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The Boxoffice For Good initiative is our corporate commitment to give back to the community at large. 

In doing so, we create positive social impact. BFG adds more meaning to what we do and develops a sense of pride in the good we are able to do as a company. We collaborate as colleagues to define the projects we want to support: where, when and how much. We are committed to relationships with the local and global cinema-related community, and to a range of non-profit initiatives recommended by our employees. We pledge to stay involved.

Our Partners

Boxoffice For Good provides support, knowledge and/or donations to local, regional and national philanthropies. We are proud to be working with:

The Prospector Theater

The Prospector Theater is a non-profit dedicated to providing meaningful employment to adults with disabilities through the operation of a premium, first-run movie theater in Ridgefield, Connecticut.

Ability Beyond

Ability Beyond discovers, builds and celebrates the ability in all people and is dedicated to empowering every person, no matter their ability, to have the opportunity to live, work and thrive as an integral part of their community.

The Red Cross

The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.​


SPHERE helps adults with developmental disabilities achieve their dreams. Its programs improve quality of life by providing rich experiences and a strong community.


Ridgefield Operation for Animal Rescue (ROAR) animal shelter is a warm, safe, welcoming place for homeless pets to recover and await adoption, with a staff and team of volunteers who provide loving care, daily exercise and playtime, grooming, medical attention and individual kennel accommodations to create a home-like environment.

Dorothy Day

Since the Great Depression, Dorothy Day Hospitality House has served as a soup kitchen and homeless shelter for Danbury (CT) area – serving between 60-80 hot meals each afternoon and providing shelter to 16 people who need it each night. They are staffed each afternoon and through the evening, all by volunteers.

Variety – The Children Charity

With a 92-year legacy of caring for children across the globe when family income, insurance, and the government cannot, Variety – the Children’s Charity has raised more than $1 billion to assist the treatment and care of children who are disabled and disadvantaged.

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