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Closet Affair IN 女皇

Have your friends ever teased you about looking like a wardrobe malfunction? Well, there’s no need to fret over fashion woes anymore because help is at hand! Hosted by celebrity fashionist, Fann Wong, Closet Affair gives clueless individuals a brilliant crash-course on fashion, beauty and skincare. Besides keeping up with latest fashion trends, the program also digs deep into the beauty industry for tips relating to skincare, makeup, hair-styling and dressing up. Each week, the program invites two celebrity guests to share their experience and advice on beauty. Expect to see Zoe Tay, Pan Lingling, Joey Swee, Jaime Teo and many more. Get ready for a make over that will see you change from looking plain Jane to red-carpet worthy!


Host: Fann Wong

Episodes: 13 x 30 mins

Languages: Chinese

Production year: 2005