Commons:Foto uitdaging

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Photo challenge and the translation is 83% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Photo challenge and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Foto Uitdaging

Die Foto Uitdaging inspireer fotograwe om goeie foto's te neem en op Commons sit. Maandelikse tematiese kompetisies moedig deelnemers om nuwe vakke en nuwe fotografiese of verwerking van tegnieke te probeer, en vaardighede te ontwikkel, terwyl dit die Commons bron van vrye beelde verbeter. Foto inskrywings vir 'n kompetisie moet nuut aan Commons wees en deur 'n Commons gebruiker geneem word.

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Formele dinge


Uitdagings is gebaseer op 'n tema en loop vir 'n maand. Die tema mag 'n konkrete onderwerp, 'n abstrakte konsep, 'n fotografiese tegniek of artistieke styl wees.


Almal kan deelneem aan uitdagings oop vir inskrywings. Jy hoef net om te:

  1. Kies een of almal van die huidige uitdagings
  2. Lees die uitdaging beskrywing(s), wat kan wissel in hulle reëls (bv., soms is daar beperkings op wanneer die foto's geneem is)
  3. Neem foto(s) vir die uitdaging(s) tydens die uitdaging tydperk (of, as dit toegelaat word, kies uit jou eie bestaande foto's wat nog nie op Commons is nie)
  4. Oplaai jou foto('s) tydens die uitdaging tydperk
  5. Sit u inskrywings aan die bokant van die huidige uitdaging gallerie tydens die uitdaging tydperk.
  6. Moenie jou inskrywings(s) teken nie
  7. As jy wil, kan jy na die vorige uitdagings en stemme kyk

Uitdagings is oop vir enige Commons gebruiker. Inskrywings moet jou eie werk wees, nie voorheen opgelaai nie op Commons voor die uitdaging tydperk en moet die uitdaging tema in die mening van die fotograaf illustreer. Lees asseblief die uitdaging beskrywings, as daar kan bykomende reëls of verduidelikings vir spesifieke uitdagings wees. Daar is geen beperking op die aantal inskrywings per persoon, maar kies asseblief uit jou beste en mees uiteenlopende beelde.

Om in te skryf, moet jy die gallerie van die wedstryd wysig en jou inskrywing(s) aan die onderkant van die bladsy uitdaging sit.

Neuwe temas kan voorgestel en bespreek word hier.


Nadat die uitdaging vir nuwe inskrywings gesluit is, sal die foto's beoordeel word deur gewildheid stemme in die volgende maand. Jy mag vir die inskrywings van ander gebruikers stem as jou Commons rekening ten minste tien dae oud is en meer as 50 wysigings het of as jy deelgeneem het in een van die uitdagings. Uitdagings oop vir stemme kan hier gevind word.


Die drie beste foto's sal eerste, tweede en derde plek toegeken word. Hulle sal op die foto uitdaging bladsy vertoon word en kan die sjabloon {{Photo challenge winner}} op die lêer beskrywing bladsy gebruik.


Nuwe Media Viewer

Neem asseblief kennis dat aangemelde gebruikers die nuwe Media Viewer vir al die beelde op Commons in hulle Commons voorkeure kan afskakel.

Uitdagings oop vir inskrywings

2024 – September – Roof

The new challenge features Roofs.

Ideally, each submission should contain a summary description of the subject in the file information, including the location of the subject, and relevant categories should be added to the files to enable other Commons users to find them and use them. Please take care not to violate copyright in respect of non-free creative works, and observe our educational project scope and the personality rights of identifiable people, or your files may be subject to deletion.

The challenge will remain open for submissions throughout September UTC.

Checklist for this theme:

  • Photographs must be the work of the nominator.
  • Photographs must be newly uploaded to Commons during the challenge submission period i.e. September 2024 UTC (but may have been taken earlier).
  • Submissions must be added to the top of the "Entries" section below.
  • Please do not nominate lots of similar photos; instead choose just your best and most varied images.

Add your entry between the <gallery> tags as indicated. Gallery entries are placed each on a new line, and consist of the filename, a vertical bar |, and a description. For example:

Electric steam iron.jpg|An electric steam iron

For help on the syntax of entries in a gallery see Help:Gallery tag. Please do not add square brackets [[ ]] or include a thumb parameter or the full URL. The File: prefix is not required, but harmless.

  • Restriction: A maximum of four entries can be submitted per photographer.

There are 4 days 18 hours left before this challenge ends. (refresh)



2024 – September – Accessibility

The new challenge features Accessibility equipment and facilities or things designed to help people (or even animals) with disabilities.

Ideally, each submission should contain a summary description of the subject in the file information, including the location of the subject, and relevant categories should be added to the files to enable other Commons users to find them and use them. Please take care not to violate copyright in respect of non-free creative works, and observe our educational project scope and the personality rights of identifiable people, or your files may be subject to deletion.

The challenge will remain open for submissions throughout September UTC.

Checklist for this theme:

  • Photographs must be the work of the nominator.
  • Photographs must be newly uploaded to Commons during the challenge submission period i.e. September 2024 UTC (but may have been taken earlier).
  • Submissions must be added to the top of the "Entries" section below.
  • Please do not nominate lots of similar photos; instead choose just your best and most varied images.

