User:Fry1989/Gallery/Flags of the British Empire

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Chartered companies


British South Africa Company (1889–1965)

  • Company rule in Northern Rhodesia ended in 1924
  • Company rule in Southern Rhodesia ended in 1923

Imperial British East Africa Company (1888–1896)


North Borneo Chartered Company (1882–1946)

  • The territory under this company's charter was occupied by the Empire of Japan during WWII (1941–1945)

Royal Niger Company (1879–1900)


Colonies, Mandates, Protectorates and Trusteeships


Aden (1937–1963)


Antigua and Barbuda (1860–1981)

  • This colony was part of the British Leeward Islands (1833–1956)

Basutoland (1884–1966)

  • This colony was landlocked

Bahamas (1718–1973)


Barbados (1625–1966)


Bechuanaland (1885–1966)


Belize (1862–1981)

  • Called British Honduras (1862–1973)

British Cameroons (1922–1961)


British Columbia (1858–1871)

  • This colony became a Canadian province in 1871

British Guiana (1814–1966)


British Leeward Islands (1871–1958)


British Somaliland (1884–1960)


British West African Settlements (1821–1850, 1866–1888)


British Windward Islands (1833–1958)


Brunei (1888–1983)


Burma (1937–1948)


  • This colony was occupied by the Empire of Japan during WWII (1942–1945)

Cape Colony (1795–1910)


Ceylon (1815–1948)


Cyprus (1878–1960)


Dominica (1763–1978)

  • This colony was occupied by France (1778–1783)
  • This colony was part of the British Leeward Islands (1871–1940)
  • This colony was part of the British Windward Islands (1940–1958)

Fiji (1874–1970)


Gambia (1821–1965)


Gilbert Islands (1976–1979)


Gilbert and Ellice Islands (1892–1976)


Gold Coast (1867–1957)


Grenada (1763–1974)


Hong Kong (1843–1997)

  • This colony was occupied by the Empire of Japan during WWII (1941–1945)

India (1858–1947)


Ionian Islands (1815–1864)


Jamaica (1655–1962)


Kenya (1895–1963)

  • Called the East Africa Protectorate (1895–1920)

Labuan (1904–1946)

  • This colony was part of the Straits Settlements (1907–1946)

Lagos (1862–1906)


Malacca (1946–1957)


Malta (1800–1964)


Mauritius (1810–1968)


Natal Colony (1843–1910)


Newfoundland (1610–1907)


New Hebrides (1906–1980)


New South Wales (1788–1986)


  • In 1901 this colony became a state of Australia but maintained constitutional ties with the United Kingdom until 1986

New Zealand (1841–1907)


Nigeria (1914–1960)


Niger Coast Protectorate (1884–1899)

  • Called the Oil Rivers Protectorate (1884–1893)

North Borneo (1946–1963)


Northern Nigeria Protectorate (1900–1913)


Northern Rhodesia (1924–1964)


Nyasaland (1893–1964)

  • Called the British Central Africa Protectorate (1893–1907)

Orange River Colony (1902–1910)

  • First occupied by the British in 1900
  • This colony was landlocked

Palestine (1920–1948)


Penang (1946–1957)


Queensland (1859–1986)


  • In 1901 this colony became a state of Australia but maintained constitutional ties with the United Kingdom until 1986

Rhodesia and Nyasaland (1953–1963)


Saint Christopher and Nevis (1882–1983)

  • This colony was called Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla (1951–1980)

Saint Lucia (1814–1979)

  • This colony was part of the British Windward Islands (1838–1958)

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1776–1979)

  • This colony was part of the British Windward Islands (1833–1958)

Sarawak (1946–1963)


Seychelles (1903–1976)


Sierra Leone (1808–1961)


Singapore (1946–1963)

  • This colony was part of the Straits Settlements (1867–1946)

Solomon Islands (1893–1978)


  • Called the British Solomon Islands (1893–1975)

South Australia (1836–1986)

  • In 1901 this colony became a state of Australia

Southern Nigeria Protectorate (1900–1913)


Southern Rhodesia (1923–1980)


Rhodesia: A colony in revolt (1965–1979)


Straits Settlements (1867–1946)

  • This colony was occupied by the Empire of Japan during WWII (1941–1945)

Tanganyika (1922–1961)

  • This colony was first occupied by the British Empire in 1916

Tasmania (1825–1986)

  • Called Van Diemen's Land (1825–1856)
  • In 1901 this colony became a state of Australia

Tobago (1814–1889)

  • This colony was part of the British Windward Islands (1833–1889)
  • This colony was amalgamated with Trinidad in 1889

Transvaal Colony (1902–1910)


  • This colony was landlocked

Trinidad (1802–1889)


  • This colony was first occupied by the British Empire in 1797
  • This colony was amalgamated with Tobago in 1889

Trinidad and Tobago (1889–1962)


Tuvalu (1976–1978)


Uganda (1894–1962)


Vancouver Island (1849–1866)

  • This colony was amalgamated with British Columbia in 1866

Victoria (1851–1986)

  • In 1901 this colony became a state of Australia

Weihaiwei (1898–1930)


Western Australia (1829–1986)

  • In 1901 this colony became a state of Australia

Western Samoa (1920–1962)

  • First occupied by New Zealand in 1914
  • Blue and red ensigns used without authorisation since the beginning of the occupation



Australia (1901–1986)

  • Remaining constitutional ties between Australia and the United Kingdom were removed under the Australia Act 1986

Canada (1867–1982)

  • Remaining constitutional ties between Canada and the United Kingdom were removed under the Constitution Act 1982

Newfoundland (1907–1949)

  • Self-rule ceded to the United Kingdom in 1934
  • Newfoundland became a Canadian province in 1949

New Zealand (1907–1986)

  • Remaining constitutional ties between New Zealand and the United Kingdom were removed under the Constitution Act 1986

South Africa (1910–1961)

  • Remaining constitutional ties between South Africa and the United Kingdom were removed under the South African Constitution of 1961