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Monday, May 31, 2021

On Ice Cream

 This meme is perfect as we head into June!  I will go with chocolate, how about you?

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Shortage of restaurant workers

 Well it is that gardening time of year, this meme epitomizes the season doesn't it?  I do get a sense of well-being when I am outside in the fresh air, mostly weeding.   

My sister in Miami mentioned on a call that now things are opening up they are having a shortage of restaurant workers, even McDonald's is having to close at 3pm as they cannot find enough staff.  It seems people moved on after being laid off in Covid.  I think Canada will experience the same problems as we recover, we are a bit behind the U.S.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Winter Kale

 My friend S dropped off some winter kale for me.  It is kale that has bloomed over the winter, as opposed to a fresh planting which would be harvested later in the year.

I made kale chips with the leaves as I usually do and these days I cut the stems into small pieces and add them to a can of vegetable soup.  It boils for about 45 minutes and becomes a tender nutritious addition to the soup.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Paint Party Friday - Save the Date wedding cards

 Here is a 'Save the Date' wedding card that I am showing for Paint Party Friday.  It is done in alcohol ink outlined with a fine point marker.

We were trying out different designs to use for a wedding invitation suite for daughter L's planned wedding next year.  L has already chosen her favourites for a wedding invitation suite but I thought I would show some of the designs we are not using in my PPF posts. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Rain's Thursday Art Date - May Sweets: Cupcakes

Welcome to Rain's Thursday Art Date's May Sweets: Cupcakes theme!  Here is my ACEO (2 1/2" x 3 1/2") cupcake piece.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

How about you?

 I would have to say raw onions how about you?  Yes we are back into the barbecue season!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Good One

 Sandra posted this one on her blog recently and I thought it was hilarious!

Monday, May 24, 2021

Victoria Day 2021


It is our first long weekend of the summer, celebrating Victoria Day.  Gardening can start in earnest as the danger of frost is past.  Our patio furniture is out and we look forward to spending more time outdoors, barbecuing and whatever.

Daughter L shared this photo of the view from her fiance's family cottage.  Yes, it is cottage season for many.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

My story for today

 I applied online for a new credit card recently.  This is a big deal for older people like me.  The process gave me the option of scanning a QR code which told me where to go to apply.  I chose which ID I wanted to use to support my application then it asked me to take photos of it front and back using my phone camera.  I had trouble photographing the back, it seemed I was not zooming out far enough to get a good view.  Eventually I finished the application, to my relief and was instantly approved.  

Shortly after that, I received an alert that the Identity Guard software that I am signed up to  found that someone was checking out my credit rating and invited me to visit their site for more information.  I didn't bother as I assumed it was the credit card people.

The next week I got an email from Identity Guard saying I had not logged in to check their alert.  So I tried to log in and for some reason I had no record of my userid or password.  I decided to call them and spoke to a friendly customer service  agent.  She was so helpful and informative it made me wonder if she was bored.  Maybe it is a quiet job with not much going on.  But I was grateful when she told me that I could click on the Watchlist tab, go to the Dark Web option and add for example, my driver's licence number.  They would then alert me if anyone was searching on my driver's licence for any reason.   Something about the term 'dark web' makes one perk up, haha.

Anyway, this is my story for today.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Crabapples in bloom

 I snapped this photo of a large old crabapple tree in bloom as we walked by last week, it was spectacular.

A friend had her first grandson born recently.  Apparently it was a home birth.   A longtime family friend passed away, I suspect it was largely caused by Covid isolation as he lived alone with health problems.  Life has its ups and downs.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Paint Party Friday - Save the Date Floral Invitations

I am showing 2 versions of a 'Save the Date' floral wedding card for Paint Party Friday. One is in alcohol ink, the other was done with watercolour paints. It is hard to tell the difference isn't it? 

We were trying out different designs to use for a wedding invitation suite for daughter L's planned wedding next year. L has already chosen her favourites for a wedding invitation suite but I thought I would show some of the designs we are not using in my PPF posts.

