up wherever they go with these other tools. Talk about addiction.

I'm 'purposefully engaged' this week with a round of doctor appointments. I just got back from mine, my mom has one tomorrow and K has one on Thursday. My doc would go and tell me to book a routine ultrasound, the one where you have to drink 4 glasses of water. (yuk) And my car is telling me it's time for service, this light comes on every time I start the engine.

The good news is that a friend of ours that suffered a major heart attack a little over a year ago told us he's recovered most of his heart function through all the new medication they have now. He only had about 35% of heart function right after the attack.


Discovery offers way of tracking cancer in blood

Monitoring your vices online

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Toilet news and other things

My girlfriend made this lovely fresh fall arrangment for me, she's a florist and was over for pizza Friday night.
Notice all the birds in the trees?

Christmas display at the mall

You have to read this toilet story below! It starts 'Would you, if given the choice, forsake a roll of paper and select a toilet that offered a warm seat, a cleansing spray, and a waft of warm air to gently dry the essentials?'

It's that time of year again, when our newspaper delivery guy starts leaving our newspaper right at the front door instead of on the sidewalk. We usually leave a tip towards Christmas.

K has a big science project starting up on hydraulic and pneumatic systems, so I started doing a bit of research in order to be able to help him. I must admit that I'm getting immersed in this learning. Engineering has never been my forte, but you do get engrossed if you give yourself up to discovery and new challenges. I figure I'm warding off alzheimer's and keeping the brain sharp this way. Did you know the heart is a hydraulic system and that your lungs are pneumatic systems? Youtube has some great videos on pneumatic systems, so I'll get him to have a look at those today.

K's new favourite clothing store is now West 49, we got him a new hoodie sweater from there yesterday. He told me he likes lighter, bright colours and seems to know exactly what he wants the minute he sees it. I'm like that with furniture. My new favourite store is Pier 1 Imports.

M and L went to the tennis bash last night to pick up this huge trophy that she gets to keep for a year. They gave her a smaller one that is hers to keep. I heard the food was really good too. The bad news is she mislaid her emergency asthma spray that I just refilled days ago. Hopefully it will turn up this week, else I'll have to go get another one.

It snowed a bit this morning and there's still some on the grass.


Toilet habits are no laughing matter

Bed Bug Epidemic Hits Toronto

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Other Planets

I found this neat floor planner software at The Clutter Diet. There is a free version and it allows you to re-arrange your furniture virtually. It's fun.

It's an awesome story below where they've captured images of planets outside our solar system. "It's only a matter of time before we get a dot that's blue and Earthlike" believes the astronomer who helped find them after an 8 year search. What do you think? I think there must be other earth-like planets out there, and maybe for good reason we haven't found them yet. Star Wars could become a reality.


Images captured of 4 planets outside solar system

Will Canada's high-end coffee sellers keep percolating?

Gadget geeks on a budget will likely trade down

Got their kicks Sneaker freaks may be making a smart investment

Friday, November 14, 2008

Learning to drive

A few days ago, we gave K's friend a ride home from school. L asked if she could drive B part of the way to his house. She climbs into the driver's seat and B pronounces after a while 'she's way better than my mom was when she was learning'. I say 'B, how long ago was that?' He says 'oh, I was about 4 or 5 years old'. I go, 'you still remember that?' He says 'yes, I used to wear a blindfold when I went out with her'. Then after we dropped him off, K chuckled and said B was laughing so much (in a quiet way), because I kept going 'oooooo' whenever L drove past a parked car.


The Quintessential Toronto Food: Your Choices Revealed

Swimming with crocs in Australia: 'It's for the adrenaline junkies'

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sales galore

I had one of my favourite lunches today. Leftover bits of smoked ham, potato and egg salad, tossed salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing and lemon meringue pie (what else?) for dessert. So much texture in that lunch. Ok, I do enjoy my food.

On the gossip side, K told me that his friend didn't join the basketball team because his girlfriend didn't want him to. (They're 13 years old). My girlfriend whose husband was smitten with Bell's Palsy about 9 months ago reports that his facial paralysis is 90% gone. It appears the nerves often take that amount of time to heal. She found a great nerve specialist from a magazine of all places, and they're really happy with him. It's great news for them as he can go back to his normal life, pretty much.

I'm receiving all these great sale flyers (30 - 50% off) for the coming weekend. All you need is money to shop. Our timing is off, L and K got a bunch of clothes this past weekend that they're already wearing. A friend and her husband are coming over for pizza and a basement inspection tomorrow evening. (Unfortunately no charge, Barbara!) It's funny, pizza sounds easy, then I was at the grocery store this morning picking up dessert, salad ingredients and drinks, and thinking about appetizers.

Today I'm making a pot roast I got for 50% off as it had to be used today.


