Boxoffice Logo Source

The industry’s number 1 source for entertainment data.

We collect movie data so that you don’t have to. With our movie information database, our movie theatres database, and our showtimes database, we give you the means to know and to show your users which movie is playing where and at what time. Get access to all this data, updated in real-time, thanks to our movie data API.

Available in 70+ countries and 25 languages, Source is a truly global solution. On top of all this data, we also collect ticketing URLs for each showtime, allowing for ticket purchases on exhibitor websites as well as 3rd party vendors.

Our data includes:

Our data includes:


  • Localized Posters

  • Directors and Cast

  • Trailers

  • Synopsis

  • MPAA Ratings

  • Genre


  • Location Name

  • In-Theatre Screens

  • Geolocation Coordinates

  • Address

  • Ownership


  • Showtimes*

  • Ticketing Links

  • Attributes

  • Dubbing

  • Subtitles

  • Dolby Atmos

  • IMAX

  • 3D

* Per Theatre and Film

Our data is global:

Our data is global:


of internet audiences found the movies they love through our data.


fans purchased movie tickets through our showtime urls.


worth of ticket sales were generated for our exhibitor clients.

Drop us a line.