Alcohol Ink Version

Watercolour Version


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Rain's Thursday Art Date - May Sweets: Candles

 Welcome to Rain's Thursday Art Date!  For the 'May Sweets:Candles'  I did a wedding themed 'Candles' piece.  It is an ACEO (2 1/2" x 3 1/2").  Oops I misread the theme it is Candies, makes sense hahaha.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Which one do you prefer


Many people don't drink Coke or Pepsi anymore, but if you still do, what is your preference?

I am fine with either but son K prefers Pepsi.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Keep 3

 The meme above asks  if you could only keep 3, which of these would  you choose:  Chocolate, coffee, cats, dogs, jewelry books, Netflix, Cheese, Tacos, Make-up, Music, Ice Cream.

  I would go with coffee, Netflix and Music, how about  you?

Monday, May 17, 2021

Chocolate Wacky Cake


Marie posted this recipe on her blog and I decided to try it.  It uses no eggs or butter and whips up quickly, not to mention it is moist and delicious!

The recipe suggests mixing the ingredients  right into the baking pan, but the next time I think it will be easier to mix the ingredients in a regular mixing bowl first.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

One has to go

 Lemon for me, how about you?

Saturday, May 15, 2021

My parmesan crusted cauliflower - fine tuned recipe


Jan had posted a recipe for parmesan crusted cauliflower and it has become a regular favourite in our house.  Here is my recipe which has been fine tuned:

1 head cauliflower
4 tbs unsalted butter
1/4c grated parmesan
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp dried oregano (or your favourite herb)
1/4 c olive oil
2 cloves garlic minced
extra salt and pepper for sprinkling


melt butter and brown garlic in a small saucepan
spread the mixture over a baking pan lined with parchment paper
sprinkle parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper over top
mix olive oil, salt, pepper, oregano in a cup
slice cauliflower into 6 steaks
spread it over the parchment paper
brush the mix in the cup over top of the cauliflower
bake 25 mins or until fork tender 

I sometimes use the parmesan cheese that comes already grated in a tub, it is good enough for lazy me sometimes.  Of course good quality parmesan cheese grated from the block is the best.  Anything with 4 tbs of butter as a part of the recipe will be good!

Friday, May 14, 2021

Paint Party Friday - Save the Date Floral

 Continuing with my Save the Date wedding cards, I am showing another floral for Paint Party Friday.  The piece is done in alcohol ink outlined with a finepoint marker.

We were trying out different designs to use for a wedding invitation suite for daughter L's planned wedding next year.  L has already chosen her favourites for a wedding invitation suite but I thought I would show some of the designs we are not using. 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Rain's Thursday Art Date - May Sweets: Cookies

Welcome to Rain's Thursday Art Date's 'Cookies' theme.  These are some wedding cookies in an ACEO (2 1/2" x 3 1/2") in permanent marker and Sharpie paint marker outlined with a PITT fine point marker.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


 I got this next one from Martha, she has a great sense of humour.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The virtual cocktail party



cocktail pouches to go

Daughter L was invited to a virtual cocktail party.  She said it was so fun.  A bartender had been hired to teach them how to make cocktails.  We were able to taste the 4 cocktails they made, we just stayed behind the laptop so the other guests couldn't see us.  Pictured above is a 'Martinez'.  I like cocktails but they can be strong.  

Apparently some restaurants are delivering cocktail pouches as pictured above, a very creative solution to selling alcoholic drinks in these times.  These were from etsy.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Oldest Thing

 Here is a fun question for you today, can't wait to read all the answers!

I have many old things, corning ware comes to mind.

Sharing this interesting article on the impact of the automobile in the 1920's on Toronto.  We take so much for granted.  In that time, the horse was the mode of transportation.  This changed quickly when cars were introduced.  We needed better roads, gas stations had to be built, and so forth.  Life as they knew it changed dramatically bringing other problems of course.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Sushi Rice

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there today, I know the UK celebrated in March! My kids gave me lots of dessert gifts.

