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Atlas of Switzerland

Wikimedia Commons Atlas of the World

The Wikimedia Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons.
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The introductions of the country, dependency and region entries are in the native languages and in English. The other introductions are in English.


Deutsch Die Schweiz – Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft

Die Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft ist ein Binnenstaat in Mitteleuropa. Der Name Schweiz ist die ins Hochdeutsche übertragene Form des Kantonsnamens Schwyz, der auf die gesamte Eidgenossenschaft verallgemeinert wurde. Die Schweiz liegt zwischen Bodensee und Genfersee, Alpenrhein und Jura, Hochrhein und Alpensüdrand. Sie grenzt nördlich an Deutschland (345.7 km Grenzlänge), östlich an Liechtenstein (41.1 km) und Österreich (165.1 km), südlich an Italien (734.2 km). Der westliche Nachbar ist Frankreich mit 571.8 km gemeinsamer Grenzlänge. Somit hat die Schweiz eine Grenzlänge von 1857.9 km.

Français La Suisse – Confédération suisse

La Confédération suisse est un pays d’Europe bordé par l’Allemagne, la France, l’Italie, l’Autriche et le Liechtenstein. Le pays a une longue tradition de neutralité politique et militaire, et abrite de nombreuses organisations internationales.

Italiano La Svizzera – Confederazione Svizzera

La Confederazione Svizzera è uno stato dell’Europa centrale. Confina a nord con la Germania, ad est con il Liechtenstein e l’Austria, a sud con l’Italia, a ovest con la Francia. La capitale federale è Berna, che è anche capitale dell’omonimo cantone.

Rumantsch La Svizra – Confederaziun svizra

La Confederaziun svizra è in pajais da l’Europa centrala, fundà l’onn 1291 entras in Patg Federal. Sia chapitala è Berna. Las linguas uffizialas èn il tudestg, il franzos, il talian ed il rumantsch. Cunfinescha cun la Frantscha el vest, la Germania el nord, l’Austria ed il Liechtenstein egl ost, e l’Italia el sid. La pli auta muntogna è il Monte Rosa en il Vallais; il pli lung flum il Rain.

English Switzerland - Swiss Confederation

The Swiss Confederation is a landlocked alpine country in Central Europe. The country, which is bordered by ► Germany to the north, ► France to the west, ► Italy to the south, and ► Austria and ► Liechtenstein to the east, was historically a confederation, and has been a federation since 1848. Switzerland has a strong economy in finance and banking, and a long and strong tradition of political and military neutrality. This background allows Switzerland to host various international co-operations and organizations.

Short name  Switzerland
Official name Swiss Confederation
Status Independent country since 1291, recognized de facto 1499, de jure 1648
Location Central Europe
Capital Bern (de facto)
Population 8,603,899 inhabitants
Area 41,285 square kilometres (15,940 sq mi)
Major languages German, French, Italian, Romansh (all official)
Major religions Roman Catholicism, Protestantism
More information Switzerland, Geography of Switzerland, History of Switzerland and Politics of Switzerland
More images Switzerland - Switzerland (Category).

General maps

Location of Switzerland
Localisation de Suisse
Localizzazione della Svizzera
Map of Switzerland
Carte de Suisse
Mappa della Svizzera
Map of Switzerland
Carte de Suisse
Mappa della Svizzera
Cantons of Switzerland
Cantons de Suisse
Cantoni della Svizzera
Cantons of Switzerland (in French)
Cantons de Suisse
Cantoni della Svizzera (in francese)
Cantons of Switzerland (in German)
Cantons de Suisse (en allemand)
Cantoni della Svizzera (in tedesco)
Simple topographical Map (Switzerland highlighted)
Mappa topografica semplice
Simple topographical Map (Swisstopo)
Mappa topografica semplice (Swisstopo)
Detailed topographical Map (Swisstopo)
Mappa topografica dettagliata (Swisstopo)
Cantons of Switzerland
Cantoni della Svizzera

This section holds a short summary of the history of the area of present-day Switzerland, illustrated with maps, including historical maps of former countries and empires that included present-day Switzerland.