Add your entry between the <gallery> tags as indicated. Gallery entries are placed each on a new line, and consist of the filename, a vertical bar |, and a description. For example:

Electric steam iron.jpg|An electric steam iron

For help on the syntax of entries in a gallery see Help:Gallery tag. Please do not add square brackets [[ ]] or include a thumb parameter or the full URL. The File: prefix is not required, but harmless.

  • Restriction: A maximum of four entries can be submitted per photographer.

There are 4 days 18 hours left before this challenge ends. (refresh)



Uitdagings oop vir stemme

Stem is oop vir alle geregistreerde bydraers wat vir minstens 10 dae rekeninge gehou het en 50 wysigings aangebring het, en ook vir nuwe Commons-bydraers wat die uitdaging met 'n foto betree het. Gebruikers kan nie vir hul eie foto stem nie. Kiesers kan tot drie foto's in elke tema kies om punte toe te ken en kan lof aan ander foto's gee sonder om punte toe te ken. Stemming sal vir een maand oop wees. Die stemme wat nie aan hierdie vereistes voldoen nie, sal verwyder word of omgeskakel word in lofprysings. In sommige gevalle kan gebruikers gevra word om hul stemme reg te stel nadat die stemming geëindig het.

Augustus 2024

Vorige uitdagings

Julie 2024

Manholes: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title A lion is coming from
a manhole, in León, Spain
Manhole opened for
cleaning, Heidelberg
Child coming out of a sump
Author Guy Delsaut Foeniz Saral Shots
Score 15 13 9
Breads: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title African bush squirrel
eating bread gotten
from tourists in Namibia
A young man putting discs
of bread into the oven
in the Islamic Cairo section
of Cairo, Egypt.
Bread being kneaded in a bakery in
Aalen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Author Lusi Lindwurm FischerFotos Mozzihh
Score 24 12 9

Junie 2024

Construction sites: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Carpenter working
on a concrete formwork
Workers attaching
a chain to the Main
bridge in Ebing
Demolition site of
the so-called Kaufhof store
"Tortenschachtel" (cake box)
on Berliner Platz
Author Ermell Ermell F. Riedelio
Score 17 14 11
Mushrooms: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Poisonous mushrooms
against a forest in
autumn, Wrzosów, Poland
Mycena interrupta NZ
Author Ivonna Nowicka Famberhorst Haydenrjones
Score 15 13 9

Mei 2024

Waves: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title This was shot in Kakinada
Beach, shows struggle of
fishermen in middle of sea
A wave painted with a white
neon lamp in a flashlight,
city beach in Płock, Poland.
Port Saint-Michel in Batz-sur-Mer
Author Zahed.zk Lightpainterplock Ibex73
Score 28 19 11
Pets: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Australian Shepherd Dog Hachi and Boy Cat enjoying the sun between daisies
Author Ermell HachiBoy Lusi Lindwurm
Score 27 15 13

April 2024

Vertical lines: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Колонны здания администрации и
думы Новгородской области 2H1A4397WI
Columns on the façade
of the Philharmonie
in Luxembourg
Fassade Mark-
Grundschule 02
Author Kora27 Ermell ThoBel-0043
Score 25 14 11
Flames: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Visitors at the 2024 Easter fire in Rottorf Campfire at lake Yngen,
Filipstad Municipality,
Värmland, Sweden
Osterfeuer im
oberen Murtal
Author F. Riedelio Mozzihh Bitisajn
Score 21 14 10

Maart 2024

Grays: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Sieben graue Köpfe Reflections - Shyok River Nina-Replica
Author Mensch01 Prof Ranga Sai Wingerham52
Score 20 18 11
Courthouses: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Palazzo di Guistizia
with Courte di Cassazione
at river Tiber, Rome, Italy
North facade of Palais de justice de Paris. Supreme Court of Finland at night
Author Mozzihh FreCha GPSLeo
Score 19 15 12

Februarie 2024

Lunar New Year: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Dragon Dance, Oklahoma
City, OK, Lunar New
Year, 2024 (Year of the
Sec. 1, Wuchang St.,
Taipei City, with LED
lights decorations above
on 2024 Chinese New Year
Eu Tong Sen Street
in Chinatown, Singapore,
with CNY decorations above
Author OKJaguar Junyu-K S5A-0043
Score 11 9 9
Knots: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Boat knot Figure-eight loop
in mountaineering
Root knot of
a beech tree
Author Teseo Wagner Cxxx Foeniz
Score 11 9 8

Januarie 2024

Silos: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Garfield Grain Elevator and
Silos Garfield Washington USA
Feed silos in Hirschbrunn
near Burgebrach
Silos of the Hannoversche Portland
-Cementfabrik (abandoned in 1986)
Author DaveGinOly Ermell Hgrobe
Score 19 13 8
Masks: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Narrentag 2024 -
Elzacher Schuttig
Kirchseoner Perchtenlauf
- old winter parade
tradition in Bavaria.
Mask of type "Klaubauf"
Taken in Dublin, march 2014
Author Rainer Halama Würmchen-vom-Mölchlein Oncewerecolours
Score 13 13 10

Previous years