I learned that Japanese sushi rice seasoned with rice vinegar, sugar and salt, lowers the glycemic index of white rice by almost 40%.  So I decided to make some!  Here is a video with the simple recipe.

First, I made a cup of calrose rice in my rice cooker.  It requires less water than regular white rice. Then I mix 3 tbs rice vinegar, 3/4 tbs white sugar, 1/2 tsp salt in a cup and pour it over the hot rice.  I use a plastic spatula to mix this into the rice.  Some sesame seeds added a nice touch, I thought.

It explains why husband M's blood sugar readings are fine the next morning after we have a large sushi dinner.  He is diabetic.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Raspberry Scones

 Daughter L made these lovely raspberry scones the other day. It is a great way to use up leftover raspberries.  Here is the recipe.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Paint Party Friday - Watercolour Save the Date

 I did a Save the Date wedding card in watercolour pencil on watercolour paper for Paint Party Friday the information is fictitious and for example only.

 We were trying out different designs to use for a wedding invitation suite for daughter L's planned wedding next year.  L has already chosen her favourites for a wedding invitation suite but I thought I would show some of the designs we are not using in my PPF posts. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Rain's Thursday Art Date - Sweets: Cakes

 Welcome to Rain's Thursday Art Date.  The theme is "Sweets:Cakes". Here is my ACEO (2 1/2" x 3 1/2") outlined in a PITT fine point marker, coloured in with alcohol ink and Sharpie water-based metallic markers.  It is a wedding cake.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Baked onion rings parmesan

 I came upon this recipe for baked onion rings parmesan and was inspired to make it.  Here are my adjustments:

1 large onion

1/2c breadcrumbs

1/2 c grated parmesan cheese

1 tsp dried basil

1/2 tsp dried oregano

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1 egg with 2 tbs milk, whisked

cut onions  into 1/4" thick slices

Separate into rings.  In a shallow dish combine breadcrumbs, cheese, basil, oregano, garlic powder.  Beat eggs in a separate bowl. Dip rings into the egg mixture then into the breadcrumb mixture.  Arrange on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Bake 350F for 20 mins until browned and a delicious smell is evident throughout the room.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Vanilla Cake

 Marie of the English Kitchen posted a recipe for a Vanilla Wacky Cake and I set about making it.  It comes together quickly needing neither butter nor eggs.

2c flour

1 1/4c granulated sugar

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

1 tbs vanilla

4 tsp white vinegar

1 c milk

1/2 c oil

icing sugar for dusting

pre heat oven 350F

mix together flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, baking soda

in a separate bowl mix together oil, milk, vinegar, vanilla

bake at 350 F for 25 mins in a 9" pan lined with parchment paper.  

Monday, May 3, 2021

Ways to Reduce the Glycemic Load of a Meal

 I found this interesting article which discusses ways to reduce the Glycemic Load of your meal.   Wikipedia says 'glycemic load (GL) of food is a number that estimates how much the food will raise a person's blood glucose level after eating it.'

Simple things such as adding tomato juice, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to your meal,

eating cheese with a slice of pie or cake,

having your pasta or rice al dente instead of being overcooked,

eating fruit that is not overly ripe,

having your apple with some peanut butter,

eating a boiled egg with your cereal breakfast.

Well I will have to keep these tips in mind how about you?  It was funny that the article warns that eating cake with dairy reduces the glycemic impact, NOT the calories, haha.

Sunday, May 2, 2021


 Daughter L made these delicious nachos for our lunch one day with some leftover chili.  We had sour cream and salsa toppings on the side.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

My May 2021 Calendar Page

 Sharing my May calendar page with you today.  It is a caterpillar painting.  The quote I chose to go with it

"May, more than any other month of the year, wants us to feel alive." 

- Fennel Hudson