History maps

Possible extent of (proto-)Celtic influence 800-400 BC

Die Kelten in Europa. Ocker: Kernbereich Nordwestalpine Hallstattkultur (ca. 750–500/450 v. Chr.) grün: Ausbreitung La-Tène-Kultur, bzw. orange: der keltischen Sprache (3. Jh. v. Chr.)
Celts in Europe

Die Kelten in Europa
The Roman Empire in 117 AD
The extent of the Roman Republic and Roman Empire;
133 BC
44 BC (late Republic, after conquests by republican generals)
AD 14 (death of Augustus)
117 (maximum extension

Die territoriale Entwicklung der Römische Republik und des Römischen Reiches. )
Celic tribes in Switzerland at the time of Roman conquest

Keltische Stämme in der Schweiz zur Zeit der Römischen Eroberung
Switzerland during the Roman period 90–284 AD

Die Schweiz zur Zeit der Römer ca. 90. n. Chr. bis 284 n. Chr
Roman provinces in the Alps around 14 AD

Römische Provinzen im Alpenraum um 14 n. Chr.
Roman provinces in the Alps around 150 AD

Römische Provinzen im Alpenraum um 150 n. Chr.
Roman provinces in the Alps around 395 AD

Römische Provinzen im Alpenraum um 395 n. Chr.
Territory of the Alemanni 260 AD

Siedlungsgebiet der Alemannen 260 AD
Further expansion between 3rd and 6th century

Territoriale Ausbreitung der Alemannen zwischen dem 3. und 6. Jahrhundert
The division of the Empire after the death of Theodosius I, ca.395 AD superimposed on modern borders. Die Teilung des Römischen Reiches rund dem jahre 395.
Western Roman Empire/Weströmischen Reich
Eastern Roman Empire/Oströmischen Reich
Kingdom of the Burgundians between 443 and 476 AD

Das Reich der Burgunder zwischen 443 und 476 n. Chr.
Rise of the Frankish Empire
Carolingian Empire around 800
Treaty of Verdun (843) and Treaty of Meerssen (870)
Central Europe 919–1125
The kingdoms of Upper-Burgundy, Lower-Burgundy and the Duchy of Burgundy in the 9th and 10th century

Die Königreiche Hoch- und Niederburgund und das Herzogtum Burgund im 9. und 10 Jahrhundert
Alemannia and Upper Burgundy around AD 1000
The Kingdom of Arelate in the 12th and 13th century

Das Königreich Arelat im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert
The Holy Roman Empire in the 10th century

Das Heilige Römische Reich im 10. Jahrhundert
Switzerland 1200

Feudalherrschaften in der Schweiz um 1200
Roads in Switzerland in the Middle Ages

Verkehrswege in der Schweiz im Mittelalter
Ecclesiastal divisions in the Middle Ages

Kirchliche Einteilung der Schweiz im Mittelalter
Territorial development 1291–1797
The Holy Roman Empire in the 14th century
The confederacy in 1315
The confederacy in 1385
Political structure 1416

Politische Struktur 1416
Zurich War 1436-1450

Alter Zürichkrieg 1436
The confederacy in 1474
Political structure 1474

Politische Struktur 1474
Burgundian War 1474–1477

Burgunderkriege 1474–1477
Swabian War 1499

Schwabenkrieg 1499
The Holy Roman Empire and its circles in 1512
The confederacy in 1515
Political structure 1530

Politische Struktur 1530
Religious situation around 1530

Verteilung der Konfessionen um 1530
The confederacy in 1536
Religious situation around 1536

Verteilung der Konfessionen um 1536


Political structure 1560

Politische Struktur 1560
Area controlled by the Holy Roman Empire around 1630
The Holy Roman Empire 1648

Das Heilige Römische Reich 1648
Religious situation around 1700

Verteilung der Konfessionen um 1700
Second War of Villmergen 1712

Zweiter Villmergerkrieg 1712
The confederacy in the 18th century
Political structure in the 18th century

