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I spend most of my time here: BibliOdyssey

BibliOdyssey the BOOK is hatched!



°°John Flaxman's Divine Comedy 29 September 2007. BibliOdyssey post

°°Handbook of Animal Anatomy for Artists 2 October 2007. BibliOdyssey post

°°Petershausener Sakramentar (10th c. illuminated mss) 4 October 2007. BibliOdyssey post

°°Anonymous Arabic machine manuscript 11 October 2007 BibliOdyssey post

°°Totentanz blockbook 20 October 2007 BibliOdyssey post

°°Catalogus Archiepiscoporum Gnesnensium 26 October 2007 BibliOdyssey post

°°Ethiopian manuscripts 17 November 2007 BibliOdyssey post

°°Flora Sinensis 15 December 2007 BibliOdyssey post

°°Kalender of Shepherdes 21 December 2007 BibliOdyssey post

°°The Turk (Chess playing automaton) 23 December 2007 BibliOdyssey post

°°Wondertooneel der Nature (Cabinet of Curiosities) 12 January 2008 BibliOdyssey post

°°Ptolemy World Maps (Illuminated Manuscript) 19 January 2008 BibliOdyssey post

°°Kitab al-Bulhan (Arabic astrology manuscript) 18 March 2008 BibliOdyssey post

°°Chronicles of Saxony 18 April 2008 BibliOdyssey post

°°Ripley Scroll (Alchemy manuscript scroll) 13 January 2009 BibliOdyssey post