Evidence too weak to link pesticides to cancer - yet

Canadians wait longer to see medical specialists

Video game makers predict jingle bells at registers (Reuters)

Women And Men Experience Health Problems Differently, Yet Women Don't Know It: Study

The science of cooking: 10 little known food facts

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I subscribe to this free weekly e-zine called PAUSE. Here's an interesting article I received this morning:

"REFLECTION:It was late in the evening just before Hallowe'en. I was chatting on the phone with my daughter, and had just recited the litany of tasks tackled so far that day. It had been a demanding day in the office. I had followed up my post-work exercise class by running several errands on the way home. And, I'd invested a couple of hours getting things ready around the house to host a guest for the weekend.
As I finished giving report on my day, I heard myself say, "And I still HAVE TO carve the pumpkin before I can go to bed."
Wise offspring played back my very own words. "You HAVE TO carve the pumpkin?" I could hear the raised eyebrow in her voice. She knows how much I enjoy creating those Hallowee'en jacks.
And in that moment, I realized I'd just loaded myself down with yet another DB - a Discretionary Burden.
There are all kinds of tasks and experiences that will take a certain amount of time no matter what our frame of mind: traveling to a business engagement, attending a community meeting, visiting an elderly relative, even carving a pumpkin.
But the nature of our experience depends on whether we approach it from an overburdened sense of duty and obligation or with a lighthearted sense of joy and service.
Each task that we peg as an obligation adds to our feelings of overload. Those tasks approached in the willing spirit of service have an entirely different impact. They contribute directly to our satisfaction and a sense of purposeful engagement with the world.
The good news is we are each in charge of our own mindset. When you feel overloaded and overwhelmed, watch your thoughts and listen to your words.
See how many tasks you turn into Discretionary Burdens as you make your way through the day. The fewer tasks you tag as DB's, the lighter your load will be."

>From the e-zine, 'PAUSE '. Copyright 2008 Patricia Katz,Optimus Consulting. (877) 728-5289 or

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I didn't lose

The gym was crowded this morning, although traffic was lighter due to the Remembrance Day holiday. Watched Ted Turner being interviewed on CNN (which he founded). He was selling his new book. He told the interviewer 'I didn't lose, I was learning to win', in reference to his former sailing career. That winning attitude has earned him billions in accomplishments. It was an interesting interview, he seems so self- assured and comfortable with himself. He's 70 years old now.

Loblaws grocery store is selling these half-size pies which are wonderful. I got myself a lemon meringue one (as I'm the only one that likes this kind) and I know I will be able to finish it on my own. I got some low fat, 2 bite brownies for the kids and some muffins for M. They also make bite-sized cookies. Such a great idea in these days when we're all cutting back and doing portion control.

My blink prize pack arrived (thanks mind of a mom) and it all looks like stuff we can really use. Neat little packs of wipes that you can hang in the car and keep it clean, along with some handy tote bags.

Just a plane ride away published this fantastic Moroccan chicken tajine recipe in her post yesterday. It's so flavourful and simple to make. The best part is you don't actually need a tajine to bake it in.


Holiday spending could surpass last year: survey

Obese kids have arteries of 45-year-olds: study

YouTube To Show Full-Length TV Shows And Movies

Scientists Discover How Spammers Make A Profit

Monday, November 10, 2008

And the winner is

And the winner is Yes, I just won a contest give-away at the mind of a mom. So I got inspired and entered a supermarket survey. Those questions just went on and on. I also said 'no' to a couple of telemarketers today.

It's windy and cold today, not one to be out raking leaves. The kids are off school today, it's nice to have everyone at home catching up on stuff. My mom, sister and her family came over last night to have a look at the new basement. So did L's friend and her parents. We've had 3 'showings' so far. M seems to delight in telling the stories of what went wrong with the basement and no one can seem to see any problem. In fact, everyone loves it. Some people tell of real horror stories where the costs blew up and the work was left unfinished.


Flu shots may lower blood clot risk, study says

Heartbeats may power future pacemakers

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Christmas gift

I went to church this morning, said thanks to God for a few things and prayed for some people. They had the craft sale still running, so I bought my first Christmas gift and a loaf of crumbly sweet coconut bread which is delicious with my tea. I'm amazed at how many people leave their expensive purses on the benches as they go up for Holy Communion. It is a public place in a big town after all.


Hazel McCallion Celebrates 30 Years As Mississauga Mayor With Visit From Regis Philbin

5 dumb car shopping moves

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Boulevard Club

M and I were invited to The Boulevard Club downtown for a lovely buffet luncheon this morning. There was orange juice with champagne to start, various salads, roast beef, chicken, salmon, eggs, bacon, sausages. For dessert we chose from tiramisu, mocha and chocolate cakes, almond croissants, cheeses and fruit. We sat at a table overlooking the waterfront and watched some people canoeing. The sun even decided to come out. We were given the orchid centrepiece as we left and a couple of mugs of coffee and tea goodies. the Christmas season is well underway and what a way to start! I almost forgot to mention the interesting people we met at our table and the stimulating conversation. Lots of talk on politics and the economy of course.

L has a sleepover at an old friend's tonight, as soon as she gets home from her tennis lesson. K was doing homework and is now playing Xbox, which apparently looks phenominal on the new TV. He hooked it up while we were out.

Unfortunately, I missed 2 Christmas craft sales at the nearby churches this morning, but I had to make a choice!

Yesterday I was overly efficient and managed not only to get the kids their flu shots, but a Menactra meningitis shot. Only to discover when I went home that they had already had the shot 2 years ago! So I'm $260 poorer for no reason. Kick me. I don't think it's any harm for them to have it twice otherwise.


Eight secrets to healthier holiday eating

Best ways to beat holiday stress

How To Detoxify Your Home