Politische Struktur im 18. Jahrhundert
Plan of Dividing the Confederacy in three Republics 1798
Helvetian Republic 1798 according to the draft of the First Helvetian Constitution
Helvetian Republic 1798/99 according to the First Helvetian Constitution
Helvetian Republic 1802 according to the Second Helvetian Constitution
Helvetian Republic 1802 according to the Constitution of Malmaison
Religions around 1800
Switzerland 1803–1813
The First French Empire under Napoleon
Switzerland and the Vienna Congress
Switzerland 1815–1847
Sonderbund War 1847
Der Sonderbundskrieg 1847

Old maps

This section holds copies of original general maps more than 70 years old.

Die Eydtgnoschafft, Pünten und Wallis, Helvetia cum Confiniis, map from 1637
Schweizerland 1762
Suisse ou République Helvétique 1798
Carte de la Suisse, 1803
Switzerland 1891, Stielers Handatlas
Map of Switzerland (1907, Diercke)
Switzerland 1905

Inhabitant maps

  Percentage of foreigners per municipality (2019)
  Population density per municipality (2019)
  Population change per municipality 2010-2019
  Agricultural land per municipality (2016)
  Religions in Switzerland 2017
Religioni in Svizzera (2017)

Linguistic maps

  Languages of Switzerland 2022
Lingue della Svizzera (2022)
  Languages of Switzerland
Lingue della Svizzera
  Languages of Switzerland
Lingue della Svizzera
  Same map in German
Lingue della Svizzera (in tedesco)
  Dialectal ranges (not those of standard languages) of the Continental West Germanic languages

Maps of mountain ranges

  Appenzeller Alpen
  Berner Alpen
  Emmentaler Alpen
Emmental Alps
  Glarner Alpen
  Schwyzer Alpen
  Urner Alpen
Uri Alps
  Walliser Alpen

Other maps

  Strongest political party per municipality (2019)
  Geographical regions 2022
Aree geografiche (2022)
  Topographical map of Switzerland
Mappa topografica della Svizzera
  Mountain area regions of Switzerland 2022
Aree montagne della Svizzera (2022)
  Natural regions of Switzerland
Aree naturali della Svizzera
  Geological regions of Switzerland
Aree geologiche della Svizzera
  Hydrological map of Switzerland
Mappa idrologica della Svizzera
  Catholic diocesises in Switzerland 2006

Katholische Bistümer in der Schweiz 2006
Diocesi cattoliche in Svizzera (2006)
  Cities of Switzerland
Città della Svizzera
  Development of the Swiss railway system until 1907
Sviluppo del sistema ferroviario svizzero fino al 1907
  Swiss railway lines 2017
Linee ferroviarie svizzere (2017)
  Wikipedia pages
  Alemanic language area 1950

Der Alemannische Sprachraum um 1950
Area germanofona nel 1950

Satellite maps

  Satellite map
Mappa satellitare

Notes and references

General remarks:

  • The WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons. The main page is therefore the portal to maps and cartography on Wikimedia. That page contains links to entries by country, continent and by topic as well as general notes and references.
  • Every entry has an introduction section in English. If other languages are native and/or official in an entity, introductions in other languages are added in separate sections. The text of the introduction(s) is based on the content of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. For sources of the introduction see therefore the Wikipedia entries linked to. The same goes for the texts in the history sections.
  • Historical maps are included in the continent, country and dependency entries.
  • The status of various entities is disputed. See the content for the entities concerned.
  • The maps of former countries that are more or less continued by a present-day country or had a territory included in only one or two countries are included in the atlas of the present-day country. For example the Ottoman Empire can be found in the Atlas of Turkey.

Entries available in the atlas

General pages
Continents and oceans
Historical eras
States with wide recognition
States with limited recognition
Dependencies and other overseas territories
Country subdivisions
China (mainland)
United Kingdom
United States
Disputed subnational territories
Other regions
Former sovereign states
Former dependencies and overseas territories
Former disputed territories